Cor Hendriks – De Red Pill (1): #walkaway

In de eerste aflevering van de serie over Qanon vertelde ik over de Rode en de Blauwe Pil: BLUE PILL en RED PILL zijn bekende begrippen uit de film The Matrix, waarin Neo van Morpheus de keuze wordt voorgelegd tussen de blauwe en de rode pil: de eerste houdt je in de matrix, de tweede maakt je ervan los. Zie Ik vertelde dat het metaforen zijn, die in het publieke debat gebruikt worden om bewustzijnsniveaus mee aan te duiden. Dit kan op diverse manieren gebruikt worden en in deze eerste aflevering wil ik me concentreren op een term die nu in het nieuws is en die term is ‘red pilling America’, verbonden met de zogeheten #walkaway movement.

Een belangrijke factor in de Democratische achterban is de stem van de zogeheten ‘minorities’, de ‘minderheden’, waarvan de belangrijkste de zwarte stem is, die traditioneel naar de Democraten gaat, die zeggen voor de belangen van de minderheden te vechten, maar in werkelijkheid er slechts op uit zijn om hun eigen zakken te vullen, terwijl ze hun achterban in armoe achterlaten. Iemand die de Democratische illusie doorbreekt is Kanye West, wiens bezoek aan het Witte Huis heel wat stof deed opwaaien. (24:13) ‘Full Video: Kanye West’s Meeting With President Donald Trump At The White House | NBC News’ van NBC News, gepubliceerd op 11 okt. 2018 (260.288 v; 2.767 r). Tekst: ‘On Thursday, rapper Kanye West met with President Trump in the Oval Office for a discussion on prison reform. While reporters were present, West delivered a long speech on a range of topics, including racism, liberalism, the universe, and more.’

Donald Trumps geïnvolveerdheid met de zwarte gemeenschap heeft diepe gronden zoals blijkt uit de volgende video uit 2016: (30:01) ‘Trump Visits Black Church In Detroit; Liberals Lose Their Minds #TrumpInDetroit (REACTION)’ van Anthony Brian Logan, gepubliceerd op 4 sept. 2016 (288.047 v; 4.888 r). Tekst: ‘Donald Trump attended a black church service in Detroit Michigan on Saturday, September 3rd, 2016 at Great Faith Ministries alongside Ben Carson, Omarosa, Katrina Pierson, and pastor Darrell Scott. The presiding Bishop of the church is Wayne T. Jackson, alongside his wife, Beverly Yvonne Jackson. The Jackson’s son is a well known actor Brandon T. Jackson who has appeared in a variety of TV shows and movies, most notably “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters.” The church was very welcoming and hospitable to Donald Trump during his visit. The visit itself, however, was received differently from those on the outside looking in. A mixed bag is the best way to describe it. First of all, there were many Detroit residents protesting Trump’s arrival before he came. Allegations of racism against blacks and other minorities were bandied about. There were also allegations that he had no prior outreach to the black community, even though this campaign cycle is his very first time ever being a politician. Some Detroit residents took to the streets outside of Great Faith Ministries during Saturday’s church service to protest Trump. The protest was pretty small and uneventful. At some point during the service, Trump, alongside Carson, Omarosa, Pierson, and Scott, were front row and center enjoying the praise and worship style of Christian music being played. Trump seemed to be soaking up all of the energy of the church and maximizing the moment, as he swayed side to side while the music was playing. Some, of course, criticized him for being fake during that situation. Though many of those same people didn’t consider it fake when Roland Martin did the “wobble” with Hillary Clinton after a town hall meeting that he hosted for Hillary. It seems as though much of the criticism comes from people who don’t like Trump and are trying to find a reason to be upset with him in general. The actual speech Trump gave during, or sometime close to, the Church service was great. It was mostly a written statement that he was reading, presumably with the help of the black advisors such as Carson and Omarosa that traveled with him, to better express himself in front of a black audience. He did go off-script at times, giving compliments to the Bishop, his wife, and the church in general. Much of the content in the speech was not too far off of Trump’s core message, which is jobs and security of our Nation. Overall, a great performance and a great example for other Republicans in the future. Conservative outreach to the black community is often seen as a waste of time because the overwhelming majority of blacks always vote Democrat. The younger generation, however, may be more receptive to new ideas than their elders. Trump could have “sown the seed” of a new generation of black Republicans, by sparking the expectation of all political parities to outreach, then show and prove if elected.’

Een belangrijke stem in de zogeheten #walkaway movement is Candace Owen, die in een openhartig gesprek met Dave Rubin haar reis van links naar rechts uitlegt: (1:25:12) ‘Candace Owens on Her Journey From Left to Right (Live Interview)’ van The Rubin Report, Live gestreamd op 28 sept. 2017 (1.998.713 v; 14.249 r). Tekst: ‘Candace Owens (TPUSA) joins Dave to discuss her journey from liberal to conservative, her issues with the ‘alt-left,’ identity politics, and more.’ Ze verschijnt regelmatig op Fox News, zoals hier met Judge Jeanine: (10:18) ‘”She Believes Her Voters are DUMB!!” Candace REACTS to Hillary’s New SCOTUS Remarks’ van The Liberty Hound, gepubliceerd op 16 juli 2018 (135.491 v; 1.315 r).

Screenshot The Liberty Hound (9-5-18)

Screenshot The Liberty Hound (9-5-18)

In mei dit jaar was Candace Owen te horen op de Radio Show van Kanye West en moest ze zich op Fox News verdedigen tegen een artikel in de New York Times (zie bovenstaande screenshot): (12:39) ‘“The Media is LYING About Me!” Candace Owens RESPONDS to Being Called a “Puppet”’ van The Liberty Hound, gepubliceerd op 9 mei 2018 (242.273 v; 1.687 r). Enige andere video’s met Candace Owen: (10:40) ‘”THIS is What They Have Produced??” Candace REACTS to “Unhinged” Dems’ van The Liberty Hound, gepubliceerd op 2 juli 2018 (479.217 v; 3.517 r). (10:26) ‘”You are NOT a Feminist!!” Candace Owens Puts the HURT on Jessica Tarlov’ van The Liberty Hound, gepubliceerd op 25 juni 2018 (283.192 v; 3.071 r). (10:19) ‘Ultimate Candace Owens Mic Drop Compilation’ van Rapid6, gepubliceerd op 5 okt. 2018 (48.627 v; 633 r). (3:38) ‘’It’s Standard’: Owens Slams Hillary for ‘Ridiculous’ Rhetoric on Trump’s SCOTUS Pick’ van Fox News Insider, gepubliceerd op 15 juli 2018 (55.401 v; 733 r). Tekst: ‘As seen on “Fox & Friends”. Turning Point USA Communications Director Candace Owens blasted Hillary Clinton for comments the former secretary of state made regarding President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.’ (4:49) ‘”He is an Ignorant Man on this Issue” Candace Owens REACTS to the Lebron-Trump Fued’ van The Liberty Hound, gepubliceerd op 7 aug. 2018 (286.070 v; 4.103 r).

Een video over haar belang voor de #walkaway movement: (13:26) ‘Candace Owens Battles Leftist Host on Donald Trump and Republicans #walkaway’ van American Liberty, gepubliceerd op 10 jul. 2018 (42.766 v; 537 r). Tekst: ‘#walkaway movement will intensify over the next few months thanks to Candace Owens and Red Pillers like her.’

In plaats van diverse individuele #walkaway-video’s hier op te nemen, zijn er enige compilatie-video’s gemaakt, zoals (22:25) ‘#WalkAway Compilation Part 1 – “Why I left the Democrat Party”’ van #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube, gepubliceerd op 15 okt. 2018 (9.580 v; 259 r); (22:54) ‘#WalkAway Compilation Part 2 – “Why I left the Democrat Party”’ van #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube, gepubliceerd op 15 okt. 2018 (6.491 v; 217 r).

Brandon Straka

Brandon Straka

Degene, die de #walkaway introduceerde, was Brandon Straka, zie (6:06) ‘#WalkAway – Brandon Straka, “Why I left the Democrat Party”’ van #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube, gepubliceerd op 29 jun. 2018 (380.503 v; 3.436 r). De movement en deze video wordt besproken door de onafhankelijke Tim Pool, zie (14:35) ‘Why Liberals #WalkAway From The Democratic Party’ van Tim Pool, gepubliceerd op 3 jul. 2018 (143.244 v; 2.119 r). Voor een recent interview met Brandon zie (12:26) ‘#WalkAway Founder: Democrats Are Jumping Ship Over Kavanaugh Smear’ van Daily Caller, gepubliceerd op 10 okt. 2018 (36.520 v; 555 r).

Op YouTube is recent een campagne gestart onder de naam #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube. Enige van hun video’s: (4:56) ‘”I did it! I woke up to the truth.” – #WalkAway’ van #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube, gepubliceerd op 16 aug. 2018 (54.280 v; 1.003 r). (4:34) ‘Pastor: I #WalkedAway when I lobbied Clinton & Obama’ van #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube, gepubliceerd op 21 juli 2018 (32.413 v; 346 r). (5:14) ‘I #WalkedAway after we cut the cord (Cable)’ van #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube, gepubliceerd op 13 juli 2018 (87.154 v; 1.036 r). (7:14) ‘#WalkAway Journey, from SJW to (very woke) Classical Liberal’ van #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube, gepubliceerd op 1 juli 2018 (149.712 v; 2.837 r). Tekst: ‘”This is WAY outside my comfort zone but here’s my 2 cents. Have a great day!”, Bre.’

Lucretia Hughes - Dem Shitholes

Lucretia Hughes – Dem Shitholes (10-8-18) (8:27) ‘Former Obama Activist: “Run Away” To Trump!’ Van #WalkAway Campaign Official YouTube, gepubliceerd op 10 aug. 2018 (92.447 v; 2.792 r). Tekst: ‘”Hello everybody my name is Lucretia Hughes and this is my #walkaway story. I want to say thank you to everyone that has watched my video and given me encouragement, prayers, donations and support (because I’m not stopping, not only for my 7 grandchildren but also my Nation). I am just one woman with a vision, backbone and voice that is not afraid to fight for her Nation. Much love. EDIT: for everyone asking for tshirts please message me. Thank you for the seeds, prayers and blessings.” Lucretia.’ (10:13) ‘BLACK MAN in a MAGA Hat & American Exceptionalism #WalkAway pt 2 #TRUMP2020’ van Y.G. NYGHTSTORM, gepubliceerd op 23 jul. 2018 (359.909 v; 8.291 r). Tekst: ‘“The BEST thing to ever happen to me financially was when I was kicked off Food Stamps because I started making too much money. 26 years ago, I was homeless and sleeping on the streets of Atlanta. Through the Grace of God, hard work and the support from many fellow Americans (blacks, whites, Jews & Gentiles); I conquered my adversity and started living my American Dream independent from Government Assistance. This spirit of American Exceptionalism is what MAGA is all about. The United States gives each person the BEST chance of success to work hard and become the greatest version of themselves while embracing patriotism, faith and a willingness to help others become free. Our country is not perfect and it’s going to take ALL of us to make America great for MORE of us. We don’t have to always agree, but we can work together through mutual respect to create a more perfect union.” YG Nyghtstorm. 5 years ago, YG Nyghtstorm walked away from the Democratic Party. Here’s why… 1. Democratic leaders told me to STOP talking about Christ so much because God offends some of their base. God has given me everything, so I refused. 2. My twins Howard & Hank were aborted in 1999. My PROLIFE stance offended some of their base. They told me to stop talking about saving the unborn, but I refused. 3. The Dems did not like my love for America as some became relentless with their social media attacks against me calling me a coon, sell-out, Uncle Tom and traitor to my race, but I DON’T CARE. YG Nyghtstorm is a former Democrat, now a Conservative Political Advocate that teaches people that they no longer have to be trapped in a “victimhood” status. SHOWING others that faith, hard work and building positive relationships is a gateway to success and achieving the American Dream. This proud father of 7 children loves his country and wants to keep it great for many generations to come!’

Fox News – President Trump and Kanye West meet in Oval Office

Gepubliceerd op 11 okt. 2018

Rapper Kanye West met with President Trump at the White House for a free-wheeling discussion. Read more here:

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De kwestie met Kanye West, die het Witte Huis bezocht, deed heel wat stof opwaaien en liet de lelijke kant van de Democraten en hun nieuwsmedia zien. Zie bijvoorbeeld de video van de anti-Trumpers The Young Turks: (16:10) ‘Trump And Kanye Are Pure Idiocracy’ van The Young Turks, gepubliceerd op 11 okt. 2018 (243.516 v; 5.583 r). Tekst: ‘Kanye West met with Trump in the Oval Office… Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Read more here: “Rapper Kanye West met Thursday with Donald Trump, telling the President in an Oval Office meeting before reporters why he supports the Republican. “There was something about putting this hat on that made me feel like Superman,” West said, as part of an extended soliloquy that spanned topics from his mental health to prison reform to what kind of plane Trump should fly in. West also said the President is on a “hero’s journey.” “Let’s stop worrying about the future, all we have is today,” West said, commenting on his own presidential ambitions. “Trump is on his hero’s journey right now. He might not have thought he’d have a crazy mother-f***r like me (supporting him).”’

Het ergst was Don Lemmon van CNN, die een ton lading aan kritiek over zich heen kreeg voor zijn minderwaardig gedrag. Zie op Fox: (4:21) ‘Diamond and Silk have a lot to say about Kanye West’ van Diamond and Silk – The Viewers View, gepubliceerd op 13 okt. 2018 (51.476 v; 614 r); (5:28) ‘Candace Owens Rips Media’s ‘Absolutely Despicable’ Coverage of Trump-Kanye Meeting’ van Fox News Insider, gepubliceerd op 12 okt. 2018 (24.346 v; 459 r).

Op de alternatieve media verschenen diverse video’s, die specifiek Don Lemmon bekritiseerden: (20:34) ‘The public assassination of Kanye West character’ van Kevin’s Corner, gepubliceerd op 12 okt. 2018 (29.556 v; 1.222 r) en (6:26) ‘Don Lemon Facing Backlash For Kanye Comments’ van Patricia Dickson, gepubliceerd op 13 okt. 2018 (86.994 v; 2.825 r).

Een veel bekeken video is (4:58) ‘Celebrities React To Kanye Visiting Donald Trump at The White House’ van LyricalHub, gepubliceerd op 11 okt. 2018 (1.101.389 v; 1.755 r) Tekst: ‘So #Kanye decided to visit #DonaldTrump at the White house today, and it quickly became the #1 trending topic on twitter. And with that a lot of celebrities voiced their opinion on Kanyes visit.’ De mening van Snoop Dogg over Kanye West is hier: (3:14) ‘Snoop Dogg On Kanye West: “I Hate He’s Being Brainwashed!”’ Van 979THEBOX, gepubliceerd op 3 okt. 2018 (217.134 v; 1.776 r). (45:12) ‘Kanye West & The Black Wave’ van Mr Reagan, gepubliceerd op 15 okt. 2018 (8.858 v; 414 r).

The Red Elephants (12-10-18)

The Red Elephants (12-10-18)

De Republikeinen hebben als ‘totem’ (logo, symbool) een olifant, vanwaar de naam Red Elephants van deze zender (17:06) ‘Democrats Will Lose Majorly Because of 4 Reasons | Kav, Kanye, Swift and Mobs!’ Van The Red Elephants, gepubliceerd op 12 okt. 2018 (19.221 v; 644 r). Tekst: ‘Dissecting the fallout from the Kavanaugh Hearings, the Taylor Swift endorsement, the Kanye West visit to the White House with Trump, and the ‘Mobs,’ that Trump and the GOP need to highlight.’

Adventist Hermes Justin Wilson

Adventist Hermes Justin Wilson

Een belangrijk item in de race voor de verkiezingen is de karavaan (Eng: caravan) van migranten afkomstig uit Honduras, die langzaam aanzwelt tot op dit moment meer dan 10.000 mensen. Er zijn inmiddels tientallen video’s over het onderwerp verschenen, zie (18:09) ‘Caravan Invasion, Democrats illegal strategy, and My Solution to Fix Illegal Immigration.’ Van Adventist Hermes Justin Wilson, gepubliceerd op 19 okt. 2018 (48.359 v; 1.654 r). Of (13:43) ‘So they’re still coming! 4K now 7K’ van Kevin’s Corner, gepubliceerd op 22 okt. 2018 (30.045 v; 1.727 r). Of (8:45) ‘Children of the Lie WANT Marching Illegals in U.S.—Build the Wall!’ Van Jesse Lee Peterson, gepubliceerd op 17 okt. 2018 (43.998 v; 1.903 r). Tekst: ‘(Daily Caller) TRUMP THREATENS HONDURAS WITH AID CUTOFF OVER ILLEGAL CARAVAN.’ Of (10:34) ‘Trump and Pence Issue Blame for the Migrant Caravan’ van The Red Elephants, gepubliceerd op 24 okt. 2018 (2.954 v; 251 r).

Een combinatie van dit onderwerp met de Trump-rally in Houston is (23:32) ‘Q -D_PARTY] [GOFUNDME] This is what WINNING Looks Like? WOW 100K SHOW UP TO A TRUMP RALLY.’ Van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 23 okt. 2018 (4.492 v; 67 r).

Ook de door mij meermaals geciteerde conservatieve commentator Dr. Steve Turley liet zich over het onderwerp uit: (10:45) ‘Migrant Caravan Invading States Will Destroy the Democrats!!!’ Van Dr. Steve Turley, gepubliceerd op 24 okt. 2018 (7.139 v; 275 r). Tekst: ‘Here’s why the Democrats’ reaction to the migrant caravan will be a political disaster for them!!!’

Een combinatie van het onderwerp met het laatste nieuws van de fake bommen bij Soros, Clinton, Obama, Brennan, CNN, Holder, etc. is hier: (19:54) ‘Look Here! [Bomb Scare], Don’t Look There!! [Invasion of U.S.!!]’ Van Truth and Art TV, gepubliceerd op 25 okt. 2018 (2.277 v; 110 r).

HeydonMusicpage – Q / [Target]TRUMP NEWS you wont see on TV

Gepubliceerd op 24 okt. 2018

#Obama #Hillary #TRUMP

Q / [Target]TRUMP NEWS you wont see on TV.


Audio? Sequoia By Magix


Thanks for watching. Please Sub, Read real news.


(16:38) ‘Q / [Target]TRUMP NEWS you wont see on TV.’ Van HeydonMusicpage, gepubliceerd op 24 okt. 2018 (4.008 v; 58 r).

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