Eric Zuesse – How implementing Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s WWII Goal could Prevent WWIII

How implementing Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s WWII Goal could Prevent WWIII

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a plan to prevent World War Three, but he died right before he could implement his plan. It needs to be implemented now.

First: here is what caused FDR to come up with his plan: He had become the leader of America at the same time that Adolf Hitler became the leader in Germany; and FDR was fluent in German. Even before becoming President, he had heard and read some of Hitler’s speeches and also read his 1925 Mein Kampf. FDR wrote onto the flyleaf of the copy he had in his personal library of the first-ever English-language translation of it (which was published in October 1933), “This translation is so expurgated as to give a wholly false view of what Hitler really is or says — The German original would make a different story.”

Therefore, long before other Americans learned what Hitler’s goals were, FDR already knew them. By 1933, at the very latest, FDR knew that Hitler intended to lead Germany in a war to take control over the entire world — a war for “Aryan” domination over this entire planet. Roosevelt was determined that if Hitler would actually pursue policies toward implementing that goal (which Hitler did do), then there would be no way to prevent a Second World War. Hitler’s secret 1928 Second Book made explicit that he aimed to conquer the whole world, but even in Hitler’s 30 January 1939 speech to the Reichstag, he made clear that in his view, America was an enemy of Germany. FDR also had concerns about Japan’s Hirohito and Italy’s Mussolini, but he was especially concerned about Hitler, because Hitler’s hegemonic ambition seemed to be limitless — all-encompassing — it included conquering America. Certainly by the late 1930s, FDR was already making plans for the war that by then was sure to come, WW II. By no later than early 1941, he started planning what must be done in order to prevent any WW III from following after it, as WW II was now following after WW I. He was determined that this must become the last World War.

FDR’s close aide Sumner Welles’s 1946 book Where Are We Heading? documented that FDR’s having been Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the Administration of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and throughout WW I had left Roosevelt with a strong conviction that that war had resulted from contending imperialisms, and that something much stronger than the League of Nations which had followed after it would be essential to create in order to prevent there ever being any WW III. FDR knew that only a global federal republic of independent nations, which would be one-nation-one-vote in its general assembly and would replace the contending major powers in international relations — and so end all imperialisms — only this could do it. He knew that such an international organization needed to have a security council that will give each one of the major powers the right to veto any right for any other of them to place its weapons and forces nearby to (and so to threaten) any other of them (think of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis as being an example of this principle); and he also knew that the organization must outlaw any imperialism and transfer all strategic weapons to this global federal republic of nations’s international military force, which would thereby enforce this global federal republic of nations’s international laws, which laws would be created by both its general assembly and its security council.

Now we come to describing what FDR’s plan was; and to do this requires describing and documenting (in the links here, linking to the sources) the history of how and why it became aborted and replaced by FDR’s successor, President Harry Truman, who had a very different plan and objective, for the U.S. Government ultimately to become the world’s first-ever all-encompassing empire and to defeat both Russia and China (both of which had been allies of FDR’s America in WW II). So, this description will be presenting the history of how the United Nations that FDR invented and started became aborted and replaced by Truman soon after FDR’s death.

As the first, 1946-47, Year-Book of the United Nations said in historical retrospect (p. 18): “It was suggested in the [1944] Dumbarton Oaks Proposals that the name of the organization should be ‘the United Nations.’ Committee I/1 unanimously adopted the name as a tribute to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was the first to suggest it. Commission I and the Conference accepted the name without dissent.” Actually, as Welles documented, in his 1946 book, FDR was already laying forth this organization’s fundamental principles in August 1941, when he privately met with Churchill in Newfoundland to start planning for what would be the post-WW-II world, but Churchill clashed with him and was instead set upon planning for what would ultimately become no such instrument of peace but instead the NATO military alliance to conquer Russia in a future WW III. FDR was confident that, regarding the U.N., he would be able to reach complete agreement with Stalin, but was far less confident that the intensely pro-imperialistic Churchill would be able to be persuaded, short of FDR’s piling the pressure onto him until Churchill would simply have to bend to his will. It was not something that FDR would take on while WW II was still being waged. But FDR was determined that creating this U.N. must be the very first order of business after WW II would be won.

The first use of the U.N.’s name occurred on 1 January 1942 in “The Declaration by United Nations,” and the U.N. says that “The name ‘United Nations’ was coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt.” And, then, FDR successfully got both Churchill and Stalin to agree that if they all would win WW II, then this must become a “universal” or all-encompassing international federation of nations to follow after it; and, so:

From 28 November to 1 December 1943, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and the Premier of the USSR, Joseph Stalin, met at a conference in Tehran, where they again confirmed their common policy, notably expressing their determination that their nations “shall work together in war and in the peace that will follow”, recognizing “the supreme responsibility resting upon us and all the United Nations to make a peace which will command the goodwill of the overwhelming mass of the peoples of the world and banish the scourge and terror of war for many generations”. They further announced their intention to “seek the cooperation and active participation of all nations, large and small, whose peoples in heart and mind are dedicated, as are our own peoples, to the elimination of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance” within a “world family of Democratic Nations” (Declaration of the Three Powers, Tehran, 1 December 1943).

And, then:

From 21 August to 7 October 1944, representatives of the United States and the United Kingdom met separately with representatives of the USSR (21 August-28 September) and of China (29 September-7 October), at Dumbarton Oaks in the context of the “Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization” (or Dumbarton Oaks Conference). …

A steering committee was entrusted with reaching agreement on the main substantive issues and a Joint Formulation Group drafted a text resulting from such negotiations in the form of a treaty. The final document prepared at the Conference, issued on 9 October 1944, became known as the “Proposals for the Establishment of a General International Organization”, which constituted the initial working document at the San Francisco Conference, in [25 April to 26 June] 1945.

However, FDR died on 12 April 1945; and, as his immediate successor, who secretly despised FDR, Harry Truman, wrote to his right-hand man, James Byrnes, on 5 January 1946, “At San Francisco no agreements or compromises were ever agreed to without my approval.”

In other words, the U.N.’s Charter ended up being a document in which Truman vetoed any clause that he didn’t approve of. The crucial details that FDR had left to be negotiated at San Francisco — the details that would have given the U.N. the power to create, enforce, and adjudicate, all international laws, as any universal federation of the world’s nations would need to have in order for it to be able to do its job of being the source and global government of international laws but of nothing else than that (e.g, holding no authority over any nation’s internal affairs), was excluded from it (from the U.N.’s Constitution or “Charter”). Truman’s U.N. is rife with provisions for the U.N.’s involvement in each nation’s internal affairs, and it is also notoriously weak in any enforcement powers over international affairs; and it even excluded any definition for its key term, “aggression” — so that America would be free to use aggression. In international relations, Truman and Eisenhower were the anti-FDR and set the U.S. into the opposite direction from FDR’s plan.

The U.S. Government, starting with Truman, is and has been the only nation in the world that has taken up Hitler’s fallen banner of aiming to become the global dictator over all of the world’s nations. In 1945, FDR died, then Hitler died, and this world has, ever since, been Truman’s version of what had been Hitler’s main purpose (global hegemony) — not of what had been FDR’s main purpose (prevention of WW III).

Russia and China today are now trying to establish gradually the type of international world order that FDR had been planning to establish as soon as the UK, Soviet Union and United States, would together win WW II. Because of what Truman did, and the intensification of that U.S. global imperialism ever since, the road forward to picking up and continuing on from what had been FDR’s purpose in WW II, instead of Truman’s and Churchill’s and Eisenhower’s, version of what had actually been Hitler’s purpose (global dictatorship), will be long and hard — if it can succeed at all. However, if the nations such as Russia and China will openly state that their objective is to complete the realization of what had been FDR’s purpose in WW II (i.e., to prevent there being any WW III), then the chances of avoiding a WW III will be brighter, because the U.S. and its ‘allies’ would have a very difficult case to make to the world saying that FDR’s purpose in WW II was wrong.

Especially now, with international respect for The West and for its leaders being in increasing decline ever since at least around 1970, the time appears to be especially ripe for the many nations that have not been allied with the U.S. after WW II to be discussing replacement of Truman’s win-lose supremacist international model, by FDR’s planned win-win equalitarian international model. The U.N.’s Charter must be Amended, for that purpose.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.
Eric Zuesse blogs at

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