Cor Hendriks – Het geluid van stilte | Silence is Violence

Silence is Violence Sticker (foto kitaproducts)

Het geluid van stilte | Silence is Violence

Hallo duisternis, mijn oude vriend,
Ik ben gekomen om weer met je te praten,
Omdat een visioen zachtjes kruipend
Zijn zaden achterliet, terwijl ik lag te slapen.
En het visioen, dat werd geplant in mijn brein
Blijft nog steeds aanwezig
In de geluiden van stilte.

In rusteloze dromen liep ik in mijn eentje,
Nauwe straten met kinderkopjes,
Onder de halo van een straatlamp
Keerde ik mijn kraag tegen de kou en mist,
Toen mijn ogen werden gestoken door een flits van een neon licht,
Spleet de nacht,
En raakte het geluid van stilte.

En in het naakte licht
Zag ik tienduizend mensen misschien meer;
Mensen, die praten zonder te spreken;
Mensen, die horen zonder te luisteren;
Mensen, die liederen schrijven die stemmen nooit delen,
Niemand durft
Het geluid van stilte te verstoren.

Dwaas,” zei ik, “jij weet niet,
Stilte groeit als een kanker.
Hoor mijn woorden zodat ik je kan leren.
Neem mijn armen zodat ik je kan bereiken.”
Maar mijn woorden vielen als stille regendruppels
En weerkaatsten in de putten van stilte.

En de mensen bogen en baden
Tot de neon God, die ze maakten,
En het lichtteken flitste zijn waarschuwing,
In de woorden die het vormde,
En het teken zei: De woorden van de profeten
Zijn geschreven op de muren van de ondergrondse,
En in de hallen van flatgebouwen.
En fluisterden in het geluid van stilte.

Simon & Garfunkel – The Sound of Silence (from The Concert in Central Park)

Published on 25 aug. 2015

The Sound of Silence” by Simon & Garfunkel from The Concert in Central Park

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Hello darkness, my old friend
I VE come to talk with you again
Because A vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

#SimonAndGarfunkel #TheSoundofSilence #TheConcertInCentralPark


De Stem van de Stilte

The Voice of the Silence By H. P. Blavatsky (foto Google)
HP BlavatskyThe Voice of the Silence

Het geluid van stilte is de stem van de ziel.

Volgens Helena Blavatsky, de stichtster van de Theosofische Beweging, moet je, voor je je voet zet op de hoogste tree van de ladder van de mystieke geluiden, de stem hebben gehoord van je innerlijke GOD op zeven wijzen.

De eerste is als de zoete zang van de nachtegaal een lied van afscheid zingend naar zijn wijfje.

De tweede komt als het geluid van een zilveren cimbaal van de Dhyâni S (zie‘s%2C%20ook,kwaliteiten%20weer%20van%20Gautama%20Boeddha), die de twinkelende sterren wakker maakt.

De derde is als de melodieuze weeklacht van de oceaangeest opgesloten in zijn schelp.

Dit wordt als vierde gevolgd door de zang van de Vînâ [luit].

De vijfde is als het geluid van bamboefluit trillers in je oor.

Als zesde verandert dit in een trompetstoot.

De zevende vibreert als het doffe gerommel van een donderwolk.

Deze zevende zwelgt al de andere geluiden op. Ze sterven en worden dan niet meer gehoord.

Volgens Blavatsky moet je Natuur helpen en met haar werken en dan zal Natuur je beschouwen als een van haar scheppers en je respect betonen.

En ze zal voor je de deuren van haar geheime kamers wijd openen, voor je blik de schatten verborgen in de diepten zelf van haar pure maagdelijke boezem bloot leggen. Onverdorven door de hand van materie toont ze haar schatten alleen aan het oog van de Geest het oog, dat nooit sluit, het oog, waarvoor er geen sluier is in al haar Koninkrijken.

Dan zal ze je de middelen en de weg tonen, de eerste poort en de tweede, de derde, tot en met de zevende. En dan, het doel – waarachter liggen, badend in het zonlicht van de Geest, onuitsprekelijke glories, niet gezien door iemand behalve het oog van de Ziel.

Er is slechts één weg naar het Pad; pas helemaal aan het eind kan de “Stem van de Stilte” worden gehoord. De ladder, waarlangs de kandidaat opstijgt, wordt gevormd door treden van lijden en pijn; deze kunnen alleen tot stilte worden gebracht door de stem van deugd. Wee jou dan, Discipel, als er een enkele ondeugd is, die je niet hebt achtergelaten. Want dan zal de Ladder inzakken en je omgooien; de voet er van rust in de diepe poel van je zonden en tekortkomingen, en voor je kunt proberen deze wijde afgrond van materie over te steken, moet je je voeten wassen in de Wateren van Zelfverloochening. Pas op, dat je niet een nog steeds bezoedelde voet zet op de onderste tree van de ladder. Wee hem, die het waagt een trede te bezoedelen met beslijkte voeten. De smerige en kleverige modder zal opdrogen, vasthoudend worden, dan zijn voet op de plek vastkleven en als een vogel gevangen in de lijm van de listige vogelaar zal hij weerhouden worden van verdere progressie. Zijn ondeugden zullen vorm aannemen en hem naar beneden trekken. Zijn zonden zullen hun stemmen verheffen als het lachen en wenen van de jakhals nadat de Zon ondergaat; zijn gedachten worden een leger en dragen hem weg als een gevangen slaaf.

De pupil moet zijn verloren kinderstaat herwinnen voordat het eerste geluid op zijn oor kan vallen.

Het licht van de ENE Meester, het niet verminderende gouden licht van de Geest schiet zijn glanzende stralen op de Discipel vanaf het allereerste begin. Zijn stralen treden door de dikke duistere wolken van materie.

Nu hier, dan daar verlichten deze stralen het, zoals Zonvonken de Aarde verlichten door het dikke gebladerte van de oerwoudgroei. Maar, O Discipel, tenzij het vlees passief is, het hoofd koel, de ziel zo stevig en puur als vlammende diamant, zal de straling niet de kamer (van het hart) bereiken, zijn Zonlicht zal niet het hart verwarmen, ook zullen de mystieke geluiden van de ascetische hoogten het oor niet bereiken, hoe begerig ook, in de beginfase.

Tenzij U hoort, kunt U niet zien.

Tenzij U ziet, kunt U niet horen. Dit horen en zien is de tweede fase.

Wanneer de Discipel ziet en hoort, en wanneer hij ruikt en proeft, de ogen gesloten, de oren dicht, met mond en neusgaten toegestopt, wanneer de vier zintuigen één worden en gereed om op te gaan in de vijfde, die van de innerlijke tast, dan is hij voort gegaan in de vierde fase.

En in de vijfde [fase], O doder van uw gedachten, moeten al deze weer gedood worden voorbij herleving.

Maak je geest vrij van alle externe objecten, alle externe gezichten. Maak je vrij van interne beelden, opdat ze niet op je Ziellicht een duistere schaduw werpen.

Je bent nu in de zesde fase beland.

Wanneer je bent overgegaan naar de zevende, O gelukkige, zal je niet langer de heilige drie ontwaren, want je zal zelf die drie zijn geworden. Je zelf en geest, als tweelingen op een lijn, de ster, die je doel is, brandt boven je. De drie, die verblijven in glorie en in onuitsprekelijke vreugde hebben nu in de Wereld van Mâyâ [illusie] hun namen verloren. Ze zijn één ster geworden, het vuur, dat brandt, maar niet blakert, dat vuur, dat de basis van de Vlam is.

En dit, O Yogi van succes, is wat men Dhyâna (de voorlaatste fase) noemt, de ware voorloper van Samâdhi (de hoogste stap, zie

En nu is je Zelf verloren in ZELF, jijzelf tot JIJZELF, versmolten in DAT ZELF vanwaar je in eerste instantie uitstraalde.

Waar is je individualiteit? Het is de vonk verloren in het vuur, de druppel in de oceaan, de altijd aanwezige Straal die de gehele en de eeuwige straling is geworden.

En nu jij, je bent de doener en de getuige, de radiator en de radiatie, Licht in het Geluid en het Geluid in het Licht.

Je bent op de hoogte van de vijf belemmeringen, O gezegende. Je bent hun overwinnaar, de Meester van de zesde, bevrijder van de vier wijzen van Waarheid (noot The four modes of truth are, in Northern Buddhism, Ku “suffering or misery”; Tu the assembling of temptations; Mu “their destructions and Tao, the “path.” Thefive impediments” are the knowledge of misery, truth about human frailty, oppressive restraints, and the absolute necessity of separation from all the ties of passion and even of desires. The Path of Salvation is the last one). Het licht, dat op hen valt schijnt uit jezelf, O jij, die een Discipel was, maar nu een Leraar bent.

En van deze wijzen van Waarheid:

Ben je niet gegaan door kennis van alle miserieWaarheid het eerst?

Heb je niet de Mârâs’ Koning [die de kandidaat probeert te verblinden door de straling van zijn “Juweel”] te Tsi, de poort van vergadering, veroverd waarheid de tweede?

Heb je niet zonde bij de derde poort vernietigd en waarheid de derde bereikt?

Heb je niet Tao, “het Pad”, betreden, dat leidt naar kennis – de vierde waarheid?

En nu, rust onder de Bodhi boom, die perfectie van alle kennis is, want weet, dat je de Meester van SAMÂDHI bent de staat van foutloze visie.

Zie, je bent het licht geworden, je bent het Geluid geworden, je bent je Meester en je God. Je bent JEZELF het object van je zoektocht: de STEM ongebroken, die weerklinkt door de eeuwigheid, uitgezonderd van verandering, van zonde uitgezonderd, de zeven geluiden in een, de


Om Tat Sat

Voor volledige tekst, zie

The Voice of the Silence By H. P. Blavatsky (foto bookdepository)
HP BlavatskyThe Voice of the Silence (foto bookdepository)

Renowned occultist HP Blavatsky is famous for introducing theSecret Doctrine to an astonished West. ‘The Voice of the Silence‘ is derived from the same deep spring of Wisdom. Tibet S Panchen Lama endorsed the work as the only true exposition in English of the Heart Doctrine of Mahayana and its noble ideal of self sacrifice.” The current (14th) Dalai Lama concurred “I believe that this book has strongly influenced many aspirants to the wisdom and compassion of the Bodhisattva Path. The book S three segments form A step wise introduction to this spiritual path. Fragment (1) describes the preparation of the aspirant for discipleship; Fragment (2) the methods of purification of the lower vehicles; while Fragment (3), reveals the Seven Keys which open the way to Enlightenment (

A firecracker thrown by protesters explodes under police one block from the White House on May 30, 2020 in Washington, DC (foto Andrew Caballero Reynolds)
A firecracker thrown by protesters explodes under police one block from the White House on May 30, 2020 in Washington, DC (foto Andrew Caballero Reynolds)

silence is violence
(wie zwijgt stemt toe)

It S important to be reMinded that white leaders must create space for honest dialogue and action from within all organizations

After an article by Christopher Wink | Staff , Jun. 1, 2020, I say this as A privileged white leader who has actually remained silent before.

When public trauma goes far beyond A leader S lived experience, it S easy to ignore it.

For white organizational leaders, that means the systemic racism that is A recognized part of American society. It also means during particularly public flare ups of violence against Black Americans. It can also mean when peaceful protests are met with police violence and ugly behavior to precipitate the most dramatic civil unrest in a half century (

A demonstrator kicks a damaged police vehicle in Los Angeles on May 30, 2020 (foto Ariana Drehsler)
A demonstrator kicks A damaged police vehicle in Los Angeles on May 30, 2020 (foto Ariana Drehsler)

Fellow organizational leaders who benefit from white privilege, during these moments of public trauma, it is A mistake to remain silent. Worse, silence is complicit in the injustice. White silence is violence.

As A leader of or within your organization, it is your responsibility to engage with these issues and these moments regardless of how irrelevant you think it is from your organization S work. I say this as A privileged white leader who has has struggled to know how to respond to past moments of public discourse about issues beyond my lived experience.

I understand that you can think engaging with the issues at work can feel like A mistake. As A beneficiary of white privilege, you might think it S not your place. You might tell yourself that you RE waiting for someone more “directly affected” by the issue of the day in this case, the state sanctioned murder of A Black man or systemic oppression of Black people. You might think that you bringing it up could add to the trauma of your staff.

I once felt constrained by some messy combination of these feelings. I was wrong then. You will be wrong if you stay silent now. This is always true; it S truer still after A weekend of once in A lifetime level of social unrest.

Today you might be paralyzed by the fear of taking criticism for being performative or worse, tone deaf. But these are minor annoyances in contrast to the grotesque bargain necessary to ignore the World your co workers (and you) are confronting.

Institutionalized racism is A white problem, not A Black issue or Abrown problem.” This is white people S mess. These are not radical issues. These are central, Main Stream, urgent human rights issues.

So what do you do?

I am not A trained expert you can hire one so instead I am writing from my experience of more than A decade of managing these moments with A team. I VE been blessed to receive honest feedback from teammates through the years to develop my response strategy as A white leader.

[…] Be thankful for private spaces for people of color

It is A sign of organizational health if there are private spaces for Black staff, or people of color generally, or female staff or for any group that feels A dedicated space is helpful. It is A mistake to feel threatened by these; they are beautiful, important and dynamic spaces. They can offer healing that you just never will be able to.

White leaders need to stay out of the way. Offer encouragement when given the opportunity but otherwise they should be seen as spaces built by, for and with these communities at your organization (for more, see

'You racist transphobe, be quiet!!! Silence is violence!!!' (foto imgur)
You racist transphobe, be quiet!!! Silence is violence!!! (foto imgur)

Silence is Violence: Black Lives Matter

Listening and learning is the first step to informed and effective action. This will be our next step as we consider how best to engage in relation to the challenges of racial injustice and systemic injustice more widely. As our understanding improves, we commit to doing what we can to help to better address issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice, including in relation to race, individually, within our team, in our work with partners in different parts of the World, and within the open government community of which we are part. We look forward to playing our role A supportive role more effectively, and helping to shape A World in which Black Lives Matter, and justice and kindness prevail.

With those in power failing us (…)

(…) at this historic moment, we demand better. From the Corona Virus pandemic and police brutality to the marginalisation of minority communities around the World, leadership is broken. Lacking sensitivity to the real lives of their people, leaders are gambling with public health, safety, community cohesion and the future of younger generations. Divisive and poor at crisis management, they sometimes appear more interested in serving themselves over the people they were elected to serve. We have to make them raise their game. That S what The Guardian S here for (toegevoegd aan

Silence is violence: (critical) psychology in an era of Cecil Rhodes Must Fall and Fees Must Fall by Suntosh R Pillay (South African Journal of Psychology, 2016, Volume 46 (2), p. 155 159, here 157).

Silence is violence

These above schisms between theory and practice lead us further astray into forms of institutional silence. When privilege is being challenged and justice is being demanded, these silences become forms of violence against decolonisation. Silence, theorised as A form of quiet, slow, psychological violence, invisibly inflicts harm on those categories of people most often in need of advocates, activists, allies, and empathy. Individual psychologists or psychology as A discipline becomes complicit by saying nothing, by resisting urgent conversations for change, or by refusing to understand the logic and legitimacy of decolonisation. These often take the form of seemingly rational calls for non racialism or denials of complicity in racist structures. Alternatively, we remain allies and advocates by speaking up against postcolonial injustices, understanding root causes that are mostly historical and racial, avoiding the psychopathologisation of activism and by proactively participating in transformational narratives and dialogues that destabilise, problematise, and confront hegemonic practices maintaining divisive status quos.

Social Justice Wheel of Equality (foto Silence is Violence)
Social Justice Wheel of Equality (foto Silence is Violence)

Silence is Violence op Facebook, zie

Niet iedere stilte is geweld, want kennelijk is de stilte racistisch en ziet alleen wit.

White Middle Class people Virtue Signaling White Silence is Violence (foto Lucy Duncan|AFSC)

White Middle Class people Virtue Signaling White Silence is Violence (foto Lucy Duncan|AFSC)

None of us should ever fear violence in our communities, especially from those supposedly charged with promoting public safety. George Floyd, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, and countless other Black and brown people have died at the hands of police and A racist system that disproportionately targets people of color for police brutality, imprisonment, and death.

It’s past time to do something different. AFSC supports the Movement for Black Lives, which has called for divestment from the police and investment in Black communities. Please join us in calling on governors in every state to defund policing and invest instead in critical needs such as schools, health care, and transformative justice initiatives that truly center community well being.

Tell your governor: Invest in communities, not policing!

Sign the petition

More White Middle Class People Virtue Signaling White Silence is Violence (foto Wikimedia)
More White Middle Class People Virtue Signaling White Silence is Violence (foto Wikimedia)

MLK and the Violence of White Silence

Posted by Travis Jones (Jan 19, 2017)

Every year in the US, people from various stripes scramble to showcase their favorite Martin Luther King JR quotes to honor his legacy and the national holiday. And every year, it is clear that people, largely across race and political party, have widely different conceptions of who MLK was, and what he was all about.

On one side, we read quotes that highlight King S life long pursuit of racial harmony and brotherhood almost always referencing the line that we not judge based on the color of skin but on the content of character. On the other, there is usually A more holistic emphasis on King S thought and action that emphasize economic injustice and racial disparity. These differences in emphasis beg the question of whether there were two MLKs. But the reality is that MLK S life and thoughts, when taken as A whole, do not fit neatly into each side S political agenda or moral compass. In fact, what made King so influential, in his day and ours, is his complex and holistic approach to issues of racial harmony and fighting injustice. And what makes King S life and work especially relevant today is that this tendency to either highlight our similarities or differences is still alive and well in the way different races view and interact with each other.
This trend is evident in the contemporary use of the “Black Lives Matter” and All Lives Matter rhetoric. The former, emphasizing differences and inequality as the starting place for more racial equity. The latter, deemphasizing racial differences as the starting place for racial harmony. But aside from the various ways these phrases have taken on A life of their own, and how people use them in conversations to support their respective views, King S legacy invites us to see how both sentiments are true albeit in distinct and important ways. Although King dedicated his life to building cross racial coalitions and racial harmony, he never did it at the expense of the truth or by watering down stark differences in racial equity. He was loud and clear about economic, national, religious, and racial disparities in power – and called out those who attempted to silence his message or ignored it all together from their privileged place on the sidelines.

As I read, listened, and reflected on King S work this week the message that struck me as particularly relevant for our time was his words on the white silent majority. This quote, in particular, has stuck with me this week:

MLK (foto theinclusionsolution)
MLK (foto theinclusionsolution)

What S so striking is that before these words, King was beaten, stabbed, bombed, and harassed by the FBI, yet he said the greatest stumbling block to justice was not white violence, but white silence. Even more troubling is how applicable these words still are today around issues of racial justice. In the several Black Lives Matter events I VE attended, I VE seen signs with the slogan, “white silence is violence that clearly communicate the same message. As I reflect on these words and how I, as a white male, can be A better voice for justice, I will end with several considerations for how white people (and all of us) can combat the allure of silence in our lives and organizations.

Inner Silence

Being “loud” about issues of justice starts in the conversation in our Minds. Before we engage with others around issues of racial injustice, especially if WE RE not informed, we must first ask ourselves whether or not we have done enough listening to others to fully understand the issues. Second, we must be loud to ourselves about our own biases and how we see the world through our limited perspectives, asking ourselves, “what is it that I don T know, that I don T know.” A sign of growth in being more culturally competent is embracing tension that we have around issues we don T understand, rather than silently ignoring or dismissing them.

Silence with Others

The World is A big, colorful place. But many of us spend A lot of time in spaces with people more similar to us. And this means that being loud about racial injustice means different things for different people, depending on our place in life and our respective social Worlds. It is easy in our relationships to be silent about differences and focus on similarities, especially if we feel disconnected from issues we don T understand. But we should follow King S example that the path to racial harmony is not in ignoring our differences, but by addressing, understanding and embracing them head on without justice there can be no peace (MLK). There is great reward, and possible sacrifice, in being loud about issues of justice in our personal relationships. This can happen over shared meals, in what we share, like, and post on social Media, and the way we listen to diverse others in our lives. It S A healthy reMinder that racial solidarity, if not shown, cannot be assumed. Being silent is violent, because it allows more dangerous voices to be amplified in our place. And complicity on racial justice issues is just as harmful as explicit forms of violence the end result is the same.

Silence in the World

Although we have the most influence over our own thoughts and our relationships with others, we all make some difference in the nature of our World. We affect change in our society at large with our votes, what we read, and where we spend our money. It is in these larger arenas that we make our voices heard to the World about where we stand on issues of racial justice. There is A great opportunity to support minority owned business, expand our Mind through diverse movies and music, and cast our votes to affect change that may or may not even affect our racial group.

All Hail Antifastan! (foto YouTube)

All Hail Antifastan! (foto YouTube) (1:03:07) ‘Bret and Heather 23rd DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Truth in the Time of CHAZ’ van Bret Weinstein, 13 jun. 2020.Does freedom of speech protect freedom of thought? Why are peaceable assemblies being disrupted by the police? How is the Overton window narrowing on us, and what can be done? How are social Media algorithms driving us farther apart, unable to make sense of the World? Is the CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) in Seattle A blissful utopia, or A chaotic free for all? Are reparations A legitimate response to contemporary remnants of historical racism? In this 23rd in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the World though an evolutionary lens.’ (1:12:17) ‘ANTIFASTAN UNLEASHED! Philosopher Stefan Molyneux Breaks Down Seattle! van Stefan Molyneux, 13 jun. 2020. ‘How are things in Soymalia today? (1:54:08) ‘CHAZ Soymalia Update – and the Atlanta Shooting! van Stefan Molyneux, 14 jun. 2020.

ANTIFASTAN (foto JustInformed Talk)

ANTIFASTAN (foto JustInformed Talk) (17:38)REASONS WHY BLM IS IMCOMPATIBLE WITH BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. YOU CAN T BE CHRISTIAN & BELIEVE IN #BLM van Perez Hilton, 15 jun. 2020. (48:30) ‘BLM: From Historic Statues to Much Loved Comedy Shows, is Britain in A Full Blown Culture War?’ Van The New Culture Forum Channel, 14 jun. 2020. Britain S most iconic national heroes (including Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Francis Drake & Lord Nelson) have been denounced by #BLM protestors, with calls for their memorials to be demolished or banished. In response and without any public consultation institutions, councils and companies have made highly controversial & polarising decisions regarding some of the most visible elements of British culture, history & identity, from the removal of historic statues to the renaming of public spaces and even the banning of some of the nation S favourite comedy shows/episodes. Is Britain now engaged in a full blown culture War and what is the end result likely to be? Are today S youth being failed by schools & universities or are they receiving A balanced education about British history, the British Empire and slavery past & present? Joining Peter Whittle for this week S episode of #NCFCounterCulture are: *Claire Fox, Director & Founder of the Academy of Ideas and former Brexit Party MEP *Emma Webb, Director of the Forum on Integration, Democracy and Extremism (FIDE) at the Civitas think tank *Rafe Heydel Mankoo of the NCF, Historian & Broadcaster (specialising in British symbols of identity, et cetera).’ (17:55) Nigel Farage says taking down statues will not end protests van talkRADIO, 12 jun. 2020. Nigel Farage has said the cancellation of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests in London this weekend will not be the end of the organisation.’ Speaking with talkRADIO S Mike Graham, the Brexit Party leader strongly criticised the campaign group for its views on societal change.The three words on their own, black lives matter, nothing wrong with that,” he said. “But here S the problem, Black Lives Matter as an organisation is A Marxist, anarchistic organisation. This is now an all out attack on our nation, its symbols, our heritage. It S an attempt to completely make all of us feel ashamed of who we are and of what we are.“ So, if you think just because tomorrow S march has been called off, that it S over, I M very sorry but I think you RE wrong.”’ (30:21) ‘De hypocrisie van de Black Lives Matter beweging!’ van UP! Network, 9 jun. 2020. ‘De Afro Amerikaan George Floyd wordt door de BlackLivesMatter beweging als held en martelaar gezien. In het eerste deel over de BLM beweging bespreken Avish en Shashi de feiten over deze zogenaamde ‘held‘ van de BLM beweging. Was deze Floyd wel een persoon om te vereren? (35:53) ‘De mythe van racistisch politiegeweld in de VS! van UP! Network, 14 jun. 2020. ‘De dood van George Floyd is door de BlackLivesMatter beweging als aanleiding gebruikt om de discussie over racistisch politiegeweld te (her)starten. Maar is de politie wel racistisch? Lopen zwarte mensen inderdaad een verhoogd risico om gedood te worden door een politieagent? In het tweede deel over de BLM beweging bespreken Shashi en Avish deze claims van de BlackLivesMatter beweging.’ (4:55) ‘Tucker takes you inside America S newest neighbor: CHOP’ van Fox News, 17 jun. 2020.

The Dollar VigilanteOK Let S Talk About Racism

Published on 7 jun. 2020

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