Eric Zuesse – How Fox ‘News’ Insulted Guest who told Truth about Russia and Ukraine + Which is More Trustworthy: America S Press, or China S Press? Britain S NEW STATESMAN Magazine Lies

USA Russia Ukraine (foto Gifer)

Here S All The Chaos (gif Media RNBO)

Ukraine (gif Business Insider India)

How FoxNewsInsulted A Guest Who told the Truth about Russia and Ukraine

Here is the Clip, on the 28 February 2022 Trey Gowdy Sunday Night Show.

The First Four Minutes are the Guest, Retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, explaining that America NATO S Intention to place Missiles on Ukraine S Border with Russia just Five Minutes Flight Time away from Nuking Moscow, is like the Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse (an Enormous Danger of Producing A WWIII; and that Putin is Certainly Rational to act now so as to prevent that Possibility (which ever since February 2014 has been an Ever Increasing Likelihood to happen); and then the NeoCon Jennifer Griffin came on and pretended to ‘Fact Check’ him by saying that Putin is Simply A Lying Power Crazed Dictator who mustn T beAppeased’. Other USNewsMedia (all of which are likewise NeoCon or Pro US Empire) bannered about that, Hostilely against the Anti Neocon Guest, such Headlines as “Jennifer Griffin Corrects MacGregor S Praise of Putin on Fox,” “Fox News Guest – Let Putin take Ukraine without any Sanctions or Aide for Ukrainians,” and, “Once Again, Fox Pentagon Correspondent Has To Fact Check” though that ‘Fact Checkwas actually Ad Hominem Lies, against the Courageously Truth Speaking Guest and against Putin. The ‘Fact Checkwas the Lies, and they were Lies against the Truth that Colonel Macgregor had just spoken, 100% Accurately.

In America, Truth Telling about International Affairs is an Unpardonable Sin, sure to be Widely Condemned in theirNewsMedia (which might as well be Owned by Firms such as Lockheed Martin).

But the Media in UK are just as Bad, just as Evil, just as Distorting, just as Neocon – and just as Dangerous Promulgators of WWIII, on the Basis of Propaganda (Half Truths, and Lies), which smeared Douglas Macgregor, whom Trump (in One of his Few Good Appointments) had appointed to be the US Ambassador to Germany, but whom the Nearly 100% Neocon US Senate Refused to Confirm. After all, America’s Arms Makers Practically Own the US Congressand The White House.

In any Authentic Dictatorship, Truth Telling about International Relations can only be an Act of Tremendous Courage.

Here is an Autotranslation of the Czech Republic S Warning that anyone who Publicly expresses Support for Russia against the Barack Obama Installed (in 2014) Government of Ukraine could be Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for doing that,

Information on Possible Criminal Law Limits on Freedom of Expression in Relation to the Situation in Ukraine

Feb 26, 2022

Brno, February 26, 2022 – The Supreme Public Prosecutor S Office considers it necessary to inform Citizens that the Current Situation associated with the Russian Federation’s Attack on Ukraine may have Implications for their Freedom of Expression.

Freedom of Expression is enshrined at the Constitutional Level in Article 17 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. Everyone has the Right to express their Views in Any Way they see fit. But Freedom of Speech also has its Limits in A Democratic State Governed by the Rule ofLaw.
If someone Publicly (including Demonstrations, the Internet or Social Networks) agreed (accepted or supported the Russian Federation’s Attacks on Ukraine) or expressed Support or praised the Leaders of the Russian Federation in this regard, they could also face Criminal Liability under Certain Conditions, for the Criminal Offense of approving A Criminal Offense pursuant to Section 365 of the Criminal Code, or for the Criminal Offense of Denying, Questioning, Approving and Justifying Genocide pursuant to Section 405 of the Criminal Code.
The Supreme Public Prosecutor Office S appeals to All Persons not to resort to Public Speeches in Excess of the Established Constitutional and Legal Restrictions in these Difficult Times.

JU Dr Igor Stříž

Attorney General

The Document itself can be seen Here.

Dictatorship is Normal Now for Not Only America and England but All Countries that are Allied with the US EmpireAll of America S Vassal Nations.

Censorship cannot Legally coexist with Democracy. Where Censorship enters, Democracy dies. In America, Censorship is Contracted Out to the Country’s Mega Corporations to apply, so that Banned Assertions simply are not heard or published. But in Countries that are Cruder, the Government itself does the Censoring, regardless even of what its Published Constitution says.

Which is More Trustworthy: America S Press, or China S Press?

On March 2nd, the New York Times BanneredChina Asked Russia to Delay Ukraine War Until After Olympics, US Officials Say”, and reported that

A Western Intelligence Report said Senior Chinese Officials told Senior Russian Officials in Early February Not to Invade Ukraine before the End of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, according to Senior Biden Administration Officials and A European Official. (…)

The Intelligence on the Exchange between the Chinese and Russian Officials was Classified. It was Collected by A Western Intelligence Service and Considered Credible by Officials. Senior Officials in the United States and Allied Governments passed it around as they discussed when Mr Putin might Attack Ukraine.
However, Different Intelligence Services had Varying Interpretations, and it is Not Clear How Widely the Information was Shared.

One Official Familiar with the Intelligence said the Material did Not Necessarily indicate the Conversations about an Invasion took place between Mr Xi and Mr Putin. Other Officials briefed on the Intelligence declined to give Further Details. The Officials spoke about the Report on the Condition of Anonymity because of the Sensitivity of the Intelligence.

On March 8th, the Chinese Government (Communist Party) owned Global Times HeadlinedDisinformation on Ukraine Crisis to smear China”, and reported that,

Citing “Anonymous Officials” to release Disinformation is an Old Trick that the US has been using to mislead the Public. The Global Times learned from Various Sources that “Anonymous Officials” who previous Reports cited to claim that China had asked Russia not to take Action in Ukraine before the End of the Winter Olympics are from the US National Security Council, and their Purpose was to shift the US’ Responsibility in the Conflict to Profit from it and smear China.

In two Reports, published on February 25 and March 2, the New York Times cited “Anonymous US Officials” saying that China had learned about Russia S Plans in Ukraine and asked Russia not to take Action before the End of the Winter Olympics. The Reports accused China of standing with Russia to criticize the US and opposing US Sanctions on Russia. 

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has refuted these Reports and pointed out that the US Fabricated Information to smear China.

Through various Sources, the Global Times has learned that the “Anonymous Officials” cited by the New York Times are from the National Security Council of The White House. (…)

Analysts said that the Problems associated with the Ukraine Situation are Clear, and the US and NATO are together pushing Ukraine into the Fire. As the Initiator of the Conflict in Ukraine, the US is adding Fuel to the Fire, while accusing China (…), which is Irresponsible and Immoral, the Analysts said.

The NYT article published February 25th had been Headlined “China may have played A role Friday in inducing Russia to look More Accommodating, even as Russian Forces advanced into Kyiv”, and it didn T actually rely upon “Anonymous Officials” (or “Anonymous US Officials”), but, instead, upon Individuals whom it purported to be Experts on the Subject, and whom that Newspaper S Employees had selected, All of Whom happened to be supporting the US Government  S anti Russia and anti China Positions on this Matter, but none of whom were being alleged to have had Personal Knowledge regarding that Particular Matter. It also said that “In Private, some Chinese Academics have Shared Misgivings about Mr Xi S Embrace of Mr Putin. And on the Chinese Internet, some Users have Robustly Questioned how China S Position on the Ukraine War squares with its Longstanding Precept that Countries should steer their Own Fates.” However, None of those “Academics” was Identified by the NYTS Journalist.

Britain S NEW STATESMAN Magazine Lies about both Ukraine and Russia, Why?

Here is the Opening of the Major Article in their Latest Issue, 2 March 2022, which is Devoted to the War in Ukraine.

The Truth about Putin S ‘Denazification’ Fantasy: The Russian President is Twisting History in an Attempt to justify an Unjustifiable War on Ukraine.”

2 March 2022, by Katie Stallard

Vladimir Putin is Fighting an Enemy that does Not Exist. He has Invaded Ukraine and taken his Country to War on an Entirely Fictional Premise. In an Address to Russian Citizens from the Kremlin on 24 February, he claimed the Government in Kyiv had been Seized by “Extreme Nationalists and Neo Nazis” and that he had sent in the Russian Military to save Innocent Civilians from “Genocide” and force the “Denazification” of Ukraine.
To state the Obvious, this is A Lie. There are no Neo Nazis in the Ukrainian Government and there is No Genocide. (…)

On 28 February 2014, which was the Last Day of the Overthrow of Ukraine S President Yanukovych, the BBC headlined (though Belatedly) Neo Nazi Threat in New Ukraine NEWSNIGHT and reported with Full Honesty about the People who had carried out that Overthrow.The Most Organized, and perhaps the Most Effective, were A Small Number of Far Right Groups. When it came to Confrontations with the Police, the Nationalists were often (…) the Most Violent”  and these Groups respected, and were patterned after, “German SS Divisions during the Second World War.” These Groups were actually much like Adolf Hitler S Followers had been prior to his Coming to Power, when those German Nazi S were also Battling against the Existing Government S Police.

As regards the “GenocideAllegation against the Newly Installed Ukrainian Government, it was instead More of an “Ethnic Cleansing” in Order to Get Rid of Enough People in the Regions that had had the Highest Percentages of Voters for the Overthrown President, Yanukovych, in Order for the Next Ukrainian Election NOTto elect as President anyone Who favored Continuation of what had been the Ukrainian GovernmentSPolicy of Neutrality as between NATO and Russia. Obama S Ultimate Intention was to get Ukraine into NATO so that US Missiles could become Installed there Just A 7 Minute Flight away from Nuking Moscow. These Very Same Far Right Groups were leading and carrying out that Policy who had previously led and carried out the Overthrow of Yanukovych. Those Groups were the Two Most Outspoken far-Right Parties in Ukrainian Politics. These were the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine which the CIA had Persuaded to Change their Name to the “FreedomParty – “Svoboda” – so as to become Acceptable to US and EU Publics, and the Right Sector Party. Whereas the Freedom Party got Appointed to some of the Top National Security Posts in the New Government, the Right Sector Provided Most of the New Government’s Hands On Military Leadership. The Right Sector had also Organized the Overthrow, and had been Trained by the CIA inside the American Embassy, on How to create the Crowds for theMaidanDemonstrations that were to serve as the Public Front for the Right Sector Forces Behind The Scenes Work to overthrow Yanukovych in Such A Way that Viktor Yanukovych would become Blamed for the Violence during those Demonstrations. See this Video, and this Transcript, of the Phone Conversation between Two Top EUOfficials on 26 February 2014, when they First discovered that the Alleged Democratic Revolution in Ukraine had Actually been A Coup, the Founder of the ‘Private CIAFirm Stratfor even called it The Most Blatant Coup in History – and that the New Ukrainian Government was Actually Installed by the Coup S Perpetrators.

BREAKING Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton discuss Ukraine over the Phone

Michael Bergman

Officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Loyal to the Ousted President Yanukovich have Hacked Phones of Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and Leaked their Conversation to the Web. The Officials discuss their Impressions of What S Happening in the Country after the Revolution. The Gist of it is that Ukrainian People have No Trust in Any of the Leaders of Maidan.
However the Most Striking Thing of All is the Fact which concerns the Use of Force during the Revolution, Particularly the Snipers who killed Both Protesters and Officers of the Riot Police. Mr Paet reveals Astonishing Information which confirms the Rumours that the Snipers were Employed by the Leaders of Maidan.



In my March 11th Article, Why did Vladimir Putin (Probably) save Volodymyr Zelensky S Life?, there are Other Key Sources that are linked to, which document the Falsity of the NEW STATESMAN Magazine S Account of the War in Ukraine (but Without Mentioning that Magazine).As to the Reason WHY they lie, Wikipedia says about that Magazine,

Since 1996 [Edit]The New Statesman was Rescued from Near Bankruptcy by A Takeover by Business Man Philip Jeffrey but in 1996, after Prolonged Boardroom Wrangling [30] over Jeffrey’s Plans, it was Sold to Geoffrey Robinson, the Labour MP and Business Man. Following Steve Platt S Most of the Left Wingers on the Staff and turned the Statesman into A Strong Supporter of Tony Blair S Leadership of the Labour Party. [31]

Tony Blair, and the Labour Party under him, and to this Day, are Controlled by Neo Conservatives, Proponents of US and UK Invasions, US UK Global Imperialism, such as to Conquer both Russia and China. Blair had Lied Right Along with US President Bush about “WMD in Iraq in Order to Conquer Iraq, which was on friendly terms with Russia. The Neo ConservativesMain Goal Now is to Conquer Russia Itself. And, just as the Overthrow of the Democratically Elected Yanukovych in Ukraine was Not A Democratic Operation, the Conquest of the Entire World by the Neo Conservatives (if it succeeds) also is not. Any Conquest that’s on the Basis of Deceit is Dictatorial, even if it S Not Directly achieved by Raw Force of Arms. This is the New Fascism, More Sophisticated than that of Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini, and Emperor Hirohito. It S achieved More by Sanctions and Coups and Subversions, than by Directly Military Means. It S Based More on Lies than on Arms.

Glenn Greenwald has More about This.

Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse S Next Book, soon to be Published, will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It S about How America took over the World after World War II in Order to Enslave it to US and Allied Billionaires. Their Cartels extract the World S Wealth by Control of Not Only theirNewsMedia but the SocialSciences’, duping the Public.

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