Cor Hendriks – Corona Virus en Astrologie: Jupiter, Saturnus en Pluto houden een Topconferentie in Steenbok

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto Hold Summit in Capricorn (foto mycuriousmoon)

Corona Virus en Astrologie: Jupiter, Saturnus en Pluto houden een Topconferentie in Steenbok

Op 23 maart schreef de site mycuriousmoon: Pandemonium breekt uit als de Corona Virus pandemie verspreidt naar 169 landen en 316.545 gevallen Wereldwijd. 13.599 mensen zijn gestorven aan de Corona Virus COVID 19 uitbraak.

Laten we de astrologische achtergrond bekijken van de gebeurtenissen om te proberen ze te bepalen in het licht van het bewijs. De twee grote planeten Saturnus en Jupiter zijn in Steenbok (voor Jupiter, zie, voor Saturnus tezamen met Pluto (zie Saturn Pluto Conjunction In Capricorn 2020 Beginning Of A New Era) en hebben een vriendelijke topbijeenkomst.

Toen in 1312 Saturnus zijn eigen huis Steenbok ( bezocht, werd EUropa geïnfecteerd door de pest, de Zwarte Dood en meer dan 75 miljoen stierven Wereldwijd ( Deze dodelijke pandemie kwam uit Mongolië tijdens de 1330‘er jaren. Het ging rond als een lopend vuurtje, zo’n drie kilometer per dag afleggend tijdens de zomer en winter seizoenen tussen 1347 en 1350. De Zwarte Dood begon Westwaarts te reizen met Mongolen, die handelden op de Zijderoute. Hij reisde ook met Genoëse schepen, die hem onopzettelijk naar Noord Italië en Sicilië in 1347 brachten.

The Black Death in the 14th Century (foto ArcGIS StoryMaps)

The Black Death in the 14th Century (foto ArcGIS StoryMaps)

Londen had in 1666 zo’n 100.000 doden als gevolg van de Grote Pest (zie Bijna 20% van de gehele bevolking van Londen was dood en Saturnus stond in Steenbok.

In het midden van de 19e eeuw doodde de pest 10 miljoen mensen in India alleen (zie Saturnus was in transit in Steenbok en hetzelfde was het geval toen de pest zich verspreidde in Gujarat in 1994 (

Jupiter ging naar Steenbok op 2 December, zich voegend bij Saturnus en Pluto in dit verzwakte teken (zijn verzwakte positie = debilitation) [zie, Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn sign up to five degrees, the native having debilitated Jupiter is tactless, irritable, inconsistent, avaricious, unmanly, jealous and have a disgraceful behaviour]. Op 1 December 2019 werd het allereerste geval van Corona Virus COVID 19 ontdekt in Wuhan, China.

Jupiter heeft het vermogen om de dingen, waarmee hij verbonden raakt, te vergroten en aan te dikken. Toen hij samenkwam met de ernstige en straffende Saturnus en exploderende Pluto raakten de zaken uit proportie en viraal.

Pluto beheerst pandemieën en globaal leven en doodcycli (zie

Saturnus en Pluto conjunctie (foto astrotalk)

Saturnus en Pluto conjunctie (foto astrotalk)

Saturnus en Pluto komen bijeen om samen te zweren

Historisch zijn er gevallen van economische opschuddingen of Oorlogen geweest, wanneer deze twee planeten bijeenkomen.

The Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn was exact on January 12th, 2020. However, this conjunction will be maintained for most of the year! You may afraid of how this conjunction will affect you. Matter of fact, you may be scared (Saturn) to death (Pluto). First, this conjunction is going to mark people. ALL people. Age is not a factor here. A mark in my Mind is an event that changes A person and therefore changes the rest of their life. For example, you’re ten years old and your parents divorce. Or maybe you’re forty years old and your spouse dies. It could be job loss or serious illness. When these happen, they mark you. They change you on every level (zie verder

The last time the two met in Capricorn (in 1518), we saw religious reformations, À la Martin Luther, alongside medical oddities such as the so called Dancing Plague in what is now France. Every time is different, though certain themes may recur. (…) This time, Saturn will be in the same degree as Pluto in Capricorn from about January 6 – 14, 2020, with their exact conjunction being at 22 degrees at 11:59 AM EST on January 12, 2020. As with most transits, we may feel the pressure building up a bit before the exact conjunction, and then the intensity of it usually passes after the conjunction perfects, though it may have set in motion things that will last for a much longer period of time. On a global level, we may expect to see big shifts in things such as governments, political boundaries, economic happenings, or far reaching advancements in technology or thought. As with most things, we may not realize the impact of some of these shifts until much later.

The AstroTwins Ophira & Tali Edut – Starstruck 2020 with Vanessa Montgomery and The AstroTwins

Published on 2 jan. 2020

The AstroTwins present Starstruck 2020 interviews with astrologers (including Susan Miller, Rick Levine, Nadiya Shah, Aliza Kelly, Mecca Woods, Annabel Gat and others) about the astrology of 2020 and horoscopes for the new decade. Watch an exclusive clip from Vanessa’s episode Activism & Social Change by the Stars in 2020.”



The Chinese proverb says that, “When sleeping women wake, mountains move.” Vanessa Montgomery of Astro All Starz talks to Ophi about how the astrology of 2020 will continue to reflect the mass awakening of women in the current wave of feminism. Fascinating fact The last Saturn – Pluto conjunction in Capricorn of 1518 coincided with the EUropean witch hunts.

☀️ The AstroTwins Tali and Ophira Edut are identical twin astrologers @astrotwins and ELLE Magazine. Read their daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes at ✨ Discover the whole year has in store for every zodiac sign with their Annual Horoscope Guide


When Saturn applies pressure to Pluto, unknown forces can erupt from the depths. If you’ve been swept into A vortex of single Minded action, you could finally hit A wall. Saturn sets limits that are best obeyed. With both planets in tenacious, career driven Capricorn, workaholic culture has become the norm. But destroying your health is never worth the price, even if you profit less. January 12 delivers A wake up call to prevent breakdown anddis ease.” To find that work life balance, you may have to stop in your tracks and see the impact on your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Less can be more. Shortly after Saturn and Pluto last joined forces in 1982 (in Libra), CoreCivic was established, the first corporation to privately own a prison. In 2020, CoreCivic is A publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange, reporting annual revenues of $ 1.7 billion. As Saturn and Pluto converge in Capricorn this January 12, the company (now rebranded as Corrections Corporation of America) is back in the news, scooping up government contracts at controversial ICE detention centers that hold asylum seekers in custody. A class action lawsuit is also pending, alleging that the company forced labor in their detention centers, using inmates as A workforce instead of hiring local employees. As Saturn and Pluto conjoin, the ceaseless pendulum swing between government control and privatization will face deeper scrutiny. A more fundamental reform could be in Order.

Even for those of us who are living free, life could feel like A giant power struggle near January 12, as we grapple with feelings of domination and invisibility. In mythology, Pluto, King of the underWorld, falls madly in love with Persephone, abducting her from her mother, Demeter, forcing the maiden to live in the underWorld as his wife for half of each year. Embedded in this mythology is the great cycle of nature and A seasonal ordering of life, death and rebirth. Where do we require A period of dormancy so that we may be reborn? A January fallow” period in which to self reflect may be in Order (medical astrology tells us that Saturn rules modes of depression and medicine as A whole, including the ancient pharmacopeia of herbs and compounds used in healing) (

Saturnus in Steenbok (foto

Saturnus in Steenbok (foto

Wat staat er te gebeuren?

Saturnus verliet op 21 maart Steenbok en begaf zich in Waterman. We kunnen maatregelen zien, die gevolgen hebben voor de bewegingsvrijheid van de mensen (Saturnus is consolidering, Waterman is Mensheid). Het aantal gebieden in quarantaine zal toenemen en er kan een beperking zijn in de beweging van mensen en goederen over grenzen.

Vanaf 1 april gingen Mars en Saturnus uit Steenbok, hetgeen zou moeten leiden tot een afname in de spreiding van het Corona Virus.

Get ready
This weekend is bringing us some astro weather we haven’t seen in more than two centuries. This Saturday, April 4, brings the first of three Jupiter Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn occurring in 2020 the other two will happen on June 30 and November 12. And this is A big deal. The last time Jupiter and Pluto met up in Capricorn was in 1771, during the RUssian Plague (yep!). This transit happens every 13 years in A different sign and serves as A marker for cultural change.

This transit emphasizes Justice and the law (Jupiter) and transformation (Pluto).
Which resonates the World will never be the same as it was last month or last week, for that matter. And right now, the universe is pushing us all to evolve (

In 2020, Jupiter will conjunct Pluto three times April 4, June 30, and November 12.

Every thirteen years or so, Jupiter brings its significations for expansion and progress into union with the intense catharsis and empowerment of Pluto. During 2020, Jupiter and Pluto will begin A new cycle in Capricorn with Saturn also present in Capricorn for most of the year. In fact, the year will begin with A conjunction between Saturn and Pluto and will end with a conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, with the transit of Jupiter in 2020 cohering the meaning of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all beginning new cycles together. Jupiter and Pluto will invite A deepening of growth, digging into the roots of circumstance to discover what truly matters. We will be able to regenerate vision for possibility through dealing with difficulties and facing whatever has ruptured during the past year of Saturn and Pluto beginning A new cycle.

Jupiter and Pluto will form three conjunctions in 2020, creating an extended period from April through November to come to terms with the meaning that can be gathered from being at the ending and beginning of their cycle. Jupiter will form its first conjunction with Pluto on April 4, 2020 at 25 degrees of Capricorn with both Jupiter and Pluto moving direct, and on June 30, 2020 they will form their second conjunction at 25 degrees of Capricorn with both Jupiter and Pluto moving retrograde. Finally, after Jupiter and Pluto both station direct, they will form their final conjunction of the series on November 12, 2020 at 23 degrees of Capricorn.

As a result, we can expect an initial narrative of the changes coinciding with Jupiter’s union with Pluto to be generated in April, with an important turn of events or necessary revisioning occurring in June and July that will require integration and contemplation for how to proceed more effectively. By the time we reach November, we will have learned how to adjust to whatever developments have coincided with being at the threshold of a new cycle between Jupiter and Pluto, and we will be able to understand more fully how to work with whatever insights and awareness we have gained.

Since Jupiter and Pluto are uniting in Capricorn, they will be under rulership of the slow and steady Saturn, bringing tests that temper the potential excess and inflation of Jupiter. Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn transiting through Capricorn will bring lessons of maturity and responsibility cultivated through acceptance of natural cycles of change. The combination of Jupiter and Pluto can incite extreme ambition for personal power, yet their transit through Capricorn along with Saturn means that we will need to adjust aspirations to contend with the limitations we face in regard to material resources and available time and space. The difficulties or crisis we endure will bring revisioning of what needs to be nurtured and developed and what needs to be shed and let go.

The gift of Jupiter conjoining Pluto in Capricorn is its capacity to guide us beneath the surface of material circumstances, so we may tap into the roots of form and churn visions of what to manifest from subconscious awareness. Jupiter combined with Pluto can bring an intense, devotional focus to work that expands beyond whatever conditioning and societal influences have convinced us was possible or impossible. We will feel the rejuvenating influence of Jupiter and Pluto when fully participating in moments of creation, becoming absorbed in bridging the immaterial with the material, and bringing imaginal ideas into manifestation. Rather than becoming overly attached to external validation and expectations, allow Jupiter and Pluto to help you discover the essential, inner purpose you truly desire to achieve (

Voor meer informatie, zie

En uitgebreider

We are at A turning point in human history, it seems, one that is full of conflicting impulses; between individual freedoms and universal concerns.

We can either rise to the challenge and make the necessary adjustments or remain conflicted, projecting this outwardly onto others who may seem to only have their own interests in Mind.

We must be the change we want to see in the World and be that for everyone.

The conjunctions of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn (foto

The conjunctions of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn (foto (19:04) 2020: The conjunctions of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn Mundane Astrology and Qabbalah van, 27 dec. 2019. ‘In this video about mundane astrology, we explain to you the upcoming conjunctions of Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in Capricorn in 2020. In January, the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto takes place. Jupiter and Pluto even meet three times, in April, June, and November. What do these conjunctions mean for current events and what prognoses can we derive from these astrological constellations? In this context, we address some social and political issues, such as the US election campaign and climate protection. This video will also deal with the Great Conjunction in Aquarius on December 21st, 2020 and how this could relate to the age of Aquarius. We use AstroStar Profi 8.0 The professional astrology software.

The beginning is near (foto Molly McCord)

The beginning is near (foto Molly McCord) (34:50) ‘The three JupiterPluto Conjunctions of 2020 | Podcast’ van Molly McCord, 16 mrt. 2020. ‘Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn meet up three times in 2020 as conjunctions that heavily emphasize the big transformations we are experiencing individually and collectively. The energies are that of Asoul force pushing you to evolve, change, and move into new territory that could feel uncomfortable at first. The first conjunction is in early April, then again in early July, and ending in November. A powerful process of change is unfolding over these months of the year, and the more we can adjust our expectations, the better we can ride the waves that are carrying us to new places. Be sure to identify where 22 to 24 degrees Capricorn is in your natal astrology chart for where your soul chose to make Deep, permanent changes in your life now.

Jane International Tarot & Astrology – The NEXT REVOLUTION?? The Astrology Behind Today’s Conspiracy & Truth Movements

Published on 19 apr. 2020

The Conspiracy & Truth World is going crazy right now. This Corona Virus is keeping everyone indoors and instilling major questions within the global public. WTF is going on? Is it A conspiracy theory? Is it A mark of our next American revolution?

How this Age of Aquarius is going to play A major part in the turnover of A massive institution such as the Cabal? And how this technological age is seen as we ascend from the Kali Yuga into the Dwarpara Yoga. Ascension is happening faster than anyone could imagine, and our accessibility to the rest of the World, unmatched by any other time in known history, is a time when we could free ourselves from oppressive forces.

It’s A hopeful time, not just for America but for the entire globe we can free ourselves from economic Warfare, corruption, greed, evil and other low vibrational forces.

Are we going to change?

💥 Social Media (trying to do this like A normal person 😂)



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