Cor Hendriks – Qanon (15): De Jussie Smollett hoax

Heel vluchtig werd op 21 februari het nieuws gebracht in het Journaal van de arrestatie van Jussie Smollett wegens het plegen van een hoax. Volgens de politie heeft hij aan zichzelf een gifbrief gestuurd, die een fijngemalen hoofdpijn pil bleek te bevatten, en toen dat geen effect had (in het genereren van een hype), ging hij over tot het orkestreren van een aanval op zichzelf door twee ‘Nigeriaanse’ broers (ze blijken achteraf gewoon uit Chicago te komen), die hij 100 dollar gaf om materiaal voor de hoax te kopen. Deze inkoop van het tweetal is op video opgenomen, zie de onderstaande foto:

The two brothers buying red hats and other equipment (foto Tim Pool)

The two brothers buying red hats and other equipment (foto Tim Pool)

De twee broers, vermomd met skimaskers en met rode petten op om door te gaan voor Trump supporters, vielen op afspraak Smollett aan om 02.00 ’s nachts (in Chicago met 20 graden onder nul) toen hij uit de Subway kwam met een broodje. Ze gaven hem een paar klappen, deden hem een strop om en goten chloor op hem, aldus het verhaal. Daarvoor kregen ze van hem een check van 3500 dollar, waarop ze voor twee weken op vakantie gingen in Nigeria. Smollett deed aangifte van deze aanval en de politie, die al in hem geïnteresseerd was sinds de gifbrief, was al snel de twee broers op het spoor en wachtten totdat ze terugkwamen van hun vakantie, waarna ze werden gearresteerd en weldra bekenden, dat ze door Smollett waren ingehuurd. Daarop volgde de dagvaarding van Smollett, die zichzelf overgaf en werd opgesloten.

De politie kwam al snel met de verklaring, dat Smollett de zaak heeft opgezet uit persoonlijk gewin. Smollett is een acteur in de TV serie Empire op FOX en zou ontevreden zijn geweest over zijn salaris en daarom de hoax hebben bedacht om zijn slachtofferstatus te verhogen – hij heeft namelijk al status als ‘black gay actor’. Q is het niet eens met deze analyse van de politie en postte de volgende tekst:

HATE HOAX by [SMOLLETT] [FF designed to pass anti-lynching law] gets wall-to-wall FAKE NEWS coverage?
REAL HATE [REAL VIOLENCE] [& FASCISM] carried out by members of ANTIFA gets ZERO coverage?
When will the FBI conclude their investigation into ANTIFA?
What happens if the phone records of SMOLLETT leak?
Who did he talk to multiple times prior to turning himself in?
Political forces @ work?
Q (2849)

Senate passes anti-lynching bill

Senate passes anti-lynching bill

De hoeveelheid video’s, verschenen over de Jussie Smollett hoax, is overweldigend. Een humoristische, maar informatieve, video is de volgende productie van The TreeHouse News (11:24) ‘How to Get 4 More Years of Trump Thanks to Jussie Smollett’ van The TreeHouse News, gepubliceerd op 20 feb. 2019 (46.563 v; 2.117 r).

The TreeHouse News – How to Get 4 More Years of Trump Thanks to Jussie Smollett

Gepubliceerd op 20 feb. 2019

You would think that after the Covington fiasco Liberals and the MSM would learn their lesson right? WRONG! Watch this video to learn how Jussie Smollett has guaranteed President Trump four more years in the White House.
#JussieeSmollett #MAGA #hatecrime

This video is satirical in nature and has been created for comedic value.

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Hier zijn de video’s, die ik in de afgelopen dagen heb verzameld over het onderwerp. (10:58) ‘No Jussie, No Peace! The Dems’ Tawana Brawley Exposed As TDS Alt-Left Media Dig In and Hunker Down’ van Lionel Nation, gepubliceerd op 17 feb. 2019 (21.641 v; 305 r). Tekst: ‘Chicago police now believe “Empire” TV actor Jussie Smollett paid two pals to fake the attack that he has insisted was carried out by a pair of homophobic and racist strangers, according to a stunning new report, the NY Post reports ( The buddies — body-builder brothers from Nigeria — told cops they purchased the rope for the noose recovered from Smollett’s neck ­after the attack, Fox’s Chicago affiliate reported Saturday night, citing multiple Chicago law-enforcement sources. The two are cooperating with the probe, and have turned over to cops the Ace Hardware receipt for their purchase of the rope, Fox 32 reported.’ (10:37) ‘Freedom! @JennyHatch #QAnon’ van Jenny Hatch, gepubliceerd op 20 feb. 2019 (1.424 v). [Sandman – Smollet] (11:23) ‘Celebrities REFUSE To Believe Jussie Smollett Is a HOAX’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 19 feb. 2019 (131.783 v; 1.638 r). (11:35) ‘Tucker sounds off on new Jussie Smollett developments’ van Fox News, gepubliceerd op 18 feb. 2019 (720.305 v). Tekst: ‘Tucker: Hate hoaxes make ethnic groups fear and distrust each other.’ (8:53) ‘”WHAT A PIECE OF SH*T: Jussie Smollett” | Louder With Crowder’ van StevenCrowder, gepubliceerd op 18 feb. 2019 (1.306.468 v; 16.248 r). Tekst: ‘Steven breaks down Jussie Smollett is a pile of sh*it’. (24:51) ‘REPORT: Jussie Smollett Charged With Felony & Nigerian Brothers CAUGHT Buying Ski Masks & Hats!’ Van An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop, gepubliceerd op 20 feb. 2019 (9.248 v; 468 r). (16:59) ‘What Will Happen Now That Jussie Smollett Has Been Indicted At Long Last: It Really Gets Good Now’ van Lionel Nation, gepubliceerd op 20 feb. 2019 (19.576 v; 595 r). Tekst: ‘Public Enemy Number One Jussie Smollett, was charged at long last Wednesday evening with disorderly conduct (that’s it?!), a felony, after allegedly and putatively filing a false police report about a ludicrous attack he said occurred as he walked to his apartment building in Streeterville last month. If convicted, he could face from probation to three years in prison. And if justice exists, federal charges will be leveled against this feline prevaricator and racial arsonist. Watch the sentencing storyline begin to develop. And it will be rich, I assure you.’ (1:48:23) ‘JUSSIE SMOLLETT INDICTED ON FELONY CHARGE’ van Tim Pool, live gestreamd op 20 feb. 2019 (87.155 v; 1.374 r). Tekst: ‘Breaking News, Jussie Smollett has been indicted on a felony charge and police are seeking his surrender. This is related to the “maga country” incident in Chicago.’ (9:16) ‘Does Jussie Smollett Owe Trump, MAGA & Cops an Apology’ van DJ Diamond K, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (270 v; 31 r). (9:29) ‘More political folderol @JennyHatch #QAnon #JussieArrested’ van Jenny Hatch, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (1.377 v).

Jussie Smollett arrested

Jussie Smollett arrested (9:45) ‘#Smollett Joins the “Jerry Springer Dumbass Criminal Hall of Fame” By Paying Dumb & Dumber By Check!’ Van Lionel Nation, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (4.718 v; 150 r). Tekst: ‘Are you sitting down? “Jussie Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career,” Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said at a news conference Thursday morning. “This publicity stunt was a scar that Chicago didn’t earn, and certainly didn’t deserve.” But wait, there’s more. Police said, Smollett . . . wait for it . . . had paid his two “hit men,” Ola and Abel Osundairo, $3,500 by check to stage the attack. BY CHECK!’ (55:18) ‘It’s A Smollett, Smollett World | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 722’ van The Daily Wire, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (5.670 v; 161 r). Tekst: ‘Jussie Smollett is arrested, a Coast Guard lieutenant is arrested after pursuing a massive terror plot, and the world awaits the Mueller report.’ (48:20) ‘Fake Hate, Real Hate | The Andrew Klavan Show Ep. 660’ van The Daily Wire, 3 uur geleden live gestreamd (4.096 v; 96 r). ‘Jussie Smollett takes on a new role as defendant for hate hoax, while journalists keep trying to defend Russia hoax.’ (7:41) ‘#Jussie FAKE IT! “ @JennyHatch #QAnon’ van Jenny Hatch, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (3.623 v; 70 r). (2:30) ‘JUSSIE SMOLLETT EXPOSES KAMALA HARRIS & CORY BOOKER’ van LIONS REPUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT, gepubliceerd op 19 feb. 2019 (61.617 v; 1.139 r). (12:05) ‘Did KAMALA HARRIS HELP JUSSIE SMOLLETT STAGE THE HOAX?’ Van Lets be Frank, gepubliceerd op 20 feb. 2019 (34.075 v; 978 r). Tekst: ‘Questions are now being raised about Kamala Harris role in the JUSSIE smollett case.’ (15:32) ‘Diamond and Silk spill the beans about Jussie Smollett……..’ van Diamond and Silk – The Viewers View, in première gegaan op 20 feb. 2019 (32.994 v; 692 r). (17:05) ‘BAIL SET: Jussie Smollett’s Bail Set At $100,000′ van FOX 10 Phoenix, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (2.856 v; 469 r). Tekst: ‘Chicago cops laid out their case against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett Thursday morning, accusing the TV star of orchestrating an elaborate hoax involving two “bogus” hate crimes — one involving an alleged attack, and one involving a threatening letter — all in order to get a pay raise. Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said Smollett orchestrated a “phony attack” in order to take “advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career.” #JussieSmollett.’ (36:37) ‘The View Exploded in CHAOS after Chicago’s top cop DESTROYS Jussie Smollett’ van Alejandro Cabezas Díaz, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (701 v; 295 r).

Jussie Smollett mugshot

Jussie Smollett mugshot (14:17) ‘Police Say Jussie Smollett Staged HOAX For More Money’ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (82.054 v; 2.129 r). Tekst: ‘Police Say Jussie Smollett Staged HOAX For More Money . Apparently Jussie Smollett was getting 65,000$ per episode and was dissatisfied with his salary according to Chicago Police. They stated that Smollett staged the fake letter and the hoax attack presumably as a publicity stunt. Social Justice has made victim hood lucrative and the presumed hoax allowed Jussie to appear on Good morning America as well as get significant national attention. So long as the far left, intersectional feminists, and social justice activists choose to always believe the victim even without evidence there will people set to exploit the good nature of those seeking to protect others.’ (33:18) ‘Q Anon- “What Happens If the Phone Records of Smullett Leak?”‘ Van Truth and Art TV, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (6.568 v; 234 r). (38:26) ‘CPD Source Claims: SMOLLETT AND HARRIS RELATED’ van RedPill78, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (33.291 v; 912 r). (37:27) ‘Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Michelle Obama & the Jussie Smollett Scam’ van Lift the Veil, live gestreamd op 18 feb. 2019 (21.838 v; 565 r). (14:37) ‘New Details in Jussie Smollett FRAUD Show Motive and REHEARSAL PROPS!’ Van Vincent James of The Red Elephants, gepubliceerd op 18 feb. 2019 (24.854 v; 651 r). (11:36) ‘Jussie Smollett DESTROYS Jussie Smollett with Hoax’ van The Amazing Lucas, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (101.794 v; 4.646 r). (12:13) ‘Jussie Smollett ARRESTED on Class 4 Felony; Wanted More MONEY From Empire!’ Van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (24.818 v; 1.285 r). Tekst: ‘Empire actor Jussie Smollett staged an attack on himself last month because he was dissatisfied with his salary from the hit drama, a salary that was over $1 million per year, according to new reports. Jussie Smollett was arrested Thursday morning for once charge of “felony disorderly conduct for filing a false police report.” According to Chicago police, the actor also sent a threatening letter to himself because of dissatisfaction with his salary. He has been charged with a class 4 felony for a hate crime hoax which could translate to between 1 and 3 years in prison. The fake letter which he sent to himself could translate into a 10 to 15 year sentence if the Patriot Act is invoked, which it most certainly could. Smollett’s salary was reportedly over a million dollars before taxes — $65,000 per episode — according to a report from the Huffington Post. His story has rapidly unraveled over the last week, and the police now believe that Smollett paid two brothers to orchestrate the attack on himself. Chicago Police Superintendent Johnson said Smollett paid the pair $3,500 by check, which law enforcement is possession of.’ (10:39) ‘Bad News For Empire Star Jussie Smollett | NEW Updates’ van Bingeworthy, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (5.011 v; 239 r). Tekst: ‘The “Empire” actor has been charged with felony disorderly conduct for filing a false report, and this means bad news. It’s crazy to me that Jussie Smollett would go thru all this to prove a point. I have to say I had doubts from the very beginning and I quite frankly assumed it was a grinder hook up gone wrong until it started to get so political. It literally annoyed me seeing all of the people posting the pray for Jussie posts on social media as if he was in critical condition or as if he had died but I knew better than to publicly raise concerns bc I honestly didn’t care all that much until I did. The other day when the news dropped about the suspects I was like wait a minute these boys aren’t giving me MAGA vibes if you know what I mean but I still didn’t anticipate Jussie Smollett doing all of this for attention. It’s all just too much and I feel bad for a lot of people. Victims of these actual crimes of course, but I also feel bad for all the people who were publicly holding him down. I wonder what happens next for the Empire and I feel for how shameful this is for his sisters and brothers who are also in the spotlight. To be clear this is very serious stuff here and the police are certain that Jussie absolutely tried to fool all of us just to get attention that could lead to his own financial gain. I was shook when the officer said that they definitely have the check he used to pay the boys $3500 to go thru with the stunt but It got weird when they shared the news that his wounds were most likely self inflicted. “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett appeared in court Thursday after surrendering to authorities in the early morning on one felony count of disorderly conduct for filing a false police report. The judge set Smollett’s bond at $100,000. He posted bond and was released from custody shortly before 4 p.m. Smollett did not speak as he left the Cook County Jail, and was blocked from the crush of media and cameras by a large bodyguard, who he kept hold of with his hands on his shoulders. He is due back in court March 14, when he is expected to enter his plea.’

Jussie Smollett lies

Jussie Smollett lies (17:59) ‘Jussie Smollett The Truth Comes Out | New Details & Developments’ van KingBritneyChanel, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (725 v; 36 r). (41:58) ‘Q+++/”Every day With TRUMP is like CHRISTMAS” OPEN YOUR EYES!’ Van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (1.104 v; 101 r). [Smollett – McCabe] (10:06) ‘New Details Emerge Jussie Smollet Is Really Dumb’ van WeAreChange, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (14.310 v; 507 r). Tekst: ‘In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on the entire Jussie Smollet debacle. The truth is that Jussie Smollet is everything that is wrong with our culture.’ (19:07) ‘WASHINGTON POST SUED FOR $250 MILLION. FAKE NEWS JUSSIE SMOLLET AND THE COVINGTON AFFAIR!!!’ Van The Houndog, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (1.772 v; 63 r). Tekst: ‘Here is 2 recent stories where the Media has run with stories without fact checking and have now ended up with a lot of very expensive egg on their collective faces! The Washington Post is being sued for $250,000,000! Maybe these people will learn from that!!!’ (10:06) ‘”Hoax H*te Crime Awareness”: Jussie Smollett Edition’ van Slightly Offens*ve, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (7.161 v; 361 r). (10:16) ‘Jussie Still Lyin Still Cryin #Jailforjussie #justiceforjussie #jussiesmollett’ van TrutherTalk, gepubliceerd op 19 feb. 2019 (12.793 v; 518 r). Tekst: ‘I corrected that It was “a” Black man and not Black men that Susan Smith accused of murdering her children.’ (34:25) ‘Are Democrats [Kamala Harris] Connected the Smollett Lynching Hoax?’ Van ZackoDaFracko, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (7.361 v; 340 r). Tekst: ‘The Chicago PD described in today’s press conf how they found the perpetrators of the fake attempted lynching of Smallett story. They now consider the 2 Nigerians victims/witnesses whom Smollett paid to pretend to be white MAGA supporters committing a hate crime against him. As usual we see the Fake News media covering for the Dems as they refuse to dig into how Dem politicians may be involved in coordinating with Smollett. The Deep State tactics no longer work.’ Met links.

Jussie Smollet collage

Jussie Smollet collage (9:24) ‘Look at yourself through Heavens Eyes @JennyHatch #QAnon’ van Jenny Hatch, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (5 v; 0 r). (7:45) ‘Look at yourself through Heavens Eyes @JennyHatch #QAnon’ van Jenny Hatch, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (6.090 w; 103 r). (37:21) ‘Empire Of Lies | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 723’ van The Daily Wire, 3 uur geleden live gestreamd (24.084 v; 645 r). Tekst: ‘Jussie Smollett heads back to Hollywood, the justice system utterly fails underage victims of a major political donor, and voter fraud is a reality.’ (12:48) ‘UCLA Students React to Jussie Smollett Developments’ van Fleccas Talks, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (187.405 v; 6.079 r). Tekst: ‘This week I headed across town to UCLA where I asked college kids what they thought of Jussie Smollett now that details have come out proving Jussie was involved in staging this fake hate crime.’

Jussie and the Obama's

Jussie and the Obama’s (11:30) ‘Jussie Smollett REMOVED From “Empire” Over FELONY Arrest’ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (68.869 v; 1.902 r). Tekst: ‘Jussie Smollett REMOVED From “Empire” Over FELONY Arrest. The show Empire and its head staff have made the decision to remove Jussie Smollett following his released on $100,000 bond over an alleged hoax and false police report. The actor was allegedly dissatisfied with his salary and staged the social justice incident in order to gain leverage in negotiations or to amplify his press attention. Many people on the left and far left came to his defense even without evidence but as the police continue to release new statements and evidence it is becoming increasingly clear that this may turn out to be a proven hoax.’ (10:57) ‘Jussie Smollett CONSPIRED With Kamala Harris?! Nah, no way’ van Timcast, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (76.394 v; 1.912 r). (10:35) ‘HOW DEEP ARE JUSSIE SMOLLETT TIES TO KAMALA HARRIS?’ Van Lets be Frank, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (7.829 v; 226 r). Tekst: ‘JUSSIE SMOLLETT case how Deep are his ties to Kamala Harris and others? Here is what we know.’ (41:39) ‘#MAGAFF: Criminal Smollet, DS Dem Agenda, DOJ FBI Investigate #ALPHAKAPPAALPHA’ van You Are Free TV, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (17.337 v; 529 r). Tekst: ‘2/21: Tonight POTUS hosted the Black History Month reception at the White House and was hugely applauded for passing legislation last month on prison reform, African American employment opportunities and much more, but we see Jussie Smollet arrested and indicted for faking a hate crime involving a noose and “Maga Country” slurs. Jussie Smollet has committed a hate crime.’ [Smollett vanaf 7:00 tot 24:00) (5:37) ‘#NEPHEWJUSSIE: K Harris, Criminal Smollet, Deplorable Williams- No Refutation!’ Van You Are Free TV, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (5.925 v; 121 r). Tekst: ‘2/22: Tonight, the War Room interviewed Terrence Williams live in his hospital room, where he is recovering from spinal and neck injuries from a LYFT car crash that occurred 4 hours after he tweeted that Jussie Smollet is Kamala Harris’ nephew. Williams, of the Deplorables Choir comedy group, was on his way to the White House to attend the reception for African American History month. No one has come forward representing Kamala Harris to refute that she is related to Smollet. Follow the whole story of what happened with and to Terrence Williams on Twitter:’ (5:11) ‘IS JUSSIE SMOLLETT READY TO ROLL ON KAMALA HARRIS?’ van Lets be Frank, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (60.345 v; 1.240 r). Tekst: ‘Now that JUSSIE SMOLLETT has. Even officially charge with a crime. Will JUSSIE SMOLLETT now roll on Kamala Harris or others to save himself?’

Smollett with Michelle Obama

Smollett with Michelle Obama (6:58) ‘Jussie Smollett is a Complete Idiot’ van Paul Joseph Watson, gepubliceerd op 19 feb. 2019 (532.946 v; 7.383 r). Tekst: ‘Jussie Smollett – First American to scam Nigerians!’ (12:12) ‘Jussie Smollett Going to TRIAL? HOAX Exposed?’ van Lauren Chen, gepubliceerd op 19 feb. 2019 (43.938 v; 1.052 r). Tekst: ‘The latest update is that Jussie Smollett’s hate crime has been exposed as a hoax, and he’ll now have to go to trial. Some in the media refuse to believe he’s lying, but police will likely charge him with at least something.’ (10:23) ‘CANDACE OWENS FINAL THOUGHTS ABOUT JUSSIE SMOLLETT’ van Lets be Frank, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (23.147 v; 693 r). (11:58) ”He Totally DESERVED This’ – Tucker Carlson REACTS To Jussie Smollet Getting Arrested’ van The Daily Truth, gepubliceerd op 21 feb. 2019 (29.398 v; 454 r). Tekst: ‘Tucker Carlson talks about Jussie Smollet getting arrested after it turns out that he staged attack on him.’ (19:25) ‘Jussie Smollett is NOT Unique’ van A Helping Hand, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (4.105 v; 161 r). Tekst: ‘As I suspected, Jussie Smollett is the liar the police took him for, and he’ll most likely be doing prison time for it. But he is not unique. There have been many hate crime hoaxes just like this one.’ (12:58) ‘RACISM IN AMERICA IS DEAD! [JUSSIE SMOLLETT]’ van Black Conservative Patriot, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (14.933 v; 836 r). (26:23) ‘Q+ TRUMP “BreadLine Bernie” iT’S ALL Free’ van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 23 feb. 2019 (2.541 v; 105 r).

Tot slot is hier een ‘rant’ (19:20) van soultryfeathers, gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019 (1.013 v; 70 r), waarin de zaak van diverse kanten wordt besproken.


Gepubliceerd op 22 feb. 2019


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