Eric Zuesse – Here are the 10 Richest Countries and the 3 Potential Challengers

Here are the 10 Richest Countries and the 3 Potential Challengers

According to the International Monetary Fund’s reports on the 190 Countries that provide their Economic data to the IMF, here are the ten Countries that are the Richest on a Per Person Basis, in Terms of GDP | PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), which adjusts raw Gross Domestic Product so as to reflect Wealth accurately from the standpoint of the Country’s Consumers, including its Workers and Everyone Else who lives there, instead of from the standpoint of its Investors, the Owners of its Corporations’ Stocks and Bonds such as is reflected instead by the raw per Capita GDP.

(1) Luxembourg = 145.83
(2) Ireland = 143.18
(3) Singapore = 138.54
(4) Macao = 125.51
(5) Qatar = 118.15
(6) UAE = 92.95
(7) Switzerland = 92.52
(8) San Marino = 86.89
(9) Norway = 84.85
(10) US = 83.06

US is by far the largest and most populous of the ten, 335 million people. The second largest, UAE, has 10.1 million. Switzerland, 8.7 million. Singapore 5.9 million. Norway 5.5. Ireland 5.0. Qatar 3.0. Macau 0.67. Luxembourg 0.64. San Marino 34 thousand.

So: the US has 8.7 times as many people as do The Other 9 Top Ten Richest per Capita Countries. To the extent that the US Government represents the Rich against the Poor, it represents All Ten of these Ten Richest Countries.

US President Barack Obama told America’s Future Military Leaders, on 28 May 2014,

The United States Is and Remains the One Indispensable Nation. That has Been True for the Century Passed and it will Be True for the Century to Come. () Russia’s Aggression toward Former Soviet States unnerves Capitals in Europe, while China’s Economic Rise and Military Reach worries its Neighbors. From Brazil to India, Rising Middle Classes compete with Us, and Governments seek A Greater Say in Global Forums. () It will be Your Generation’s Task to Respond to this New World.

He was telling his Country’s Future Military Leaders that all Nations except America are “Dispensable.” He also was saying that a key function of America’s Military is to keep every other Nation down, especially where “Rising Middle Classes compete with Us,” and that these future Generals are being tasked to wage War against those “Competitors,” if necessary, in order for such “Dispensable” Countries to REMAIN down.

That was his clearest statement of his Zero Sum Game View of International Relations. He especially was saying to the World’s Countries that have Rising Middle Classes who compete with us, and to their Governments that seek a Greater Say in Global Forums, We, America, will keep you down, because we represent the Richest and will serve these People by Keeping them on Top, which means Keeping you Down, no matter what.

He was addressing, there, especially the following three countries, which Most fit that description of whom the US Military will be targeting, and, for each one, its comparable per Capita GDP | PPP is shown here.

Russia = 35.56
China = 24.84
India = 9.89

On 4 March 2024, I headlined Statistical Comparisons US versus Russia et cetera and reported “China and Russia were the Most Successful Economies during the 25 years, inclusive, 1998 – 2022, especially for Investors in those Countries, but Also for Consumers and Workers there. China was the Top, then Russia. India was Close behind Russia. South Korea was A Little Better than the Global Average. US, EU, and Especially Japan, performed Considerably Worse than the Global Average.”

America’s Colonies, ‘Allies’, EU, Japan, and South Korea, have been performing below the Global Average, except for South Korea being at the Global Average on some measures, and China, Russia, and India, have been performing above the Global Average. So, the US Regime is worried, and Obama was displaying that.

As I documented there, the US Government is increasingly focused away from assisting its billionaires to exploit the Domestic market, and focusing instead upon assisting them to exploit Foreign markets. In service to this objective, not only is the US Military gearing up against these nations, but, also, and especially, Sanctions are being applied, so as to increasingly strangulate them. Thus far, Ukraine is the center of this focus, aiming to crush Russia. However, Taiwan is waiting in the wings, so as to provide an excuse for the United States to invade China. And the US Government’s strategy is to make as difficult as possible for the targeted Countries to coordinate together against these Sanctions  and against other American Aggressions. The US Regime has not been having any success at driving them apart, though India’s Government appears to be open to cooperating with the US Regime against Russia, and perhaps also against China.

Meanwhile, the US Regime’s biggest successes have been at crushing the economies in its Colonies, not only against Japan but, also against the EU, and, as I documented there, the World’s lowest rates of economic growth during 1998 to 2022 were in Japan and in the EU. That will continue; and here is why.

Russia is by far the richest of all Nations in its Natural Resources, on account of its being almost twice as large in its Territory as is the orld’s second largest, Canada. Whereas the United States can rely upon Canada in the event of having Natural Resources needs, the EU, basically all of Europe except its largest Country both by Landmass and by Population which is Russia, is being increasingly punished by the US Regime for any violations of its increasing number of economic Sanctions against Russia, and, so, inflation is rising substantially throughout the EU in order to satisfy the desires of America’s billionaires, and they have now succeeded at replacing the cheap Pipelined Russian Natural Gas and Oil into the EU by America’s cross Atlantic Shipped Canned Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), which benefits America’s billionaires at the expense of Europeans. So, whereas America’s anti Russian Sanctions have barely if at all impeded the growth of Russia’s economy, because Russia has vast Asian markets for its Natural Resources, the EU’s economies are being forced by the US into inflation and stagnation, perhaps ultimately into depression, by these laws which were passed in order to punish Russia. Because of the soaring Energy costs in the EU, increasing numbers of EU companies are shipping their jobs to America, which, with its own Natural Resources wealth plus that of Canada, has no such problems, and which also has lower wages than in the EU. So: America’s Government is serving well the billionaires who fund its political Parties, and everyone in Europe pays the price for this. Unfortunately, the EU’s billionaires can escape some of these problems simply by moving their investment capital to America, but the regular Europeans don’t have any opportunity to do the same, they don’t own any factories et cetera.

In the US Empire, the center is now cannibalizing its outward parts. Even if the US Regime won’t have any success at trying to conquer Russia and China, it can still continue for quite a while just by cannibalizing the EU, Japan, and South Korea. Meanwhile, nothing in sight has yet meanigfully reduced the economic growth rates of China and of Russia. And whereas Russia is the most Natural Resources Rich Nation, China is the most Human Resources Rich Nation. And they are friendly neighbors of each other.

But what about India, which now is the most populous Nation? On April 7th, Bloomberg News headlined How India can Take China’s Growth Crown, If India hits All the Right Economic Notes it could Lead Global Growth by 2028 What they ignored is that by every available quantifiable measure the Chinese Population is the World’s best educated and best performing, and not merely, now after India, the World’s second largest. Just as Russia leads the World in Natural Resources, China leads the World in Human Resources. And, being next door neighbors of each other, it seems like it would be an inevitable marriage. That’s especially true because both of these Governments are committed ideologically against accepting Any type of Imperialism. This separates them from any USAllied’ Nation, Colony. So, it should be a remarkably Peaceful marriage, generating a World that ought then to be enormously more Peaceful than is the present one, which is led by the voraciously Imperialistic US Regime.

Another important factor that Bloomberg ignores is Corruption. Whereas China’s Government frequently prosecutes Corruption, India’s does not. Corruption is examined Internationally each year by Gallup with the question being “Is Corruption Widespread thoughout the Government in this Country or Not?” The OECD published Society at A Glance 2019, OECD Social Indicators, and, on its page 124, presented some of that year’s Gallup findings when it said “Perception of Corruption is above the OECD average in All Key Partner Countries,” which were, starting with the highest Corruption, Italy, near 90%, Lithuania, Spain, Mexico, Czechia, Slovakia, Chile, Slovenia, Hungary, South Korea, Portugal, Greece, US,near 75%, Israel, Iceland, France, Latvia, Poland, Japan, around 60%, and, then, the OECD average, of 54% of the OECD’s respondents answering “Yes” and 46%No” to “Is Corruption widespread thoughout the Government in this Country?” Some Non OECD Countries were also shown, Colombia, near 90%, Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Russia,around 75%, and then the lowest in that group,around 65%, India. China wasn’t shown at all, perhaps because the percentage answering yes would have been embarrassingly low. For example, on 9 July 2020, the Harvard Gazette headlined Taking China’s Pulse. That reported on a Harvard study, Understanding CCP Resilence: Surveying Chinese Public Opinion Through Time, which contained the findings from their Team’s Surveys which had been conducted in eight Waves from 2003 through 2016, from 32.000 scientifically sampled residents in China, and which found that, as the “Policy Brief” itself put it, “Chinese Citizen Satisfaction with Government has Increased Virtually across the Board. From the Impact of Broad National Policies to the Conduct of Local Town Officials, Chinese Citizens rate the Government as More Capable and Effective than Ever Before. Interestingly, More Marginalized Groups in Poorer, Inland Regions are Actually Comparatively More Likely to Report Increases in Satisfaction. Second, the Attitudes of Chinese Citizens appear to Respond, Both Positively and Negatively, to Real Changes in their Material Well Being, Which suggests that Support could Be Undermined by the Twin Challenges of Declining Economic Growth and A Deteriorating Natural Environment.” This statement suggests that this “Policy Brief” was commissioned by and done for the US Government in order to find ways to “Undermine” China’s Government.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL, Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the World after World War II in order to enslave it to US and allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the World’s wealth by control of not only their ‘News’ media but the social ‘Sciences’, duping the public.
Eric Zuesse blogs at

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