Eric Zuesse – The Real History behind Ukraine, Putin, the European Union, Gas and Donbass

Ukrainian Armed Militia (foto Gifer)

The Real History behind Ukraine, Putin, the European Union, Gas and Donbass

Russia’s Long Predicted Invasion of Ukraine Finally Happened, but the Reasons for it are widely Misrepresented. Basic History is Necessary in Order to Understand it.

The Nord Stream 2 Natural Gas Pipeline, from Russia, under the Baltic Sea, to Germany, was Planned in order to enable greatly Increased Sales Volume of the lowest Cost Natural Gas, which came from Russia, into the European Union, without having to rely upon the Irregular Pipelined Supplies through the Unstable and Unpredictable Nation of Ukraine. In Fact, the Planning Document noted on its Page 12 that “Import of Russian Natural Gas to Europe takes place through three Main Routes, whereof 80% of the Gas is in Transit through the Ukraine.” They didn’t need to say that it was Unstable; Everyone Knew it Was; so, Diplomatically Speaking, this Unfortunate Fact about Ukraine wasn’t Mentioned by them in the Document, though the Fact was a Crucial Reason for the Nord Stream Project, which would Transmit Gas directly from Russia to Germany, No Longer through Unstable Ukraine.

On 8 November 2011, the BBC Headlined Nord Stream Gas Pipeline opened by Merkel and Medvedev, and Russia’s RIA Novosty Presented this Happy Photo of the Signing Ceremony.

Happy Photo of Nord Stream 2 Signing Ceremony ( foto RIA Novosty)

From Left to Right, Gerhard Schroder had been Germany’s Chancellor; Francois Fillon had been France’s Prime Minister; Johannes Teyssen was the CEO of Multinational German Electrical Utility E.ON; Angela Merkel was Germany’s Chancellor; Mark Rutte was Prime Minister of Netherlands; Dmitry Medvedev was Prime Minister of Russia; Alexey Miller was Chairman of Russia’s Gazprom; Guenter Oettinger was the European Commission’s Vice President in charge of Energy; Kurt Bock was CEO of Germany’s BASF; and Erwin Sellering was Germany’s Minister President of Mecklenburg Vorpommern.

None of those People are or had been Pro Nazi. However, Ideological Anti Russian Racist Fascists (or Nazis) dominated in Ukraine’s Far Western Provinces, near to Poland, of Lviv, Tarnopil, Volyn, and Ivano Frankivsk; and, so, there was, in Ukraine, Intense Nationalistic and Nazi Opposition to Replacing Ukraine as the Main Transit Route for the Crucial Commodity of Natural Gas, from Russia into the EU, which New Pipeline into the EU would Greatly Reduce the Gas Transit Fees that were being Paid by Russia into Ukraine’s Government – and Reduce the Geo Strategic Importance of their Country. Something that Nazis tend to be Very Concerned with, since they’re Supremacist Nationalists, not merely Supremacist Racists. This proposed Pipeline,which had been Pressed upon Merkel by Leaders of German Industry, who needed Cheaper Energy, was Viewed by those Far Right Ukrainians as being an Anti Ukraine Russian Scheme, even though Nord Stream was actually Planned simply as a Necessary Business Deal between Germany and Russia. That’s What it Actually was. And it Also Enjoyed Considerable Support Elsewhere in the EU, such as in Netherlands, and France.

US President Barack Obama intended even when he Entered Office in 2009, to replace Syria’s Government, but his Decision to replace Ukraine’s Government didn’t come right away. On 12 April 2010, Ukraine’s Democratically Elected President, Viktor Yanukovych met the Democratically Elected US President at The White House, to which Obama had invited him, but Yanukovych refused Obama’s Suggestions that Ukraine join America’s Alliance against Ukraine’s Next Door Neighbor Russia. Obama wanted to take over Russia’s Main Naval Base, which since 1783 has been in Crimea, which the Soviet Dictator had Transferred to Ukraine in 1954, so it was then in Ukraine – Obama was Planning for that Russian Naval Base in Ukraine to become Another US Naval Base, and for Ukraine to be Brought into NATO. But Yanukovych said No. On 2 July 2010, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Yanukovych held a Joint Press Conference in Kiev, where she said that she had Discussed with Yanukovych Joint Military Exercises with US Forces against his Neighbor, Russia. Yanukovych Again Declined the Demands. Obama then Assigned Victoria Nuland, Hillary’s Friend (and the Wife of the Famous Neo Conservative – or American ImperialistWriter, Robert Kagan) to organize a Coup against Ukraine, to Place it under US Control. Planning for the Coup was Already under Way by No Later than 23 June 2011, which was Even Before the Nord Stream Project had yet become Signed. But after Nord Stream became Agreed Later in 2011, that Proposed Pipeline was Immediately Added to the Ukrainian Take Over Target, as something that needed to be cancelled. Ukraine’s Gas Transit Fees were Crucial Financial Support to Ukraine’s Government, and Obama wanted those Fees to be Supporting a Post Coup Americanized Ukraine. As CNBC Accurately Summarized on 11 July 2018President Barack Obama Opposed Nord Stream 2 and President George W Bush came out Against the Original Nord Stream Prior to its Completion in 2011. Like the Central and Eastern European Countries, they worried it Increased Russian Influence over the Continent.” Post WWII American Presidents wanted America to Control Europe, as Key Allies to Conquer Russia. The Nord Stream Project was, to a lLarge Extent, a European Bid to Work Cooperatively with Russia and Finally Free Itself of US Domination over European Countries.

Nuland got Caught Managing the Coup when on 4 February 2014 a Phone Call from her to the US Ambassador in Kiev got Posted to YouTube in which she Instructed him to get “Yats” or “Yatsenyuk” Appointed to run the Post Coup Government, and “Yats” was a Rabidly Anti Russian and Pro Nazi Politician, who, unlike some others that the US Regime had been considering for the Purpose, didn’t yet have any Clear or Blatantly Expressed Racist Fascist Sentiments (which would have meant Bad Public Relations), but who, once he did become Appointed on 22 February 2014 to run the Government, Promptly Replaced the Generals with Ones who Favored Exterminating Enough People in the Heavily Pro Yanukovych Areas of Ukraine so that, in Subsequent Ukrainian National Elections, Rabid Anti Russians like “Yatswould be able to becomeDemocratically Electedto Lead the Country. The Objective wasn’t only to Kill Enough of those Pro Russian Voters but even More Importantly to Scare Enough of the Residents there to Escape to Russia, so that they’d be Gone Altogether from Ukraine’s Voting Rolls (Either by Fleeing or by Having Been Killed). Videos became Posted Online of some of the Obama Instigated Local Ukrainian Extermination and Terrorism Operations, such as in Odessa, and in Donbass, and, of course, in Crimea, but those were Basically Covered Up and or Lied about in the ’NewsMedia of the US and Allied (which Included EU Regimes, because Obama needed those Allies to Agree with the US Regimes Anti Russia Sanctions, so as to Block the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline From Being Allowed to Operate which would Strengthen Not Only Russia but Europe. This wasn’t Merely in Order to Weaken the Economies in Germany and throughout the EU and make them More Dependent upon the US; it was Also in Order to Replace Europe’s Low Priced Russian Pipelined Natural Gas with America’s Costly Tanked and Shipped Expensive Liquefied Natural Gas, so as to Enrich America’s Billionaires who Financed America’s Successful Politicians. It was to Force Europe to Pay America’s Prices.

As a Result of the Success of Obama and Trump and Biden – and of Congress Members of both of America’s two Political Parties (this Bi Partisan Effort) – the Inexpensive Russian Pipelined Natural Gas has, indeed, become Replaced by the Incredibly Expensive Canned American Liquefied and Cross Atlantic Shipped Natural Gas, so as to Weaken European Industries, in the Name ofprotecting Ukraine’s Democracy’, and this Con Game strengthens the US, at Europe’s Expense, and keeps Europe in its Place as a US Vassal Region, which has Consistently been Ever since the 1991 Break Up of the Soviet Union. US Gas Producers are Laughing all the Way to the Bank, while Blaming ‘the Aggressive Dictator” or “Tyrant’, Putin, who is Condemned by Both America’s Republicans and Democrats. Both of America’s Parties are Nearly 100% Neo Conservative.

On 17 February 2022, a Retired Head of Britain’s MI6, Sir John Sawers, was Interviewed by NATO’s Public Relations Firm the Atlantic Council, and he Seconded Nuland’s Phone Call Assertion that the United Nations should Glue This Thing, when he used the Phrase in a Different Context, saying that “If you Try to Install a New Government which has No Legitimacy, you’ve Got to Glue it in Place.” She had said

NulandOK. He’s Now gotten both Robert Serry and Ban ki Moon to Agree that Serry could come in Monday or Tuesday. That would be Great, I think, to Help Glue This Thing, and to have the UN Help Glue It, and, You Know, Fuck the EU.”

The Last Three Words there, Fuck the EU,” were the Only Part of the Entire Phone Call that the ‘NewsMedia in The West Publicized; and, of course, The West’s Widely Deceived Audiences had No Idea, No Way of Knowing, what she was actually talking about, or Why. The Incuriosity of the Masses in The West prevented the US Public from Demanding or Requiring to have More Honestly Informative and Authentic News Media that would make More Sense than simply Displaying the US President’s assigned Diplomat for Europe Privately referring so Contemptuously to Europeans. And, so, under Obama’s Vice President, Biden, now as the US President, she’s assigned the  N° 2 Role at the US State Department, and Americans aren’t Shocked and Repelled at that Fact. America’s Leaders also hold America’s Own Public in Contempt. Only America’s Billionaires are Not. Only they are Not viewed as Chumpsto be Deceived and Exploited because America’s Billionaires are the Politicians Bosses.

Here is a ten minute Video that places thisFuck the EUinto its Correct Perspective.

SCG | StormCloudsGathering – Ukraine Crisis, What You’re Not Being Told

Published 12 mrt. 2014


The European and American Public are being Systematically Lied To about the Ukraine Crisis.
Sources and Full Transcript

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Here is an Even Fuller Perspective on the Matter.

Ukraine Human Rights – The Crimes of Euro Maidan Nazis | The Pogrom of Korsun on February 20th 2014

Gepubliceerd 15 aug. 2014

Ukraine Human Rights


The  Geo Strategic Expert Alexander Mercouris has Well Explained the Historic Significance of what has Just Happened.

Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse is the Author of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic versus Republican Economic Records, 1910 – 2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity

NPO | Op1Voormalig UN Gezant Robert Serry “De Tijd voor Diplomatie en De Escalatie is Voorbij”

Gepubliceerd 25 feb. 2022


Voormalig UN Gezant Robert Serry is Geraakt door de Situatie in Oekraïne. “De Tijd voor Diplomatie en De Escalatie is Voorbij.”

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