Cor Hendriks – Qanon (19): Trump speelt 4D schaak met de Squad

De maestro flikt het weer. Trump outtrumps de Dems en zelfs Tim Pool en anderen zijn onder de indruk van de maestro en spreken over 4D schaak.

Tim Pool is in korte tijd een belangrijke commentator geworden, maar blijft zeer kritisch op Trump en is zeker geen Trump aanhanger. Nu echter moet hij toegeven dat Trump 4D schaak speelt. Maar in eerste instantie had hij dat niet in de gaten en veroordeelde net als iedereen de tweet van Trump. Want wat was er aan de hand? De Democraten waren bezig met een intern gevecht tussen Nancy Pelosi en de vier nieuwe vrouwen in Congress, die zich ‘The Squad’ noemden en Pelosi racisme verweten. Een strategische regel (uit de Art of War van Sun Tzu of van Napoleon?) is: kom niet tussenbeide, wanneer de vijand bezig is zichzelf te vernietigen (Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself, zie of

En toen kwam de Tweet van Trump. Wat nu was zo controversieel aan de tweet van Trump?

Trump Tweet 14-7-2019

Trump tweet, 14 juli 2019

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix their totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Er worden geen namen genoemd. Er wordt niet gesproken over ras of kleur. Er wordt niet eens gesproken over oprotten, zoals onze minister-president Mark Rutte deed, want ze mogen terugkomen.

Uiteraard weet iedereen wie die “Progressieve’ Democratische Congresvrouwen zijn. Ze staan collectief bekend als “The Squad” ( The Squad: progressive Democrats reveal how they got their name). Het zijn in de eerste plaats de meest bekende Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, de Moslima’s Ilhan Omar en Rashida Tlaib, en de enige negerin Ayanna Pressley. Alleen Ilhan Omar is buiten de VS geboren, namelijk in Somalië. De anderen komen echter uit Democratische districten, waar de omstandigheden vaak ook deplorabel zijn (zoals New York, waar AOC vandaan komt).

Het resultaat van de tweet van Trump was, dat Nancy Pelosi gedwongen was de ruzie met The Squad bij te leggen, die daardoor de radicale gezichten van de Democraten werden. Er werd een algemene veroordeling van de tweet van Trump nagestreefd en aangezien de Democraten de meerderheid hebben in het Huis van Afgevaardigden, werd de motie aangenomen, wat voor sommigen reden was om meteen over te gaan tot een stemming over “impeachement” van Trump, die echter werd verloren omdat Nancy Pelosi en een 90-tal andere Democraten met de Republikeinen tegenstemden.

AOC is about to have an orgasm (foto The Thinkery)

AOC is about to have an orgasm (foto The Thinkery) (16:09) ‘Trump Flamethrowers AOC and the Progressive Democrats‘ van The Thinkery, gepubliceerd op 14 jul. 2019 (244.447 v; 4.257 r). Tekst: ‘Go back to where you came from, even if that happens to be America! (22:30) ‘4 FRESHMAN CONGRESSWOMEN & THEIR UNHINGED MEDIA COMRADES CHALLENGE TRUMP. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.’ Van Black Conservative Patriot, gepubliceerd op 15 jul. 2019 (102.160 v; 4.288 r). (4:41) ‘Trump Tweets Attacks On Congresswomen | The View‘ van The View, gepubliceerd op 15 jul. 2019 (263.562 v; 2.360 r). Tekst: ‘The View’ responds to Trump tweets on congresswomen. The co-hosts react to the president’s comment that “Progressive Democrat Congresswomen” should stop criticizing the government and “go back” to where they came from.’ (10:34) ‘Trump says his racist tweets are “not at all” racist‘ van Channel 4 News, gepubliceerd op 15 jul. 2019 (180.241 v; 5.621 r). Tekst: ‘Four outspoken Democratic politicians – all women of colour, all US citizens, all but one born in the United States, yet, according to President Trump, they should all go home and fix the problems in their own countries. Leading Democrats have rounded on Mr Trump, accusing him of racism, while Theresa May described his language as “completely unacceptable”. Far from apologising, the President insisted his tweets had not been racist, declaring that “if you hate our country, if you’re complaining all the time, you can leave right now”.’ (7:23) ‘Trumps tweets ARE NOT racist‘ van The Amazing Lucas, gepubliceerd op 15 jul. 2019 (194.783 v; 5.426 r). Tekst: ‘So everyone is losing their minds about Trump’s recent tweet telling the stooges to go back to their country which many are saying is racist. Surprise…it’s not. (56:59) ‘Trump’s racist attack on AOC, Omar, Tlaib and Pressley | Pod Save America recording stream‘ van Crooked Media, live gestreamd op 15 jul. 2019 (29.598 v; 133 r). Tekst: ‘Jon, Jon and Tommy discuss Donald Trump’s racist attack on Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. Then they discuss the internal conflict happening in the Democratic controlled House and the latest in Bernie, Biden and 2020‘. (10:50) ‘Media and Left ATTACK Trump For “Back To Country” Comments!‘ Van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 15 jul. 2019 (55.522 v; 2.207 r). Tekst: ‘Much of the mainstream media and leftist politicians have joined hands to rebuke Trump’s comments on Twitter that spoke of “progressive” Democrat congresswomen’s ancestry. Trump stated that since these women come from countries that are run poorly, that maybe they should return to them to fix their issues, come back and then tell us how it’s done. The media seized on those comments as racist by A. not reporting the full story and B. sensationalizing the story to make the right look bad, as per usual. While it’s true that only one of the women Trump may have been referring to (members of “The Squad” featuring AOC) came from a country other than America at birth, there is also the case of first generation immigrant Rashida Tlaib who has parents that immigrated from Palestine. While Puerto Rico is an American territory, it is not quite the same as the 50 states and AOC is Puerto-Rican. The only person who is of direct 50 states ancestry is Ayanna Pressley. Nancy Pelosi took time out of her “busy?” schedule to defend AOC and “The Squad” by labeling Trump a racist for not only the most recent Twitter comment but also his border policies. As if border patrol agents all of a sudden are not majority hispanic. Pelosi is in between a rock and a hard place here. She is defending the very same group of people that alluded to racism when it comes to her treatment of them. The end result of all of this may be that Pelosi welcomes in the four horsemen of the DNC apocalypse by constantly having to defend them. (8:31) ‘Trump’s Racist Attacks on Democratic Congresswomen: A Closer Look‘ van Late Night with Seth Meyers, gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2019 (2.031.433 v; 6.500 r). Tekst: ‘Seth takes a closer look at the president mounting an appallingly racist attack on four Democratic women of color in Congress.’ (12:52) ‘Trump Triples Down! Makes Anti-Americans the Face of the Democrat Party!!!‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2019 (73.614 v; 2.122 r). Tekst: ‘Here’s how ’the Squad,’ the Democrats and the media are playing right into Trump’s hands!!! (22:34) ‘Leftist Media Think They Exposed Trump But STILL Get played For Fools‘ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2019 (389.248 v; 10.271 r). Tekst: ‘Vox’s Ezra Klein Basically Confirms Trump Is Playing “4D Chess” After MAJOR Media Manipulation. In an article for the Vox, Ezra Klein writes that Trump’s tweets are meant to force the Democrats to prop up Ocasio-Cortez and the other far left Democrats in order to make all the Democrats look like far left socialists. Many people on the right and in the center agree, this was a Trumpian “4D Chess” move. A recent poll from Axios shows that most people detest Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so Trump wants to make sure she remains the center of attention. Trump effectively got Nancy Pelosi to reverse course and give AOC and others a massive platform. But the truth goes one step beyond this. Although its funny to think Trump is playing “4D Chess” the idea is just a silly meme. Then you realize what Trump actually did. For the past several years the Republican President has been able to trick the media into covering his tweets instead of real breaking news. This time Trump pulled off a major “two birds with one stone” while tricking everyone not once, but actually twice.’ (8:39) ‘Squad Press Conference was a JOKE‘ van The Amazing Lucas, gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2019 (196.222 v; 5.995 r). Tekst: ‘The Squad had their press conference and it turned out be the best Trump campaign ad to date.’ (22:14)’Full ‘Squad’ Press Conference In Response To President Donald Trump’s Attacks | MTP Daily | MSNBC‘ van MSNBC, gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2019 (221.706 v; 6.158 r). Tekst: ‘Representatives Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) respond to President Trump saying they should “go back” to the counties they came from. (57:40) ‘The Jayvee Squad | Ep. 818‘ van Ben Shapiro, gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2019 (96.427 v; 929 r). Tekst: ‘The AOC Squad launch a retaliatory attack on Trump, Trump declares victory, and Bernie Sanders may be toast. (20:21) ‘Why Trump Told ‘The Squad’ of 4 U.S. Lawmakers to Go Back Where They Came From‘ van Bill Whittle, gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2019 (35.399 v; 852 r). Tekst: ‘President Trump told U.S. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib — known collectively as ‘The Squad’ — to go back where they originally came from and to fix the broken, corrupt governments in those places before they try to fix America. What did he mean by this, and why does he continue to go after a handful of rookie lawmakers as part of his effort to get re-elected? Bill Whittle explains. (11:56) ‘Trumps Master Plan Worked: AOC and Ilhan Omar are the Face of the Democrats, Now‘ van Styxhexenhammer666, gepubliceerd op 16 jul. 2019 (162.772 v; 2.839 r). Tekst: ‘Trump may have won 2020 yesterday.’ (19:04) ‘Democrats Fall Right Into Trump’s Trap, CHAOS Erupts In House Over Tweets‘ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 (69.584 v; 3.184 r). Tekst: ‘Democrats Have Fallen Into Trump’s Trap, CHAOS Erupts In House Over Tweets. The tweet debacle continues as House Democrats are sent into complete chaos trying to denounce Trump’s tweets. Vox’s Ezra Klein recently came out to say that Trump is trying to force Democrats to prop up the far left socialists in order to frame the Democrats as entirely far left. It worked. Not only did Trump successfully distract from possibly the biggest story in his presidency, the ending of asylum for Central Americans, he forced Democrats to prop up Ocasio-Cortez ad the far left, and has now has the Democrats bickering with each other instead of getting anything done. At a time when we need Democrats unified Trump easily set a trap and sent Democrats into chaos. (5:16) ‘Gingrich op-ed: Trump doesn’t play tic-tac-toe, he plays chess‘ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 (8.670 v; 431 r). Tekst: ‘Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich says President Trump believes that if the Democrats embrace the radical wing of their party Republicans will win in 2020.’ (31:16) ‘Donald J. Trump/You’ve Got a Friend In Me. WAKE UP! 7.17.20‘ van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 (2.940 v; 98 r). (45:30) ‘Episode 600 Scott Adams: Let’s Discuss a Tweet Because Everything Else Seems to be Fine‘ van Real Coffee with Scott Adams, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 ( (9:59) ‘Ilhan Omar and ‘The Squad’ Refuse to Condemn al-Qaeda and Antifa Terrorism I White House Brief‘ van BlazeTV, in première gegaan 17 juli 2019 (38.099 v; 870 r). Tekst: ‘Jon Miller calls out Ilhan Omar and the rest of ‘The Squad’: “Is it so hard to denounce al-Qaeda? It shouldn’t be, but for Ilhan Omar it’s seemingly impossible. After several deeply disturbing comments about the terror organization, the congresswoman is facing legitimate criticism and inquiries. Luckily for her, the mainstream media is fixated on Trump’s Twitter account and won’t demand accountability from Omar. Her colleague, Ayanna Pressley is silent on Antifa’s terrorism. The media should be calling her out, but instead they help her play the victim.” (9:18) ‘POLL: Republican Support RISES for Trump after Squad Tweets!!!‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 (54.159 v; 1.313 r). Tekst: ‘Here’s why TRUMP’s approval has gone UP since his TWEET STORM!!!’ (1:44:54) ‘Daily Wire Backstage: “The Squad” Edition‘ van The Daily Wire, live gestreamd op 17 juli 2019 (50.008 v; 331). Tekst: ‘As President Trump and the Fresh-Face Squad battle it out over Twitter, who will be left standing in the end? Is Trump’s online rhetoric part of an overall strategy or is it just a big mistake? Do these fights help or hurt his chances at a 2020 win? (33:04) ‘“The Squad” interview: Gayle King’s full conversation with AOC, Omar, Pressley & Tlaib‘ van CBS This Morning, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 (17.434 v; 1.084 r). Tekst: ‘The president’s racist tweets about Democratic congresswomen Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley, together known as “the Squad,” stirred an uproar in Washington this week. For their only joint interview following the president’s attacks, the group sat down with “CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King on Capitol Hill to discuss a wide range of topics. This is their full conversation. (14:39) ‘The Radical Democrats Hate America‘ van The Thinkery, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 (204.874 v; 3.446 r). Tekst: ‘The last few weeks have demonstrated this to be a self-evident truth. (1:34:58) ‘The Squad vs America: Part 1‘ van The Thinkery, live gestreamd op 17 jul. 2019 (116.845 v; 1.869 r). Tekst: ‘AOC, Ilhan Oman and the other two hold a press conference to explain why they hate America so much. (11:21) ‘DEMOCRAT DISARRAY: Leftists Start Turning on Each Other!!!‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 (65.320 v; 1.391 r). Tekst: ‘Here’s why they’re actually calling each other RACISTS!!! (47:12) ‘Prager and Free Speech; Is SCOTUS Supreme?; Tweet Storm Blowback; #FeminExit 7.17.19‘ van America Can We Talk?, Live gestreamd op 17 jul. 2019 (1.641 v; 36). Tekst: ‘Prager, Free Speech, America’s Future. Is SCOTUS Supreme? IPI’s Tom Giovanetti joins me. Tweet Storm Blowback. #FeminExit: Women Support Trump. Follow Debbie Georgatos! (26:51) ‘UNCLE JOEY ADMITS TO LOGAN ACT VIOLATIONS AS TED CRUZ REVEALS THE SHADOW POWER BEHIND DEM SHE-SQUAD!‘ Van Black Conservative Patriot, gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2019 (122.813 v; 4.516 r).

Branco - That's Unamarican, You Racist! (foto Heydonmusicpage)

Branco – That’s Unamarican, You Racist! (foto Heydonmusicpage)

HeydonMusicpage – Donald J. Trump/ I WILL: Expose Them All! TIC TOK 7.18.1920

Gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019


Audio & Video Credit:
Scherie Murray for Congress

Thanks for watching.

Read real news.

Reacties: (9:12) ‘LEFTISTS FAIL: Anti-Feminism Officially Becomes More Popular Than Feminism!!!‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (14.059 v; 436 r). Tekst: ‘Despite all the efforts of Hollywood and leftists, here’s why feminism is collapsing!!! (9:03) ‘CNN panelist unloads on Trump supporter over racist tweets‘ van CNN, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (82.548 v; 4.665 r). Tekst: ‘CNN political commentator Jennifer Granholm and Trump 2020 Campaign National Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany had a heated exchange about President Trump’s remarks targeting four Democratic congresswomen.’ (5:53) ‘A Rundown of Trump’s Racist Racisms | Full Frontal on TBS‘ van Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (64.915 v; 207 r). Tekst: ‘Trump took a break from his “executive time” to do as many racisms as he could! Between his racist tweets and racist immigration policies, someone’s been a busy…bigot.’ (9:41) ‘Republicans Pretend They Haven’t Seen Trump’s Racist Tweets: A Closer Look‘ van Late Night with Seth Meyers, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (1.085.232 v; 3.495 r). Tekst: ‘Seth takes a closer look at the president and GOP leaders insisting that Trump’s latest racist comments are not, in fact, racist despite the fact that they are definitely super racist! (48:37) ‘Episode 601 Scott Adams: “Send Her Back”, Google Rigging the Election, Mining the Moon‘ van Real Coffee with Scott Adams, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (2.272 v; 116 r). Tekst: ‘The tweets that dismantled the Democrat party, risk management. Is Omar and the squad an anchor, dragging down AOC? AOC star power made the squad, she’s the star. At what point will AOC drop the squad to continue rising? Hillary supporter, Harvard Ph.D Psychologist, Robert Epstein says… In 2016, Google manipulated 2-10 million votes to Hillary. Google will be a LOT better at data and vote manipulation in 2020. In 2024…Google will decide who becomes President,Where will Bernie’s votes go, once he drops out? Mining the moon SOON, for extremely valuable helium 3. Indonesia bringing a thorium reactor online soon, safe nuclear energy. (16:10) ‘Hannity: ‘The Squad’ takes aim at Trump, Nancy Pelosi‘ Van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (191.020 v; 2.213 r). Tekst: ‘President Trump fires back that the four Democratic congresswomen during MAGA rally in North Carolina. (1:06:06) ‘Stop This Crap | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 820‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (191.954 v; 2.761 r). Tekst: ‘The crowd chants “send her back” about Ilhan Omar at a Trump rally, Omar demonstrates her anti-Semitism, and Pelosi goes silent. (26:11) ‘Trump Has “Won This One,” Democrats Angry And Defeated According To CNN‘ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (276.055 v; 7.317 r). Tekst: ‘Trump Has “Won This One,” Democrats Angry And Defeated According To CNN. Jake Tapper reports that several House Democrats are angry and frustrated that they rushed to the defense of far left Democrats known as “the squad” at the whim of Trump even going as far to say that Trump has won. Many people have pointed out that Trump’s goal was to distract Democrats and the media and force them to circle the wagons around their more extreme progressive members. Assuming that was his plan it worked, even the New York Times reported that Trump was happy with the results. Ilhan Oman and Ocasio-Cortez are now front and center and while both may be well known an Axios poll shows extremely low favorability. In fact Trump put Ilhan Omar front and center at a rally where he criticized her behavior. According to Axios Omar’s favorability is 9%. We can criticize Trump’s behavior but we have to accept his plan worked out. Regardless of how you feel he is forcing the Democrats to make moves that will hurt them in the long run even if it causes some damage to himself. He knows his base will never fall to social justice rhetoric and is willing to push the limits. (45:57) ‘Send Her Back? | The Andrew Klavan Show Ep. 733‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (23.641 v; 405 r). Tekst: ‘Should we clutch our pearls or beat our chests? Or maybe beat our pearls… Plus the mailbag! (14:04) ‘DEFENDING TRUMP: Kevin McCarthy BLASTS Pelosi and “Squad” Members‘ van FOX 10 Phoenix, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (280.942 v; 3.202 r). (10:04) ‘Humiliated Democrats FAIL to IMPEACH President Trump!!!‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (86.793 v; 2.026 r). Tekst: ‘Here’s what the failure to impeach President Trump REALLY MEANS!!! (48:33) ‘Send Her Back? Make Her Speaker! | The Michael Knowles Show Ep. 384‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 18 jul. 2019 (22.190 v; 329 r). Tekst: ‘A crowd at a Trump rally chants to send comically villainous, anti-American congresswoman Ilhan Omar back to her native country. We’ll cut through the hysteria. Then, Prince Charles predicts the end of the world, Berkeley outlaws sexist words like “man-hole,” and finally the Mailbag! (24:06) ‘HOUSE DEMS JUST DID THIS TO AG BILL BARR AS THE MEDIA BLASTS TRUMP OVER RALLY CHANT‘ van Black Conservative Patriot, gepubliceerd op 19 jul. 2019 (105.649 v; 4.358 r). (34:38) ‘Donald J. Trump/THE TRUTH BE TOLD! TIC TOK RATS! ‘ 7.19.2019’ van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 19 jul. 2019 (3.184 v; 114 r). (11:10) ‘DEMOCRATS Admit: Trump “WON THIS ONE” and He’s “POLITICALLY BRILLIANT”!!! ‘ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 19 jul. 2019 (22.806 v; 640 r). Tekst: ‘Here’s why TRUMP’s approval has gone UP since his TWEET STORM!!! (5:52) ‘Huckabee on the ongoing feud between Trump, ‘The Squad” van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 19 jul. 2019 (15.606 v; 962 r). Tekst: ‘Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee says Democrats are attacking President Trump personally because they cannot attack his policies that are working.’ (1:01:21) ‘The Bad Faith Olympics | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 821‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 19 jul. 2019 (8.456 v; 394 r). Tekst: ‘Trump disavows the “send her back” crowd chant, Democrats lament John McCain, and the Squad continues its radical push. (46:17) ‘Summer of Stupid | The Andrew Klavan Show Ep. 734‘ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 19 jul. 2019 (1.288 v; 35 r).

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