Eric Zuesse – Matt Taibbi: US Democratic Party is Rigging the November ‘Election’

Matt Taibbi: US Democratic Party is Rigging the November ‘Election

The Democratic Party has organized massive funding from billionaires and their ‘Non Profits’ to tie up in America’s courts for years the winner of the 2024 Presidential ‘Election’ if it turns out to be anyone but Biden, and to blame the ‘Stolen Election’ on Vladimir Putin, thus further stoking regime change in Russia sentiment among Americans and so expanding even more the USDefense’ budget and the Government’s purchases of the products from Lockheed Martin et cetera, so that the ‘Defense’ industry will benefit regardless of which Party ‘Wins’ the Presidency.

The great investigative journalist Matt Taibbi headlined on January 28th at his blog, Is the Electoral Fix Already In? The 2024 Presidential Race Increasingly looks Like it will Be Decided by Lawyers, Not Voters, as Democrats unveil Plans for America’s First Lawfare Election. Virtually all of his lengthy article is about the Biden campaign’s plans to sabotage the legitimacy of Trump’s Presidency if Trump wins. However, on January 18th, Reuters published Biden Allies Plot to Thwart Third Party Bids that Threaten his Reelection, and detailed the Democratic Party’s fundraising to prevent RFK Jr from getting onto state ballots. They want voters to have to choose between Only Biden and Trump.

Taibbi reported

“We’re about 30 seconds away from the Armageddon clock when it comes to democracy,” said Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, adding that Trump is “a clear and present danger to our democracy.” Skye Perryman of Democracy Forward, one of the advocacy groups organizing the “Loose” coalition, said, “We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy.” Declared former CIA and defense chief Leon Panetta “Like any good dictator, he’s going to try to use the military to basically perform his will.”

Former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the US Department of Justice and current visiting Georgetown law professor Mary McCord was one of the few coalition participants quoted by name. She said

We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to.

The group was formed by at least two organizations that have been hyperactive in filing lawsuits against Trump and Trump related figures over the years, the aforementioned Democracy Forward, chaired by former Perkins Coie and Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias, and Protect Democracy, a ubiquitous non profit run by a phalanx of former Obama administration lawyers like Ian Bassin, and funded at least in part by LinkedIn magnate Reid Hoffman

The article implied a future Trump presidency will necessitate new forms of external control over the military. It cited Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal’s bill to “Clarify” the Insurrection Act, a 1792 law that empowers the president to deploy the military to quell domestic rebellion. Blumenthal’s act would add a requirement that Congress or courts ratify presidential decisions to deploy the military at home, seeking essentially to attach a congressional breathalyzer to the presidential steering wheel.

NBC’s quotes from former high ranking defense and intelligence officials about possible preemptive mutiny were interesting on their own. However, the really striking twist was that we’d read the story before. 

For over a year, the Biden administration and its surrogates have dropped hint after hint that the plan for winning in 2024, against Donald Trump or anyone else, might involve something other than voting. Lawsuits in multiple states have been filed to remove Trump from the ballot, primaries have been canceled or invalidated, an ominous Washington Post Editorial by Robert Kagan, husband to senior State official Victoria Nuland, read like an APB to assassins to head off an “inevitable” Trump dictatorship. ()

There’s a reason Joe Biden is the only candidate slated to enjoy a censorship free campaign season, while Trump and third party challenger Robert F Kennedy have been repeatedly removed or de amplified from various platforms. 

“There is considerable room to use foreign interference, real or invented, as a pretext to cast doubt on the election results or more generally to create uncertainty about the legitimacy of the election.”  ()

The entire Trump presidency was marked by stories like “How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump”, New Yorker. “Did Russia Affect the 2016 Election? It’s Now Undeniable”, Wired, “Russia ‘turned’ election for Trump, Clapper believes”, PBS, “Yes, Russian Election Sabotage Helped Trump Win”, Bloomberg, and a personal favorite, “CIA Director Wrongly says US Found Russia didn’t Affect Election Result”, NBC. There was so much “Russia Hacked the Election” messaging between 2016 and 2020, in fact, that our Matt Orfalea made two movies about it. Here’s one.

 Democrats’ “Stolen” Election Claims | FLASHBACK

Matt Orfalea on “Russia Hacked our Election”

In the 2018 mid term elections, officials warned that Russia was going to “Attack” the congressional vote. Stories like “US 2018 Elections ‘Under Attack’ by Russia”, Reuters, and “Justice Department Accuses Russians of Interfering in Midterm Elections”, New York Times, were constants, until the Democrats retook the House in a “Blue Wave,” at which point headlines began saying the opposite “Russians Tried, but were Unable to Compromise Midterm Elections, US Says” from the Times was a typical take. The TIP was written during a repeat version, as stories like “Lawmakers are Warned that Russia is Meddling to Re Elect Trump”, New York Times were near daily fixtures in 2020 pre election coverage. After Biden won, headlines like “Putin Failed to Mount Major Election Interference Activities in 2020” again became fixtures in papers like the Washington Post.

The Reuters article about the Democratic Party’s efforts to block RFK Jr from getting onto state ballots reported,

Worried that third party bids from a centrist group called No Labels [founded by the extremely conservative Democrat, Nancy Jacobson, wife of Mark Penn, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 and who had been a political advisor to the fascist Israeli leader Menachem Begin whom Albert Einstein had called a “Fascist” in 1948 for leading exterminations of Palestinian towns to clear them for incoming Jews. She chose only other pro mega corporate individuals as the others on her Board of Directors.] and anti vaccine activist Robert F Kennedy Jr could siphon off votes from Biden in key states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona, American Bridge has hired prominent election attorney Marc Elias to help thwart these outsider bids, among other things.

A central tactic employed, flagging technical issues or starting a legal challenge as third party candidates navigate a patchwork of laws of get on state ballots. ()

No Labels, which has yet to name a candidate, has already raised more than $ 60 million and has qualified in 14 states, including Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina, states that are likely help decide the election. It’s on the ground or has submitted petitions in at least 13 more and plans to spend about half of its cash on securing ballot access across all 50 states.

“We are in a super unique time where voters from New York to Wyoming are just fed up beyond belief with their options,” Jane Hill, who worked in former President Bill Clinton’s administration and is the No Labels co chair in Wyoming, said as she went door to door in the city of Cheyenne collecting signatures for the party.

Meanwhile, Kennedy and a Super PAC political organization supporting him plan to spend a combined $ 30 million to get him on state ballots. ()

No Labels” aims to get onto state ballots in order to attract away enough anti Trump Republicans so that Biden can actually win by “No Labels” getting those Republican voters. RFK Jr aims to get onto state ballots in order to actually beat both Biden and Trump. However, if Biden does lose to either Trump or RFK Jr, then the Democratic Party’s plan will be to sabotage the winner by filing charges that that win was illegitimate, and that Vladimir Putin was behind it, thus forcing whomever the President will be, to avoid doing anything that might be viewed as ‘Pro Russian’. In other words: this effort by the DNC seems to be a scheme to keep on increasing the ‘Defense’ budget, which will mean cutting even more from everything else.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to US and allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘News’ media but the social ‘Sciences’, duping the public.

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