Eric Zuesse – The EU is Fraudulent

The EU is Fraudulent

The EU is based upon — and operates under — a series of fundamental lies. Here is the most fundamental one: “It represents the peoples and people of Europe.” It instead represents the billionaires of UK and of U.S. They control the EU’s foreign policies; and THAT is the reason why, for a nation to join the EU, is to yield-up its sovereignty to those, foreign, billionaires (mainly to American ones, since they control far more wealth than do the ones in UK), and to become yet another of their vassal-nations. These billionaires control the entire Rhodesist empire.

At the end of World War II, the issue of separating Russia from the rest of Europe was central to the U.S.-UK regime’s plan (the Rhodesist plan). And, for the U.S. and UK, this meant that the Rhodesists must control what George Orwell, the author of the prophetic 1948 novel 1984, called “Oceania” — which was an ambiguously fascist or communist empire including the British Empire plus the Western Hemisphere — and that they must ultimately fight for and win control also over Europe right up to the Soviet border, so that “Eurasia” will be only the Soviet Union, and that the only other power would be “Eastasia,” which is China, Korea and Japan. That would have included both the core and the periphery of Rhodes’s plan, but Orwell had a very hostile attitude toward any type of imperialism (including Rhodesist); and, in any case, the real-world conquests by the real-world version of ‘Oceania’ came much sooner than Orwell ever imagined it could. Almost immediately after 1948 — the very next year, in fact — NATO was born in 1949, and the Rhodesists also ended up controlling not only much of non-Soviet Europe, but also Japan, and part of Korea. So, the Soviet Union was virtually surrounded by Rhodesist forces.

Furthermore, immediately upon such successes, the Rhodesists aimed to control Europe not only militarily (through their NATO) but also diplomatically, through, ultimately, a European Union, which became created by the CIA. The details are supplied in an exhaustive 1,000-page biography of Jean Monnet by Éric Roussel, which was published only in France in 1996, and which seems to have been successfully suppressed. It has never been translated, and has no reviews even at America’s Amazon, and only 4 reviews at Amazon in France. However, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of UK’s Telegraph newspaper has provided some of the core information from it. Furthermore, Richard J. Aldrich’s 2003 The Hidden Hand also provides key details, such as by Aldrich’s saying, on page 366, about the American Committee for a United Europe.

ACUE, more than any other American front organization of the Cold War, was a direct creature of the leading lights of the CIA. Indeed, it was so replete with famous CIA figures that its ‘front’ was very thin. Its early years seemed to have formed something of a laboratory for figures such as [Bill] Donovan, [Allen] Dulles, [Walter] Bedell Smith and [Tom] Braden, before they moved on to other projects in the mid-1950s. Over its first three years of operations, 1949-51, ACUE received $384,650, the majority being dispersed to Europe. This was a large sum, but from 1952 ACUE began to spend such sums annually. The total budget for the period 1949-60 amounted to approximately $4 million. As the quantity of money flowing across the Atlantic began to increase, ACUE opened a local Paris office to monitor more closely groups that had received grants. By 1956, the flood of increased funding was prompting fears among the Directors of ACUE that its work would be publicly exposed. …

The emerging European Economic Community (EEC) and the growing Western intelligence community overlapped to a considerable degree. This is underlined by the creation of the Bilderberg Group, an informal and secretive transatlantic council of key decision-makers [representatives of the billionaires who controlled U.S. and U.S.-allied international corporations]. Bilderberg was founded by Joseph Retinger and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1952 in response to the rise of anti-Americanism in Europe. … Retinger secured support from Averell Harriman, David Rockefeller and Walter Bedell Smith. The formation of the American wing of Bilderberg was entrusted to Eisenhower’s psychological warfare chief, C.D. Jackson, and the funding for the first meeting, held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Holland in 1954, was provided by the CIA.

Funds for these CIA operations came not only from the U.S. Treasury but from private sources, America’s super-rich, and, also from organized gangsters, as was revealed in the 1998 classic by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press. This off-the-books funding comes from narcotics kingpins throughout the world, as protection-money, which is essential to keep them in business. So, the EU was financially fueled from all of these sources, and, basically, was a bribing-operation (to end up getting the ‘right’ people into the EU’s Parliament, etc.), in addition to be receiving funds from what might be considered idealistic philanthropic donors (because the dream of a united Europe had long preceded the grubby version of it that the CIA created for Europeans).

The EU was a Cold War operation, from its very start. It remains that to the present day.

Pritchard issued two important articles about this, the first being his 19 September 2000 “Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs”

DECLASSIFIED American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement. … One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.

The documents were found by Joshua Paul, a researcher at Georgetown University in Washington. They include files released by the US National Archives. Washington’s main tool for shaping the European agenda was the American Committee for a United Europe, created in 1948. The chairman was Donovan, ostensibly a private lawyer by then.

The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA’s first director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved in and out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE financed the European Movement, the most important federalist organisation in the post-war years. In 1958, for example, it provided 53.5 per cent of the movement’s funds.

The European Youth Campaign, an arm of the European Movement, was wholly funded and controlled by Washington. The Belgian director, Baron Boel, received monthly payments into a special account. When the head of the European Movement, Polish-born Joseph Retinger, bridled at this degree of American control and tried to raise money in Europe, he was quickly reprimanded.

The leaders of the European Movement — Retinger, the visionary Robert Schuman and the former Belgian prime minister Paul-Henri Spaak — were all treated as hired hands by their American sponsors. The US role was handled as a covert operation. ACUE’s funding came from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as business groups with close ties to the US government. 

Then, on 27 April 2016, he bannered “The European Union always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover” and reported:

It was Washington that drove European integration in the late 1940s, and funded it covertly under the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations. … The US has relied on the EU ever since as the anchor to American regional interests alongside NATO. … It is odd that this magisterial 1000-page study found only a French-language publisher. [Roussel’s Jean Monnet. The French Wikipedia’s article on Roussel says “En 1995, il écrit une biographie consacrée à Jean Monnet2 qui reçoit le prix de l’Essai de l’Académie française, le prix Guizot, et le prix européen de l’histoire.” Despite all of those awards, the work is little-known, even in France.] Nor are many aware of declassified documents from the State Department archives showing that US intelligence funded the European movement secretly for decades, and worked aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into the project. …

[The CIA] treated some of the EU’s ‘founding fathers’ as hired hands, and actively prevented them finding alternative funding that would have broken reliance on Washington. … The American ‘deep state’ was in up to its neck. …

Since that newspaper (like all major news-media in the U.S. and in its vassal-nations are) is both neoliberal and neoconservative, the neoconservative Pritchard approved of all this. He did it by saying: “There is nothing particularly wicked about this. The US acted astutely in the context of the Cold War. The political reconstruction of Europe was a roaring success.” However, obviously, no authentic democracy can exist in a nation that’s governed by means of deceiving its public; nor can any democracy be an empire, either the imperialistic nation itself, or one of its vassal-nations, because that’s merely “Deep State” rule, behind the scenes, by its billionaires — an aristocracy, and not a democracy, which reigns there. Though all of the country’s major news-media will support the aristocracy — since they (like all of the international corporations) will all be owned by the aristocracy — anyone who calls it a ‘democracy’ is transparently a fool or a liar, because it’s an aristocracy, which is the exact opposite.

Near the beginning of FDR’s lengthy fireside chat to the nation on 28 April 1942, he said: “On the European front the most important development of the past year has been without question the crushing counteroffensive on the part of the great armies of Russia against the powerful German Army. These Russian forces have destroyed and are destroying more armed power of our enemies — troops, planes, tanks, and guns — than all the other United Nations put together.” (NOTE: He was already using the phrase “United Nations” with the objective in mind for all of the world’s nations to view themselves as having been saved by the U.N. that FDR was intending ultimately to replace all empires and to be the sole source of international laws.) Near the War’s end, on 19 September 1944, even the Rhodesist Churchill telegrammed to Stalin “that it is the Russian army that tore the guts out of the German military machine and is at the present moment holding by far the larger portion of the enemy on its front.” As the History Channel’s article “Operation Barbarossa” summed-up: “On 22 June 1941, German forces began their invasion of the Soviet Union, … the most powerful invasion force in history, … 80% of the German army … [plus] 30 divisions of Finnish and Romanian troops. … By the time Germany officially surrendered to the Allies on 8 May 1945, 80% of its casualties during WW2 had come on the Eastern Front [the Soviet Union].” Wikipedia’s “Operation Barbarossa” said “The failure of Operation Barbarossa reversed the fortunes of the Third Reich.” However, on 8 May 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted “On May 8, 1945, America and Great Britain had victory over the Nazis! America’s spirit will always win. In the end, that’s what happens.” So goes the Rhodesist myth, but certainly not  the history.

Here is how the EU thanks Russia for that: by blaming Russia, right along with Nazi Germany, as having been their enemy during WW II. The U.S.-regime-created EU’s European Parliament voted on 19 September 2019 for a resolution condemning both Hitler and Stalin for having started World War II, which is a lie — and an especially outrageous one, considering that the Soviet Union did more than any other country to defeat Hitler and to enable all of those countries to not now be controlled by a Nazi regime. (Shortly after that article, another article, by Max Parry, independently came to the same conclusion: that the EU is fascist.) This Big-Lie Resolution, which the EU’s Parliament passed on 19 September 2019, said that

whereas it has become commonplace for Russia to deny responsibility and blame hostilities on the West in its official rhetoric, creating a reliable propaganda base upon which it can rely to justify its disregard of international law and continue its aggression against Eastern Partnership countries; [the EU]

1. Stresses that the Second World War, the most devastating war in Europe’s history, was caused by the notorious Nazi-Soviet Treaty of Non-Aggression of 23 August 1939, also called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and its secret protocols, which allowed two totalitarian regimes that shared the goal of world conquest to divide Europe into two zones of influence.

The actual history is: Stalin had been begging the UK to ally with the Soviet Union to defeat Hitler; and, after being snubbed each time, joined with Hitler in order to prevent an expected invasion by Hitler against the Soviet Union. It was an act of desperation by Stalin, which was forced upon him by the UK. And, now, the U.S. and its allies rewrite ‘history’ to make the Soviet Union their enemy during WW II, instead of their savior — as they actually were.

On 3 March 2021, the ardent Rhodesist and retired former Commander of the U.S. Army in Europe, General Ben Hodges, addressed an online “Zoom” conference of U.S. and Ukrainian nazis and admirers and followers of the pro-Axis WW II Ukrainian leader Stepan Bandera (who was famous for slaughtering Jews). Hodges said: “I was appalled, like many of you, when President [Frank-Walter] Steinmeier, the President of the German Federal Republic, made this comment, like you have to understand, we’re responsible for the deaths of millions of Russians, and there’s a history here, … and of course it was millions of Ukrainians, not many of the Russians, that died during the Second World War, and so the whole narrative that comes from Berlin is unsatisfactory, and this is where the United States has got to put pressure on Berlin” (to stand up for the U.S. and now also Ukrainian assertive anti-Russian position). Hodges was telling today’s Ukrainian nazis — who have become vastly more hostile toward Russians than toward Jews —  that Hitler slaughtered “millions of Ukrainians, not many of the Russians.” He was especially outraged against Steinmeier, who had previously expressed himself opposed to NATO’s having taken up some of Hitler’s fallen banner. On 18 June 2016, the BBC had headlined “German minister warns Nato against ‘warmongering’”, and reported that Steinmeir had said, “What we shouldn’t do now is inflame the situation further through sabre-rattling and warmongering. … Whoever believes that a symbolic tank parade on the alliance’s eastern border will bring security is mistaken.” He was an anti-nazi German, whereas General Hodges was a pro-nazi American. Steinmeier continued: “We are well-advised to not create pretexts to renew an old confrontation.” He was actually criticizing NATO for doing some of what Hitler had been doing during the lead-up to Germany’s 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union. Hodges was now saying that America should ignore people such as Steinmeier and encourage yet more of those NATO military ‘exercises’ on Russia’s borders. And, as usually happens when a nazi cites ‘history,’ he was spouting lies. That conference was held in conjunction with the Atlantic Council, which is NATO’s main PR agency, and its purpose was to encourage U.S. President Biden to take a harder stance against Russia than he yet had done.

The U.S., in a sense, has adopted not only many ‘former’ Nazis, but the mantle of German Nazism — not (of course) as regards Jews, but instead as regards Russia and world-conquest in general: America is the world’s leading aggressive and imperialist nation. The EU is an important part of that operation, and thus now equates Russia with Nazism instead of with having conquered the Nazis. Authentic European democrats would therefore abandon alliances with the imperialistic U.S., and would recognize — and honor the fact — that Russia is an important part of Europe, and was the main source of the victory against Nazism. Only then can the Cold War, which Truman started, and which George Herbert Walker Bush and his successors continue, finally end. And, by abandoning the fascist U.S. empire, Europeans would finally break the back of imperialism itself (the major sin of so many European countries); and, maybe, ultimately establish what had been FDR’s dream, of a truly meaningful U.N.

If this requires a rewriting of ‘history’, then that is a ‘history’ which is built only on lies, and it needs to be “re-written.” Many of these lies concern what have become the most symbolic aspects of the ‘history’ of the Cold War, such as the Berlin Wall and the separation between East and West Germany. It goes back even to before the time when Truman, himself, had made the decision for America to conquer the world.

The map of Europe shows Germany being in central Europe and Poland adjoining the northern half of Germany, which was all of East Germany. Wikipedia’s article on “East Germany” shows a mere dot where West Berlin was, and it is located deep in East Germany, closer to Poland than to West Germany. This article says that: “East Germany, officially the German Democratic Republic … was a country that existed from 1949 to 1990, the period when the eastern portion of Germany was part of the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War, commonly described as a communist state in English usage. … It consisted of territory that was administered and occupied by Soviet forces following the end of World War II — the Soviet occupation zone of the Potsdam Agreement, bounded on the east by the Oder-Neisse line. The Soviet zone surrounded West Berlin but did not include it and West Berlin remained outside the jurisdiction of the GDR.” Wikipedia’s article about this dot, “West Berlin”, asserts that “West Berlin was formally controlled by the Western Allies and was entirely surrounded by the Soviet-controlled East Berlin and East Germany. West Berlin had great symbolic significance during the Cold War, as it was widely considered by westerners an ‘island of freedom’. It was heavily subsidized by West Germany as a ‘showcase of the West’.” In short: Truman, ever since Potsdam, established West Berlin deep inside the zone of Germany — East Germany — which had been conquered by Stalin’s forces, and Truman did this in order to shower it with Marshall Plan wealth in order to make East Germans envy it, so that America would win Germany, which had actually been conquered by the Soviet Union. This was done before 1950 and NATO and the making-public of Truman’s Cold War to conquer ‘communism’ — actually done to conquer the Soviet Union.

The War in the West (according to the U.S. fascists) ended on 7 May 1945 at Reims France when General Jodl signed a surrender to Eisenhower’s agent (as well as to Soviet General Ivan Susloparov and French General Francois Sevez) in order to avoid having Germany’s soldiers face harsher treatment by Soviet General Zhukov in Berlin, who was to receive the final surrender on May 9th in Berlin, when General Keitel signed, which ended the War in the east and the entire war against Germany. Eisenhower took France (Stalin laid no claim to it), but Zhukov didn’t take Germany, because Stalin wanted good relations with Truman and thought that giving Truman not only France but half of Berlin (West Berlin) might prevent any Cold War between the Allies. But, of course, on 25 July 1945, at Potsdam, Truman decided to take not only France and part of Berlin, but the entire world, for the United States. That dashed the plans of FDR and Stalin, but fulfilled the hope of Churchill and the dream of Rhodes. The UK-U.S. empire would rule (almost) the entire world.

The U.S. regime’s ‘historians’ allege that 7 May 1945 was the day on which “Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies at Reims”, and that’s how it was celebrated in U.S.-vassalized west-European nations at the time, but that ‘surrender’ was fake, actually conditional upon its receiving Stalin’s acceptance of Germany’s surrender, and also the acceptance by Jodl’s own boss, Grand Admiral Karl Donitz, Hitler’s successor. Both of those acceptances came in Berlin, where Keitel signed Germany’s surrender, actually unconditionally, and not at Reims, where Jodl had signed it conditionally upon Stalin’s approval, which that ‘surrender’ (to Eisenhower’s forces) never received. There was already in Ike’s mind a hope for the Cold War that would come, and for the global dominance of America’s billionaires. Truman approved this scheme, even that early.

National Geographic’s “Why Germany surrendered twice in World War II” presents the fascist propaganda about this, by asserting: “The Russians celebrate May 9 as Victory Day to this day. The Reims surrender wasn’t even reported in the Soviet press until a day afterward, proof according to some observers that the second surrender was a propaganda move orchestrated so Stalin could claim a larger part of the credit for ending the war.” The fascists will never abandon their lies, the myths they pump (such as that Stalin wasn’t the main person who defeated the Axis and especially Germany). The very idea that Germany’s surrender would be effectuated by a signature in France instead of in Germany — is ludicrous. Furthermore, Admiral Dönitz knew that Stalin was far more hostile toward Nazis than Eisenhower was, and so Dönitz was hoping for the U.S. instead of the U.S.S.R. to control post-War Germany (and his hope became fulfilled), which was why Dönitz accepted Jodl’s attempted surrender in France. Stalin did not, and this was why Truman needed to accept Stalin’s demand that the final surrender would be in Berlin.

Today’s Germany tries to fudge the question of precisely where and when and how Germany had surrendered. However, the reality is that though Stalin was willing to give West Berlin to the other ‘allies’, they weren’t willing to give Stalin the time of day. And the EU was born from that Rhodesist global-supremacism, which today is called “neoconservatism” and is shared uniformly by all of the well-funded political Parties throughout the Rhodesist (i.e., UK/U.S.) empire — it is ‘bipartisan’ everywhere in the empire, regardless of what the public there want, and the media represent that agenda.

Rhodesists run their empire of permanent-war-for-perpetual-peace by evermore propagandizing for ‘national defense’. This boosts the national debt, and reduces services that the Government supplies to the public. Billionaires love both sides of it. Thus, for example, in 1994, the Rhodesist George Soros became the controlling donor to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and had its headquarters moved to Prague in 1995, so as to continue the Cold War even after the U.S.S.R.’s end. That American billionaire even keeps a running list of which members of the European Parliament he controls. Some of the few people who know that this is done don’t like it. But, of course, only few know about it.

The evidence that the EU is a dictatorship is vast, and this is just the surface of it. Much more can be found in the sources that are linked-to here.

This article is adapted from my 2022 AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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