DVO | De Vrije Omroep- Bill Gates Deleted Documentary, Why he Switched from Microsoft to Vaccines

Bill Gates Deleted Documentary, Why he Switched from Microsoft to Vaccines

Published January 8, 2023



Bill Gates Deleted Documentary, Why he Switched from Microsoft to Vaccines
This is the Source of this Re Edit and Since we Re Surfaced it with the Recognizable BLUE SCREEN and Sound Effects. It was Shared Millions of Times on Bitchute, Facebook and Other Platforms. This One has the Highest Quality.

  • Unmasked by the Justice Department in Exclusionary Practices Designed to Maintain Monopoly in Personal Computer Operating Systems.
  • Campaign to Change his Image from Ruthless Tech Monopoliser to the Worlds Most Generous Philanthropist and Start of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Branding Vaccines to the Poor Parts of the World.
  • Vaccine Investments bring A 20 to 1 Return 10 Billion -> 200 Billion Dollars.
  • Multi National Corporation, Seatle, Africa Asia.
  • Is the Worlds Biggest Private Philanthropy Causing Harm?
    Investments in 69 of the Worst Polluting Companies, Forcing People to Lose Homes, Supporting Child Labour, Fraude and Neglecting Patients (…)
  • WHO Sponsor, Donor.
  • The New Normal until A Vaccine is Developed.
  • Reagan Shielded Vaccine Makers for any Liability Making Wrong Products.
  • The US Citizens Pay for All Damages.
  • 2009 HPV Vaccines in India Causing Seizures, Cancer and Death, No Insurance No Assistance for the Victims.
  • Gates Foundation denied it did Not Do Clinical Trials on the Vaccines.
  • India created A Task Force that Kicked the Gates Foundation Out of the Country in 2015.
  • Now they are Back Doing the Old Tricks Again.
  • Manipulation through Public Media in India including Politicians and Bollywood.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms in Vaccines and Shooting them Right in the Vein.
  • The Vaccines Caused Paralyzing 640.000 Indian children, at least 496.000 Above Normal, 2012.
  • Fact Checkers Rushed in to Bury this Story, Therefor Search the NIH Web Site, National Library of Medicine.
  • Through Gavi Vaccine Alliance Bill Gates is Sued by the Poorest Countries in the World for Seriously Harming People and Children with his Vaccination Programs.
  • Africans are Used as Lab Rats by the foundation
  • Henry Kissinger and Jimmy Carter Wanted to Shrink the Populations So they Do Not Use the Resources of Their Land for Themselves.
  • African Population Control.

World Population Control

  • How can you Believe Big Pharma but Not the Parents when they Tell that Their Children have Been Injured by Big Pharma?
  • Mutant Stains of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis than Wild Polio!
  • Bill Gates Key Financer of the ‘Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment

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