Cor Hendriks – Wie is Nisrok (2)

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Similarities between Sumerian Anki and Vedic Agni by Jean-Yves Lung: On an Assyrian seal, we see the two liberations, of the waters and of the sun, closely associated as if in one event: the rising of the sun supported by the star goddess Ishtar (the morning star Venus) coincides with the joining of the waters from above with the waters from below, in the presence of two apkallu. Zie artikel (zie hieronder).

We hebben in de vorige aflevering gezien, dat de apkallu nauw verbonden zijn met Enki, ook wel Ea, en met de apsû. Ik volg vanaf hier het artikel van Jean-Yves Lung over de overeenkomsten van de Soemerische Enki of Akkadische Ea met de Vedische Agni, dat aanvangt met een beschrijving van de iconografische representaties van Enki of Ea op de cylinderzegels van Mesopotamië.

Enki of Ea wordt de god van de ondergrondse Wateren genoemd. Hij schiep het mensenras om de goden te helpen kanalen te graven voor de bevrijding van de rivieren. Hij is middelaar tussen de goden en de mensen, meestal ten gunste van de laatsten. Als god van de zoete wateren is hij verbonden met de rivieren, die in zichzelf onderscheiding en oordeel hebben. Hij staat aan het begin van het stromen van de Tigris en Eufraat, geschapen door zijn vruchtbaarheid gevende kracht. Zijn verblijf is de Abzu of Apsû, het ondergrondse water. Als de god van kennis is hij de intelligentste en bekwaamste. met de tekst: “Enki in his abode in the lower waters (Sumerian Abzu; Akkadian Apsû). He is represented here standing, ready to come out.” met de tekst: “Enki releasing the waters: He has the power to release the waters, which on this seal represent the stream of knowledge and wisdom. met de tekst: “Enki and the fishes: Fishes are often represented swimming up the flow of waters that descend from Enki’s shoulders.On the left, the symbol of the sun is visible above two praying figures. A king with a scourge masters an enemy. met de tekst: “Enki’s assistants, the wise fish-men, Apkallu: The fish is also the symbol of Enki’s assistants, the seven Apkallu, sages and experts, “created in the river” (one of them is named “Utuabzu”, the Sun in or of the Abzu).” met de tekst: “The Sun god in the Mountain: A god, (probably Shamash the Sun-god) lies helplessly inside the mountain. Another god awakes him, in the presence of the goddess Ishtar (right). Then, the god emerges mastering an animal (left).” met de tekst: “The two liberations coincide: On an Assyrian seal, we see the two liberations, of the waters and of the sun, closely associated as if in one event: the rising of the sun supported by the star goddess Ishtar (the morning star Venus) coincides with the joining of the waters from above with the waters from below, in the presence of two apkallu. met de tekst: “Enki assisting the liberation of the Sun: On the seal of Adda, where the waters flow downward from his shoulders, with fishes swimming up the two streams, Enki is associated with the sun rising out of the twin mountains in the presence of Inanna/Ishtar (the morning star Venus) and another god.

De bovenstaande cilinderzegels bevatten een algemene betekenis: we zien de bevrijding van de wateren en van de zon gevierd en onderling verbonden, met de godin Ishtar als een actief element, die hen mogelijk maakt; we zien de overwinning over de berg geassocieerd met hen, met de zonnegod erin opgesloten en eruit komend of erop stappend wanneer hij oprijst of de demon bevechtend die tegen de berg leunt; we zien Enki of Ea op de berg stappen om de oprijzende zon te helpen en we zien Enki gesymboliseerd bij een pilaar of een boom geworteld op de berg en opstijgend naar de oprijzende zon; we zien Enki als de berggeit op de berg stappen en klimmen op wat gewoonlijk ‘de levensboom’ wordt genoemd.

Vanuit de bovenstaande afbeeldingen kunnen we enige conclusies trekken ten aanzien van Enki’s rol als een god: eerst verblijvend in de lagere wateren neemt hij de beweging van een vis aan om de stroom op te zwemmen naar de oerbron; als een berggeit is hij dezelfde opklimmende kracht om de berg te beklimmen en de boom, op weg naar de bloemen ervan; als een gevleugelde berggeit heeft hij toegang tot de hemel zelf, waar de zon opkomt. Hij schijnt daarom de verborgen god te symboliseren die achtereenvolgens de wateren opwekt, dan de aarde en hemel, in een opstijgende beweging. In zijn volle ontwaken (wat verbonden schijnt met de bevrijding van de zon met dageraad), giet hij de wateren van bovenaf, waarvan de stromen samenvoegen met de wateren van beneden.
RACHEL JENSEN heeft dit bewaard op CYLINDER SEALS: Cylinder seal and modern impression: bull-men flanking deity above sacred tree; winged deity holding horned animal heads.
Yavuz Yenilmez heeft dit bewaard op Ancient Seal: Rose quartz cylinder seal from the Neo-Assyarian period ca. 900-730 B.C. The worshipper points to the sacred tree below the winged disk of Assur. The god is on the platform. The seven globes in the field represent the Pleiades. The tasseled spade is a symbol of the god Marduk. H. 3.13 cm; diam. 1.42 cm. Gorelick collection.
Deze zegel is te vinden – met de tekst – op van de site met de tekst: “An Assyrian carnelian cylinder seal depicting a Worshipper on the left and a god on the right.”
Zie ook
The Cylinder of Adda. En: Serpentine cylinder seal showing gods. Hay Huy heeft dit bewaard op Fertile: The hunt
Pabilsag: Human + Scorpion + Bull: Pa Bil Sag (or Pabilsag) was the tutelary god for the city of Isin in Mesopotamian mythology. He is connected to the lost city of Larak and was the consort of the goddess Nininsinna.
oimoi doy heeft dit bewaard op ANE: Neo-Assyrian Agate Cylinder Seal, 8th-7th Century BC. Engraved with two scenes; the first shows a triple or four-faced bearded god (god of the four winds?) in a winged solar disc above a Sacred Tree or Tree of Life, a bull above each wing, with standing bull-men flanking the tree. The second scene shows a bearded hero standing upon an ibex, holding two winged lions by a hind leg, a bird perched on their tails, with a star on either side, and a running ibex on either side below. (From
Linda Kassner heeft dit bewaard op Intaglio and Cylinder Seals: Cylinder seal | Neo-Hittite; Late Babylonian; Neo-Assyrian.
Tomas the Lapidary’s Jewelry heeft dit bewaard op Neo-Assyrian Empire ~934-609 BCE: A NEO-ASSYRIAN CHALCEDONY CYLINDER SEAL CIRCA 8TH-7TH CENTURY B.C. Engraved with a winged bearded genius standing between two rearing winged sphinxes, with seven globes above, a line border above and below 1 in. (2.5 cm.) long
Raleighwood DriftwoodManor heeft dit bewaard op Annunaki Lore: Inanna and the Huluppu Tree.
oimoi doy heeft dit bewaard op ANE: Egyptianized Near Eastern Hematite Cylinder Seal, Syria, 1820-1730 BC
In the area that corresponds roughly with the boundaries of modern Syria and Lebanon, there arose in the first half of the second millennium BC many centers of culture that maintained contact with lands both to the east and the west. The seals produced in this region – in a number of local styles – often bear imagery and stylistic features that relate them to Egyptian and Aegean art.

The main scene on this cylinder seal depicts a worshiper (probably the king) before a divinity, who holds a vase (?) and is seated above two human-headed bulls. The god is enthroned on a stool with lion legs of a type known from actual contemporary remains in wood and ivory from both Egypt and Anatolia. The smaller images include a sphinx wearing an Egyptian crown, attacking an antelope; an ankh, the Egyptian symbol for life; a winged solar disc representing Shamash over a recumbent crescent moon representing Sin; two eight pointed stars representing Ishtar; a kneeling bird-man under a plait-like motif which probably represents subterranean fresh water; a quadruped and a monkey are in front of the king, possibly as sacrificial offerings to the seated god.

Op deze site zijn de boven beschreven medische operaties te zien (bij Damu). Verder de strijd van Ninurta met Anzu.

Apkallu Seal
Apkallu Seal

Enki en Apkallu

Enki en Apkallu

Enkli heeft als vizier de twee gezichten hebbende Isimud (Isimud-Usma)

Enlil, Inanna, Utu, Enki en Isimud

Enlil, Inanna, Utu, Enki en Isimud Enki depicted on Adda Seal (c. 2300 BC), Image credit: British Museum – – Modern city Abu Shahrain holds traces of one of the earliest and most sacred cities of the Sumerians – Eridu (E.RI.DU – ‘Home in the Faraway Built’).

It was founded by and belonged to Enki, the mysterious god of the deep wisdom and magic. Enki was in charge of Earth prior to the arrival of his brother Enlil who is said to have brought civilization to Sumer at this point, or just shortly before. Also known as ‘Eridug’ (‘mighty place’ or ‘guidance place’), Eridu was located in the desert south of the Euphrates, only 12 km southwest from Ur. Today, it is only a group of hills, covered with sand accompanied by a badly preserved ziggurat built by son of Shulgi, Amar-Sin (‘immortal moon-god’) also known as Nanna, and the third king of the Ur Third Dynasty.


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Made of agate showing a centaur (possibly Pabilsag) with a bow and arrow attacking a winged-lion (possibly a gryphon) demon. In the field is a star, a crescent, a fish (below the centaur), and scattered globes. The borders have a scroll pattern with drillings.

The Babylonian god Pabilsag was the precursor to our Sagittarius, the Archer. The image of the horse-centaur can only be traced back to the middle of the 2nd millennium (Kassite period in Mesopotamia) however the figure is undoubtedly older since the constellation name appears in the star-lists of the preceding Old Babylonians. The Old Babylonian period Pabilsag was identified with the god Ninurta. Little else is known about him exept like Ninurta, he was a son of Enlil. The earliest evidence of his worship can be dated to the 3rd millennium BC. He was the patron deity of the ancient city of Larak, which has not been located yet, but is possibly in the vicinity of Isin (modern Ishan al-Bahriyat, Iraq).

The familiar image of the Greek constellation as a horse-centaur armed with a bow and arrow is actually a simplified version of the Babylonian figure, which has been portrayed in several forms and combinations. Sometimes it has a set of wings, a scorpion’s tail and the head of a dog. Babylonian mythology says that Pabilsag’s family were represented in the constellations as well. His wife, the healing goddess Ninisina or Gula has the dog as her divine symbol, which may explain why some images of Pabilsag have a dog’s head coming out of his shoulders. Other depictions omit the wings or dog’s head and replace its back legs with those of a bird, while some images look more like the Greek version of a centaur.
Achaemenid Cylinder Seal with Horned Cattle, 5th Century BC: A red speckled stone cylinder seal with frieze of a squatting female figure facing to the front and holding a pair of long horned cattle by the tips of the horns; below a running frieze of geometric pattern; between the cattle a vase with water and plants coming from the top.

Zie het interessante verhaal over Mesopotamische godheden op
(vooral Inanna).

god-enlil-killing-sun-goddess (foto truthcontrol)
God Enlil killing sun goddess (foto Truthcontrol)

Volgens is dit “The sumerian god enlil, with his bow by his side.” “Sumerian sun goddess being stabbed by the god Enlil with a dagger.” Notice how the sun goddess only has one eye?
Meer over Enlil:
En: met de eerdere afbeelding met de leeuw.

Enki met vogel-Apkallu: Syllis Jehane heeft dit bewaard op Art: Cylinder seal: god with flowing vase; griffin demon

Koning (?) met papavers naast levensboom
Lianna Moon heeft dit bewaard op Ancient History: Griffin Demon Tearing Branch from Tree Cylinder seal and impression Mesopotamia, Middle Assyrian period (ca. twelfth/eleventh century B.C.)
Akkadian Cylinder Seal With A Rare Goddess, 2254-2193 BC. This seal was dedicated to a little-known goddess, Ninishkun, who is shown interceding on the owner’s behalf with the great goddess Ishtar. Ishtar places her right foot upon a roaring lion, which she restrains with a leash. The scimitar in her left hand and the weapons sprouting from her winged shoulders indicate her war-like nature.

Cylinder zegel uit Mesopotamië. Ea in de gedaante van een vis, Ahura Mazda als vliegende schijf, links Mardoeks draak en speer
1st Millennium seal showing a worshipper and a fish-garbed sage before a stylised tree with a crescent moon & winged disk set above it. Behind this group is another plant-form with a radiant star and the Star-Cluster (Pleiades cluster) above. In the background is the dragon of Marduk with Marduk’s spear and Nabu’s standard upon its back.

Zie ook:

Deze gevleugelde genie of apkallu was een van de bewakers van de privékamers van koning Assurnasirpal II in Nimrud. Zijn functie was om de Assyrische monarch te beschermen tegen de demonen. 9e eeuw v. C. British Museum, Londen.
Bij deze foto:
plidqne heeft dit bewaard op Baja mesopotamia (Acadios Sumerios) – Relieve asirio del Palacio de Jorsabad (S.VIII a.C. París, M.Louvre). En el palacio de Dur-Sharrukin, se aprecia un cambio en los recursos expresivos por el cambio que ideologico monárquico. El poder absoluto del rey ya no recae en lo militar, toma mayor importancia lo político. Su imagen empieza a transmitirse sin necesidad de violencia. Se dará un cambio en los temas y aparecen nuevas escenas. Las batallas pasan a ocupar un segundo plano.
Assyrian angel
This Assyrian “angel” from the ancient city of Khorsabad, which 721-705 b. C. (in what is now north-eastern Iraq) is also on show in the museum’s Assyrian Gallery.

Genio guerreiro, época assíria, reino de Sargão II, c. 721-705 (foto Clemente Pavan)

Genio guerreiro, época assíria, reino de Sargão II, ca. 721-705 (foto clemente pavan)

Afbeelding van vis-apkallu met een dode:
Hier ook over de bisschopsmijter. :

Genaamd: Tammuz of Babylon.
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kliocity00 heeft dit bewaard op fantastic-mythus: bird-headed apkallu (antediluvian sage)) that dates back to the 9th or the 8th century BC.
M. C. Dec heeft dit bewaard op Pine Cones: Nimrud Ivory Plaque with Bearded Warrior Holding Bucket and Pine Cone North Syrian, Nimrud, 8th century B.C.
BCE Fish-man or water-sprite. Terracotta figurine (8th-7th BCE) Length 12 cm Nr. 3337 Iraq Museum, Baghdad, Iraq: | Pinterest |
Zie meer op deze site (ook de vorige, andere datum: 6-7e e.)
Note this fish-man god is holding one of those mysterious “baskets” seen in ancient artifacts around the world, as well as the symbolic pine cone.
Sumerian Fish God Carrying The Ceremonial Ritual of Water Bucket and Pine Cone.
Ancient Enthusiast-Æ heeft 42 nieuwe foto’s toegevoegd.
4 september 2015 ·
The Mysterious Bag/Satchel – Part 1

We see a similar hand held satchel or bag depicted in many cultures, from Gobekli Tepe to Mexico. There are many actual stone handled bag like artifacts that match what we see in relief carvings. What could these possibly be intended to represent? What was their purpose…or perhaps a better question, what was their function? (22:48) ‘Handbags and Pinecones – Where Are They Now?’ van J Sonders. gepubliceerd op 21 okt. 2017. Tekst: ‘I say pinecone but I mean pinecone shaped object.
“Pinecone” and handbag photos show amazing similarities. What are they really? I sure don’t know. Pineal gland my behind! It seems the real explanation of what the “kit” is all really about has been buried in lies, omissions and deceptions. Yes, the little alien grey is a fake but it looked hilarious.’ (29.555 views; 424 reacties) (15:02) ‘What’s Inside the Sumerian Bag? Secret Knowledge of a Lost Ancient Civilisation | Ancient Architects’ van Ancient Architects, gepubliceerd op 11 okt. 2017 (278.141 views; 1302 reacties). Tekst: ‘From ancient #Aboriginal art of Australia and the megalithic site of #GobekliTepe in Turkey to the imagery of Ancient #Mesopotamia, we find mysterious depictions of a handbag, man bag or bucket? Just what is it? Find out how the sacred knowledge of a lost civilisation has permeated every ancient culture and religion right the way up to the present day. Images taken from Google Images for educational purposes only. For more in depth research, check out the website of researcher Bruce Fenton at (February 8, 2017) met de titel ‘Ancient Handbags in Stone and Art – True Origin and Meaning Revealed’. (6:33) ‘The Secret of the handbag in ancient stone carvings and statues – Ancient Knowledge?’ van UFO Today, gepubliceerd op 16 mrt. 2017 (147.139 views; 509 reacties). Tekst: ‘The goal of this video is to show how the handbag motive is present in several ancient cultures dating back as far as 10.000 years BC. I don’t have to answer to question what the symbol of the handbag means in all these cultures, but at the end of the video we’re going to explore a couple of theories. I’ll start with the pictures form ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, since these are the most know to most people. Mesopotamia was the historical area between the 2 rivers the Tigris and the Euphrates. It contained parts of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Koeweit. This area is known as the cradle of civilization. To use a chronological order we’ll have to start with the recent archeological discovery of Gobekli Tepe which was excavated by a team of archeologist led by Klaus Schmidt in 1996. Gobekli Tepe is situated in Turkey and is believed to be an early Neolithic sanctuaries used as a holy site dating back as far as 10.000 BC. During the excavations this interesting stone carving was discovered. You can clearly see a stylized depiction of 3 handbags. That’s only the start for our handbag mystery throughout ancient times. The handbag is also connected to the history of the Annunaki, who represent a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamia. During the time of the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, Assyrians and the Etruscans the handbag motive is dominating stone carvings and statues as we can see from these examples. It’s interesting to note that the handbag was often shown in combination with the so called tree of life. The image of the tree of life can be found in many different civilizations and there is no consensus regarding it’s meaning. In most cases it represents interconnectedness of all sentient beings. They may give us a clue about the true meaning of the handbag motive. To my knowledge there are no stone carvings in ancient Egypt that depict people or deities carrying a handbag, but of course we all know the images of people carrying the Ankh. According to most Egyptologist the Ankh represents “life” and is often seen in the proximity of a diety. In most cases the diety will be carrying the Ankh. Is it possible that the Ankh represents the same symbol as the handbag in Mesopotamian cultures? Let’s cross the ocean to South America where the handbag motive is also very noticeable. At the archeological site La Venta in Mexico this interesting stone carving was found. It clearly shows us a man carrying a handbag that looks very familiar. How did this symbol crossed the ocean and why is it, again, depicted in so many important stone carvings and statues. Another example of the handbag can be found in Tula, another archeological site situated in Mexico that was developed during the times of the Toltecs after the fall of Teotihuacan. These statues depict ancient warrior and if we looks closely we see that they too are carrying the familiar handbag. In several Mexican museums you can find numerous other examples. Even in Indonesia we find ancient stone carvings with a stylized version of the handbag. So now we have established the fact that handbags are a very present motive in ancient art, but we haven’t answered the question on what this symbol means. To this day, there is no clear answer why ancient art put so much focus on this item. One theory suggests that the handbag is the tool used for gathering food (berries, small animals, eggs etc) and that’s the reason why it was so important to these cultures. There is no doubt that in ancient times people would have used handbags to gather food, but that does not explain why it was so prominently depicted in their art. Espially the carvings that show important deities and gods. My personal view on this symbol is linked to the ancient aliens theory. I noticed that this symbol was used in combination with the tree of life and the annunaki. I get the impression that handbag stands for the knowledge that the ancient gods were handing over to humanity. The myth of the gods coming down to earth and give their knowledge to mankind is as old as these carvings and can also be found across the earth. Think of the Annunaki, the Aztec stories of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, to name a few. There are many many more examples of these stories in which the gods share their knowledge with us. Could it be that the bag did actually contained certain technology that is still unknown to mankind?’ (4:31) “’Handbag of the Gods’ Ancient Civilizations and the Great Flood”, van The Lost History Channel TKTC, gepubliceerd op 19 dec. 2017 (18.547 views; 153 reacties). Tekst: ‘When we look at Ancient depictions of the Gods we scrutinize every little detail, we come to conclusions of the objects that are present with the Gods without really understanding what they are, all we basically do is compare these things to other objects that exist in modern times and class them as insignificant. But what if we were to tell you that one such object has been present throughout History and depicted by Civilizations all around the World for thousands of Years.’ (6:28) ‘Out of Place – Annunaki Handbags’, van Archeodoku, gepubliceerd op 25 mrt. 2017 (3250 views; 30 reacties). Tekst: ‘Mysterious Handbags are depicted all over the world. There purpose for humanity is unknown, but it seems to be a key for the wisdom and knowledge of our ancient ancestors.’ (13:20) ‘Sumerians, Anunnaki and Nibiru: The Truth | Ancient Architects’, van Ancient Architects, gepubliceerd op 8 aug. 2018 (44.480 view; 1111 reacties). Tekst: ‘Browsing the internet and scanning YouTube, the subject of the Ancient #Sumerians is dominated by click-bate tales of #Anunnaki overlords, the so-called planet #Nibiru that we’re told is on its way back time and time again, but never materialises, the genetically-engineered human slave race that mined gold and many other interpretations that have been taken by so many to be real historical accounts of our ancient past. The popularisation of the Sumerian myths is based on translations of cuneiform tablets made by #ZechariaSitchin, and this has triggered a generation of ancient aliens theorists who have promoted the myth of overlord gods who from heaven to earth came. The foundation for the theory is Sitchin’s series of Earth Chronicles books where he talks of a group of mythical beings known as the Anunnaki, who he claimed crossed their own DNA with that of Homo erectus in order to create humankind. And the reason? To use humans as slaves to mine gold and other precious minerals to save their planet. And surprisingly, this is a narrative believed by so many. (9:56) ‘THE ANNUNAKI HANDBAG THE SUMERIAN HANDBAG NIBIRU THE FOUR CONERS OF NATURE’ van HUMANITY ANCIENT HISTORY, gepubliceerd op 6 okt. 2017 (4.061 views en 25 reacties). [Vaag]

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