Cor Hendriks – Qanon (6): 11 november: Globale Reset of Globale Collapse? Q is terug!! Trump-Putin 2.0

POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11
Now what are the odds of that?
Q (2396)

11 november is een dag met veel betekenissen. Voor sommigen is het Sint Maartensdag, waarop kinderen met lampions langs de deur gaan om geld of snoep in te zamelen, voor anderen is het Gekkendag, waarop de geest van Karnaval wordt opgegraven en het Karnavalseizoen begint. In de USA is deze dag Veterans Day, waarop een parade wordt gehouden in Washington (zie Volgens Wikipedia heeft Trump voor dit jaar de parade geschrapt vanwege het belachelijk hoge prijskaartje, dat aan de parade hangt (; zie ook Dit is echter niet de enige parade, want in het hele land worden op 10, 11 en 12 november parades gehouden om het einde van de 1e Wereldoorlog te vieren, wat precies 100 jaar geleden was (zie

De afbeelding bovenaan is van een X22Report van 6 maart 2018, waarin de referentie van Q aan 11-11-18 wordt geanalyseerd: (20:26) ‘You Will Remember 11.11.18, It Will Not Be Forgotten, Boom – Episode 1514b’ van X22Report, gepubliceerd op 6 mrt. 2018 (93.814 v; 629 r). Tekst: ‘Nunes says he knows who colluded with Russia. Mueller brings charges against Conway, he has nothing so he is pushing any agenda right now. Australian diplomat the tipped off about Russia donated to the Clinton foundation. North Korea says ready to denuclearize only if it gets a guarantee. Trump and Q warn to watch the water, false flag? The deep state has lost in the middle east, the dead cat bounce is on its way. Q says boom 4 times and says to never forget 11.11.18, this is Veterans Day, what will happen, what is the parade going to look like. There are warnings all over the place, it’s all falling apart for the deep state.’

Dezelfde Q-drop wordt door Q-volger Bernie Suarez geanalyseerd: (51:14) ‘”AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11-11-18″ –Q’ van Truth and Art TV, gepubliceerd op 22 apr. 2018 (27.217 v; 288 r).

Screenshot Ingraham Angle (31-10-18)

Screenshot Ingraham Angle (31-10-18)

Ook andere denkers houden zich met 11-11 bezig, zie (17:58) ‘The 11:11:11 Gateway of November 11, 2018’ van Anderson Andrews, gepubliceerd op 7 jul. 2018 (2.303 v; 0 r). Tekst: ‘Commentary, blogs, and videos of energetic happenings in the world today … brought to you by, Anderson Andrews, ’the old Scotsman’ from the Isle of Arran, author and publisher of Transformational Novels. November 11, 2018 will be a special day It’s not an actual galactic event, but rather you might say one that’s created by consciousness. It will represent a double portal … a doorway into a new dimension for those of you who up to now have been sharing the living embodiment of both the human you, and the Master, that is you as well.’ [Er is geen uitleg waarom 11-11 een speciale dag is.]

Ook wordt door sommigen gewezen op een mogelijke kosmische gebeurtenis, zoals (52:57) ‘Urgent Alert in RUSSIA 11st NOV – NIBIRU PLANET X to pass JUPITER will is coming the EARTH!’ Van Jimmy Le, gepubliceerd op 21 okt. 2018 (8.509 v; 52 r). [Ook hier is geen uitleg, waarom 11-11.]

Of er worden onduidelijke waarschuwingen geuit, zoals (20:50) ‘NOVEMBER 11th 2018 WATCH WARNING !’ Van flatearthrandy, gepubliceerd op 14 okt. 2018 (711 v; 14 r). Tekst: ‘I wanted to post this (mirrored) video to keep us on our toes – and to provide an alternate to the october dates we’re watching – so many clues- I believe time is up ….Keep watching for our Blessed Hope Luke 21;36…..’

Het meest wordt echter gewaarschuwd voor een globale reset, zie (17:53) ‘Global Currency Reset Beware Of November 11, Litecoin Listed on Gemini Exchange, EOSBET Airdrop’ van Wickedly Crypto, gepubliceerd op 14 okt. 2018 (858 v; 31 r). [Vanaf 2:50]

Op het net is de volgende video te zien in verschillende versies: (17:37) ‘GLOBAL RESET ! Beware The 11th Of November’ van Global Economic Reset 2018, gepubliceerd op 16 okt. 2018 (21.505 v; 125 r). Tekst: ‘(Interview With Jim Willie) THE SYSTEM DIED. THE RESET IS COMING GLOBAL RESET ! = (17:54) ‘Trump and the GLOBAL RESET: Beware The 11th Of November And Also The 33 Days Between 1010 and 1111’ van Economic Predictions, gepubliceerd op 20 okt. 2018 (23.248 v; 42 r). Tekst: ‘Jacob Rothschild Red ALERT NOV! WILL WE SEE A NEW PHOENIX CURRENCY IN 2019’. (Jim Rickards Red Alert November) Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis’ = (17:54) ‘GLOBAL RESET: Beware The 11th Of November And Also The 33 Days Between 10/10 and 11/11’ van Financial Discuss, gepubliceerd op 14 okt. 2018 (1.207 v; 0 r).

Bij de eerste versie is het volgende commentaar opgenomen van richard T.: ‘No, No, No – President Trump will Not be blamed. Trump has a PLAN to DESTROY the FED. The Banksters are walking right into his trap. When the market crashes next month he will abolish the Fed because he will have full control of Both Houses. He will immediately raise the price of Gold to $50K or higher and issue gold backed dollars from the U.S. Treasury that are Not redeemable in Gold but will be used to strengthen and support our currency for our trading partners and provide internal strength and stability for our internal commerce and savings. Much/most of the Bankster debt owed by the people of this nation will be Defaulted on to the Banks. Silver will also be reset much higher because the Constitutional dollar President Trump wants is backed by Both Gold and Silver according to the Constitution. Trump will turn the tables on the Banksters and END their world wide financial rape and pillaging of both Americans and the peoples of the world. Amen.’

Over het PLAN van Trump met de FED (Federal Reserve Bank, een private onderneming) heb ik in de eerste aflevering bericht, waar de foto te zien was van Trump met Powell, de door Trump aangestelde directeur van de FED, die onder zijn arm een kopie van het PLAN had. Trump is bezig met het kunstmatig oppompen van de economie, waarbij hij gebruik maakt van de rekenmethoden van Obama. Daardoor zijn de cijfers ‘fantastisch’. Ondertussen blijft de FED met de regelmaat van de klok de rente verhogen, wat Trump de gelegenheid geeft om te zeggen dat de FED hem tegenwerkt. Wanneer op een gegeven moment de economie instort, doordat de beursbel klapt, kan Trump de beschuldigende vinger naar de FED wijzen en zeggen, dat alles OK was gegaan als de FED niet voortdurend de rente had verhoogt. Dit is het PLAN om van het systeem van de centrale bank (ook de ECB) af te komen, dat al het geld heeft geconcentreerd in de handen van 1 % van de mensheid.

De Globalisten hadden de Globale Reset gepland op 10-10, althans dat was volgens sommigen op te maken uit de omslag van de Economist: (3:51) ‘1988 Economist Ten10,2018 Market Watch UN NWO 2030 Agenda/World Currency. Reset/Global Currency’ van Laura Wells Research, News, And Astronomy, gepubliceerd op 10 okt. 2018 (1.078 v; 10 r). Tekst: ‘1988 Economist Ten10,2018 Market Watch UN NWO 2030 Agenda/World Currency. Coming Reset – Global Currency – NWO Crash Of Dollar Is Coming[.] All part of the plan and all on time[.] Notes – History is written in advance, revealed in the January 1988 issue of the Rothschild-owned ‘Economist’ magazine where their freemasonic phoenix is shown rising from the World’s burning fiat-currencies. Rothschild family are “the victors” and have been for more than two-hundred years. around the Phoenix’s neck is a ‘gold’ coin so is their plan to reinstate “gold” back into the monetary-system as their World Currency[.] Rothschild’s puppet, J.P. Morgan, stated in 1912: “Gold is money, everything is credit”[.] 10/10/2018 start of a great reset? Also watch November’. [Er is geen geluid!]

Het plan, waarover wordt gesproken, is dat van de globalisten, die een wereldmunt willen invoeren als voorbereiding op de NWO.

Op 10 oktober was er inderdaad een inzakking van de beurs: (1:36:26) ‘NWO Agenda! Dow Jones falls −831.83 In one day!!!’ Van JonXArmy, Live gestreamd op 10 okt. 2018 (20.685 v; 496 r). Tekst: ‘Dow Jones Falls 831.83 in one day! Is this the start of a financial reset? Is it the beginning of new one world currency? We will know tomorrow, if stocks continue to fall we will have a huge financial crisis! This could be part of the NWO Agenda!’ [Geen Q-volger.]

Volgens sommigen is het mogelijk, dat de crash van de beurs erger is dan die van 1929; zie (25:16) ‘The Crash Is Coming! Prepare For Economic Collapse 2018 Stock Market Crash!’ van Epic Economist, gepubliceerd op 11 jan. 2018. Tekst: ‘Will the US Economic Collapse Happen in 2018? The economic forecast for 2018 is more than bleak, and there is more than enough economic data out there to show there could be an economic collapse and stock market crash in 2018. The Economic Doomsday is here. The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009. The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future. Going so far as to intimate the financial collapse and market crash will occur at least some time in the next two years, “It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it. Top economists predict that within the next 18-24 months, the imminent economic collapse will happen. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse and market crash for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009. The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis….’

The Economist cover 1988

The Economist cover 1988

Zie voor deze afbeelding (23:30) ‘The Crash Is Coming! One Of The Best Video About The Economic Collapse 2018 Stock Market CRASH!’ van Epic Economist, gepubliceerd op 11 feb. 2018. Tekst: ‘The impending economic collapse is hidden from most. People only see a rising stock market, not the negative underlying factors that will cause the whole system to crash.
The only other times in our history when stock prices have been this high relative to earnings, a horrifying stock market crash and economic collapse has always followed. Will things be different for us this time? We shall see, but without a doubt this is what a pre-crash market looks like. This current bubble has been based on irrational euphoria that has been fueled by relentless central bank intervention, but now global central banks are removing the artificial life support in unison. Meanwhile, the real economy continues to stumble along very unevenly. This is the longest that the U.S. has ever gone without a year in which the economy grew by at least 3 percent, and many believe that the next recession is very close and economic collapse imminent. Stock prices cannot stay completely disconnected from economic reality forever, and once the bubble bursts the pain is going to be unlike anything that we have ever seen before.
If you think that these ridiculously absurd stock prices are sustainable, there is something that I would like for you to consider. The only times in our history when the cyclically-adjusted return on stocks has been lower, a nightmarish economic collapse and stock market crash happened soon thereafter… Ron Paul, who has for years been predicting an economic collapse and stock market crash worse than 2008, says that disaster is coming soon. The Economic Doomsday is here. The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009. “The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious economic crisis at some point in our future,” Going so far as to intimate the financial collapse and market crash will occur at least some time in the next two years, “It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it.”
Top economists predict that within the next 18-24 months, the imminent economic collapse will happen. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse and market crash for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009. The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis…. (11:12) ‘Economic Collapse Warning! $70 Trillion Dollar Dark Cloud Of Debt – Stock Market Crash 2018’ Epic Economist’, gepubliceerd op 17 jun. 2018. The most incredible video of the coming Economic Collapse and the next Great Depression. Today, America is nearly 70 trillion dollars in debt, and that debt is shooting higher at an exponential rate. Usually most of the focus in on the national debt, which is now 21 trillion dollars and rising, but when you total all forms of debt in our society together it comes to a grand total just short of 70 trillion dollars. Many people seem to believe that the debt imbalances that existed prior to the economic collapse and stock market crash of 2008 have been solved, but that is not the case at all. We are living in the terminal phase of the greatest debt bubble in history and a financial collapse is imminent. Each passing day that mountain of debt just keeps on getting bigger and bigger… Top economists predict that within the next 12-18 months, the imminent economic collapse will hit the United States. Etc (Definition Of Economic Collapse) (12:35) ‘13 Things You Should Do To Get Prepared For The Imminent Economic Collapse 2018 Stock Market CRASH!’ van Epic Economist, gepubliceerd op 20 mei 2018. Tekst: ‘For millions of people, the ongoing economic collapse has marked the End of the World As We Know It. The “American Dream” (and ones like it) of a guaranteed job, a home, and a pension, has given way to a major stock market crash, nightmare of unemployment, unpayable debt, depression, and uncertainty. To get prepared for the imminent economic collapse, Epic Economist looks behind the headlines and sound bites and demonstrates that today’s economic crisis is no temporary “downturn,” nor is it simply the result of bad policies. The crisis is the beginning of the end of a global paradigm when expectations of endless economic growth and progress economic crash up against the reality of scarcity and limited resources. The implications of the economic collapse cannot be ignored: a steep decline in living standards due to the evaporation of easy credit; a new political landscape that might inspire nationalism, geopolitical reshuffling, and even wars over resources; and, potentially, a reduction in global population. In this video we explains not just how to understand the crisis but overcome it how to foster a resilient community, stay healthy, and become self-sufficient and productive during “economic collapse and major stock market crash ” that lie ahead. Packed with tactical information and resources, Survive is nothing less than a field manual for the apocalypse.
The Economic Doomsday is here. The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009. The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future. Going so far as to intimate the financial collapse and market crash will occur at least some time in the next two years, “It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it. Top economists predict that within the next 18-24 months, the imminent economic collapse will happen. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse and market crash for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009. The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis….’

Onlangs was YouTube voor 90 minuten ‘dark’ in de VS (of het hier ook het geval was, weet ik niet; het kan ’s nachts zijn geweest). In ieder geval was het aanleiding tot ‘duistere’ gedachten in de video (10:59) ‘YouTube Shutdown BLACKOUT! The World In 2019’ van TruthUnveiled777, gepubliceerd op 18 okt. 2018 (98.257 v; 1.252 r). Tekst: ‘Predictive Programming REVEALED! On the evening of Tues. October 16th, 2018, YouTube experienced a massive outage for nearly 90 minutes. According to Down Detector, this outage was felt coast-to-coast by thousands of users. Not only that, but during this time, users were unable to access YouTube videos, comments, or live stream. This was reported to occur around 9:15pm ET, and by 10:45pm ET — users reported regular programming once more. But could this have potentially been ANOTHER TEST? Also note the timing: how this outage occurred only a week after “Hurricane Michael” struck Florida and the Carolinas, weeks after Hurricane Florence and the “mosquito-pocalypse,” and also following the FEMA Nationwide “Test” as of October 3rd, 2018. Not to mention how around this time, The Economist has released yet another cover for “The World in 2019.” However, in this 33rd edition, the cover only shows the wording — and a black background. According to The Economist website: “It will look ahead to the Trump administration’s prospects with a new Congress, the reality of Brexit, elections in India, Indonesia, Nigeria and across Europe, tech disruptions from AI and China (could 2019 mark “peak Sillicon Valley”?), space travel 50 years after the Moon landing and culture 500 years after Leonardo da Vinci.” (Even though we know BETTER than “space travel” and “moon landings!”) Considering how all of this is coinciding with the year 2019 — And how 2019 is now the “Year of Return” according to the Ghanaian president, along with Congress passing the bill commemorating 400 years of slavery in the United States, the question still remains: What Are They REALLY Getting Ready For?!?! THE TRUTH REVEALED!!!

De totaal zwarte cover van de Economist voor 2019 was ook aanleiding tot de video (13:42) ‘Economist 2019 BLACK OUT cover Dollar Collapse’ van RichieFromBoston, gepubliceerd op 16 okt. 2018 (63.279 v; 864 r). Tekst: ‘It seems that the media is not parroting what we have been warning of. The economist has been used as a medium to share thier plans or agenda. And the latest cover for 2019 is black totally blacked out. be ready, be warned but more importantly be PREPARED. Not having some actual coins to barter with when all hells breaks out, leaves you at the mercy of FEMA or DHS.’

Screenshot HeydonMusicpage 4-11-18

Screenshot HeydonMusicpage 4-11-18 (16:43) ‘Q anon 11/3/18 The Time is Near’ van SpaceShot76, gepubliceerd op 3 nov. 2018 (35.644 v; 622 r). Tekst: ‘Q told us Potus is meeting with Putin on 11.11, which struck a memory of an old post when Q talked about when the arrests will happen how POTUS will be abroad and insualted on AF1[.] Also Q reminds us Which party truely has the Racists, all they want to do is divide us and get rid of us and bring in the undocumented people who heavily vote to the left to replace our votes. We are shown Hillarys ties to former KKK member Robert Byrd who was her mentor.’

De verkiezingen zijn aanstaande en een laatste prognose van een RED WAVE wordt gegeven door (24:20) ‘Red Wave! Trump and Republicans Will Win House and Senate | Here are the Numbers’ van The Red Elephants, gepubliceerd op 4 nov. 2018 (1.870 v; 124 r).

Voor wie de Black Leadership bijeenkomst in het White House gemist heeft, is hier een verslag: (26:33) ‘WE MADE HISTORY! – Young Black Leadership Summit (TPUSA)’ van Brandon Tatum, gepubliceerd op 2 nov. 2018 (32.280 v; 1.408 r)

HeydonMusicpage – Q+ TRUMP | The Mob/Media/will Loose /The left are “Godless People” 2 MORE DAYS. #REDWAVE

Gepubliceerd op 4 nov. 2018


Q+ TRUMP – The Mob/Media/will Loose /The left are “Godless People” 2 MORE DAYS. #REDWAVE

Music Heydonmusicpage My Music! Testing out VANDAL GUITAR Plugin by Magix some demo music .


Audio? Sequoia By Magix


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