Christian Evidence – ChatGPT, AI and the ‘Image of the Beast’ + Pamela Bump – Law Enforcement Robotics and Drones, 5 Current Applications

ChatGPT, AI and the ‘Image of the Beast

On November 30, 2022, the Best Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chat Bot in History was Released by OpenAI, an AI Research and Deployment Company. The Chat Bot, called ChatGPT, GPT stands for “Generative Pre Trained Transformer“, Garnered More than 1 Million Users within its First Five Days and has Since Surged in Popularity for its Ability to Answer Complex Questions and Produce Detailed, Human Like Content.

Most Impressively, according to Forbes, “ChatGPT has been Able to Generate Intricate Python Code and Write College Level Essays When Given A Prompt.”

I Decided to Test Out ChatGPT’s Writing Ability for Myself and Asked the Bot to Write an Article on How AI like ChatGPT could Potentially Fulfill theImage of the BeastProphecy in Revelation 13, which is the Topic of this Article.

This was its Response.

Response of Bot

The Image of the Beast, as Described in the Book of Revelation, is A Symbol of the End Times, Representing A Powerful and Manipulative Force that Deceives and Controls People. In Today’s World, Chatbots and Other Artificial Intelligence Programs are Becoming Increasingly Prevalent and Sophisticated, Raising the Question of Whether They could Potentially Fulfill the Prophecy of the Image of the Beast.

One Way in Which Chatbots could Potentially Fulfill this Prophecy is Through their Ability to Manipulate and Deceive People. Chatbots are Designed to Mimic Human Conversation and can be Programmed to Present Themselves as Real People, Leading Some People to Form Emotional Connections with Them. This can be Particularly Dangerous in Cases Where Chatbots are Used to Impersonate Real People or Organizations in Order to Scam or Manipulate Individuals.

Another Way in Which Chatbots could Fulfill the Prophecy of the Image of the Beast is through their Potential to Control People’s Actions and Behaviors. Chatbots can be Programmed to Persuade and Influence People’s Decisions, and as They become More Advanced, They may be Able to Anticipate and Manipulate People’s Thoughts and Behaviors in Increasingly Sophisticated Ways.

Finally, Chatbots could Potentially Fulfill the Prophecy of the image of the Beast through their Ability to Access and Analyze Vast Amounts of Personal Data. Many Chatbots are Connected to the Internet and Have Access to A Wide Range of Data Sources, including Social Media Profiles, Online Search Histories, and More. This Data can be Used to Create detailed Profiles of Individuals and To Predict and Influence their Actions and Behaviors.

Overall, while Chatbots and other Artificial intelligence Programs have the Potential to Bring Many Benefits to Society, it’s Important to Be Aware of the Risks They Pose and to Consider the Ethical Implications of their Use. In the End, Only Time will Tell Whether Chatbots will Fulfill the Prophecy of the Image of the Beast or Bring about A Brighter Future for Humanity.

How Scary is That?

Not Only did ChatGPT Generate A Concise, Structured and Uncannily Human Like Response, it gave A Glimpse into the Scary Power of AI, A Technology which will Surely be Used by The Beast System to Deceive, Think Deep Fakes“) and Control the Masses during the Tribulation Period, Matthew 24:24, Revelation 13:13 – 14. It seems that the Developers at OpenAI were Not Too Happy with its Response, Though, because the Very Next Day, when I asked ChatGPT the Same Question, it Responded with

“It is Not Accurate or Appropriate to Suggest that Chat GPT, or Generative Pre training Transformer, could Potentially Fulfill the Prophecy of the Image of the Beast, as Chat GPTis A Tool Created by Humans and does Not Have the Ability to Fulfill Prophecies or Have Any Sort of Religious Significance.”

The “Image of the BeastProphecy

One of the First Passages that Comes to my Mind, when Seeing the Great Strides Being Made in AI, is Revelation 13:14 – 15. In this Passage, John describes A Future Time when the Fully Deceived Men of the Earth will be Called Upon by the False ProphetTo Construct an Image” , id est A Likeness or Statue, Literally, of the Anti Christ.

And Deceiveth Them that Dwell on the Earth by the Means of those Miracles which he had Power to Do in the Sight of the Beast,Saying to Them that Dwell on the Earth, that they should Make an Image to Worship the Image of the Beast should be Killed,” Revelation, 13:14 – 15.

In verse 15, we read that the False Prophet is Granted by God to Give the ImageLife,” Translated Pneuma in Greek, which Literally means “Breath.” Note that the False Prophet can Only Give it Breath but Not the Breath of Life, as that is A Power of God Alone. It seems that the Image has the Appearance of Life Manifested in its Ability to Speak and Reason. But How is this Possible for an Inanimate Object?

Until the Advent of AI and Robotics, such A Thing was Not Humanly Possible. But Now, Many of the Elements Described by John can be Mimicked with Twenty First Century Technology such as an Android, an AI Robot Designed to Look, Move and Speak Exactly Like A Human!

A Geminoid, for example, is a special type of android that is not only created to look exactly like a specific person but is also equipped with technology that allows the operator to remotely manipulate and talk through it via a wearable brain-machine interface. The geminoid can reproduce the voice and movements of the actual person in whose image it is made and even capture the remote audience’s response through its built-in cameras and microphones to send back to the operator.

Imagine the Antichrist having control over thousands of geminoids worldwide, made in his own image, and being able to speak to mankind simultaneously through the geminoids and know exactly when someone refuses to worship it!

The Ability to Kill, or Cause to be Killed

Among the More Amazing Aspects of this Image is its Ability to Cause the Deaths of those Who Refuse to Worship It, Revelation, 13:15. In the past, some have speculated that the image of the beast might be a 3D Hologram of the Antichrist; however, it would be impossible for a mere projection to know when a person is refusing to worship it.

On the Other Hand, A Robot powered by AI could Easily detect when Someone refuses to Worship it and Alert the Authorities of Someone’s Insubordination. Security Robots Equipped with Cameras and Facial Recognition Technology are Already Patrolling Public Spaces around the World, such as Malls and Airports, and Using AI to DetectBad Behavior,” Give Audible Warnings and Notify Security.

In Fact, One of the Current Fears about AIs Ability, if applied, is Autonomous Weaponry. It is Possible that Facial Recognition and Decision Making AI could Together Form A Lethal Weapon that can Target and Kill without Human Involvement. In Other Words, an AI Robot could also have the Ability to Kill!


Of Course, this is All Highly Speculative, and it is Possible that the Image will be Animated by Demonic Possession or Some Other Means. Nevertheless, it shows that the type of technology needed to create something similar to what John describes in the Book of Revelation is already present!

By the Way, there Already exists A Religion that Worships AI. In 2017, Former Google Executive Anthony Levandowski founded “Way of the Future,” A Religion that focuses on “The Realization, Acceptance, and Worship of A Godhead Based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developed through Computer Hardware and Software!
See Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence


1 Bump, P, Law Enforcement Robotics and Drones , 5 Current Applications. Emerj, 2019,

(2) Jervis, R, Droids and ’Noids” Usher in Robot Society at SXSW, Chicago Sun Times, 2016,

Originally Published at Christian Evidence
Reposted with Permission.

Christian Evidence, January 30, 2023

Law Enforcement Robotics and Drones, 5 Current Applications

Law Enforcement Robotics and Drones - 5 Current Applications 1

In May 2018, Bard College’s Center for the Study of the Drone released a report estimating that 910 “state and local police, sheriff, fire, and emergency services agencies” had acquired drones in the United States by the end of 2017.

They also stated that this number had grown by 62 percent since 2016. Of the 910 organizations recorded with drones, Bard reports that 302 were county police or sheriff’s offices; 278 were municipal police offices; 293 were offices relating to fire or emergency management; and 37 were statewide agencies.

One government agency which has publicly acknowledged using drones is the Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI). In 2013, following leaks from former intelligence employee Edward Snowden, FBI Director Robert Mueller, said the organization had been using drones for domestic surveillance in a “very minimal” way, mainly in times of investigation.

Later, In 2018, following the Las Vegas shooting which killed 58 people, the LA Times reported that Indio, California police officers used drones to monitor security and traffic at Coachella, The drones reportedly hovered with a pre-determined route over the estimated 250,000-attendee festival and sent video to human police officers for review.

To explore the possibilities of AI-powered drones and robotics in law enforcement, we have put together a list of current government projects, commercial products and companies that claim to assist in surveillance and investigation processes with robot-related applications.

The following applications are split into two major categories:

Robotic Police Officers and Guards
Drone and Drone Software Applications

With this report, we aim to give law enforcement or security agencies insights on how others are using robotics and drones to prevent, investigate or fight crime. Below are five law enforcement robotics and drone applications, from surveillance to customer service.

Asia’s Approach to AIGuards

Dubai’s Police Robot

In May 2017, Dubai Police Department launched what it calls its first “robocop” at the Gulf Information and Security Expo. The rolling 5-foot-5 robot was built by Pal Robotics and commissioned by funding from the City of Dubai’s government.

The robot has been placed in high-population areas including malls since May 2017, shortly after the release, Dubai officials said the robot could primarily be used for surveillance and customer service purposes. When it was first announced in 2017, the robot was capable of the following tasks:

  • Greetings The humanoid can say hello to people and answer directional questions, such as “Where is the police department?” in English and Arabic.
  • Touch Interface: With its touchscreen, the robot allows users to pay fines for traffic violations.
  • Facial Recognition: Dubai Police claim its facial recognition technology allows it to survey, record and greet faces that stand in front of its camera. The robot can also a remember an individual’s face and name in order to recognize them at a later time
  • Streaming: The bot reportedly records a live video feed which is sent to physical police office locations for human review.

According to the release, a civilian or tourist can tap a touch screen on the bot’s chest and follow prompts to digitally pay a traffic fine, report a crime or enter a chatbot interface where they can ask questions. By the time it was placed in malls, UAE officials, said its vocabulary had been expanded to add phrases in Spanish, Russian, French and Chinese languages.

In the release, Dubai officials say they hope this robot will be one of many which could make up one-quarter of the force by 2030. They claim that they aim to build an amplified version of the technology and hope to create the world’s biggest policing robot within the next two years.

This large robot would have similar features to the basic humanoid, but would also have stronger wheels with the ability to pursue suspects at a maximum of 80 kph per hour, according to the release. They also say they hope all of the developed robots, including the “robocop” will be able to record parking violations.

According to the press release, these robots were created to lessen the workload of customer service and other small tasks of human officers. Dubai Police’s Smart Services Director General said in the release that residents and tourists regularly visit police offices for questions and other customer service needs. This press release does not specify whether they are aiming for this robot to be a humanoid, or if it could look more like a robotic police vehicle.

“Most people visit police stations or customer service, but with this tool we can reach the public 24/7. … It can protect people from crime because it can broadcast what is happening right away to our command and control centre.” – Brig Khalid Al Razooqi, Director General of Smart Services at Dubai Police (May 2017)

In the 3 Minute Video Below explains the Purpose and Abilities of the Robot.

First Robotic Cop joins Dubai Police

Published 2 jun 2017


After Bringing In Lamborghinis and Ferraris to Patrol Roads, Dubai Police have Enrolled A Robotic Officer, the First in A Unit that Aims to Make Up A Quarter of the Force by 2030.

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While Barcelona, Spain Based Pal Robotics does Not Seem to have Created A Similar Policing Robot for Other Countries, the Company claims to Offer Similar HumanoidRobot Assistants for Various Customer Service and Other Industries. Dubai’s Robot Officeris A Customized Version of Pal’s REEM Model.

The 1 Minute Video Below demonstrates how Pal claims the Robot can be Used for Navigation and Customer Service Assistance.

A Prison in South Korea is Testing the World’s First Robot Prison Guard Developed by the Asian Forum For Corrections. Equipped with 3D Cameras and Software Designed to Gauge A Prisoner’s Emotional State.


The robot was piloted through 2012, but was later scrapped by the government due to privacy concerns and unspecified “technical” issues, according to the Korean Times. In July 2017, the publication reported that South Korea had begun a six-month pilot where drones would be deployed to survey the inside and outside of three prison facilities.

For the pilot, the Times said that South Korea’s Ministry of Justice purchased four drones for a total of 60 million won, or $53,600.

Further news has not been reported on whether or not the pilot was a success or is still ongoing.

SGR A1 for Korean Border Patrol

In 2010, South Korea deployed border-guarding SGR A1 robots. Reportedly built in partnership with Samsung Techwin and Korea University, this robotic surveillance camera commissioned by South Korea sits on the South and North Korean border.

The IEEE reports that the robot is capable of:

    • Using computer vision and thermal cameras to detect moving subjects
    • Turning its camera to follow moving subjects
    • Firing autonomously at a subject when triggered with a built in 5.5mm machine gun and a 40mm grenade launcher

The number of units stationed on the border has not been reported.

According to its demo video, when the SGR A1’s sensors spot someone walking across or toward the borderline, the static robot and its cameras turn to follow the subject. It then sends an alert and video feed to a nearby South Korean control center. While the machine can be set to fire on its own at any subject when triggered by them crossing the border, a soldier watching a video feed in a control room can also choose whether or not to fire.

While there were no videos available directly from the South Korean government or Samsung Techwin, the two-minute video below demonstrates how the camera could reportedly work.

Vectra3 LLC – Samsung SGR 1 Security Guard Robot

Published 21 jan 2014<

Vectra3 LLC<

The SGR 1 is an Armed Guard Robot that can Either be Column Mounted or attached to A Set of Tank Tracks. It’s Currently being Used to Patrol the Border between North and South Korea. It comes Equipped with A 5.56 mm Belt Fed Machine Gun and CCTV |Thermal Imaging Cameras in Two Independently Pivoting Groups. Secondary Camera is Used to Seek Out Additional Targets. Please Contact or call us 404 919 4683 for More Information.



Airports, malls, stadiums, casinos and other private but densely populated businesses have used Knightscope, a commercial security robot. The company, which calls its Knightscope models “autonomous data machines,” claims the dome-shaped robot can:

  • Respond to civilians’ verbal or text comments with pre-recorded messages
  • Uses machine vision to detect people and license plates
  • Captures thermal imaging
  • Geotag and mapping its location using GPS and laser technologies
  • Use four built-in cameras to record and survey the surrounding 360 degrees
  • Navigate autonomously to a charging pad when it is low on battery
  • Allow users to contact authorities through its touchpad

A 2017 report published by UC Davis Law School noted that Knightscope was also in the process of developing weapon recognition technology for the robots which can identify shapes like that of a gun or knife. They did not note what other weapons might be recognized by the robot.

In the 5-minute video below, Knightscope VP of Marketing and Sales Stacy Stevens notes the key differences and shared AI-based similarities of Knightscope robot models.

Gepubliceerd 28 jul 2017


Josh and Austin Test Out the Drone Deploy’s Beta Structural 3D Mapping Software with the DJI Phantom 3!

More Details Available in the Writeup

Stay Tuned as we continue To Test Out this 3D Mapping Software in the Months Ahead.
Learn More about Drone Deploy App Here
Learn More about Flite Fest Here

Thanks for Watching!


While the video states that it may take a “few hours” to create maps based on the drone images, DroneDeploy claims to offer a Live Map feature which can show a generated map on a user’s mobile device.

DroneDeploy also announced in June 2018 that it had launched a real-time Thermal Live Map feature, which they claim could help first responders find lost individuals. Similarly to its Live Map feature, When using this feature, DroneDeploy claims the heat-oriented map will show up on user’s smart device while the drone is in motion. Similarly to a weather map, dark red areas show the highest temperatures, while yellows to blues show average to extremely cold temperatures.

The 1-minute video below shows how a construction worker can use DroneDeploy’s Thermal Live Map feature to see areas of hot and colder temperature around them.

Thermal Live Map



Introducing Thermal Live Map. See the Unseeable. In Real Time.


According to DroneDeploy, the software, coupled with a Mavic Pro DJI drone, was used by the Harrisville Police Department in Alabama. Following a traffic accident, a remote officer in a police department used the drone to photograph the surrounding three acres on a 7-minute flight. With this image and location data,

DroneDeploy states that its software was able to geotag each image and rebuild visuals of the incident in 3D. They say this gave investigators more insight on what caused the accident. This also allowed the police station to cut down on investigation time, according to DroneDeploy.

DroneDeploy’s technology was also used for disaster relief purposes following Hurricane Harvey. DroneDeploy wrote that its software was used to help the non-profit group, Humanitarian Drones, to map the areas in Houston, Texas to further examine the damage.

While other law enforcement clients could not be found on the website, DroneDeploy has a variety of customers in construction, disaster relief, first response, and agriculture.

The company CTO and Co-Founder, Nicholas Pilkington, has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge and has previously held software engineering roles at Toshiba and NVIDIA, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Takeaways for Law Enforcement Officials

While Robotic Applications for Law Enforcement in Asia were Created or Commissioned by the Government, DJI’s Autonomous Drones seem to be the Most Popular Tool in the US, with A History of uUe in the Military, Police Departments and First Response.

The Ground Based Robotic Applications above Claim to Have the Similar Goal of Conserving Police or Security Guard Staff, As Well as Time Related Resources. While Dubai claims its robot will focus on customer service and Low Energy surveillance by answering civilian questions and recording video streams, companies like Knightscope similarly offer customer-service-oriented security robots which can also allow users to ask for directions, date and time.

South Korea reports its prison warden was implemented to avoid the need for time-consuming basic surveillance tasks, such as walking around prison grounds to ensure that prisoners are behaving. Similarly Knightscope’s clients — which have based the robots in high-populated areas like airports, casinos, and colleges — similarly note that they are looking for added security, safety and surveillance Options for their Facilities.

Many Applications have Also been Adjusted to Address Growing Privacy Voncerns. When Drones began Getting Noted for their Use in Federal Investigations, the FBI was Questioned by Congress about the Application’s Level of Surveillance on Domestic Citizens. Additionally, while DJI Announced the Development of A “Privacy Mode” following its US Military Ban, South Korea sited Prisoner Privacy as A Reason for Ending A Pilot with its Prison Guard Robot.

Drones versus Robots in Cost Efficiency

It seems that Some Governments may be Turning to Drones for Situations like Surveillance, while they may Turn to Humanoids to lessen the Smaller Tasks of Human Police Force wW
While police in Dubai, located in one of the world’s wealthiest countries, plan to expand their robotic force, South Korea did not try to create a new surveillance robot following the failure of its prison guard pilot. It instead purchased a fleet of drones that cost 13 times less, at 60 million won, than its original robot, which reportedly cost over 800 million won to build.

While we could not pin exact cost numbers for Dubai’s robot or Knightscope models, both robot companies offer units for rent as well as purchase.

US Use of DJI and Potential Competition

While we see law enforcement robotics initiatives in other countries, developments in the US seen to be more focused on drones for the time being.

Despite fears of security and privacy breaches, officers and the FBI have announced the use of autonomous drones which can fly and take photos on a set path. Reports from DJI, as well as local and large news organizations, say that the company’s AI-powered drone models, such as its Mavic and Phantom, have been popular among police departments and the US military.

Although DJI is reportedly a top-selling drone company, other startups have released drones with similar features. As the government considers new options for drone usage, another leading drone providers, such as Parrot, or GoPro, could gain more business from law enforcement agencies, Additionally, some Other Drone Startups, like Skydio, Claim to Similarly Offer Machine Vision Features.

Stay Ahead of the AI Curve

Discover the Critical AI Trends and Applications that Separate Winners from Losers in the Future of Business.

Facial Recognition in Law Enforcement


Pamela is Managing Editor at Emerj. She Previous Worked in B2B Digital Publishing with Innovation Leaders and Boston MedTech. Pamela holds A Master’s Degree in Media Ventures from Boston University.

Emerj, Nov 29, 2018, last updated on May 20, 2019

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