Eric Zuesse – A Typical Example of News Suppression in the US and UK

Maidan (gif Twitter))

A Typical Example of News Suppression in the US and UK

Presented by me on the 21st Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks.

There are So Many Layers to the Suppression of Truth and the Resulting Publication of Lies, as to makNearly Impenetrable to the General Public Any Clear Understanding of How Mass Deception is Done, but Here is Just One Example of One of These Layers, which Concerns, in this Instance, A Specific Incident, the Suppression and Resultant Lying about Why Russia invaded Ukraine.

From Eric Zuesse
Subject Exclusive Submission
Date March 12, 2022 at 7:39:20 PM EST

This willl be A Request for A Commission to Produce an Article like the Following, for USA Today, to be an Exclusive Submission, and After Which Submission on Commission I shall Then Wait Up to 3 Full Days, 72 Hours for your Decision on that Exclusive Submission, before I will send it Elsewhere. However, the Article Here is Only an Example of A Type of Report that I Particularly Specialize In, NOT It Self an Actual Submission. Here is the Draft

[and I Never Received Any Reply from them Other than an Automated Acknowledgment that they had Received the Submission and that A Response would be Emailed within Three Days if they are Unterested in Possibly Commissioning such an Article as This, so, They weren T Interested in Publishing such an Article]

Britain S NEW STATESMAN Magazine lies about Both Ukraine and Russia. Why?

Eric Zuesse

[891 Words of Text, may be Shortened to It S First 629 Words]

Here is the Opening of the Major Article in Their Latest Issue, 2 March 2022, which is Devoted to the War in Ukraine

The Truth about Putin S ‘Denazification’ Fantasy: The Russian President is twisting History in an Attempt to Justify an Unjustifiable War on Ukraine

2 March 2022, By Katie Stallard

Vladimir Putin is Fighting an Enemy that does Not Exist. He has Invaded Ukraine and taken his Country to War on an Entirely Fictional Premise. In an Address to Russian Citizens from the Kremlin on 24 February, he claimed the Government in Kiev had been Seized by “Extreme Nationalists and Neo Nazis” and that he had Sent in the Russian Military to save Innocent Civilians from “Genocide” and Force the “Denazification” of Ukraine.
To State the Obvious, This is A Lie. There are No Neo Nazis in the Ukrainian Government and There is No Genocide. ()

On 28 February 2014, which was the Last Day of the Overthrow of Ukraine S President Viktor Yanukovych, the BBC Headlined, though Belatedly, Neo Nazi Threat in New Ukraine NEWSNIGHT and Reported with Full Honesty about the People who had Carried Out that Overthrow, “the Most Organized, and Perhaps the Most Effective, were A Small Number of Far Right Groups. When it came to Confrontations with the Police, the Nationalists were Often () the Most Violent”  and These Groups were Respected, and Patterned After, “German SS Divisions during the Second World War.” These Groups were Actually Much like Adolf Hitler S Followers had been Prior to his Coming to Power, when Those German Nazi S were Likewise Battling against the Existing Government S Police.

As regards the “GenocideAllegation against the Newly Installed Ukrainian Government, it was instead More of an “Ethnic Cleansing” in Order to Get Rid of Enough People in the Regions that had had the Highest Percentages of Voters for the Over Thrown President, Yanukovych, in Order for the Next Ukrainian Election NOT to Elect as President Anyone who Favored Continuation of what had been the Ukrainian Government S Policy of Neutrality as between NATO and Russia. Barack Obama S Ultimate Intention was to get Ukraine into NATO so that US Missiles could become Installed There just A 5 Minute Flight Away from Nuking Moscow. These Very Same Far Right Groups were Leading and Carrying Out that Policy Who had Previously Led and Carried Out the Overthrow of Yanukovych. Those Groups were the Two Most Outspoken Far Right Parties in Ukrainian Politics. These were the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine, which the CIA had Persuaded to Change their Name to the “Freedom” Party, “Svoboda”, so as to become Acceptable to US and EU Publics, and the Right Sector Party. Whereas the Freedom Party got Appointed to Some of the Top National Security Posts in the New Government, the Right Sector provided Most of the New Government S Hands On Military Leadership. The Right Sector had also organized the overthrow, and had been Trained by the CIA inside the American Embassy, on How to Create the Crowds for the “MaidanDemonstrations that were to Serve as the Public Front for the Right Sector Forces behind the Scenes Work to Over Throw Yanukovych in such A Way that Yanukovych would become Blamed for the Violence during those Demonstrations. See this Video, and this Transcript, of the Phone Conversation between Two Top EU Officials on 26 February 2014, when they First Discovered that the Alleged Democratic Revolution in Ukraine had Actually been A Coup, the Founder of the ‘Private CIAFirm Stratfor even called It the Most Blatant Coup in History”, and that the New Ukrainian Government was Actually Installed by the Coup S Perpetrators.

In my March 11th Article, Why did Vladimir Putin (Probably) save Volodymyr Zelensky S Life?, there are Other Key Sources that are Linked, which document the Falsity of the NEW STATESMAN Magazine S Account of the War in Ukraine, but Without Mentioning that Magazine.

As to the Reason WHY they lie, Wikipedia says about that Magazine,

Since 1996 [edit]

The New Statesman was Rescued from Near Bankruptcy by A Take Over by Business Man Philip Jeffrey but in 1996, after Prolonged Board Room Wrangling [30] over Jeffrey S Plans, it was Sold to Geoffrey Robinson, the Labour MP and Business Man. Following Steve Platt S Resignation, Robinson appointed A Former Editor of The Independent, Ian Hargreaves, on What was at the Time an Unprecedentedly High Salary. Hargreaves fired Most of the Left Wingers on the Staff and turned the Statesman into A sDrong Dupporter of Tony Blair S Leadership of the Labour Party. [31]

Tony Blair, and the Labour Party under him, and to this Day, are Controlled by Neo Conservatives, Proponents of US and UK Invasions, US UK Global Imperialism, such as to Conquer Both Russia and China. Blair had lied Right Along with US President George W Bush about “WMD in Iraq in Order to Conquer Iraq, which was on Friendly Terms with Russia. The Neo Conservatives Main Goal Now is to Conquer Russia It Self and, Just as the Over Throw of the Democratically Elected Yanukovych in Ukraine was Not A Democratic Operation, the Conquest of the Entire World by the Neo Conservatives, if It succeeds, also is Not. Any Conquest that S on the Basis of Deceit is Dictatorial, even if it S Not Directly achieved by Raw Force of Arms. This is the New Fascism, More Sophisticated than that of Hitler, and Benito Mussolini, and Hirohito. It S achieved More by Sanctions and Coups and Subversions, than by Directly Military Means. It S based More on Lies than on Arms.

Glenn Greenwald has More about This.

Glenn Greenwald – On Nuland S Testimony About Biological Facilities In Ukraine

Published Mar 11, 2022

Mar 10, 2022 – Glenn Greenwald discusses Victoria Nuland S Confession before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tucker Carlson S Fox News Program.


Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse S New book, AMERICA S EMPIRE OF EVIL Hitler S Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about How America took over the World after World War II in Order to enslave It to US and Allied Billionaires. Their Cartels extract the World S Wealth by Control of Not Only their ‘NewsMedia but the SocialSciences’, duping the Public.

Meer informatie

1 Comment

  1. Dit is ook kenmerkend voor de extreem kwaadwillende manipulators die psychopaten nu eenmaal zijn:

    Er zijn zoveel lagen ter onderdrukking van de waarheid en in de resulterende publicatie van gestapelde leugens, dat de realiteit bijna ontoegankelijk wordt voor het algemene publiek, dat geen enkel duidelijk begrip heeft van hoe massale misleiding (door haast buitenaards onnavolgbare psychopaten) wordt bekokstoofd.

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