Eric Zuesse – Gallup: Trump Globally the Least Respected US President This Century

Trump Globally the Least Respected US President This Century (foto

Gallup: Trump Globally the Least Respected US President This Century

On January 15th, the Gallup World Poll issued its preliminary report for their upcoming “Rating World Leaders: 2021” report. It shows the results that have been tabulated for 60 of the 135 countries where they annually sample global public opinion about US leadership. One especially clear finding from it is that when their final report for all 135 countries will be issued, it will show that among the three US Presidencies on which Gallup has internationally surveyed – which are only the three US Presidents in this century – Trump is clearly the one who is globally respected the least, even lower than George W Bush was respected.

Here are the findings, in each of the 60 nations, and the percentage increase or decrease from Gallup’s last completed survey report, Rating World Leaders: 2020.

Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of the leadership of the United States?

%  “Approve

Dominican Republic, 66% was 56% in 2020
Cameroon, 62 was 61
Georgia, 61 was 43
Zambia, 56 was 26
Albania, 56 was 67
Philippines, 55 was 58
Uganda, 53 was 47
Mauritius, 50 was 59
Zimbabwe, 50 was 59
Ecuador, 43 was 34
Colombia, 42 was 41
Moldova, 40 was 45
Brazil, 40 was 38
Japan, 39 was 34
Kyrgyzstan, 34 was 32
Namibia, 34 was 31
Bulgaria, 32 was 26
Cambodia, 32 was 49
Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China, 31 was 31
Poland, 30 was 59
South Korea, 30 was 41
Bolivia , 30 was 31
Australia, 29 was 23
Taiwan, Province of China, 28 was 40
New Zealand, 26 was 17
Mexico, 26 was 17
Malta, 26 was 30
Ethiopia, 25 was 37
Argentina, 24 was 26
Ukraine, 24 was 32
Greece, 21 was 19
Croatia, 21 was 25
Morocco, 21 was 22
Serbia , 20 was 19
Ireland, 20 was 30
Finland, 20 was 20
Slovenia, 19 was 20
Cyprus, 19 was 27
Tunisia, 19 was 24
Italy, 19 was 22
France, 18 was 23
Russia, 18 was 11
Netherlands, 18 was 20
Canada, 17 was 22
Spain, 17 was 23
Chile, 16 was 16
Estonia, 15 was 17
United Kingdom, 15 was 25
Denmark, 14 was 24
Turkey, 13 was 12
Slovakia, 13 was 28
Norway, 12 was 15
Portugal, 12 was 14
Belgium, 12 was 17
Sweden, 11 was 12
Switzerland, 10 was 13
Austria, 9 was 11
Iran, 6 was 6
Germany, 6 was 12

Iceland, 5 was 9

Remarkably, Gallup doesn’t poll in China on this question. Nor does Pew.

Notably, Trump is more disapproved of in Europe than in any other part of the world. Also, as Pew reported on 16 December 2020, In Europe, more trust Putin than Trump.”

Those percentage changes that we’ve just shown total to a decline, among all 60 countries, of 121 percentage points (-121%), or, almost exactly, a -2% change from the 2019 findings that had been reported in Gallup’s Rating World Leaders: 2020.

Gallup says that “until all of Gallup’s 2020 fieldwork is complete in a few months, it is still too early to say that the US will see its worst ranking in the history of Gallup’s World Poll.” However, Gallup’s Rating World Leaders: 2020 report covered 135 lands, and the 60 lands that they have tabulated as of now, for the 2021 report, seem to be a representative sampling of all of those 135, and collectively those 60 populations have reduced their respect for America’s leadership by 2%. In the 2020 report, the global level of approval for America’s leadership was 33%. The all time low had been the 30% figure in 2017, Trump’s first year, a finding which was based on Trump’s promises, not on his performance. The upcoming final Gallup report “Rating World Leaders: 2021” will – if the results from those 60 lands do turn out to be representative of the global findings – produce a 31% global approval level by all of the approximately 135 lands that will be covered in it. For each of Trump’s four years, then, the global percentages will have been (for each one of his four years) 30%, 31%, 33%, and (now, in his final year) 31%. Each year, it was even lower than the prior record low, of George W Bush, had been, at 34% in 2008.

There was higher disapproval than approval of America’s leadership during the Presidencies of George W Bush and of Donald Trump than there was approval of either US President’s leadership. Strikingly, however, there was higher approval than disapproval during (and throughout) the two terms of office of Barack Obama. That Nobel Peace Prize winner was and is internationally admired. Crazy, but true: he was an international charmer.

Here are summarized (with links to the evidence regarding) the actual chief international achievements of each of these three US Presidents.

George W Bush destroying Iraq, and destroying Afghanistan.

Barack Obama destroying Syria, and destroying Ukraine, while continuing Bush’s destructions of Iraq and of Afghanistan.

Donald Trump destroying Iran, and destroying Venezuela, while continuing his predecessors’ destructions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Ukraine. He also made the destruction of Palestine even worse than it had previously been.

So, the question regarding incoming US President Joe Biden will be whether he will continue this tradition further, or reverse it. Because, it’s really all the same tradition, throughout all three US Presidencies this century. By contrast, global perceptions are that those three US Presidents were drastically different from one another.

On 15 September 290290, Pew bannered “US Image Plummets Internationally as Most Say Country Has Handled Corona Virus Badly” and reported that

The publics surveyed also see Trump more negatively than other world leaders. Among the six leaders included on the survey, Angela Merkel receives the highest marks. A median of 76% across the nations polled have confidence in the German chancellor. French President Emmanuel Macron also gets largely favorable reviews. Ratings for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson are roughly split. Ratings for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are overwhelmingly negative, although not as negative as those for Trump.

Right above that was this graph, which shows starkly the false European perception that Barack Obama was vastly superior to George W Bush and Donald Trump.

Low confidence in Trump in Western Europa (foto Pew Research Center)
Apparently, most Europeans have no problem with a US President who continues America’s use of torture, and who continues America’s legal immunity of prosecution for banksters, and who imposes ethnic cleansing abroad, and who aims for achieving a US first strike ability to conquer Russia by a sudden nuclear blitz attack. Style is everything, for them; substance is nothing, to them. Why didn’t they like Hitler? Is it only because he did it to them?

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