DUTCH DIGGER NEWS | Katie Hopkins – On Russell Brand
On Russell Brand
Katie Hopkins On Russell Brand (video Dutch Diger | Telegram)
Dutch Digger News, 17 september 2023, 16:30
1. Thread on Russell Brand.
Russell Brand is in the club, no matter how much he appears to criticise what is going on. #RussellBrand pic.twitter.com/BxEdiXQhPM— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
2. Russell Brand has the freemasonic number 33 tattooed on this wrist but likes to say its just a tattoo, and he is not in the illuminati #33tattoo #russellbrand #russellbrand33 pic.twitter.com/ikCp2MPXDf
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
3. Russell Brand pic.twitter.com/5zzTfDYHcZ
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
4. Russell with his magik wand #russellbrand #magikwand pic.twitter.com/aRArnN4v2O
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
5. Russell Brand is perhaps most famous for being married to Katy Perry… #katyperry #russellbrand pic.twitter.com/HKhJkyeTqT
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
6. Katy Perry an obvious mind controlled slave -see short Katy Perry thread here https://t.co/tn37MToWSB
also saved on reseeit https://t.co/vCn1TR8BZx #katyperry #russellbrand #mindcontrol #mkultra— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
7. I have been told Russell was Katy’s handler. That fits. In this photo he is seen deliberately displaying an OBEY tag, which has undertones of the film They Live and of controlling… It may well be used as a mind control trigger #katyperry #russellbrand #obey #mindcontrol pic.twitter.com/AylngUs8N7
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
8. Russell is friends with Shepard Fairey of Obey Clothing whose logo is the 5 pointed star and he has an art website here… https://t.co/OsZUimQfS7 #shepardfairey #obey #obeyclothing pic.twitter.com/ENKiHJ2Wx3
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
9. Rusell Brand with mind controlled beta kittens Taylor Swift and Katie Perry. Katie Perry fans even called Katycats and Taylor famous for her cat symbolism. Note Brands finger by his lips… #betakittens #mindcontrolled #handler pic.twitter.com/UX96cZtLb1
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
10. Brand may well be using the Royal Master Degree freemasonic signal “placing the forefinger to the lips” which “tells one’s companions to keep silent” #handler #mindcontrol #mkultra pic.twitter.com/liKvdAbWFM
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
11. The cult comprises two main parts – the dark side and the light side (false light). In these times the dark side is deliberately being taken down so the system can be rebuilt phoenix like from the ashes, by the light side. See https://t.co/NT2sL9U8ne #darkside #lightside pic.twitter.com/xy3SqciBbW
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
12. The light side is worse than the dark side as they are more duplicitous. The dark side is almost openly evil. The light side is more deceptive and is meant to fool us when they rebuild. I would guess that Russell Brand is on the light side… #russellbrand
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
13. They ALL go through trauma based mind control and are taught that betrayal is a virtue – hence they are always deceiving each other. See this video for how that works https://t.co/LhfRU6IgCD #illuminati #betrayal #wealth
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
14. or for more see https://t.co/UZo4lkBqqG #illuminati #wealth
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
15. More understanding how they love deception is explained by Chuck Swindoll – Lucifer and Luciferians – Masters of Deception https://t.co/9ptE15aNxL #luciferian #deception
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
16. So you have a greedy bunch of mind controlled psychopaths with no compassion, bent on deception, fighting amongst themselves – where does Russell Brand fit in? #russellbrand pic.twitter.com/KrJCtxCYI2
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
17. I guess he is (false) light side, and if he is being exposed, it is because he has upset the wrong people in some way. Not because he is exposing anything in his Show 33 afaik, he is only articulating what many non system people think as a controlled opposition… #brand pic.twitter.com/a1jFsfJsaQ
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
18. The show does help him with any allegations as he can now say “I told you so, you cannot trust the mainstream media” and he is right. But we cannot trust Russell Brand as controlled opposition either. #RussellBrand pic.twitter.com/t1uJRngmBY
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
19. Very few leave the system, they are reprogrammed. You do not do the amount of occult signs he does if you are not in the system. #russellbrand pic.twitter.com/y7tfSJlyis
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
20. I will finish off with a few images – i am not sure what the anchor means in the occult – there are loads of people with it. If anyone does, then please comment. pic.twitter.com/zVkpAeT1tN
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
21. Here is Russell Brand kissing Noah Harari – Klaus Schwabs favourite transhumanist… #NoahHarari #transhumanism #KlausSchwab pic.twitter.com/PUnM85kx62
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
22. Tom Cruise I presume and Russell Brand throwing the devils horns signs pic.twitter.com/jvugriqGh8
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
23. Russell Brand in Jesus pose… pic.twitter.com/QzeKBlib9o
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
24. pic.twitter.com/pX30uNlNyg
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
25. pic.twitter.com/MNFE9qOq5M
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
26. Some say Russell has a REM clone for thse that want to follow that research pic.twitter.com/OLoPl78q2Z
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
27. Russell is wearing a dragonfly shirt, I hope that does not indicate dragonfly programming. According to Blood Ritual Monarch they have to have sex with reptilians… https://t.co/9YNVwU4gcG #dragonfly #dragonflyprogramming pic.twitter.com/P7WtIYioRL
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
28. Well it is Russell Brand that is the subject of Dispatches expose. Here is the Mail take on one of the 4 alleged assaults. This one was aged 16 when Brand was over 30. https://t.co/YXQf0t91jH #russellbrand #dispatches
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
29. Apparently Brand is due on stage now, but is late… https://t.co/OASh1us7c4 #russellbrand
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
30. Russell got ahead of the expose by a day and issued this statement https://t.co/TY3WhDLtAV #russellbrand
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
31. Apparently the allegations have been investigated by Dispatches – Channel 4, Sunday Times and Times both Murdoch owned, Rupert Murdoch himself one of the loose cannons of the cabal. So its a fair bet that Murdochs are a large part of the reason for expose of Russell Brand pic.twitter.com/vdfLXXGJ0I
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
32. I have not watched the programme, I do not watch TV, but many people are saying that the victims should have gone to the police rather than go to the media and prejudice a possible trial. Well yes if the system works but it doesnt and it is designed not to. Here is why…
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
33. The illuminati’s whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children. They control everything in the system, so do you think that they are going to construct and maintain a system that stops them doing what they do? Of course not. The system…
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
34. …system is designed to give an impression of democracy and justice which in fact can all be manipulated at Police stage, the CPS Prosecution stage, court process stage, court itself etc etc. Only the most obvious, stupid, vulnerable or those they choose get “justice”…
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
35. All the real predators and illuminati etc never get near court which is why the figures for succesful prosecutions for rape are so low. They control the whole system, see this post /thread https://t.co/dGhyvGRuHd
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
36. All of politicians / hollywood / music industry already have blackmail material against them, or else they are not allowed in. So when they decide to go against the system they can be destroyed. That could be happening to Brand but i still think he is controlled oppsition…
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 16, 2023
37… and its a show, a test, a warning or even an intra -illuminati manouevre. If Brand copes well and overcomes it he will be promoted in the system. Ever notice how all the people who do bad are promoted? pic.twitter.com/Qk7h39bcuZ
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
38. Why do they suffer from hypersexualisation, porn addictions, sex addictions, control issues, violence etc? – because they have been put through trauma based mind control programming themselves including sex abuse from very young age
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
39. Those who want to learn about mind control, read this thread https://t.co/5MbkrlLiOw #mkultra #mindcontrol #monarchmindcontrol
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
40. or even the current thread on Cisco Wheeler an ex Jesuit programmer https://t.co/0gLQ1kCbUp #mkultra #mindcontrol
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
41. If you doubt that the illuminati’s whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children, then find out why they torture children and what they use sex magik for… https://t.co/9YNVwU4gcG #bloodritualmonarch #sexmagik
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
42. Lara Logan explains how Luciferians think about children. https://t.co/41gwmb2f7A #laralogan #russellbrand #rustyrockets
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
43. The cabal are used to pulling this kind of media manoevre to divide and rule. You wanted a hero to speak out against the cult (but not actually reveal anything about HIS time in the cult)? Russell Brand pic.twitter.com/icFh9ssr4V
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
44. Why was Russell Brand still flicking the 666 yesterday? pic.twitter.com/mVFPFyNviu
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
45. Rise above the partisan, rise above the obvious. Dig a bit deeper and look at the puppetmasters pulling the strings and stings. Its been a great media play by the cabal, using Russell Brand, to divide and rule, whatever the truth of the allegations either way. pic.twitter.com/76CwxUb0MM
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
46. The Illuminati use the Judas Principle all the time. Kerth Barker explains “first get other people to trust you and when the time comes where there’s money to be made in betraying that trust you then betray them” https://t.co/LhfRU6IgCD #JudasPrinciple
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
47. Same Judas Principle in play here but nuanced. Russell Brand is told or allowed to badmouth the cabal. He builds up a following who “trust” him who dont know that it is his job as controlled opposition. He will be in a mind controlled alter that believes 100% in his role.
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
bye shill
— cathyfoxblog (@CathyCathyFox) September 17, 2023
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