Eric Zuesse – How the Deep State’s Agents Hide My Articles from the Public

How the Deep State’s Agents Hide My Articles from the Public

America’s Deep State, I’ll soon identify them, and their millions of fellow Neo Conservative, or pro Military Industrial Complex Agents, are driving the world into World War Three, and they demand that the voters won’t know this, so that almost only Neo Conservatives will become voted into Congress and The White House, to operate the Federal Government toward that end, for whatever reason, to pump up the Sales Volumes of Corporations such as Lockheed Martin, or to increase the Size of America’s Empire, or simply because producing this Propaganda pays well, or whatever. I and other journalists who document this fact, that WWIII is becoming increasingly likely from this, are Black Listed from all major Media and from most of the ‘Alternative’ Media, and I am going to explain here how this is done.

On 8 September 2024, I headlined PROOF, US Goverbment. DOES Intend WWIII to ‘WIN’ All Out Nuclear War, and distributed by email that news report to 300 NewsMedia, including all of the major ones and many of the ‘Alternative News’ sites. At the very bottom of the article, below it, was


The links that I have provided, and the links within those articles, will provide you with plenty of leads for you to prepare your own news report on this urgent matter, if you would prefer to do that. Dr Postol can be reached at

Postol was the main source of the article, but hardly the only one, and all of the sources were linked directly to, or else linked to indirectly by linking to an article that linked to several sources. I use only top quality sources, and so have never had the authenticity or credibility of any source that I have linked to, either directly or indirectly, challenged, though I have done thousands of articles.

My article opened,

On August 29th, MIT’s Dr Theodore Postol, America’s leading nuclear war scientist, headlined at The Quincy Institute, which is the leading think tank about nuclear war, Biden’s ‘New’ Nuclear sSrategy and the Super Fuse that Sets It Off, The Military is Already Upgrading Warheads Capable of Fighting A War with Both China and Russia Simultaneously.” 

No one in the United States is more highly regarded about these matters than he is. He has received every accolade in his field, such as “In 1990 Dr. Postol Received the American Physical Society’s Leo Szilard Award for ‘Incisive Technical Analysis of National Security issues that [have] been Vital for Informing the Public Policy Debate ()‘ He is also the recipient of the 1995Hilliard Roderick Prize in Science, Arms Control, and International Security from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for ‘Outstanding Contributions that Advance Our Understanding of Issues Related to Arms Control and Unternational Security () that have Important Scientific or Technical Dimensions.’ During the Award Presentation by the AAAS he was Described as ‘By Far the Strongest, Technically Trained, Independent Arms Control Analyst of his Generation.’”

On the morning of September 9th, I Googled my headline, PROOF, US Government. DOES Intend WWIII to ‘WIN’ All Out Nuclear War and got only,,, and something called Ground.News, which doesn’t actually post articles but instead rates articles, based upon the website that publishes it, instead of based upon the article itself. Ground.News shows that the article appeared on, which Google searches block from even showing up, and that it appeared on “Russia News Now”  which is, which, for only A day, mirrors and then disappears each article at, and which is not blocked from showing up in Google searches like the articles at the actual site are. My article was rated by Ground.News as being “Biased 100% Right,” and the website was rated by Ground.News as being “Far Right” and “Low Factuality.” Ground.News said that my article has only “2 Total News Sources.” Actually, it has and links directly to four, 1) Postol’s article at The Quincy Institute site; 2) A 2017 article I wrote about and linked to the ultimate source an article at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 3) that article at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and 4) A New York Times article that was linked-to in the Quincy Institute article.

My article is not “Far Right” nor at all even right wing, nor is it at all “Low Factuality.” And if I had to characterize the website, I would say that it is at least as much progressive as it is conservative, and that its “Factuality” or percentage of truthful assertions in its articles and videos generally, is higher than in any MainStream US or UK or EU NewsMedium.

The Ground.News article about my article didn’t so much as even mention that my article is published also at Substack, and at TheInteldrop, and at So, the only one that they did list which I had included in my 300, is, which Google totally excludes from web search findings.

None of the other nearly 300News’ Media that I had submitted this article to, this urgent article, right before the only scheduled Trump Harris debate, published it. All of those sites are either controlled by billionaires or else are terrified by billionaires’ agencies, which, like Google, Ground.News, NewsGuard, FactCheck, Politi Fact, etc., have the power to ruin the site financially, terrified to avoid publishing anything from me and from publishing other whistleblowing journalists. And this, the aristocratic censoring out of reports and analyses from people such as myself, Postol, Bill Binney, RFK Jr, Douglas MacGregor, Chris Hedges, Seymour Hersh, and many other honest journalists and commentators, is the reason why the American Public don’t know that the US Government wants, and might soon initiate on its own, WWIII.

On the evening of September 9th, I emailed to Dr. Postol my article, along with the question, “Are You Receiving Any Media Requests from this Article, Which I Distributed Last Night to 300 Media?” and he replied: “Thanks for Your Efforts. Unfortunately, I have Received No Media Enquiries” from it. Not only had virtually all of the Media hidden that article from their respective Publics, but none had clicked onto his email address (which I had provided to them in my “NOTE TO EDITOR” at the bottom of my news article, in order to do their Own News-report about the matter, the matter he had written about.


This just In

In my August 20th article, I had pointed out and documented that not even A word of the Democratic National Convention’s Platform was changed after Kamala Harris became the nominee, though she had had 28 days in which to change it. But now she has posted what her policies will be as President, and they’re again totally lifted from Biden’s statements. She plagiarizes all of it. If Trump won’t point this out in the debate tonight, then he might be as stupid as she is. Pointing it out would kill her campaign. It would make the campaign again Biden versus Trump, but with an even stupider version of Biden.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL, Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to US and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘News’ Media but the Social ‘Sciences’, duping the public.
Eric Zuesse blogs at

Eric Zuesse – PROOF, US Government DOES intend WWIII to ‘WIN’ All Out Nuclear War

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