Cor Hendriks – Qanon (1): Het Qanon Phenomenon

Heb je de RED PILL geslikt?
Of ben je een van de grote club van BLUE PILL slikkers?
Als dat zo is, dan is dit stukje voor jou bedoeld.

Ik ben niet aangesloten bij Qanon, Nederland (, niet omdat ik, dat niet zou willen, maar om mijn onafhankelijk standpunt te handhaven. Uiteraard ben ik HELEMAAL WAKKER, etc., ik wil het niet overdrijven, maar het was voor mij niet moeilijk om het PLAN te begrijpen en te zien, dat ik ook onderdeel ervan kan zijn.

BLUE PILL en RED PILL zijn bekende begrippen uit de film The Matrix, waarin Neo van Morpheus de keuze wordt voorgelegd tussen de blauwe en de rode pil: de eerste houdt je in de matrix, de tweede maakt je er van los. Zie

Was het maar zo simpel. Het zijn natuurlijk metaforen. De BLUE PILL staat voor de SLAPERS en de RED PILL voor degenen, die HELEMAAL WAKKER zijn.

Dit stuk is dus in principe voor BLUE PILL slikkers, om hen WAKKER te maken. Als jij als lezer niet weet, waar ik het over heb en niets begrijpt van het QANON gebeuren, dan ben je een BLUE PILL slikker en is dit voor jou bedoeld. Dit wil niet zeggen, dat zij die de RED PILL hebben genomen dit niet mogen lezen, maar voor hen is het niet nodig; het is preken voor de eigen parochie. Zij hoeven niet overtuigd te worden, zij hebben Q en het PLAN.

Maar voor alle SLEEPERS, die niet weten van Q of het PLAN (TO SAVE THE WORLD) zijn hier enige inleidende gedachten.

Voor de niet ingewijde lijkt het Q fenomeen een soort spel, een spoorzoeken op hoog niveau. En dat is geen slechte observatie. Ik ben begin september begonnen met het systematisch verzamelen van informatie over het fenomeen en ik heb nu al meer dan genoeg om wel 10 boeken mee te vullen en ik ben nauwelijks begonnen. Ik moet dus zeer selectief te werk gaan.

Q betekent QUESTIONS? In het Engels is een vast begrippenpaar Q & A (nee, niet C&A), oftewel QUESTIONS en ANSWERS. Wie bekend is met de ‘posts’, die Qanon op het net ‘dropt’ en die ‘breadcrumbs’ worden genoemd, weet wat ik bedoel met VRAGEN.

Screenshot Q post 1947 (Crypto Karaoke 4-9-18)

Q post 1947 (foto Crypto Karaoke)

Bovenstaand voorbeeld, een screenshot van post 1947 van Q, gemaakt op 4 september jongst leden, bevat een groot aantal van die vragen. Er zijn dus al 1946 posts vooraf gegaan aan deze post en voor een leek is de betekenis uitermate ingewikkeld te doorgronden. Daarom zijn er allerlei volgers van de Q posts, die proberen kaas te maken van deze cryptografie. Een van die dingen, die zij uitleggen, is de betekenis van codenamen zoals HUSSEIN, waarmee Barack Obama (zie wordt bedoeld. We kunnen de vragen vergelijken met het genoemde Wikipedia artikel, waarin de vraag, wie zijn studie aan HARVARD betaalde in het geheel niet aan de orde komt. De vraag van Q wordt gevolgd door een volgende vraag: Wie is prins Alwaleed bin Talal? Hij is dus degene, die Obama’s studie aan HARVARD betaalde. De volgende vraag is waarom deze prins dat deed, gevolgd door de vraag, of Obama op dat moment iets voorstelde, waarop het antwoord ‘Nee’ is. Zo gaat het spel van hoofdzakelijk vragen stellen door, de ene post na de andere. Elke dag zijn er nieuwe posts, soms meerdere per dag en de volgers hebben er een dagtaak aan om alle vragen uit te leggen en alle links, die in de posts zijn opgenomen te openen en te tonen in de vele video’s, die dagelijks verschijnen.

Wie Qanon is, is uiteraard geheim: anon staat voor anoniem. Q is niet Trump, maar Trump is van groot belang voor het PLAN (TO SAVE THE WORLD). Dus wat is het PLAN? Aangezien ook het PLAN geheim is (hoe kan ik het dan kennen), lopen ook daarover de meningen uiteen, maar de opdracht voor Trump is duidelijk geformuleerd in de slogan DRAINING THE SWAMP.

Wat is de SWAMP (het moeras)?

Het moeras is een metafoor: het is ongezond gebied vanwege de muskieten, die er heersen en die malaria veroorzaken en om van die muskieten af te komen, moet het moeras worden leeggezogen, een ingewikkeld proces van het aanleggen van sloten, etc. Omdat Trump een Republikein is, wordt door velen dit proces van DRAINING THE SWAMP gezien als een Republikeinse onderneming, maar dat is geheel fout. De SWAMP omvat niet alleen de Democraten maar ook de Bush republikeinen en de met hen verbonden media, alle neoliberalen en neocons en globalisten, aanhangers van NWO, gesticht door de Bush crime familie en voorgezet door de Clintons en Obama, die de VS hebben veranderd in een criminele organisatie, een SWAMP, die alleen kan worden gedraind door een STORM.

Volgens Q en de Q volgers is de STORM aanstaande. Wat is de STORM? Ook hierover lopen de meningen uiteen, want het PLAN is geheim, dat wil zeggen: maar aan weinigen bekend. In ieder geval zal de STORM bestaan uit een golf van arrestaties, in eerste instantie allerlei low level figuren, die zich hebben schuldig gemaakt aan eenvoudig te bewijzen corruptie in dienst van het crime syndicaat, waarin de VS is veranderd. Dit zal gepaard gaan met massale protesten, aangewakkerd door degenen, die het meest te verliezen hebben, met name de Clintons en Obama.

In 2009 kreeg Obama van de SLEEPERS de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede, een volkomen onzinnig gebaar voor de grootste oorlogspresident van de VS en een bewijs van de kracht van de illusie, geen grotere illusionist dan Obama, die als geen ander de massa weet te begoochelen met mooie praatjes, die niets anders zijn dan smoke screens voor de ugly mess, de totale corruptie. Dus ook Obama moet vrezen voor zijn arrestatie, want hij is beslist niet ‘squeaky clean’ (heeft ook veel geld aangenomen voor duistere zaken).

In de pers wordt ook over het Qanon fenomeen bericht, negatief uiteraard, aangezien zij tot het andere kamp behoren, namelijk dat van de SLEEPERS, want zij zijn zelf SLEEPERS. In Nederland bestaat onafhankelijke berichtgeving niet. Verwezen wordt naar de New York Magazine met het artikel: ‘The Storm Is the New Pizzagate – Only Worse’ ( van 19 december 2017, geschreven door Paris Martineau (zie

POTUS = President Of The U.S.

A new conspiracy theory called “The Storm” has taken the grimiest parts of the internet by, well, storm. Like Pizzagate, the Storm conspiracy features secret cabals, a child sex-trafficking ring led (in part) by the satanic Democratic Party, and of course, countless logical leaps and paranoid assumptions that fail to hold up under the slightest fact-based scrutiny. However, unlike Pizzagate, the Storm isn’t focused on a single block of shops in D.C., or John Podesta’s emails. It’s much, much bigger than that. As most terrible things do, this story begins with a post on pol, a sub-board of the more-or-less-anonymous, anything-goes website 4chan. Over the last few years, pol – which technically stands for “politically incorrect” – has slowly but surely become a top contender for the ever-coveted title of the most upsetting community online. It’s the sort of place where neo nazi’s and people who believe women shouldn’t have basic human rights used to meet before we started verifying them on Twitter and electing them to public office. And as of late, it’s expanded its ranks to include fringe members of all shapes and sizes. On October 28 (, someone calling themselves Q began posting a series of cryptic messages ( in a pol thread titled “Calm Before the Storm” (assumedly in reference to that creepy Trump quote from early October []). Q claimed to be a high-level government insider with Q clearance (hence the name []) tasked with posting intel drops ( – which he, for some reason, called “crumbs” – straight to 4chan in order to covertly inform the public about POTUS’s master plan to stage a countercoup against members of the deep state ( It was, in short, absolutely insane. However, thanks to some rather forced coincidences – like Q kind of, sort of guessing (!ITPb.qbhqo/) that Trump would tweet the word “small” ( on Small Business Saturday, and this one time the internet decided that Q was “totally on Air Force One” ( because he posted a blurry picture of some islands while Trump was on his trip to Asia – and a whole heck of a lot of wishful thinking, people believed he was the real deal. So he kept talking.

This is obviously very real news - Nothing insane going on here at all (NYmag)

This is obviously very real news – Nothing insane going on here at all (foto NYmag)

Om een indruk te krijgen doe de volgende search:

According to Q, Trump was never really involved with Russia, and isn’t actually under investigation ( by Mueller & co. On the contrary, Q insists that it’s actually Clinton and Obama who were corrupted by Putin (, and are now actually under investigation by Mueller, because they’re obviously just evil, money-hungry globalists who’ll do anything for the highest bidder. Oh, yeah, and they’re also apparently into raping and killing children, though the crowd is split over whether this is because they’re satanists or just part of some weird blackmail scheme involving the CIA. Q also claims that Trump, the genius that he is, figured all of this out way back when he was just a measly presidential candidate, and has been pretending to love Putin and or be involved with Russia ever since as a way to force a third party to investigate ( these horrors – without drawing the attention of those evil Dems-who-must-not-be-named, of course – because he’s just that selfless of a leader.

The More You Know (foto NY mag)

The More You Know (foto NY mag)

In this fantasy world, all of the far right’s wildest dreams come true: Q promises that Clinton, Obama, Podesta, Abedin, and even McCain are all either arrested and wearing secret police-issued ankle monitors (, or just about to be indicted; that the Steele dossier is a total fabrication personally paid for by Clinton and Obama (; and that the Las Vegas massacre was most definitely an inside job (, niet meer beschikbaar) connected to the Saudi Clinton cabal (

They believe all of this will be coming to a head any day now. That “The Storm” ( ‘The Storm called Qanon’ van CipherNews, gepubliceerd op 2 dec. 2017) – of arrests, political turmoil, and Republican vindication – is coming. Though there have been some, uh, miscalculations as for exactly when.

For example, take this “crumb” left by Q on November 1:

Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
POTUS will be well insulated and protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.
It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.
God bless my fellow Americans.

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but November has come and gone without the slightest hint of a Q-style military-backed Armageddon. Yet, this pretty glaring mistake doesn’t seem to have weakened anyone’s faith in Q. If anything, it’s brought more followers into the fold.

Over the last month and a half, the Storm has spread from the depths of 4chan and 8chan to Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter, where it’s found hundreds of thousands of devout followers. Some of the most popular explainer videos boast nearly 200,000 views, and the Qanon hashtag has gotten so popular, it’s honestly difficult to track.(I signed up for one of those freebie “Track Your Hashtag Now!” services and #QAnon hit the 2,000-post limit within four hours). Some poor soul even took the time to write a 117-page book charting Q’s rise to power, which I’m guessing has been seen at least as many times as this very aggressive Imgur guide, which was at 137,000 views as of Sunday night.

Opgenomen zijn diverse Tweets, van ❌ WakeUP2017 ❌ @Deplorable80210 van Dec 18, 2017:, van Austen Fletcher @fleccas van 2 dec. 2017 met 409 reacties, van Jackson ❌ #IAmQ @NotGlobalism:

It’s been a little over a year since Edgar Welch, military-style assault rifle in hand, walked into a D.C. pizza parlor, convinced it was part of a child sex-trafficking ring run by Hillary Clinton (, and the internet hasn’t gotten better. If anything, it’s worse.

Sure, in the wake of Pizzagate’s brief encounter with reality, a lot of changes were made: Reddit shut down the conspiracy’s designated sub, Twitter suspended some of the movement’s most vocal supporters, and the whole thing was debunked time and time again by the press. But it’s more evident now than ever that this was merely a Band-Aid, not a cure. And now, here we are a year later with the same thing. Sure, it’s a bit bigger and a whole lot less focused, but at its core, it’s the same. What is there even left to try? We know that stopping the conversation doesn’t work. Neither do the facts. How can we even begin to argue with hundreds of thousands of people who choose to believe that a top government agent is speaking to them through 4chan, that Trump has been playing a game of 4D mind chess this whole time, and that the Las Vegas massacre was an inside job? Is the next Edgar Welch already out there, scrolling through the Calm Before the Storm thread, and if so, is it even possible to stop him?

Qanon-fans (foto Chris O'Meara Associated Press)

Qanon fans (foto Chris O’Meara | Associated Press)

Er zijn 97 reacties. De eerste, van dm10003, is ambivalent: ‘This type of thinking is ABSOLUTELY treatable with medication. Not kidding.’ Wordt bedoeld het denken van de volgers van Q of juist het denken van Paris Martineau? Afijn, de tweede, van Bigmouth, is minder ambivalent: ‘You really should think twice about posting this stuff. Analyses of social media suggest Pizzagate didn’t really take off as a conspiracy theory until the NY Times published a story debunking it.’ Hier wordt dus duidelijk het denken van Paris Martineau bedoeld.

LookingBeyondTheObvious schreef: ‘Good job exposing this important story albeit from your liberal prospective. You’ve done a decent job presenting a factual overview. Please consider Q’s & other Anon posts re: pedophilia & Satanism and the FBI’s disclosure that about 450 k children go missing in the USA “every year,” year in and year out, This does not include another 2 million+ that go missing world wide “every year.” Ask yourself where are ALL these children going and then Google “Tony Podesta Art.” Perhaps you might write another story…

TheGreatKazoo schreef: ‘#Q anon has 100,000 on the edge of their seats and all ny mag can manage is seven comments (most of them to laugh at you). Go back to sleep.’

Tohdoubled schreef: ‘Paris Martineau. You are hilarious. And when all this is said and done, you’ll be left crying with your snowflake brethren. Pizzagate has been debunked, by, get this, “the press”!!!! LOL! Hilarious! The press are heavily involved in it! So asleep you are. And Trump saying this is the calm before is “creepy”? You have absolutely no idea whatsoever about how the world works. At all. I’m amazed you even have a writing job. Also hilarious. Like buddy said: Go back to sleep. You are on the wrong side of history. #CBTS #Qanon’.

Zf430 schreef: LOLOLOL “The conspiracy was debunked by the press”. Man, you are stupid. You really truly are. Don’t you realize the press is run by the government? They control what is said and what isn’t. I could tell them the sky is blue and they could still have the press “debunk” it and discredit me with lies. That’s all they do is LIE LIE LIE. I hope Q is real, but even if he isn’t, what he is saying about people standing up and taking our country back from these criminals is really what matters. I hope they do arrange some riots and start rounding up every single government criminal in this country and throw them in jail for life. I’m so sick of all the bullshit they do, all the lies, and the games they play.’ En kreeg als reactie van ed_anger: ‘Don’t you realize the press is run by the government? ” Which government? Trump’s government? Obama’s government? There’s a whole lot of simplification going on here. Stick to playing video games.

lindigab schreef: ‘Paris, stick to hardware and gizmos to report on, this is so way out of your league. As per other comments here, debunking something you know absolutely nothing about is so not in your favour if even one childs life is at risk. On this occasion we are talking many many many thousands. Unless you can say with 100% accuracy what you have above, which you patently can not because there are those of us who know the Truth, then you should just stay zipped and use your writing talent to review that which you do know about. Stay safe and steer away from this unless you know what you are getting yourself in for because if you agree to tow this line for them then you are buying into something you will not be able to get out of.

LisaFlanders schreef: ‘Critical thinking is obviously called for in evaluating the Q phenomenon, but Martineau’s snarky, smug, superior pretentiousness, contemptuously looking down her nose at ‘Crazyland’ and the ‘grimiest parts of the internet’ and repeatedly calling people ‘insane,’ is palpable and it emanates from this article like some rancid, mephitic effluvium. And it’s a miasma that is as distinctive and instantly recognizable as the distinctive stench of a garbage truck or rotting dead fish or raw sewage: you know what it is as soon as you smell it. It’s that putrid Clinton Stench. A cursory look at the author’s background confirms this. An article on GENYU states that Hillary Clinton is Paris Martineau’s ‘longtime idol.’ And what’s coming across loud and clear in this article is the same vile, elitist attitude that led Martineau’s ‘longtime idol,’ the criminally corrupt Clinton, to imperiously insult and demean 60 million Americans as ‘deplorables.’ Because, clearly, these people obviously believe they not only know better, but *are* better, than others who have a different viewpoint. It’s a truly repulsive attitude for which Ms. Martineau can now join her ‘longtime idol’ in being reviled and despised. P.S. And since we all know that Bill Clinton, accused by numerous women of rape, is documented to have flown on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express (which had a bed for guests to have sex with underage girls) at least 26 times, and that the Clintons are directly implicated in child trafficking (by a convicted child sex trafficker) in Haiti, the author might try to muster a shred of integrity (a character trait virtually non-existent among Clinton supporters, I know) and not dismiss the burgeoning Pedogate scandal and people’s concern for the alleged abuse and exploitation of children as ‘insane.’ Hierop schreef RonBananas: ‘P.S.S. Your writing is incredible, thank you’. Waarop ReallyImportantPerson schreef: ‘Lisa Flanders’s writing SUCKS big time. She strings arcane adjectives together in a way that she probably thinks is impressive, yet sadly she does not come close to having the command of the English language that she thinks she does.’ Hierop schreef JakeLaLake: ‘No, Lisa has fairly characterized the writer of this article. And if you look at the bio of the average NY Mag writer, you’ll find the same kind of political biases. Criticize her writing style all you want, it doesn’t change the fact she’s spot-on correct in her assessments.’ Terugkerend naar de opmerking van LisaFlanders schreef RonBananas: ‘Yes, the child sex trafficker was Laura Silsby, who has since changed her name. Silsby is the former director of “The New Life Children’s Refuge.” She was caught trying to kidnap 33 Haitian children, most of whom had families. By following the trail of declassified Wikileaks emails the social media blogger discovered that Huma Abedin was “constantly forwarding emails to Hillary Clinton” about Laura Silsby’s organization. The blogger also linked Clinton emails to an attempt to protect Laura Silsby from prosecution. Where there is smoke, there is fire.’ Hierop schreef LisaFlanders: ‘Thank you. The convicted child sex trafficker (convicted after this WikiLeaks release if I recall correctly) I was referring to, who was working in concert with Silsby, is Jorge Puello Torres: “Jorge Puello Torres, wanted by El Salvador as a suspect in a human trafficking ring, was detained at a car wash in the city late on Thursday, a spokesman from the Dominican Republic’s police anti-narcotics unit said. He was arrested in the Dominican Republic’s capital on a warrant issued by Interpol, the international police organization. U.S. and Dominican Republic authorities had been looking for Puello after El Salvador officials said they suspected him of being involved in running a human trafficking ring that recruited Central American and Caribbean women and girls and forced them to work as prostitutes.

Als nieuwe toevoeging schreef RonBananas: ‘This is not about political parties, this horrid behavior has been going on for some time. Rewind the clock some 35 years to Boys Town USA in the documentary “Conspiracy of Silence”, where young Boys were regularly dispatched to Washington DC at the request of those in power. Programs like the CIA’s MK Ultra Program were specifically created to brainwash children to sleep with high level politicians in order for the CIA to “own” them and their votes. This is all well documented and political parties were not the objective. Over 33,000 young children go missing every year, it’s big business and big money for the likes of gangs like MS13 because of the high demand for children from these sick people. That being said, the Clintons are at the forefront on this issue at the moment, their behavior has been despicable for at least 20 years, but we as parents would be more than happy to entertain the prosecution of anyone involved from any party. It’s not going away, no matter what twist a writer puts on it.

RonBananas liet dit volgen door een andere reactie: ‘I am astounded that you [i.e. Paris] defend a person whose foundation received a $145 million dollar donation from the Russians for approving the Uranium One deal, smashed cell phones with hammers, used BleachBit to erase a private server, shredded millions of documents from the Clinton Global Initiative, etc.’ Hierop reageerde OldNorseBruin met: ‘Wow, you REALLY are s.’ Hierop reageerden GaltTrump: ‘Wow you have not denied these facts! THAT BITCH IS GOING TO DOWN, Comey lynch Strzok ohr obama Will join her’ en GiveMeStrength: ‘Not at all. You’re just woefully ignorant.’ En Chinawanderer reagerend op RonBananas schreef: ‘And the denizens of the fever swamp come up for air.

Saksin schreef: ‘The lady doth protest too much, me thinks…

sdecay schreef: ‘Do you smell fumes?

Chinawanderer schreef: ‘There are times when I think the Internet may be more bane than benefit to humanity.’ Hierop schreef aaron.x.myers: ‘Well it’s no coincidence that fascism arrived soon after radio went mainstream. These “populist” movements follow naturally from advances in mass communication.’ Waarop Chinawanderer schreef: ‘Yes and in some ways this is worst. With the internet, any weird conspiracy theory can now be broadcast. Used to be these fever-dreams stayed within a small segment of the paranoid population.’ En ed_anger: ‘Thanks, Al Gore!

aaron.x.myers schreef vervolgens: ‘It’s not that crazy to think Mueller is team Trump. Trump already admitted he operates under the assumption that he runs the DOJ, and the DOJ did appoint Mueller. Add to it that Mueller met with Trump before his appointment and that Mueller was a partner at the Trump law firm, and you end up with some pretty big dots. I’m not saying he is, but it’s far from impossible. Time will tell.

JakeLaLake schreef: ‘To be sure there’s a lot of nutty stuff going on at 4Chan, but let’s not taint legitimate facts by association. 4Chan didn’t invent the fact that Natalia Veselnitskaya was indeed working for Fusion GPS (the Trump dossier folks) at the time of the infamous Trump Jr. meeting. I’ve yet to meet the Democrat who cares to even try and account for this, and so we get snide brush-offs from the Hillary voting crowd. It’s quite laughable.’ Hierop schreef aaron.x.myers: ‘I’m sure she wasn’t working for anyone else either. Of course not.’ Waarop GaltTrump schreef: ‘Still avoiding the question dip FAKE DOSSIER ’.

gclaborn schreef: ‘wow autistic levels of “nothing to see here move along, don’t look“[;] bad timing eh, kid? what with the DOJ reopening the clinton investigation based on FBI findings about a week after this article lol…AWKWAAAARD’.

Modalisa schreef: ‘The only larp is fake reporters like you who sold your soul for a paycheck. Pizzagate has NEVER been debunked. He was never even questioned, just barley interviewed by another shill like you! Please explain Podesta’s artwork with children chained up with sore bottoms!!?!?! You will be out of a job soon once Trump cleans house. Oh and he is cleaning house. #THESTORMISHERE #Qanon #nomorefakenews’.




patjg496 schreef: ‘#TheGreatAwakening #WeThePeople’.

DocRock1007 schreef: ‘Paris Martineau wrote dumbest excuse I’ve seen yet. #MAGA’.

CaptainBallz schreef: ‘Well, this article sure aged well. Q was right all along. #ReleaseTheMemo #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA’. Hierop schreef BapF.: ‘Why must you look for imaginary heroes and sources? Are you all so stupid that you can’t be the masters of your own fates? You can’t do your own research?

Er volgen enige reacties van matthew.crawford: ‘#releastheMemo’. ‘Pedophilia is Hollywood’s biggest problem.’ ‘Same people that wrote this told us over and over again Trump could not Win, sounds like their vajajay is still sore.’ En: ‘#pizzagateisreal’. Op deze laatste reactie schreef independentandrational: ‘You would only know if you were part of pizzagate. #matthewcrawfordispartofpizzagate’. Daarop kwamen een heleboel reacties, als eerste van tateabolic: ‘Oh, so now if you believe that pizzagate is real, then you are a part of pizzagate? Just like if you believe Trump did not collude with Russia, then you’re a Russian agent? You fucking liberals are completely off the rails!’ ToFightWeMustUnite schreef: ‘Listen dude. There isn’t a single liberal that voted for Hillary Clinton. Liberals voted for Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein. Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Dwight D. Eisenhower and the republicans of the 50’s. Why is your desire to hate liberals stronger than your desire to be thorough in your approach?’ GiveMeStrength schreef: ‘Obviously you’ve never heard of whistle-blowers. Yeah, really rational. #NotYouToo’. BapF. schreef: ‘Those were the republicans of the 50’s that kept the peace until the Dems got in office, almost got us nuked, then killed tens of thousands of young American men in Vietnam right?’ ogndulk schreef: ‘Really? I’m an old white atheist social democrat who voted for Merrick Garland and the DNC platform mostly written for and approved by Bernie. you gave us Gorsuch and let loose this reactionary wrecking crew. Thanks for nothing.

Er volgen nog een paar reacties van matthew.crawford: ‘Notice the stalwart reporter never brings up the code in John Podesta’s e-mails, none of the deep state media ever talk or report on it.’ ‘People and the media laughed about people saying Jimmy Savile was a pedophile.’ ‘You guys should join a page on Facebook called unpopular opinions 2.0, really see some crazy stuff.

jayne.deering schreef: ‘Why weren’t you as concerned with the fantasy that a community organizer was qualified to be a great president? Or the clearly deluded claim that his administration was “scandal-free”? Or that some lunatics actually believed he didn’t spend eight years fomenting racial hatred?’ Hierop antwoordde independentandrational: ‘Jayne deering – you don’t like President Obama. Ok fine. But you are comparing the fantasy of completely false conspiracy theorists with faith that an inexperienced candidate could be a great President. The comparison – alone, without even examining the rest of your drivel – proves the rumor going around, among all those that know you, that Jayne deering is a complete idiot.’ Hierop kwamen twee reacties, de eerste van tateabolic: ‘So, how is your “inexperienced candidate” doing so far? Looks to me that he ALREADY IS a GREAT PRESIDENT! Only been in one year and has already accomplished more for America than any of his predecessors. But I’m sure you’re going to give bath house barry all the credit. Just like he’s trying to do himself.’ En GiveMeStrength schreef: ‘Barack Obama ruined the fiscal balance sheet, when he had reason to do otherwise. Instead, we had to witness a Nobel Peace Prize winner, instead of bringing peace, decides to bomb seven different countries. He hasn’t achieved much of anything except made it harder for Americans to live. What a useless legacy.’ Twee andere reacties op de reactie van jayne.deering komen van BapF.: ‘True, but this QAnon craze has everyone transfigured just like Pokemon did. So it’s newsworthy.’ En van spudsmc: ‘jayne.deering – Hmm, let’s see. Between Obama’s stint as a community organizer and the presidency, he served several terms as an Illinois state senator. After that he was a U.S. senator, and then became president (not to mention that he was a lawyer, as so many past presidents have been). So he was eminently qualified to be a great president, with a long history of public service. What has qualified our current president for his job? He has zero record of public service, and he’s a terrible businessman with multiple bankruptcies to his credit and a history of getting bailed out of trouble by Saudi billionaires. So yeah, I’m going to say that Obama was very qualified for the job, and Trump is not.’

JakeLaLake schreef: ‘People have always fallen for conspiracy theater, but before we get too smug here at NY Mag – shall we start listing the tinfoil-wrapped tales from Louise Mensch concerning Trump and Russia that so many liberals have enthusiastically swallowed? Take this prediction made back in May: “US Marshals Will Kick Down Trump’s Door Soon!” which spread through the message boards of many a progressive site… and if I’m not mistaken, May too has come and gone, without any sign of Trump in handcuffs. Careful here, you’re living in one giant glass house covered in Reynolds Wrap.’ ToFightWeMustUnite schreef hierop: ‘Hillary supporters are not liberals. Actual liberals voted for Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein not Hillary. There isn’t a single liberal principle Hillary stands for. She has sold out to every special interest presented to her including those every democrat stayed away from like Fracking. The last time she attempted to push legislation for working class families was universal healthcare in her first year as first lady’. Hierop schreef BensonStabler: ‘Jill Stein isn’t liberal. Ralph Nader didn’t even for her. Jill Stein only knows Green Party slogans, but she never bother to learn, let alone internalize, the principles at the core of its platform. E.g., Stein knew Greens were supposed to oppose TPP, but supported her position using the nationalist talking points of the far right, which were only concerned the loss of American manufacturing jobs to foreign countries. Liberals are concerned with the humanitarian and environmental implications of free trade agreements, i.e., that they allow for continued exploitation of workers and natural resources in poor countries with less regulations.

tateabolic schreef: ‘So you think “Q” is all a big conspiracy theory? Ha. Just wait and see.’ Hierop schreef BapF.: ‘He is a joke. Get a life. – From a conservative Trump supporter who doesn’t like games.’ kelley.eidem schreef daarop: ‘I’m a conservative, too. Don’t know if Q is real or not. So much that we thought couldn’t possibly be true has turned out to be quite true. So in this case I’ll keep watching to see how it shakes out. Not going to go down the rabbit hole at all. Will just wait for short summaries to see where it and the facts go. Will they fly apart or will they turn into a red velvet cake, maybe with some of the ingredients missing? It’s too soon to tell.

ToFightWeMustUnite schreef: ‘I don’t subscribe to the storm conspiracy theories nor do I subscribe to this ridiculous everyone is a Russian bot conspiracy theory. The author of this article obviously doesn’t see the absurdity of Russians hiding under our beds waiting to undermine our glorious “democracy”. I guess Bernie Sanders supporters gotta accept the undermining of their democratic rights because the DNC and Hillary can cheat with impunity. Where’s the investigation to root out the rampant DNC corruption? Not important? Nah We’ll just blame the Russians so the DNC cheating can continue unabated. NICE! That’s all this Russia probe is BTW: a perfect opportunity to scapegoat our newest frenemy because Russia wouldn’t let the CIA overthrow the Syrian gov. Scapegoating Russia focuses the attention away from the DNC and having to rectify the corruption. Its shocking that anyone believes this Russiagate BS. I’ve been a democrat my entire life and I can’t express how ashamed I am at their psychotic behavior. When did u guys become crazier, stupider and more irrational than republicans? Wow. This is insane. Donald Trump is president because u cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. Bernie won the primary and if u don’t believe me, check out the report by Stanford University concerning the democratic primary: Global Research is the site that provides the link to the report. If u refuse to read the report because some other site says Global Research is “fake news” u are an idiot… because that site u trust so much which pretends to steer u away from fake news is obviously 100% fake news. U wanna know how I know? BECAUSE INFORMATION ON EVERY SITE STANDS AND FALLS ON ITS OWN MERIT! Any site that has a list of all the sites they don’t want u to go on are FRAUDS. If u think u can trust all the information on your favorite site, u are an idiot! The information is either true or false and the name of the site will not change that.

Vervolgens schreef ‘hij’: ‘Why do social media sites like twitter and many others remove accounts of people that talk about conspiracy theories? Why don’t they remove accounts which subscribe to the most far fetched conspiracy theory of all : RUSSIAGATE? Why do they get to choose which information they want u to be exposed to? That’s called censorship and suppressing information and if they are doing this u better believe it’s for a reason. Why do they need to control the parameters of conversation and topics? IF U LIVED IN A TRUE DEMOCRACY CENSORSHIP AND SUPPRESSION OF INFORMATION WOULDNT BE ALLOWED! I don’t need anyone telling me which conspiracy theory I should believe. This article is 100% propaganda’. Hierop schreef BapF.: ‘No , it’s only partial propaganda. Qnon is just a guy playing a game with you. And you are right, there has been not ONE shred of evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians – but that Hillary did – and Comey helped etc. It’s all a mess, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow every conspiracy nut job there is. And for the next person that mentions ’the rabbit hole’ – which you didn’t but I know you’re thinking it – remember that “Lewis Carroll’ WAS a pedophile.

6 maanden geleden

lonegunman schreef: ‘Now in light of the Nunes FISA abuse memo as well as the Grassley Memo, none of this sounds so much like a wild conspiracy theory any more!’ Hierop schreef BapF.: ‘No – Qanon sounds like a guy living in his mom’s basement playing ‘Riddle me this Batman.I’m a conservative – you’ve got to use some common sense here and stop this – the secrets we need to know are completely laid out before us all over the internet and nobody cares to read them. What interfaith group is running YOUR community for instance? I bet I could get from their website to George Soros Open Society Foundations in three clicks. But that’s not fun enough for you idiots is it? You’ve got to make a Game of Thrones out of it. Childish nonsense. Qanon can kiss my xxx.

GiveMeStrength schreef: ‘This article reads a lot like Newsweek’s ham-fisted attempt at discreditation. Pathetic, really. Nothing has been debunked. The MSM certainly don’t get to change the narrative like they always seem want to do. You’re certainly not watching. You seem more interested in confirmation bias. I’ll bet you believed the Russian collusion propaganda, simply because its what you want to hear. You’re no patriot. You’re the swallower and spewer of lies.’

MSM = MainStream Media

BapF. schreef: ‘I’m a conservative, and I believe most of the stuff in this article… Well the Pizzagate stuff totally got out of hand… But this Qanon stuff is just really embarrassing. Somebody told me the other day that Qanon’s ramblings – which looked more like a Ginsberg poem – were just Qanon trying to teach “us” – the ignorants – Socratic thinking. Having got an A+ in Socrates and Plato in college – I couldn’t stand the idiocy anymore and closed my Twitter account. I think the whole world’s gone nuts. I love President Trump and think he’s doing a wonderful job – but people on both sides have lost their flipping minds!

5 maanden geleden

KMMRP schreef: ‘Funny how as of today March 16 2018 there are multiple people in child-sex trafficking rings being arrested. Pedogate?? Look it up!

AnAdult schreef: ‘Q also said last week that third-rate publications controlled by despicable, Godless scumbags would be hitting the “conspiracy theory” angle heavily this week, and this hit piece confirms that.’ En vervolgde: ‘Q is infinitely more real than NY Magazine’.

ogndulk schreef: ‘coincidentally nearly three decades of The Simpsons has celebrated the common man, the fat homely simpleton who is now the resentful old white man who buys the right wing negativity, fear, hate, ignorance, and bigotry. They have lived on a diet of fake news and conspiracy at the expense of trust in government and rejection of cooperative solutions to mounting problems. They truly do cling to their guns and bibles above all else.’ En vervolgde: ‘Maybe you all forgot the Satanic Panic, Satanic child sacrifices hysteria of the 80’s, that ruined the McMartin family and others. it was all baseless. ALL OF IT.’

lkswodnawel schreef: ‘Have to say those Russian BOTS are very creative and sad that some Americans are as “dumb as a stump” to believe this BS. But it seems a growing disease in the freak world that people have no common sense to see that the Russians Rule the internet’.

LITD236912 schreef: ‘Your article is full of inaccuracies as you NEVER even attempted to talk to the real poster…, me. You, as everyone else have missed the point of my posts and have turned it into something for money and acclaim. Thats not why I posted on an anonymous channel (even though there is no such thing). I published 28 posts on 4chan (till my login was hacked) then finished posting on 8chan. My last post was Dec 25th. Everyone… And everything pretending to be Q from Dec 26th on is a lie and false. I have moved on from this… And am doing other things. If you ever want to publish a true article… Then email me and ask to learn the facts… I am the only one that can give them. Q’. Hierop schreef Timmay1960: ‘Yet another shill. You’re not “Q” nor are you capable of being anything like “Q“. How do I know? If you’re “Q“, then you either know or can easily find out my connection to General Kelly, current Chief of Staff for the Trump Admin. Go ahead, and give it your best shot. But you won’t because you can’t, because you’re an IMPOSTER. And a shabby one at that. Bye-bye, wannabe! Timmay!’

tontonwolf schreef ‘Gobbledegoop’.

4 maanden geleden

Timmay1960 schreef: ‘This writer will eventually be unemployed, just like the rest of these miscreants. “Q” is fake?! No. “Q” is genuine. You, sir, are the fake. When our boys come for you, make sure you have a change of underwear. You are definitely going to need a couple of pairs. In the mean-time, enjoy the show! Timmay!

Nephre schreef: ‘The illiteracy demonstrated in the editorial choice to publish this nonsense is breath taking. No, not the “Storm” or “pizzagate” but the choice of this publication to attempt to “debunk” these. You see the state senator from Nebraska, John DeCamp, first brought the sadistic child sex and trafficking issue to public light in the 1990s with his thoroughly documented and then subsequently validated book entitled, The Franklin Coverup. Either your editorial staff is wholly ignorant of that book, or you’re choosing to support the “other side” as it were. Take your pick. It’s very sad that you would make the editorial choice to support the trafficking and abuse of children for political purposes. There is simply no doubt (if facts and data are the principle sources for reasoning) as to whether this is actually occurring. A serious examination of the data regarding Pizzagate makes clear that the media has been complicit in covering it up and attempting to destroy the reputations of those who proffer these truths. So “Select All” is part of that teaming scum too?

Get Trumpy (Jason Goodman Screenshot 13-9-18)

Get Trumpy with Jason Goodman (right) (foto YouTube)

3 maanden geleden

PsiCop schreef: ‘Twitter quote: “(…) the beginning of the Obama and HRC cabal takedown.” Neither of them is in office, and never will be. No “takedown” of either is required since they’re no longer in positions they can be “taken down” from. I love how these nutjobs don’t appear to have figured out that Obama is no longer in office and Hillary didn’t win the election.

AhiTuna schreef: ‘Should update their moniker to “The Calm Before the Stormy”. All you Q believers, please get help, hug a puppy, take a walk in nature to get some fresh air; this message is also directed at my own sister.’ Hierop schreef Gandalf47: ‘I think you hit the nail on the head – it’s been Stormy on the POTUS‘ (and FLOTUS) mind these days (every day).’

FLOTUS = First Lady Of The United States

2 maanden geleden

signals schreef: ‘Talk, talk, talk. If it is such a conspiracy, why doesn’t the media ask Sarah or the President about this Q conspiracy? Afraid of the answer?’

1 maand geleden

iDigitalDan schreef: ‘#WWG1WGA’.

WWG1WGO = Where We Go 1, We Go All

philip.miller schreef: ‘So [,] Paris Martineau [,] I read the entire article. Well written and seemingly makes sense and true when compared to what we think we know of the world but one thing still bugs the Hell out of me… What about the Podesta Emails leaked by Wikileaks? How are they explained away? PizzaGate has never been addressed has it? We live in a world where scandal after scandal appear, reporters are suicided or ignored, events are wrapped up into “Conspiracy Theories” and time and disinformation do their work… however for some of us the reality keeps coming back to haunt us… What about the emails? Why Would Clinton care if the water were warm and there would be kids in the hot tub? Why? Why? Why? The rest is just kerfuffle [] no?’ Hierop schreef Ricardolindo: ‘PizzaGate was adressed and throughly debunked, see’

fiflaggingred schreef: ‘Tri-Latteral Commission deja vu. “Oh, Charley, how I long for the old view.”’

fjose3479 schreef: ‘For a different perspective… Do your OWN research. Don’t let them tell you what to think.

De laatste reactie (tot nu toe) is van standstrong: ‘Why does the media work so hard to discredit President Trump? Between the media & Hollywood this is a job that runs into overtime! What are you scared of, or who are you scared of? My guess is soon we will find out. I believe there are a lot of good Americans who can not conceive the thought of our government being run by people who sold them down the river for their own greedy personal gain. Not in America where we have been brought up to believe that America is the epitome of good in righteousness. Some people are scared to think out of the box, that neat little box that has been constructed for them and feed to them piece by piece over the years. Trust is a good quality to have, and people who take advantage of that or of the worst kind. Just as caution and thinking on your own are good qualities to have, asking WHY, and most definitely not being humored by the word “because”. The big media can say all they want, that Trump supporters and Q followers are dying off and that we’re all just crazy conspiracy theorist, we are strong in numbers we know it and they know it. I’ll take the term crazy any day over sick and sadistic bold-faced Liars. God bless president Trump and his family. Oh yeah, to the lady who said that Trump supporters should maybe go hug a dog, I do I hug mine everyday. Do you have a dog?

Storm Is Upon Us – Q: Killing The Mockingbird

Gepubliceerd op 7 aug. 2018

The people of the world are sick and tired of being set against each other by powerful criminals who want us divided so they can continue to rape, steal from and exploit us.

Currently the gravest threat to the world is the corrupt mainstream media who has been taken over by a powerful cabal. They have been lying to us for decades, twisted our minds and led us down a path of darkness. The evidence is all around you.

The only way we can defeat this evil is by removing their power and turning them off. They are named the “Mockingbird Media” after a criminal operation of the same name to infiltrate journalism and take control of the narratives.

The only way out of this prison is to read the crumbs dropped via the NSA Intelligence Program otherwise known as Q.

Close Captioning now available. Many translations available and more coming.

When YouTube eventually censor this, you can find it on Bitchute.

Not affiliated with Trump, Q or any intel source other than what is publicly available here:

Disclaimer: I am not making accusations of guilt towards anyone featured in this video. That is Huber’s job, and if they have done crimes, they will be exposed – if not, they won’t.

Many people have asked permission to share. Listen up: SHARE IT. I don’t care if you credit it or not. Download it locally, mirror it, put it up on your own channel, whatever you want. It’s not like I filmed all that footage.

Others have asked to donate. NO. We work only for freedom. There are people taking bullets for the republic, the least we can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure their sacrifices are not in vain.

Look on Twitter for these trusted patriots who know whats what:
@StormIsUponUs (me)

They want you DIVIDED.

The want this because

It’s time to research for yourself.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

You will find many things, among them an unprecedented number of sealed indictments filed in preparation for a mass arrest event.
See here:

You will also discover an unprecedented list of corrupt CEOs who have recently been removed from their posts.
See these here:

You will see the same in the Senate, and in Congress.
And you will see the same at the top of the FBI, and the Department of Justice.

This movement is not about one person or a group of people.
It is about WE THE PEOPLE.

The world is currently witnessing the largest mass treason event in living history. But instead of being fearful, we should be filled with hope. Instead of fighting among ourselves, we should recognize our only true enemy – the criminal Deep State, and their once invincible mainstream media apparatus.

Do you want to free yourself? It’s easy.

Follow Q… and TURN THEM OFF!


Lees het vervolg: Qanon (2): Het Qanon Phenomenon

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