Cor Hendriks – Qanon Extra (4): De Fake News Media zijn de vijand van het volk (de Covington affaire)

Zondagavond in het late nieuws werd bericht over de zogeheten ‘Covington-affaire’ en uiteraard was het item overgenomen van de Amerikaanse Fake News Media en dus werd volkomen het tegenovergestelde gerapporteerd van wat in werkelijkheid plaatshad. Een paar dagen ervoor had de Mainstream Media al in zijn hemd gestaan met het zogeheten ‘Buzzfeed artikel’ (zie hiervoor (45:53) ‘The Media is Shameful yet Shameless | The Andrew Klavan Show Ep. 641’ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019. Tekst: ‘It’s not the constant errors that condemn the media, it’s the bias to the point of corruption.’ Ook de Covington affaire wordt door hem besproken evenals de zogeheten ‘Women’s March’, waarop alleen de ‘left’ was uitgenodigd.)

Black Hebrew Israelites shouting - You give faggots rights

Black Hebrew Israelites shouting – You give faggots rights

De hele kwestie was een zogeheten ‘nothing-burger’, d.w.z. een hoop gedoe om niets. Wat was er aan de hand? Een groep scholieren heeft meegedaan aan de ProLife mars en staat bij het Lincoln Memorial te wachten op de bus. Vlakbij hen staat een groepje van 4 zogeheten Black Hebrew Israelites, die provocerende teksten uitbrullen, die duidelijk bedoeld zijn om de jongeren te shockeren, maar ze laten zich er niet door provoceren en gaan over tot het scanderen van de schoolleuze (ze roepen niet ‘Build that wall’, zoals de Indiaan claimt in het interview, dat hij met CNN had en waarin hij een opzettelijk foutieve weergave van de gebeurtenissen geeft).

The crying, lying Indian complaining about a wall in Indian land

The crying, lying Indian complaining about a wall in Indian land

Toen kwam de Indiaan naar het groepje scholieren, op zijn trommel slaand en een onduidelijk lied zingend. De scholieren doen met hem mee in een poging de negers te overstemmen, die dingen zeggen als dat Trump een homo is, die Giuliani in een jurk kust: reuze grof dus, maar daar horen we niets over in de fake MSM, waar geklaagd wordt over de scholieren, die zich respectloos gedroegen tegenover een indiaan, een oorlogsveteraan nog wel, van de Vietnam-oorlog. Ze zouden hem omsingeld hebben, etc. Maar het was allemaal gelogen. Zoals te zien is op de uitgebreide video, die een van de 4 ‘negers’ maakte, kwam de Indiaan zelf naar de jongelui en behandelden zij hem niet negatief, meer als een curiositeit. En het was niet de verguisde scholier, die voor de Indiaan ging staan, maar de Indiaan, die voor de jongen ging staan, slaand op zijn drum, waarna een ‘staring contest’ plaats had. Toen de bus kwam, gingen de jongens weg en was de kwestie voorbij. Maar op TV werd een clip van een halve minuut uitgezonden, waarin de Indiaan de jongen confronteert en meteen brak de waanzin uit: de jongen krijgt doodsbedreigingen en ook zijn ouders en familieleden worden bedreigd.

De Black Israelite videomaker

De Black Israelite videomaker

Enige voorbeelden van de Fake News Media zien hier te zien: (3:21) ‘Outrage over viral video of encounter between teens and Native Americans’ van ABC News, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (406.574 v; 8.728 r). Tekst: ‘The video shows an encounter between teens wearing “Make America Great Again” hats and a Native American veteran.’ (4:12) ‘Native American elder Nathan Phillips, teen Nick Sandmann give versions of encounter’ van Washington Post, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (292.258 v; 3.547 r). Tekst: ‘Omaha elder Nathan Phillips told The Post his version of the incident that went viral on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. High school student Nick Sandmann released a statement giving his account of what happened.’ (3:53) ‘Native American mocked by ‘MAGA’ hat-wearing teens speaks out’ van CNN, gepubliceerd op 19 jan. 2019 (714.641 v; 31.183 r). Tekst: ‘Nathan Phillips, a Native American elder with the Omaha tribe, shares how he felt after he was mocked by a crowd of teenagers wearing “Make America Great Again” hats during the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington.’
Gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (4:01) ‘2nd video offers new context to Kentucky boys taunting Native American activist’ van CBS This Morning, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (325.427 v; 4.845 r). (8:14) ‘Native American man seen in viral video of confrontation speaks out’ van CBS News (6:07) ‘Media quick to slam teens in confrontation with Native American’ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (157.945 v; 3.500 r). (6:48) ‘Covington Catholic chaperone: Our kids were targeted’ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (48.674 v; 2.480 r). Tekst: ‘A mother who chaperoned Covington Catholic students during their trip to Washington says the now-viral confrontation with Native American activists was a result of Black Hebrew Israelites throwing ‘horrific insults’ at the teens. Jill Hamlin speaks out on ‘Fox & Friends.’’

Op YouTube zijn vele video’s te zien, die door het verhaal heen prikken, omdat al snel andere video’s verschenen, waarin de hele context te zien was. Een van de beste commentaren is die van Matt Walsh, zie (41:43) ‘The Despicable Campaign Against Covington Catholic Boys | The Matt Walsh Show Ep. 180’ van The Daily Wire, live gestreamd op 21 jan. 2019 (19.542 v; 225 r). Tekst: ‘Today on the show, a group of Catholic school boys have been hideously defamed and slandered and smeared all over the internet and the media. We will sort through this issue and figure out who the real bad guys are in the situation. Also, a company responds to that Gillette ad with an ad of their own, and it’s pretty great. Finally, I’ll answer some of your emails.’ [Vanaf 28:00 over de Gillette reclame, waaraan ik de volgende Red Pill aflevering zal wijden.] Een korte video is (4:39) ‘MAGA Boys Didn’t Start The Fight’ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (14.403 v; 191 r). Tekst: ‘Matt Walsh reacts to the controversy between a Native American man and the Covington Catholic school boys near the Lincoln Memorial.’

Ben Garrison - Indian banging his drum in the kid's face

Ben Garrison – Indian banging his drum in the kid’s face

Een andere goed geïnformeerde en zeer geïnteresseerde commentator is Tim Pool, die meerdere video’s maakte, omdat de zaak zich blijft ontwikkelen, zie (18:42) ‘The Truth About “MAGA Kids” And The Native Americans’ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (236.804 v; 6.027 r). Tekst: ‘The Truth About “MAGA Kids” And The Native Americans. Its a complicated situation but its certainly fair to everyone is losing their minds of fake reports and fake news. The Trump supporter kids did not approach the native american man Nathan Phillips, in fact it was the other way around. The kids ere arguing against a known group of hateful people when the Natives approached about an hour later. Please watch the video before making your judgement and know that this video is not presenting every single point of argument. I simply wanted to create a timeline of events and present some context.’ En (13:49) ‘Native Activists Lied, Media Covered For Them in MAGA Incident’ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (96.427 v; 3.366 r). Tekst: ‘Native Activists Lied, Media Covered For Them in MAGA Incident. Why didn’t major new outlets look for proof? Why didn’t they try to get a statement from the Convington kids themselves? Media outlets pumped out fake news without doing any work to fact check any of it. The lies were even provably false in the main videos yet regardless CNN and others put Nathan Phillips on TV and let him lie about what happened. We now know as the story unravels that it was all fake news and that the activists were acting in solidarity with the Hebrew Israelites and later lied about how it all went down.’ En (13:35) ‘Blue Check Leftists Quietly PURGE Tweets From MAGA Kids Incident’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (101.336 v; 2.857 r). Tekst: ‘I looked up the tomahawk thing, I get it now, was definitely wrong’. En (15:18) ‘#CovingtonGate: We Are Entering The Real CIVIL WAR 2.0’ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (80.110 v; 3.972 r). Tekst: ‘#CovingtonGate is the most extreme culture war battle we have ever seen. Never before have so many far leftists, celebrities, news outlets, joined in a campaign against kids. Even after thousands of high profile blue check personalities called for action against the Covington Catholic kids Twitter has done NOTHING. If this behavior is acceptable we can only assume it is about to get as bad as it could get. Nathan Phillips has lied repeatedly about what happened, and now activists are using old photos and out of context videos to try and justify their mob against these kids. The left is refusing to back down and we can only assume it will get worse from here. We are going to see be entering the real civil war 2.0’. [Niet bekeken: (12:08) ‘MAGA Incident Native Accused of LYING About Being In Vietnam’ van Timcast; (11:56) ‘#CovingtonGate HARASSER FIRED!! MAGA Kid Incident Gets Leftist Fired’ van Timcast; (11:01) ‘#CovingtonGate EXPOSED The Massive Media Bias Against Conservatives’ van Timcast.] En (12:05) ‘Media Hit On Trump Supporters BACKFIRES Proves They Are Fake News’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (31.094 v; 1.495 r).

De zaak blijft zich ontwikkelen en neemt zelfs internationale proporties aan, nu de jongens van Covington zijn uitgenodigd om naar Polen te komen, zie de video van de bekende commentator Steve Turley, eerst (12:06) ‘The RACIAL NARRATIVE Surrounding the COVINGTON Students Video COLLAPSES!!!!’ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (7.313 v; 381 r). Tekst: ‘THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS PRESIDENT!!! Even so-called ‘conservative leaders’ bought the mainstream media’s racial accusations!!!’ Here’s the longer video: (1:46:18) ‘mirror of Shar Yaqataz Banyamyan facebook video’ van M Vav, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (1.113.667 v; 5.321 r). En dan (10:00) ‘POLISH POLITICIAN Invites ‘FALSELY ACCUSED’ Covington Students to Speak Before PARLIAMENT!!!’ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (12.515 v; 572 r). Tekst: ‘Find out how the nationalist populist world is standing together!!!’ Voor de Gillette reclame, zie de volgende aflevering van de Red Pill serie.

De hele video is ook uitgebracht als (1:46:19) ‘Full video of what really Happened with the Covington Catholic High students’ van Diamond and Silk – The Viewers View, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (36.543 v; 321 r).

De hoeveelheid video’s, die in de afgelopen dagen over het onderwerp gemaakt zijn, is overweldigend en ik had niet de tijd om ze allemaal te bekijken. Ik beperk me dus tot die video’s, die ik bekeken heb en geef een lijst van de andere aan het eind. (41:47) ‘The Kids Are Alright | The Michael Knowles Show Ep. 283’ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (12.482 v; 234 r). Tekst: ‘The mainstream media vents their daddy issues by baselessly smearing teenagers from Covington High School. We will analyze the leftist character assassins and the quasi-conservatives who aided and abetted the slander. Then, the MSM assail Ben for refusing to murder a baby. Finally, MLK goes to the mountaintop.’ (11:20) ‘The Truth About the “MAGA Kids” Story’ van The Red Elephants Vincent James, gepubliceerd op 19 jan. 2019 (17:09) ‘This is Why the Mainstream Lied, and Why They Believed Them’ van The Red Elephants Vincent James, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (61.396 v; 2.188 r). (19:52) ‘The Smirk that Awakened the Masses’ van The Red Elephants Vincent James, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (52.156 v; 2.317 r). Tekst: ‘Trump sticks up for the covington catholic kids after the following media outlets got the covington catholic story completely wrong. Now there are demonstrations outside their school and the diocese CNN, Buzzfeed, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, Fox, huffington post, every journalist, etc etc etc.’ (11:23) ‘Why The Media Manipulates The Masses And Manufactures Outrage!’ Van WeAreChange, in première gegaan op 21 jan. 2019 (22.273 v; 565 r). Tekst: ‘In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on the stories that don’t really matter and how news without sources is the new trend, because the media manipulates the masses and manufactures outrage.’ (14:06) ‘More Truth Exposed From Native American “MAGA” Kids Controversy’ van WeAreChange, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (24.525 v; 810 r). (16:52) ‘What You’re Not Being Told About The “MAGA” Kids Controversy’ van WeAreChange

Nathan Phillips (Jenny Hatch 22-1-19)

Nathan Phillips (Jenny Hatch 22-1-19) (14:29) ‘Catholic MAGA Confrontation at Lincoln Memorial!’ Van Stefan Molyneux, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (70.796 v; 2.431 r). Tekst: ‘”Viral video of Catholic school teens in ‘MAGA’ caps taunting Native Americans draws widespread condemnation; prompts a school investigation.” What really happened? Stefan Molyneux, Host of Freedomain Radio, investigates the confrontation between Nathan Phillips and students from Covington Catholic High School.’ (11:55) ‘MAGA Teens Confront Old Native Man In DC… Or Did They? Here’s The Real Story’ van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (359.108 v; 6.580 r). Tekst: ‘A video clip from Twitter featuring an elderly Native American man and a group of teenage white males getting into a “confrontation” of sorts on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial has gone viral. The MAGA hat laden teens were in town from all-boys Covington Catholic High School for the March For Life. The Native man was there for an Indigenous Peoples march. According to various sources and video, the teens had been harassed by a group of African Americans who did not like their Trump attire. In response to the harassment, they all began to do their school chant and other chants such as “build that wall.” At this point, the Native man approached the boys while beating his drum and singing. He got directly in the face of several of them that appeared to move away before one boy stood his ground and locked eyes with him. This moment was captured on video and went viral. Mainstream media and especially online “journalists” labeled the moment as harassment against the Native man and also racism. It’s easy to label that moment as such because no context is available. All a person sees is the young, white male staring with a smug grin at the elderly Native man singing and beating his drum. The boy is seen as the aggressor when in reality, it’s the other way around.’ (13:52) ‘UPDATE on Maga Teens and Native Elder DC Fallout: Leave Them Kids Alone!’ Van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (21.127 v; 998 r). Tekst: ‘Partial video footage of students from a Catholic high school allegedly harassing a Native American veteran after the anti-abortion March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., over the weekend quickly went viral, provoking widespread condemnation of the kids on social media. Various media figures and Twitter users called for them to be doxed, shamed, or otherwise punished, and school administrators said they would consider expulsion. But the rest of the video—nearly two hours of additional footage showing what happened before and after the encounter—adds important context that strongly contradicts the media’s narrative.’ Met links.

Stand your ground (Jenny Hatch 22-1-19)

Stand your ground (Jenny Hatch 22-1-19) (12:27) ‘The great MAGA kid vs Native American con job’ van Individualism, Philosophy, Religion and Politics, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (768 v; 40 r). Tekst: ‘“Where everyone despises a person, you must look into the matter carefully; when everyone celebrates a person, you must also look into it carefully.” – Confucius. I have never seen an incident so distorted, so lied about than what happened recently in Washington. I’m absolutely disgusted and embarrassed for the people so eager to hate and destroy the young man who they know nothing about over a 30-second video clip and hearsay. CNN has the resources to investigate stories. I have to believe that they knew the truth but choose to intentionally lie. Nathan Phillips is not a victim. He’s either delusional or a flat-out liar. The Truth About Covington Catholic Students MAGA Kids And The Protesters. the truth around the maga kids, the protest, and the native american man. This all happened at the march for life. Nathan Phillips, a Native American elder with the Omaha tribe and Vietnam War veteran, shares how he felt after he was mocked by a crowd of teenagers wearing “Make America Great Again” hats during the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington. Covington Catholic High School students wearing MAGA hats surrounded and taunted a Native American man as he performed the “American Indian Movement” song about strength and courage. The man, Nathan Phillips, shares his story.’ Met links. (4:28) ‘CNN lies about Native American and MAGA hat teen Video evidence’ van bench175, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (32.268 v; 427 r). Tekst: ‘compiled this video to show the truth about the Native American, Nathan Phillips, and MAGA hat kid. CNN fake news. The CNN anchor Ana Cabrera also took part in the CNN lie about Kymberly Neil calling for peace in this video “BUSTED again! CNN LIES @AnaCabrera EDITS out Kimberly Neal’s CALL FOR VIOLENCE”’. (20:47) ‘MAGA Kids vs. Indian Activist’ van Jesse Lee Peterson, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (15.488 v; 745 r). (2:26:07) ‘Mon, Jan 21: MAGA Kids vs. Indian; Conservative College Student’ van Jesse Lee Peterson, live gestreamd op 21 jan. 2019 (14.310 v; 218 r). 1) Why do we celebrate MLK Day? Apparently Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983. Jesse asks if he was a president or something? He continues by saying that you must stand up for what is right and you must protect yourself. On Friday January 18, there was a pro-life rally in Washington D.C. called the March for Life. The mainstream media barely covered it. There were some MAGA hat wearing teens who were harassed for wearing what they want. They were approached by Native American activists with drums, and the teens just stood there. 2) Jesse has a guest today, Joel Sankey, over Skype. He is a university student from west Michigan. Jesse’s first question is about why Joel chose to go to college. Joel says that he wants to be able to provide for his family in the future. He isn’t happy with how his school is being run at the moment. He believes that his Christian conservative views aren’t welcome there and are even looked down upon. Joel then brings up the controversial Gillette commercial. He says that Gillette could’ve showed clips of men protecting their children, etc. Jesse responds by saying that women must be in charge of Gillette now because what kind of a man would stand back and let that happen. They then discuss the topic of racism and slavery. Jesse says that American slaves had it better than the majority of blacks in Africa. [Vanaf 34:30 over Gillette advertentie.] (2:26:22) ‘Tue, Jan 22: LESBIAN Sally Kohn, ‘Tailor Made’ Talk MAGA Teens; Ilhan Omar Calls Wall ‘Sinful’’ van Jesse Lee Peterson, 22 uur geleden live gestreamd (10.861 v; 243 r). 1) Jesse’s good friend Sally Kohn is back on the show. She is a writer, activist, and author of “The Opposite of Hate: A Field Guide to Repairing Our Humanity.” Jesse begins the interview by asking Sally her opinion on the MAGA kids. She says that as a parent she would’ve wanted them to have acted more respectfully, and doesn’t understand why the Right has to call the Native American names. Jesse then asks her how she feels about the Wall. Sally doesn’t understand why President Trump is still pushing for the wall when most of the undocumented immigrants are people overstaying their visas. James Hake comes on the show to talk about President Trump’s tweets about the attack on the white MAGA boys. President Trump tweeted at Nick Sandmann and said that this incident was an example of fake news. “Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be. They have captivated the attention of the world, and I know they will use it for the good – maybe even to bring people together. It started off unpleasant, but can end in a dream!” According to Mediaite, a bunch of celebrities and political activists rushed to delete tweets bashing the MAGA teens after the full story was released.

De Indiaan en de jongens met de MAGA-pet

De Indiaan en de jongens met de MAGA-pet (12:36) ‘GUILTY: Being White & Wearing a MAGA Hat in Public’ van Jon Miller, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (86.796 v; 2.333 r). Tekst: ‘It didn’t matter who instigated the incident between the Covington Catholic high schoolers and the Indian drummer, because the MSM had a narrative to push. They had NO interest in finding out the truth or getting the students’ perspective. Instead, they were more focused demonizing Trump supporters based on nothing more than the color of their skin.’ (14:08) ‘Full Covington Catholic High School (CLEAN)’ van Joe Padula, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (11.168 v; 104 r). Tekst: ‘Have you seen the full footage? Take a look at real videos in chronological order and then who do ya think were the real aggressors, absolutely. The Mainstream Media only showed the partial video footage of students from a Catholic high school that allegedly showed the Covington Catholic High School harassing a Native American veteran after the anti-abortion March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., over the weekend.’ (43:29) ‘SURE URGENT! PRESIDENT TRUMP LATEST NEWS TODAY 8PM 01/22/19’ van Fox News Live Now, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (5.011 v; 70 r). [Tucker Carlson, interview met leraar; tot 16:00; daarna AOC’s voorspelling van 12 jaar.] (43:16) ‘BREAKING NEWS TONGHT 01/22/19| HANNITY: The Hate Trump Media Exposed &Mark Levin on Socialism Rising’ van Fox News Live Now, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (5.759 v; 111 r). [Vanaf 12:00: AOC’s voorspelling van 12 jaar.] (45:39) ‘Fox & Friends First 1/23/19 – Breaking Fox News January 23, 2019’ van Legend of Trump, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (154 v; 17 r). Vanaf 5:25-9:22; 18:25-26:35) (9:16) ‘The Covington Boys Rorschach Test’ van American Renaissance, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (16.389 v; 1.201 r). Tekst: ‘Jared Taylor of American Renaissance marvels at the outpouring of hatred unleashed by yet another false accusation of white “racism.” A 17-year-old boy smiles in the face of slurs and intimidation—and is accused of “bigotry in excelsis.” Taylor points out that Orwell already had a name for this in 1984: “facecrime.”’ (18:34) ‘Fake Activists REVEALED! #Covington School Closes Due To Threats & The TRUTH About Nathan Phillips!’ Van Press For Truth, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (14.951 v; 659 r). Zie de video (3:38) ‘Skrillex & Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley – Make It Bun Dem [OFFICIAL VIDEO]’ van Skrillex, gepubliceerd op 6 sep. 2012 (381.185.382 v; 141.101 r). (6:43) ‘The Significance of #CovingtonCatholic’ van The Thinkery, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (49.248 v; 1.966 r). Tekst: ‘The smirk represented a wholesale rejection of progressive values.’ (12:42) ‘Fake News Media sells story of MAGA teens “mocking” Native American’ van Mike Nificent, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (25.035 v; 596 r).ç (18:32) ‘Covington Catholic HS Boys Did Nothing Wrong, Native American Senior is a Childish Liar’ van Adventist Hermes Justin Wilson, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (3.386 v; 225 r). (31:25) ‘Ezra Levant: Media Lynching of MAGA Catholic teenager backfires’ van Rebel Media, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (6.216 v; 299 r). Tekst: ‘On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, I reported on the entire mainstream media launching a high tech lynching of a pro-life Trump supporting Catholic teenager. Being swarmed by young men. That’s awful. And he felt threatened — I bet. Well, it’s settled. And what’s worse, these kids were white. And Catholic — they were in town for the giant March for Life. There were more than 100,000 people at the March for Life this year. There were fewer than 10,000 people at this year’s feminist “women’s march”. (Funny, you’d think it was the other way around, given how much coverage each protest got.) But what a great way for the media to end the weekend — the day before, they had all been salivating over a Buzzfeed story that claimed they had seen documentary proof, leaked to them by Robert Mueller’s special counsel team, that Donald Trump asked Michael Cohen his former lawyer to lie to Congress. They ran with that so hard. But it was all made up, and Mueller’s own office made a rare public statement saying it was false. So the media had to end a bad week with a great story, about these horrible teens. But what really happened? I’ll show you a four-minute video of this confrontation. What really happened was that Phillips, the elder, went right up to Nathan Sandmann, the “smirking” teen, so close that the boy could surely feel his breath on his face. Phillips actually touches the boy several times. He’s pushing up against him.’ (6:32) ‘Covington: What Really Happened? – Seeking Insight’ van Red Ice TV, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (9.284 v; 605 r). Tekst: ‘Patrick takes us through the mainstream media’s latest manufactured outrage, which resulted in innocent teenagers receiving death threats.’ [Uitleg over Gad, een van de verloren stammen van Israël].

Nathan Philips kan niet ophouden met liegen

Nathan Philips kan niet ophouden met liegen (31:56) ‘Nathan Phillips & Pro Wack Cowards Harass Teenage Catholic Boys Wearing #MAGA Hats’ van JB Gunner TV, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (2.883 v; 365 r). (3:41) ‘Covington Catholic Student Seen In Viral Video Shares His Side Of Story’ van LEX18 News, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (21.554 v; 346 r). (11:45) ‘The Truth – Nathan Philips / Covington Catholic Kids’ van
Dinkleberry Crunch, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (133.218 v; 1.597 r). Tekst: ‘I normally avoid these sort of topics, but after seeing all this footage and all the people trying to destroy these kids lives, I felt like I had to do something. We all need to do better, stop with this mob mentality over the first thing we see. Remember there’s always two sides to a coin.’ (4:57) ’The MAGA Hat Kid Is INNOCENT’ van Awkward Small Tlk, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (6.443 v; 65 r). Tekst: ‘LAWSUIT INCOMING. Nathan Phillips, the Native American veteran from the Lincoln Memorial protest is, I hate to say it, a liar. CNN is probably guilty of slander.’ (36:35) ‘MAGA Hat Students vs. Native American Veteran Nathan Phillips’ Story Rocks the Bandwagon Offended’ van That’s Just My View, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (5.976 v; 216 r). Tekst: ‘You’ve all heard the story now: Nathan Phillips was APPROACHED by a group of young Covington Catholic High School students and one student (wearing a MAGA hat, no less) ended up putting himself in front of Phillips, who is also a Vietnam-war veteran and stood in front of him to express his control of the Native Man and the Native was scared. However, that’s not the case as the MSM / CNN / FakeNews / WAPO / BuzzFeed / Twitter Trends / etc. wants you to believe. No, there’s footage that was released to the masses showing SPECIFIC situations while key moments were NOT supplied to the masses. In addition, Phillips’ interview easily discredits his side of the story – though, most will still not believe it to be true – even after watching my video. The generic, low I.Q. outrage mob / bandwagon offended soaked it up easily, with the likes of Alyssa Milano, Ana Navarro and the like to express they cried when hearing the story (well, maybe not Ana as she only filed her nails after hearing of it). These celebrities/public figures did a number of the weak-minded by influencing them to believing the ‘Make America Great Again’ hat-wearers instigated ad orchestrated this entire scenario and belittled the Native American group. NOPE! These kids were minding their own business (well, actually, some were minding their own business, while another group were listening to/debating with a group of ‘Black Activists preaching the bible’ – WHOOPS! That’s the MSM narrative! They were listening to/debating with a group of Black Israelites quoting certain scripture stating ‘America gives rights to F#GS!’ while the Catholic School Students did their best to DEFEND the LGBTQπ community stating ‘They are people too!’ But, no, that doesn’t sell, the MSM wants your chaotic division at whatever cost necessary – even innocent students. I break down the unnecessary, disgusting lies that sparked an ever-growing dangerous situation. This is my view.’ Met links. (43:32) ‘Updated Thoughts: Nick Sandmann & Covington High vs Native Veteran, MSM & The Bandwagon Offended’ van That’s Just My View

Tucker Carlson - Rush to Judgment

Tucker Carlson – Rush to Judgment (19:45) ‘More Fake News Covington Catholic Kids Taunt Native American Veteran’ van GrizzlyHemlock, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (2.183 v; 56 r). Tekst: ‘The purpose of this video is to show the way the events really unfolded with the Covington Catholic School and the Native American Veteran.’ (13:00) ‘Red Hat Boy Bad’ van Independent Man, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (102.331 v; 2.664 r). Tekst: ‘Red Hat Boy Bad is the most egregious example of fake news in 2019 so far. The media reporting was appalling and the Twitter outrage unhinged.’ (17:33) ‘#MAGAKIDS Attacked By Media | Narrative Falls Apart | Fake News Strikes Again’ van The Iconoclast, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (28.845 v; 1.838 r). (9:27) ‘HOAX BLOWS-UP IN MSM’s FACE: People In Power Exposed! Covington’s MAGA Hat Teen Truth!’ Van Lisa Haven, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (14.336 v; 383 r). (7:10) ‘Nathan Phillips Native American CRIES WOLF about Maga hat wearing teen’ van The Amazing Lucas, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (182.937 v; 4.006 r). Tekst: ‘Covington Catholic High School students wearing MAGA hats allegedly surrounded and taunted a Native American man as he performed the “American Indian Movement” song about strength and courage. The media ate it up.’ (8:35) ‘Media targets Covington kids with Full Force’ van The Amazing Lucas, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (14.699 v; 584 r). (15:58) ‘Covington Catholic & Our Failure To Think | with Sam Gregson’ van Benjamin A Boyce, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (12.107 v; 396 r). Sam Gregson is a particle physicist and teacher of science based in the UK. [Begin over Gillette.] (24:58) ‘Covington Teens: The Damage Is Done | The News & Why It Matters Ep. 206’ van TheBlaze, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (10.400 v; 96 r). Tekst: ‘The media destroyed the Covington teens who were grossly misrepresented in a viral video. Now, many journalists and prominent members of the media are walking back their condemnation of the teens. But is the damage already done?’ (7:10) ‘Here’s What The Media Got Wrong About The Maga-Hat Teens’ van TheBlaze, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (20.429 v; 165 r). Tekst: ‘In case you missed it, this past weekend millions of people gathered to show their hatred for our President. There were plenty of moments of unhinged leftists doing offensive things, but the media hasn’t really shown an interest in that. Instead, they have used the opportunity to prove their own hatred of Donald Trump, by spreading a story about a group of MAGA-hat wearing teenagers who allegedly harassed an elderly Native American. Turns out the media wasn’t telling the truth. Go figure. Watch this clip to hear Glenn’s take on the courage these kids displayed.’ (24:31) ‘HERE Is The Definitive Timeline For The Covington Catholic Run In At The Lincoln Memorial’ van TheBlaze (103.152 v; 948 r). Tekst: ‘It was Friday afternoon at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Three separate groups would clash, but only one would take the blame: a group of predominantly white kids (some wearing red MAGA hats), a group of Native Americans, and some black street preachers. Now in today’s media and social climate, just based off of that description… who do you think would wind up getting assigned the blame? And the reasonable answer should be, after watching a 60-second video of a kid smiling at a Native American banging a drum in his face, is… I’ve got NO CLUE what the heck that was. Sixty seconds doesn’t provide a whole lot of context. Here is the rest of the story.’ (5:35) ‘Glenn Beck Defends Catholic School Boys: ‘These Kids Are MLK’’ van TheBlaze (29.986 v; 371 r). Tekst: ‘”You have to watch the entire video,” said Glenn Beck on Monday’s episode of The Glenn Beck Radio Program as he defended the teens caught in a social media whirlwind over the weekend. Glenn is referring to a now-viral video that grossly misrepresented a group of Catholic teens at the March for Life rally last Friday. Controversy erupted after a video showed Covington (Kentucky) Catholic High School students standing in front of a Native American man who was banging a drum and chanting. The students had attended the March for Life, which coincided with the Indigenous Peoples March. Numerous media outlets accused the students — many of whom were wearing Make America Great Again hats — of mocking, surrounding, and trying to intimidate the man, but additional video showed things didn’t happen that way. Read the full story here: “It is an outrageous lie,” continues Glenn. “And yes, I know media, it is Martin Luther King Day, and so you’re going to take my words and twist them. But I stand by my words: these kids, from every indication that I have seen, behaved exactly like Martin Luther King would want kids to behave. They were kind in the face of people who were trying to get them to strike back.”’ (55:39) ‘Liars, Damn Liars, And The Media | Ep. 699’ van Ben Shapiro, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (25.101 v; 844 r). Tekst: ‘Buzzfeed’s big Trump scoop implodes, the media botch a hit on Christian high school students, and the media try to target Ben with selective editing.’ [2e deel over Buzzfeed]
(20:06) ‘Covington Catholic MAGA Native American FACEOFF: MEDIA LIES, TENSIONS RISE, CIVIL WAR COMES!!!’ Van John Mark, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (19.565 v; 952 r). (19:19) ‘MAGA vs. Native Americans Confrontation: What Really Happened?’ Van The Jimmy Dore Show, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (75.318 v; 7.093 r). (54:15) ‘The Realest Response To Native American Veteran MAGA Hat Full Video! MUST LISTEN!’ Van An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (27.600 v; 1.004 r). (5:32) ‘CLEAR PROOF: Extremists Harass Black Kid, Native American Veteran Approached MAGA Hat Crowd!’ Van An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (76.165 v; 1.390 r). (46:46) ‘Mainstream Media & Celebrities Retract Story In MAGA Hat Native American Full Video! Wow…’ van An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (11.323 v; 565 r). (18:14) ‘Vietnam Veteran? Washington Post Retracts Nathan Phillips Bit. Skrillex Damian Marley Video? CNN?’ Van An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (20.009 v; 723 r).

Going mental (The Iconoclast)

Going mental (The Iconoclast) (13:43) ‘Some high school kids are rats and Indian guy at a march in Washington DC. And?’ Van Jericho Green, gepubliceerd op 20 jan. 2019 (17.233 v; 720 r). Tekst: ‘yesterday some high school kids were attending a pro-life March. Also, and Indian guy was paying respects to fall in Vietnam soldiers. Somehow the to cross paths and the footage shows the kids Miley harassing and mocking him. Apparently, nowadays that is known as racism.’ (4:04) ‘The Philip Defranco “Correction” (MAGA Students, Native American Controversy)’ van 1791, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (135.787 v; 2.399 r). Tekst: ‘While Philip DeFranco has now issued a retraction, both him and the media more broadly refuse to reflect on why they were so eager and ready to abdicate their journalistic standards for this specific story. His failure to apologize directly to the kids whose reputations he helped destroy is demonstrative of this. Further inquiries: DeFranco also leaves out that the Native American activist, Nathan Phillips, lied. All the following turned out to be false: the students ‘blocked him,’ the students chanting “build the wall,” and that he was ’threateningly swarmed.’ None of the claims are supported by the two hour unedited footage of their interactions.’ [Ook (8:01) ‘Philip DeFranco lied about the MAGA Catholic students (Native American incident)’ van 1791.] (8:57) ‘Even the Legacy Media is Apologizing for its Covington Propaganda’ van Styxhexenhammer666, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (18.368 v; 683 r). Tekst: ‘Sometimes it’s a hot take, sometimes it’s a hot pile of crap:’ (10:14) ‘Covington High School Fiasco Continues- SPLC Refuses to Apologize/ Blackout Game Photo’ van Styxhexenhammer666, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (109.805 v; 2.488 r). Tekst: ‘A non apology pretending there’s a national debate over objective bits of video evidence: Fake reality: (27:17) ‘Come on! Demonizing kids to mk Trump look bad’ van Kevin’s Corner, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (13.084 v; 607 r). (38:27) ‘These people owe Covington Catholic boys an Apology!’ Van Kevin’s Corner, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (8.945 v; 760 r). (10:04) ‘These people owe Covington Catholic boys an Apology! Pt2’ van Kevin’s Corner, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (2.916 v; 148 r). (10:40) ‘Nick Sandmann Interview with NBC Today Show Recap: No Apology Necessary !’ Van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (4.794 v; 337 r). Tekst: ‘Nick Sandmann, the young man at the center of the controversy surrounding the incident between teens from Covington Catholic High school and an Native American elder, has come out to defend himself in an NBC Today exclusive interview with Savannah Guthrie. Throughout the interview, Guthrie asked Sandmann to essentially reflect on the incident. She asked him would he do anything different and would he offer an apology. He said that he cannot offer an apology because he did not do anything wrong. But he does wish that they could have walked away and avoided the whole situation.’ (14:06) ‘Nathan Phillips Reveals Truth About Viral Protest Video’ van The Young Turks, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (72.275 v; 6.236 r). Tekst: ‘Nathan Phillips has revealed what really happened during the protest at the Lincoln Memorial. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.’ [Ze geloven de liegende Nathan Philips en zeggen dat de jongens dreigend waren, alleen al door de MAGA-hats! Ze preken over het tonen van de contexr, maar laten de context weg, wanneer ze de enige vervelende opmerking over ‘rape’ van een Covington jongen laten zien, want hij zei het als reactie op een hele nare opmerking van de black Hebrew Israelites. De YT zijn zó hypocriet. Lees de reacties.] (21:32) ‘“I Was Absolutely Afraid”: Indigenous Elder on “Mob Mentality” of MAGA Hat-Wearing Students in D.C.’ van Democracy Now!, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (29.502 v; 2.302 r). Tekst: ‘On Friday, thousands took part in the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, D.C. The next day, video went viral of an interaction that took place soon after the march ended between an indigenous elder and a group of Catholic high school students from Kentucky who had attended a March for Life protest the same day. In the video, Omaha elder Nathan Phillips is seen peacefully playing his drum and singing while being encircled by the students—some of whom were wearing red “Make America Great Again” hats. The video appears to show the students taunting and mocking Phillips. Some of the students are seen making a tomahawk-chop motion with their arms. One student wearing a red MAGA hat is seen standing directly in front of Phillips while grinning and smirking. The videos sparked widespread outrage, but some commentators walked back their critique of the students after more videos were posted online. We speak to Nathan Phillips about what happened. He is a Vietnam-era veteran and previous director of the Native Youth Alliance.’ [Ook hier liegt Nathan er weer flink op los over de jongens; ze hadden lynch-gezichten! Hij heeft hier een nieuwe versie gecreëerd waarin hij Nick als leider aanwijst.. Hij probeert nog steeds de held uit te hangen en beweert nog steeds, dat de jongens ‘Build that wall!’ riepen.] (9:59) ‘Chase Iron Eyes: Trump’s Mocking of Native Americans Gives License to Others to Denigrate My People’ van Democracy Now!, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (12.690 v; 817 r). Tekst: ‘As we continue to look at the video that has gone viral showing a group of Catholic high school students apparently mocking an indigenous tribal elder near the Lincoln Memorial, we speak to Chase Iron Eyes, an activist and lead attorney for the Lakota People’s Law Project. He is a spokesperson for the Indigenous Peoples March.’ [Helaas, nog een leugenachtige Indiaan, die liever een verhaal spint dan de waarheid vertelt; want hij heeft een boodschap: Trump is slecht!] (8:06) ‘’WHlTE PEOPLE’ ARE NOT GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE?’ Van James Munder, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (2.058 v; 491 r).

Living in Orwellian Times
Living in Orwellian Times

Er zijn ook door Q-volgers video’s gemaakt, meestal slechts gedeeltelijk aan het onderwerp gewijd, zoals (12:28) ‘They Don’t Want You Confident In Reality – Lessons From SmileGate’ van Craig Mason’s Reasonable Conversation Channel, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (1.857 v; 116 r).
Ook (28:00) ‘Here’s What the Epic Covington Hoax Is REALLY All About …’ van Truth and Art TV, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (4.057 v; 88 r).
Ook (26:26) ‘Q Anon Davos WEF Crisis, MAGA Hat Teens Set Up, SA & IS Alliance’ van Total Eclipse, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (3.253 v; 249 r). Tekst: ‘Of course they were set up in this political stunt to divide and conquer. Another last attempt, but they are almost bankrupt.’

Smirking Kid (Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel 22-1-19)

Smirking Kid (Craig Mason’s Reasonable Conversation Channel 22-1-19)

Verder ook (11:15) ‘Collectivists Fear and Loathe Jesus Christ – Coventry Catholic Incident’ van Amazing Polly, gepubliceerd op 21 jan. 2019 (8.565 v; 625 r). [War on Christians, because Jesus was a the perfect individual.] En (1:05:53) ‘TRUTH! What’s the real reason Liberals Jumped To Attack The Covington Catholic School Kids?’ Van April LaJune, 18 uur geleden live gestreamd (4.269 v; 65 r). Tekst: ‘Careful analysis of celebrity tweets, left wing activists and Democrat politicians shows there’s another reason behind the attacks on the Covington Catholic School Kids’.

Verwijderde tweet (April LaJune 22-1-19)

Verwijderde tweet (April LaJune 22-1-19) (12:04) ‘Covington Kids Catastrophe: Weaponized Smirking, Post Buzzfeed Recklessness and Media Witch Hunts’ van Lionel Nation, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (8.408 v; 210 r). Tekst: ‘Partial video footage of students from Covington Catholic High School allegedly harassing a Native American veteran after the anti-abortion March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., on Saturday quickly went viral, provoking widespread condemnation of the kids on social media. Various media figures and Twitter users called for them to be doxed, shamed, or otherwise punished, and school administrators said they would consider expulsion.’ En (1:14:42) ‘#LionelNation🇺🇸Immersive Live Stream: Remember the Covington Catholic High School Media Victims’ van Lionel Nation, 104 minuten geleden live gestreamd (4.359 v; 1 r). (19:01) ‘RBG Obituary | Graham investigating HRC | Maga hat Kids’ van SpaceShot76, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (32.070 v; 804 r). Tekst: ‘First thing in the morning Monday we have a quote mistake by Fox news where they inserted what looked to be an obituary memorialization for Ruth bader Ginsburg, showing her birth year and her death year being 2019, also we have Lindsey Graham now the chair of the Senate judiciary committee, looking into the Clinton and Obama administrations wrongdoings, finally I addressed the situation with the quote Catholic maga hat kids at the Lincoln memorial, and how incorrectly the mainstream media covered it, once again. Entire 1hr 45 min video. Action starts at 1 hour. (14:17) ‘Q/TRUMP -“SOMETHING BIG”! is going to Happen ! PRAY!’ Van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (0 v; 13 r). (8:46) ‘The Media has declared WAR on MAGA HATS, so BUY a few more TODAY! @JennyHatch’ van Jenny Hatch, gepubliceerd op 22 jan. 2019 (5.343 v; 155 r).

Stolen Valor (Jenny Hatch 23-1-19)

Stolen Valor (Jenny Hatch 23-1-19)

Hier zijn de video’s, die ik wegens tijdgebrek niet heb kunnen bekijken: (8:04) ‘Gutfeld on the MAGA teen video’ van Fox News (16:59) ‘What Really Happened w/ the Nathan Phillips “MAGA Kids” Controversy & The Mexican Pipeline?’ Van Philip DeFranco (5:57) ‘It’s okay to smirk.’ Van Paul Joseph Watson (36:55) ‘MAGA Hat Students vs. Native American Veteran Nathan Phillips’ Story Rocks the Bandwagon Offended’ van That’s Just My View (3:24) ‘The Media Got It Wrong: New Footage Busts Claim That MAGA Hat Students Antagonized Native American’ van TheDC Shorts (19:39) ‘Joe Rogan on the “MAGA” Kids Controversy’ van JRE Clips (40:07) ‘Covington Catholic Students Surround And Mock Native American Man…..Or did they?’ Van Satsu2Cents (2:25:10) ‘#138 | MAGA Kids ‘Harass’ Indian Guy, Buzzfeed Fake News, White Privilege Gaffe | Beauty & the Beta’ van Matt Christiansen (10:47) ‘Celebrities walk back attacks on MAGA hat students’ van Fox News (8:13) ‘Nathan Phillips, AKA Nathan Stanard, Native American Drummer Dude was NOT a Vietnam Vet.’ Van Buds131 (10:54) ‘He’s an Actor! Covington Catholic Was Set Up!’ Van Ayla Stewart Wife With A Purpose (2:25) ‘Nathan Phillips, Native American and U.S. Veteran in Washington, DC’ van mandyinseattle (2:54) ‘New fallout after viral confrontation between high schoolers, Native Americans’ van ABC News (4:02) ‘2nd video offers new context to Kentucky boys taunting Native American activist’ van CBS This Morning (5:27) ‘Video shows a different side of encounter between a Native American and teens’ van CNN (3:13) ‘Shapiro Wrecks MSM Take On MAGA Boys’ van The Daily Wire (9:59) ‘CAUGHT RED-HANDED!! Why CNN Quickly Changed Covington MAGA LIE’ van HighImpactFlix (5:56) ‘The Truth About The Native American “MAGA Kids” Protester’ van Squatting Slav TV (3:49) ‘This Was The Angle That Was Deleted From Facebook!’ Van TheDC Shorts (9:57) ‘Native American Healer Speaks Out on Covington Kids’ van NewsTalk 95.5 (5:43) ‘Covington Catholic students falsely accused of Mocking Native American by CNN Fake News’ van JMORDANTV (30:49) ‘MAGA Students vs Native Americans – How The Media Lied To Push A Narrative (Coffee Corner)’ van Channel Jorp (19:32) ‘What happened with the Covington Catholic / Nathan Phillips situation? (updated with latest footage)’ van jessebatson (8:29) ‘Trump’s America: Covington Catholic student stares down & grins at Native American man’ van Vic Berger (36:06) ‘Complete, Unedited Video of Incident Involving Nathan Phillips and Covington Christian School.’ Van Stephen and Amy Hollenberg (7:49) ‘Convington Catholic Teens Troll Native American Man’ van Calvin Michaels (17:03) ‘#MAGAKIDS HOAX: Top 3 Lessons! | Louder With Crowder’ van StevenCrowder (52:31) ‘It’s The End Of The World As We Know It | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 700’ van The Daily Wire (19:27) ‘Race Baiting Against School Kids And MAGA Hats’ van Douglas M. Ducote Sr. (23:04) ‘Tick-Tock: Glenn Beck Debunks The BIGGEST Lies Surrounding The Covington Controversy’ van Glenn Beck (20:55) ‘2019 Major Events Coming To America – Covington Catholic Assault’ van jeremiah babe (10:02) ‘The Left Calls for the Killing of the Covington Boys’ van On The Marc (10:33) ‘MAGA Kids vs Native American Drummer – What Actually Happened’ van Carthago Delenda Est (12:20) ‘BREAKING: Game-Changing Video Emerges of the MAGA Kids & Indian Drummer Leftists BUSTED!’ Van The Next News Network (5:56) ‘Nathan Phillips has a long history of harassing square, white kids.’ Van Akintunde Nation 2.0 (8:02) ‘Nick Sandmann Full Interview On The Today Show – Jan 23 2019’ van ArcticPlague (10:28) ‘Cuomo: I don’t blame the kids’ van CNN (1:28) ‘Fresh footage gives more detail on confrontation between Native American and teenagers’ van Guardian News (5:43) ‘Covington Catholic students falsely accused of Mocking Native American by CNN Fake News’ van JMORDANTV (15:28) ‘The #CovingtonCatholic KKK’ van Sargon of Akkad (8:24) ‘The INSANE HATRED the Fake NEWS “MAGA HAT Kid” Story Reveals!’ Van HighImpactFlix (10:09) ‘The Media Have Become FULL-ON Covington Kid Truthers’ van Jon Miller (12:56) ‘NBC Published MORE Covington Fake News, Even Reddit Is PISSED’ van Timcast (14:36) ‘NICK SANDMANN Speaks: Covington HS Teen is Outstanding Young Man’ van Marcus Conte (15:09) ‘Hidden media truth: confrontation between the racist Covington students & Black Hebrew Israelites’ van ANU Thunder I.N.N.A (1:28:22) ‘H.O.I. : The “Pull Up Boy’s” International Incident!!’ van Awaken Israel (9:16) ‘Who really started this Indigenous People taunt Cov Cath boys aK1uWzTtkT8’ van John Duncan (22:27) ‘Interview with ‘MAGA Kid’ from Covington Catholic High School, Tells His Story’ van Caiden Cowger

Tot slot een korte video (10:00) van Jenny Hatch, gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019 (1.266 v; 20 r).

Jenny Hatch – #FaceCrime @JennyHatch

Gepubliceerd op 23 jan. 2019

A Primer by Citizen Journalist Jenny Hatch:

Could It Be Magic
Barry Manilow
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