Christian Patriot News | Q – What Comes Next will Shock the World!

What Comes Next will Shock the World!

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The Enormity of What is Coming will Shock the World! Pray!


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Together, Let’s Epose the Lies of the Enemy. Import A Little Truth Every Day. Especially the Truth that Jesus Christ is Lord!

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Sometimes You must Walk through The Darkness Before You See The Light! It’s Only at the Precipice [The Moment of Destruction] That People will Find the Will to Change!

Q What Comes Next will Shock The World! Welcome To The Greatest behind The-Scenes Military Intelligence Sting Operation of All Time! You have A Front Row Seat! Every Scenario was Planned For. Every Detail was Accounted For. The Storm has Finally Arrived! We’re in the Final Stage of The Plan! It’s Happening Now! We’re Witnessing Military Precision!

The [Coup Attempt] against President Trump will Not Go Unpunished! and Treason is Only The Beginning! No One gets A Free Pass! President Trump and the Q Team are Draining The Swamp!

You’re Watching A Scripted Movie! And You’re Going to LOVE The Way This Movie Ends! Hold The Line! We’re Almost ThereCorrupt Politicians and their Fake News Propaganda Media Partners will All Be EXPOSED for their Crimes against Humanity! Soon [They] will Not Be Able To Walk Down the Street! We’re in A Battle of Good versus Evil. It’s the Battle of Our Lives to Save Our Country, Our Children and Our Future!

Arrests and Military Tribunals are Coming SOON! The Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, Soros, Fauci, Schiff, Pelosi, Bill Gates, et cetera will All End Up in GITMO. They will Be Tried and Executed for High Treason, Sedition and Crimes against Humanity! Trump And The Q Team Set A Trap! [They] Took The Bait! Trump Caught Them All! When Do You Play The Trump Card? At The End of The Game!

The Best Truly is Yet To ComeJustice is Coming! It’s Time for ArrestsMilitary Tribunals and Executions! After We Win, We will Never Lose Again! Are You Ready to be Part of History?

The Satanic NWO Deep State Criminal Cabal has Partnered with Corrupt Politicians, The Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Big Corporations And the Hollywood and Entertainment Industries to Destroy Our Great Nation! Spoiler Alert, In the End, God Wins!

Be Not Deceived, God is Not Mocked, for Whatsoever A Man Soweth, that shall he Also Reap. For he that Soweth to his Flesh shall of the Flesh Reap Corruption; but he that Soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit Reap Life Everlasting. And Let us Not Be Weary in Well Doing, for in Due Season we shall Reap, if we Faint Not.

Trump Will Not Return as the President of The Bankrupt US Corporation, but Rather the President of the New Republic of The United States! In this New American Republic. We The People have All the Power. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! And America Returns to The Gold Standard.

Before It’s News, Monday, February 26, 2024 13:57

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