Cor Hendriks – Qanon (20): Trump is (g)een racist!

D (Democraat): Trump is een racist.
R (Republikein): Hoe kom je daar bij? Trump is helemaal geen racist.
D: Heb je zijn tweet niet gelezen? Hoe kan je zeggen dat hij geen racist is?
R: Ik heb de tweet gelezen en zie er niets racistisch in.
D: Hij valt er in zwarte en bruine mensen aan.
R: Trump valt iedereen aan, die er een potje van maakt, niet alleen zwarte mensen.
D: Er is een patroon in Trumps tweets: hij gebruikt telkens het woord “geïnfecteerd” om zwarte en bruine mensen te beschrijven.
R: Hij heeft het niet over mensen en gebruikt het woord in combinatie met misdaad, drugs en in dit geval ratten.
D: Toch is hij een racist.
R: Hoe kom je daarbij?
D: Hij geeft dog whistles (zie

De aanleiding was het afkeurenswaardige optreden van Senator Elijah Cummings (zie als voorzitter van de overzichtcommissie tegenover de secretaris van DHS (zie

Dit schoot Trump in het verkeerde keelgat en hij plaatste – waarschijnlijk naar aanleiding van het zien van een reportage van FOX over Baltimore – een tweet, waarin hij Cummings erop wees dat de situatie in Baltimore, waar ratten rondwaren, erger was dan aan de grens. En hij weet die situatie aan het wanbeleid van Democraten, die veel geld opstreken in federale budgetten, maar dat geld verspilden of in eigen zakken lieten verdwijnen.

Democraten hebben een andere uitleg van de situatie; volgens hen legde Cummings Trump het vuur te na aan de voeten, zie

Overigens kan ook zijn kritiek van 21-7 op Trump de aanleiding zijn geweest, zie

Overigens zei Trump over Baltimore hetzelfde als Cummings zelf 20 jaar geleden zei of wat Bernie Sanders in 2015 zei, zie (22:15) The Donald Trump / Bernie Sanders Media Double Standard Exposed By Baltimore Tweets van Tim Pool, Gepubliceerd op 28 jul. 2019 (260.093 v; 3.117 r). Tekst: ‘Media Outraged Over Trump’s Tweets, Ignores Bernie Sanders Similar Statements. Over the past week we have been embroiled in another Donald Trump Tweet story pertaining to Elijah Cummings district in Baltimore and we know the media loves running wall to wall press about Trump’s tweets. Interestingly, however, Bernie Sanders has similar tweets and statements which never caught the ire of the media and the left. Perhaps this is because Trump is much more bombastic and aggressive, but even if that were true, the media, left, and far left are now arguing about the substance of the tweet and not the character.| If Bernie and Trump both say Baltimore is bad for many reasons then why would the media ignore Bernie’s presumably incorrect assessment but call out trump for being wrong? To me this shows the clear bias against the president but mostly it shows the desire for the coveted ‘Trump Bump.’ The media knows they get a ratings boost when they complain about the president so they take any opportunity to go after him, even if they know its a distraction from bigger issues, even if they know Trump is playing them and they are taking the bait.’ (11:56) ‘CNN Does ON-AIR Hit Piece Against Baltimore Journalist!‘ van Anthony Brian Logan, Gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (35.828 v; 1.016 r). Tekst: ‘Brian Stelter of CNN performed an on-air hit piece against Baltimore area political commentator Kim Klacik on his failing show “Reliable Sources.” The reasoning for this is because Mrs. Klacik has been one of, if not the only, persons going around Baltimore and documenting the reality of the situation and bringing it to the world. Her videos have been used on Fox News and other alternative sources to back up the argument Trump was making against Elijah Cummings’ 7th District of Maryland of which he has been the leader of for around 23 years. It is clear that Stelter simply wants to protect the golden goose which, in this case, is the Democratic party. He also wants to attack Donald Trump by proxy which is the same goal of CNN at this point. The hit piece was full of false and misleading information. An attempt was made to say that Trump got his information about the rodent and rat infestation of West Baltimore from unreliable sources, while at the same time their report was full of factually incorrect information. Talk about not living up to your name.’ (10:04) ‘Trump’s BRILLIANT ‘Baltimore is a Rat Infested Mess’ Comment!!!‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, Gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (48.202 v; 988 r). (46;46) ‘The Truth is not Racist | The Andrew Klavan Show Ep. 739‘ van The Daily Wire, Gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (3.375 v; 39 r). Tekst: ‘Can Trump break through the wall of race-charges to end the Democrat policies that destroy black Americans?‘ Korte versie: (3:54) ‘This Is The Trump Three-Step‘ van The Daily Wire. (14:07) ‘Baltimore Besieged 7.29.19‘ van America Can We Talk?, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (4.450 v; 42 r). (4:43) ‘Why Trump’s Baltimore Tweet Isn’t Racist‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (33.555 v; 454 r). Tekst: ‘President Donald Trump criticizes the city of Baltimore and the Left accuses him of bigotry. Ben Shapiro explains why that is nonsense.

Ben Garrison - Democrats call you a racist

Ben Garrison – Democrats call you a racist (17:14) ‘Baltimore Is RAT INFESTED & DISGUSTING, and It’s Not Racist to Say So!’ Van Jon Miller, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (26.628 v; 1.337 r). Tekst: ‘To the Left, it’s not about WHAT is said but WHO is saying it! The Left publicly criticizes the hideous, rat-infested city of Baltimore, but the only person who gets backlash for agreeing is Trump. Then, Nick Sandmann, aka “the MAGA hat kid” had his lawsuit against the Washington Post dismissed. So good luck ever being conservative in public again. This judge just gave lazy news outlets license to perpetuate more bogus narratives with impunity.’ Korte versie, zie (7:14) ‘Trump Criticizing Baltimore and its Failed Democrat Policies is NOT Racist I White House Brief‘ van BlazeTV, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019. (40:29) ‘Trump Is Right About Baltimore | The Matt Walsh Show Ep. 305‘ van The Daily Wire, 11 uur geleden in première gegaan (11.764 v; 188 r). Tekst: ‘Today on the show, President Trump says Baltimore is a dump. His observation is factually correct. But is it racist? Democrats says so. Also, a mother complains about childless millennials ruining Disney world. Should grown ups without kids be banned from theme parks? We will tackle that important question today.’ Korte versie, zie (5:11) ‘Is Baltimore Really That Bad?’ van The Daily Wire. (23:59) ‘Making Things Racist | The News & Why It Matters Ep. 338‘ van BlazeTV, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (9.899 v; 124 r). Tekst: ‘07.29.19 | Making Things Racist | The News & Why It Matters Ep. 338 | The panel looks at whether it’s racist to say that Baltimore has major issues, or even mention ‘infestations’, and how Trump’s ‘racist’ tweets seem to be more important than a mass shooting.’ (15:52) ‘I guess The Wire wasn’t about Baltimore?! Andrew Klavan with Sebastian Gorka‘ van America First, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (3.677 v; 35 r). (13:54) ‘Trump ‘bad guy’ for Baltimore tweets, but Dem hypocrisy EXPOSED! America is now a bad word? | Ep. 88‘ van Bobby Eberle, in première gegaan op 29 jul. 2019 (19.119 v; 463 r). Tekst: ‘President Trump called out Democrat Elijah Cummings this weekend and blasted the conditions of Cummings’ Baltimore district. Of course, Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders rushed to Cummings’ side and called President Trump… the “r” word. The word ‘America’ was being discussed at Colorado State University for possibly being offensive, and the Democrats prepare for Round 2 of their presidential debates. All that and more on today’s show! (10:16) ‘CNN’s Victor Blackwell brought to TEARS…‘ van The Amazing Lucas, gepubliceerd op 28 jul. 2019 (276.372 v; 6.818 r). Tekst: ‘It seems Trump’s tweets were just too much for some men. One word set Victor Blackwell into a tearful tirade about Baltimore. (7:46) ‘Black Conservative Reacts To Victor Blackwell CRYING On CNN Over Trump “Infested” Baltimore Comments‘ van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 28 jul. 2019 (63.887 v; 2.565 r). Tekst: ‘Victor Blackwell, a black CNN anchor and Baltimore native, took personal offense to Donald Trump’s tweets about his hometown. It appears as if the word “infested” that Trump used to describe Baltimore’s rodent problem struck Blackwell to his core. He went on about a 4 or 5 minute rant about how “racist” Trump’s words were. Blackwell also linked this “attack” to other members of Congress that happen to be “people of color” for what appears to be “evidence” of Trump’s “racism.” The reality here is that Donald Trump told the truth about Baltimore. Sometimes the truth is ugly and when it’s ugly, it usually hurts. If a person lies, that lie is less likely to cause a person pain to the point where they lose their composure and “cry” on air like Victor Blackwell did. Black residents of the particular part of Baltimore that Trump was referring to – Elijah Cummings district – agreed with what Trump said and did not think it was racist. They appreciate someone actually taking notice rather than trying to sweep the problem under the rug as most politicians in Maryland do.’ (9:34) ‘Diamond And Silk direct message to Elijah Cummings and many more.’ Van Diamond and Silk – The Viewers View, gepubliceerd op 28 jul. 2019 (72.877 v; 1.367 r). (8:28) ‘Trump says Cummings lied about conditions in migrant detention facilities. Did he?‘ van PBS NewsHour, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (12.775 v). Tekst: ‘President Trump’s recent verbal attacks on Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., were sparked by the congressman’s criticism of migrant facilities on the U.S.-Mexico border. The White House disputed Cummings’ characterizations. So what do we actually know about what’s going on in these detention centers? Judy Woodruff talks to the National Immigration Forum’s Ali Noorani about a “lack of transparency.” (11:40) ‘Trump’s Attacks On Rep. Elijah Cummings‘ van WGBH News, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (1.446 v; 44 r). Tekst: ‘As President Trump and his advisors doubled-down on his attacks on Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore, many were quick to point out that it was his second racist attack on prominent Americans of color in less than a month. Is this the new normal for American politics, or will it spur more political involvement from those who oppose his tactics? To discuss, Jim Braude was joined by Carl Williams, distinguished practitioner-in-residence at Cornell Law School; Thomas Whalen, association professor at Boston University; and Atyia Martin, CEO & Founder of All Aces, Inc. and the former Chief Resilience Officer for Boston.’ (20:48) ‘Rev. Al: Donald Trump Has Decided To Run A Blatantly Racist Campaign | Deadline | MSNBC‘ van MSNBC, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (134.102 v; 1.669 r). Tekst: ‘WaPo’s Ashley Parker, Move On’s Karine Jean-Pierre, Real Clear Politics’ A.B. Stoddard, former Congressman David Jolly, and Reverend Al Sharpton join John Heilemann to discuss the president’s racist re-election campaign strategy becoming clearer after his attacks on Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore‘. (22:53) ‘WATCH: Al Sharpton responds to Trump’s attacks, says president has ‘venom’ for people of color’‘ van PBS NewsHour, live gestreamd op 29 jul. 2019 (44.204 v). (6:36) ‘Easy math: You hit Trump, he’ll hit you back — regardless of race‘ van Glenn Beck, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (21.479 v; 227 r). Tekst: ‘The left has built up the narrative over the past few years that President Trump is a racist. Now, they are getting so lazy that any criticism of a person of color is automatically deemed racist no matter what. But the calculus is simple, if you hit Trump, he’ll hit back even harder. NO MATTER your race. Watch this clip with Stu who’s filling in for Glenn as he runs down the list of all the people Trump has criticized on Twitter. Guess what, there are some white people on the list too! (22:17) ‘Los Angeles: 3rd-World $#1+hole of Rats, Typhus and Stinking Heaps Garbage‘ van Bill Whittle, gepubliceerd op 22 mei 2019 (51.179 v; 1.042 r). Tekst: ‘Giant stinking heaps of garbage, crawling with rats carrying typhus — this is not some simmering 3rd-World $#1+hole, but rather, the Democrat-run city of Los Angeles. What will it take to clean up the City of Angels? (2:10) ‘Baltimore is corrupt: Kennedy‘ van Fox Business, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (112.890 v; 1.134 r). Tekst: ‘FOX Business’ Kennedy gives her take on President Trump’s tweet about Baltimore.’ (33:26) ‘Donald J. Trump/ A great Week/ POPCORN STOCK UP! 7.30.2019‘ van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (3.115 v; 65 r). (27:00) ‘Democrats Fear Trump Is On Track For 2020 Win, Democrat Infighting And Lack Of Message Sow Worry‘ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (200.704 v; 4.153 r). Tekst: ‘Democrats Fear Trump Is On Track For 2020 Win, Democrat Infighting And Lack Of Message Cause Worry. Democratic governors know their states better than most. Recently at an annual meeting Democratic governors expressed concerns and frustrations with the Democratic 2020 candidates going too far left. They point out that the party is being mired in infighting and has been thrown off message by Trump’s media strategies. They warn that most Americans want to talk about healthcare, the economy, and immigration but are spending too much time talking about how ‘orange man bad’ instead of how they will help the American people. Polls show most people do not favor abolishing ICE, giving healthcare to non-citizens, or giving reparations yet Democrats are increasingly favoring far left and social justice rhetoric. In the end the primaries may force Democrats too far to the left to be able to win. The democratic party is fractured and can’t find its base, meanwhile Trump and the republicans are unifying and talking policy and politics. But Trump and his fans should be warned, although his approval ratings is at a near all time high he recently saw an asymmetrical spike in disapproval among polls showing he risks losing the center his his tweets are too bombastic. (1:01:41) ‘Episode 613 Scott Adams: Let’s Play “Is the President a Racist or do I Have TDS?”‘ Van Real Coffee with Scott Adams, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (2.536 v; 125 r). Tekst: ‘Let’s play “Is the President racist, or do I have TDS? Elijah Cummings is failing his job, and only President Trump can say it. Alyssa Milano feels “hopeless”…her nightmare illusion. Democrats want to prevent discussion of Baltimore’s issues…why? Preventing discussion prevents solutions. Kamala…if you want to win the nomination tonight, here’s how. Bring up AGE…cause everybody is thinking it, nobody saying it. We shouldn’t judge public figures by actions over 20 years ago. Nobody is the same person they were 20 years ago. Is it fair to judge a person by who they were 20 years ago?Republicans are spring-loaded to be helpful…they love it. Play by the rules and Republicans will love you, it’s easy.’ (56:18) ‘Sharpton’s Democrats | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 828‘ van The Daily Wire, Gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (4.130 v; 38 r). Tekst: ‘Democrats react to Trump’s attacks on Al Sharpton by embracing the race-baiting con man, the media push the “Trump is racist” narrative, and we preview the next Democratic debates.’ (47:22) ‘Identity Politics Corrupts Absolutely | The Andrew Klavan Show Ep. 740‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (2.730 v; 75 r). Tekst: ‘Racism poisons the left and the left’s media. Is Trump the brutal cure? (44:21) ‘Donald Trump’s Reverse Magnetism | The Matt Walsh Show Ep. 306‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (2.484 v; 27 r). (10:59) ‘Trump is Absolutely Right About ‘Con Man’ Al Sharpton!!!‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (92.275 v; 1.387 r). (12:35) ‘President Donald Trump Escalates Attacks On Lawmakers Of Color | MTP Daily | MSNBC‘ van MSNBC, Gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (36.273 v; 753 r). (14:14) ‘Trump Deploys Race Attacks As Political Tactic | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC‘ van MSNBC, Gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (64.178 v; 487 r). (4:41) ‘Don Lemon’s Failed Trump Attack‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (178.566 v; 1.357 r). Tekst: ‘Ben Shapiro slams CNN’s virtue signaling on President Trump’s comments on Baltimore. (22:12) ‘The Heat: Trump’s racism controversy Pt 2‘ van CGTN America, gepubliceerd op 31 jul. 2019 (465 v; 3 r). Tekst: ‘To discuss: Amy Holmes is a political commentator and columnist for the Swiss weekly –“Die Weltwoche.” Simon Marks is the president and chief correspondent of Feature Story News. Michael Johns is the co-founder of the U.S. National Tea Party movement. Hilary Shelton is the director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau.’ (5:43) ‘The Heat: Trump’s racism controversy Pt 1‘ van CGTN America.’ (5:51) ‘What do Detroit residents think about the state of their city?‘ Van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 31 jul. 2019 (81.612 v; 926 r). Tekst: ‘Fox News contributor Lawrence Jones and National Diversity Coalition for Trump CEO Rev. Darrell Scott weigh in on the state of Detroit and Baltimore. (46:26) ‘Are The Tweets Working? | The Michael Knowles Show Ep. 389‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (31.784 v; 306 r). Tekst: ‘The Left is accusing President Trump of racism. We examine whether the tweets are actually helping Trump’s political case. Then, the White House wins big on the Wall at the Supreme Court, and Attorney General William Barr resumes executing criminals.’ (9:30) ‘THAT DIDN’T AGE WELL #18: BALTIMORE‘ van Zeducation, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (89.957 v; 2.561 r). Tekst: ‘Baltimore: One of America’s worst places to live. Crime, pollution and lots of rats holding their political offices for far too long! (3:48) ‘Islam facing off with LGBT in UK after arrest over viral Pride video | Ezra Levant‘ van Rebel Media, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (106.146 v; 2.013 r). Tekst: ‘ On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we covered the arrest of a 38-year-old woman in Britain who was filmed in a viral video yelling “Shame!” at a person with a rainbow cape participating in a Pride parade.’ (10:58) ‘Trump is Absolutely Right About ‘Con Man’ Al Sharpton!!!‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (60.925 v; 1.090 r). Tekst: ‘Here’s why Trump’s brilliant populist political strategy will dominate the 2020 election, with Democrats playing right into his hands!!! (12:45) ‘Republicans Largely Silent After Trump’s Attacks On Baltimore And Cummings | The 11th Hour | MSNBC‘ van MSNBC, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (120.822 v; 1.341 r). Tekst: ‘Facing new claims of racism, Trump attacked Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore Cummings represents. Dems were swift to call Trump out, but Republicans were largely silent. Donna Edwards, Juana Summers, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, and Robert Costa join.’ (8:10) ‘God Bless America, Except Baltimore‘ van The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (1.838.701 v; 5.157 r). Tekst: ‘Trump spent his weekend enjoying yet another racist tirade, this time aimed at Congressman Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore.’ (16:35) ‘Donald J. Trump/ Are you Ready?/POPCORN!IT’S GOING DOWN 7.31.19‘ van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 31 jul. 2019 (1.337 v; 28 r) [Actie Clean Up Baltimore]. (13:46) ‘Trump is Right, Baltimore is a Sh*thole‘ van The Red Elephants Vincent James, gepubliceerd op 29 jul. 2019 (40.509 v; 1.867 r). (11:05) ‘Baltimore: President Trump’s Tweet are part of the Solution. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First‘ van America First, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (1.734 v; 14 r). Tekst: ‘Sebastian Gorka opening monologue on America First explaining President Trump’s tweets calling out the reality of Baltimore. 07/29/19‘. (20:09) ‘Secretary Carson speaks in Baltimore amid Trump’s criticism of the city‘ van Fox News, 8 uur geleden live gestreamd (71.861 v; 1.189 r). Tekst: ‘Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson holds a news conference in Baltimore, Maryland. This takes place as President Trump renews attacks on Rep. Elijah Cummings, Baltimore.’–OCYbs4 (48:05) ‘DNC Divorced from Facts; Mollie Hemingway & Carrie Severino; Cooking Up Hate 7.31.19‘ van America Can We Talk?, live gestreamd op 31 jul. 2019 (2.098 v; 16 r). Tekst: ‘Judge: DNC “Divorced from Facts“. Authors Mollie Hemingway & Carrie Severino join me to talk about their new book about the Kavanaugh Nomination, JUSTICE ON TRIAL. Baltimore & Cooking Up Hate.’ Korte versie (13:39) ‘Baltimore & Cooking Up Hate | Debbie Discusses 7.31.19‘ van America Can We Talk?, gepubliceerd op 31 jul. 2019 (2.124 v; 39 r). (15:46) ‘Where did the Money go?? Katrina Pierson on Baltimore’s Billions‘ van America First, gepubliceerd op 1 aug. 2019 (1.926 v; 29 r). (1:06:18) ‘Heather Mac Donald on Victim Mentality, Identity Politics & President Trump’s Baltimore Tweets‘ van American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times, In première gegaan op 31 jul. 2019 (8.101 v; 220 r). Tekst: ‘What is the worldview driving some people to call President Trump’s tweets about congressman Eljiah Cummings and Baltimore racist? And why are they downplaying some of the factual realities described in Trump’s tweets? How, in the view of Heather Mac Donald, do victim mentality, intersectionality, and identity politics threaten American culture and prosperity? And what are the root causes of socioeconomic disparities in America, and solutions to what she sees as the deep-seated corruption of education and culture today? Today we sit down with Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald, who is a contributing editor to City Journal and author of “The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.” We discuss Trump’s unique approach to identity politics, and what Mac Donald describes as the myths of institutional racism and sexism in America, the “Ferguson effect,” affirmative action, and the proliferation of hatred in public discourse today.’ Met links. (39:12) ‘Donald J. Trump/ Baltimore is Just the START! OF THE CLEAN UP! 8.1.19‘ van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 1 aug. 2019 (3.532 v; 109 r). (12:08) ‘Tucker Carlson interviews Baltimore City Councilman about the Missing $2.3 Billion Dollars‘ van Leo Dunson, gepubliceerd op 31 jul. 2019 (176.564 v; 5.849 r). Tekst: ‘Tucker Carlson interviewed City Councilman Robert Stokes of Baltimore on the current conditions of the city. However, for some strange reason every time Tucker asked the councilman specific questions regarding the 2.3 Billion dollars given to the city, the councilman reverted to bring up 400 years of structural racism. Now you know me, I am not one to sweep racism nor 400 years of the atrocities done to Black Americans under the bus. Nonetheless, we are talking about a specific incident of a specific point of time, of which the councilman and many of black leader resided over this money. We have a serious corruption problem in Black America, at the highest levels of our government and it’s shameful that in 2019, our black leaders will not have some integrity to do what’s right for the people they were put in office to represent.’ (24:38) ‘US attorney holds presser in Baltimore amid Trump’s criticism‘ van Fox News, live gestreamd op 1 aug. 2019 (153.458 v; 1.995 r). Tekst: ‘U.S. Attorney Rob Hur holds a news conference to announce the results of ongoing efforts to reduce violent crime in Baltimore, MD.’ (5:47) ‘Geraldo: The debate over inner cities helps Republicans‘ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 2 aug. 2019 (3.486 v; 306 r). Tekst: ‘It’s good politics for President Trump to highlight the problems facing cities run by Democrats, says Geraldo Rivera, Fox News correspondent-at-large.’ (8:37) ‘Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan sees silver lining in Trump-Cummings feud‘ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 1 aug. 2019 (137.009 v; 1.121 r). Tekst: ‘Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan joins Bill Hemmer on ‘America’s Newsroom’ for first national TV interview since start of Trump-Cummings feud.’ (27:07) ‘Racism Is Being Used As A Distraction By The Elites‘ van Kim Iversen, gepubliceerd op 25 jul. 2019 (45.974 v; 3.194 r). (46:10) ‘Trump’s Crystal Ball | The Michael Knowles Show Ep. 391‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 2 aug. 2019 (21.300 v; 168 r). Tekst: ‘A man in NYC gets beaten for wearing a MAGA hat, Elijah Cummings has his house broken into just hours before Trump tweets about the dangers of living in Baltimore, and finally the Mailbag! (9:26) ‘Trump unleashes on 2020 Democrats during Ohio rally‘ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 3 aug. 2019 (148.170 v; 955 r). Tekst: ‘Trump takes aim at liberal-run cities; reaction and analysis on ‘The Five.” (28:22) ‘Donald J. Trump/ what a Week we’ve had! Its Only going to get better!’ Van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 3 aug. 2019 (2.765 v; 69 r). (3:56) ‘Trump Shuts Down Protestors at Rally: “You Must Have a Democrat Mayor”‘ van BlazeTV, in première gegaan op 3 aug. 2019 (5.958 v; 128 r). Tekst: ‘Multiple protestors tried to heckle Trump last night at his rally, but President Trump laughed them off saying: “You must have a Democrat mayor!”‘ [zie opgehouden T-shirts aan het einde]. (14:50) ‘Don Lemon ATTACKS Black Pastor On CNN For Meeting With Trump!‘ Van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 2 aug. 2019 (178.299 v; 8.007 r). Tekst: ‘Rev. Bill Owens, president of the coalition of African-American pastors, defended President Trump for his attack on the city of Baltimore in an interview Monday night with CNN’s Don Lemon. Owens contended Trump’s comments about Baltimore should not be considered racist because the president attacks people of all colors. Trump met with a group of inner-city pastors Monday at the White House including Rev. Owens. Lemon asked Owens if he believed the president used the meeting as a shield against accusations of racism. “So the president tweeted today he was looking forward to his meeting with wonderful inner-city pastors. Any concern for you that the president used this meeting with black leaders to insulate himself from the criticism?” Lemon asked. “I don’t think so,” Rev. Owens replied. “I don’t think that at all because I have been to the White House four times in five months. There was nothing about insulating from anything. He wanted to hear from us, what our concerns were and what he could do to help us”‘ (ARTICLE: REAL CLEAR POLITICS)’. (11:42) ‘President Trumps tweet to Elijah Cummings home evasion, Baltimore Rats, Kamala Harris smack-down.‘ Van Diamond and Silk – The Viewers View, in première gegaan op 2 aug. 2019 (30.845 v; 823 r). Tekst: ‘Diamond and Silk discuss President Trumps tweet to Elijah Cummings about his home evasion, Baltimore Rats and the Kamala Harris smack-down. (3:13) ‘Cummings Contradicts Himself On Baltimore, Calls It ‘Drug-Infested‘ van TheDC Shorts, Gepubliceerd op 1 aug. 2019 (150.271 v; 1.537 r). Tekst: ‘Elijah Cummings called President Donald Trump racist for criticizing Baltimore – but Cummings once called Baltimore ‘drug-infested’. (29:11) ‘Donald J. Trump/ BREAKING NEWS El Paso, Texas /The TRUTH WILL COME OUT! 8.4.2019‘ van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 4 aug. 2019 (1.977 v; 52 r).

Tot slot een uitgebreid interview met AOC, de ‘rising star’ van de Democratische partij en de aanvoerster van ‘The Squad’: (55:24) ‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez On Impeaching Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Recent Backlash + Breaks Down Her Job‘ van HOT 97, gepubliceerd op 30 jul. 2019 (119.137 v; 1.766 r). Tekst: ‘Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took over the airwaves on Ebro in the Morning to discuss a variety of topics including Impeaching Donald Trump, her relationship with Nancy Pelosi & other democrats in Congress, the President’s comments to “send them back,” detention centers & immigration, Israel, what she is looking towards in the next Democratic debates, whether she will support any presidential candidate and much more. She also broke down her job as a congresswoman and what she is doing to help New York’s 14th congressional district locally as well as in Washington D.C.’

Jenny Hatch – Renegade… The Jig is Up! @JennyHatch #QAnon

Gepubliceerd op 3 aug. 2019

QAnon? A Primer by Citizen Journalist Jenny Hatch:


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