DesiYaar – ये वीडियो आपकी यादास्त मिटा देगी | Illusion | Hallucination | Deception | Phantom | Mirage

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ये वीडियो आपकी यादास्त मिटा देगी | Illusion | Hallucination | Deception | Phantom | Mirage

Published on 7 feb. 2019

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An optical illusion (also called A visual illusion [2] is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by A visual percept that (loosely said) appears to differ from reality. Illusions come in A wide variety; their categorization is difficult because the underlying cause is often not clear [3] but A classification [1] [4] proposed by Richard Gregory is useful as an orientation. According to that, there are three main classes: physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions, and in each class there are four kinds: ambiguities, distortions, paradoxes, and fictions. A classical example for A physical distortion would be the apparent bending of A stick half immerced in water; an example for A physiological paradox is the motion aftereffect (where despite movement position remains unchanged). An example for A physiological fiction is an afterimage. Three typical cognitive distortions are the Ponzo, Poggendorff, and Müller Lyer illusion. Physical illusions are caused by the physical environment, exempli gratia by the optical properties of water. Physiological illusions arise in the eye or the visual pathway, exempli gratia from the effects of excessive stimulation of A specific receptor type. Cognitive visual illusions are the result of unconscious inferences and are perhaps those most widely known.

Pathological visual illusions arise from pathological changes in the physiological visual perception mechanisms causing the aforementioned types of illusions; they are discussed exempli gratia under visual hallucinations.
Optical Illusions reveal how the Mind processes time and space, and they illustrate the ways that our Minds make assumptions about the World around us and how these assumption are often untrue.

Source Wikipedia

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The first form of primitive optical illusions can be traced back to the Ancient Greeks and Aristotle, who pioneered the Waterfall Illusion.” However, the field of optical illusions really only began to gain real traction in the nineteenth century, with the advent of common, primitive illusions such as The Ebbinghaus Illusion and The Muller Lyer Illusion, for example.

In the twentieth century, competition developed between scientists and Artists surrounding optical illusions, and that S when things really took off.

Scientists David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel won A Nobel Prize in nineteen eighty one for their work related to the field of perception. In the nineteen sixties and seventies an artistic style, called “Optical Art,” developed under the mastery of Victor Vasarely. And moving on into the twenty first century, we saw the resurgence in optical illusion research within theoretical neurobiology, and A whole host of “classic coffee table illusions” developed. The most famous of these were The Hering IIlusion, The Necker Cube Illusion, and The Hermann Grid Illusion.
In the end, our brains take shortcuts, and they choose the most likely interpretation of what it thinks our eyes are seeing at the time. This happens for A number of reasons. For example, colour enables us to differentiate between objects, and also see A greater number of objects. This is an adaptation that evolved to assist with our survival. Our brains are used to A World of colour. So when colour is removed, we have A hard time interpreting what is going on.




This optical illusion was named after Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner and consists of parallel lines that appear to be diagonal. You may need A ruler for this one.


Titchener Circles

Also known as the Ebbinghaus Illusion, there is still A debate in psychological circles as to the exact mechanism and implication of this effect. Essentially, the orange circle on the left appears to be smaller than the one on the right although in reality they are the same size.


Forced Perspective

Forced perspective is one of the best tricks that illusion makers can use to trick our visual receptors. It can make certain shapes appear completely different from specific angles.


Ponzo Illusion


Lilac chaser

Also known as the Pac man illusion, if you stare at the center cross for A couple seconds you will begin to perceive A green disco going around the circle of magenta discs. After A few more seconds the magenta discs will gradually begin to fade away until all you see is A green disc going in A circle around the cross (if you RE having trouble seeing this optical illusion move closer to the screen).


Café Wall illusion

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