Cathy Fox – Sinead, Forgive Me I Just could Go No Further #OneofMillions

Sinead O Connor

Sinead, Forgive me I Just could Go No Further #OneofMillions

The World of Child Abuse, the World of Mind Control, Life in General is Not A Simple Case of Goodies and Baddies, No Matter How Much we want It to Be. It is Much More Complicated. We like Things Simple. They are Not. This Post in Two Parts will Illustrate That. Part (1) is More or Less the Official Sanitised Version of Some of her Life, Part (2) will Dig under the Surface.

Born in 1966, Sinead Suffered Physical and Sexual and Emotional Abuse from her Mother. Daily Beatings and Kickings Often Targeted between her Legs. [15] [7] Sinead says of her Mother, Aged from Zero to 13 ()

  • She Ran A Torture Chamber ()
  • She’s A Person Who took Delight with A Smile in Hurting You ()
  • She Used to Make Me Say Over and Over I am Nothing, I am Nothing Whilst She was Beating Me ()
  • Either She was A Sadist and A Pedophile or Possessed by the Devil
  • She Wanted to Destroy My Womb and Stop Me Being Female

But Despite Almost Daily Abuse for 13 Years, Sinead Got on Well with her Mother between the Ages of 14 – 16 and She says They had A Good Relationship.

She was Blown Away that I Forgave her[15]

Sinead and her Mother Johanna Marie O Grady, 1939 – 1985

This would Seem Impossible to Many People, and Many People Often can Not Wrap their Heads around How Other People are Different or that Extraordinary Decisions are Made in Extraordinary Circumstances, Particularly with Children and Parents, Particularly with Abuse and Attachment.

But then One Day the Relationship took Another Twist when Sinead Asked her Mother Why she had Been Violent to Them. Her Mother Denied It So Sinead Ran Away.

Sinead was Also Raped by Others, She said

“My Mother is Not the Only Person I’ve Been Raped by, I’ve Been Raped Several Times by Other People, as A Child [Aged] Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten (15)

The Reason for Sinead’s Trademark Short Hair is that she Cut It to Avoid Unwanted Attention.

“It was Dangerous to Be Pretty Too because I Kept Getting Raped and Molested Everywhere I Went[15]

Young Sinead

Sinead’s Mother Encouraged her to Steal and Sinead was Caught and Sent to an Grianán Training Centre, Dublin at the Age of 15. This is Part of the Notoriously Violent and Abusive Magdalene Laundries Run by the Order of Our Lady of Charity Who did Not Live Up to their Name (12) (13). It is Unclear if Sinead Suffered Further Abuse at Magdalene Laundries but she Witnessed It. However A Nun did Give Sinead her First Guitar, which Started Sinead’s “Therapy”.

Sinead rips the Pope (…)

Sinead’s Most Famous Incident was when she Drew Attention to Child Abuse by the Catholic Church by Ripping Up the Pope John Paul II Photo Live on Primetime Saturday Night Live. (30) The Ripping of this Photo was Not Just against the Church, it was Also against her Mothers Abuse and Sinead Also Blamed her Mothers Abuse on the Church.

I Took Down from her Bedroom Wall the Only Photo she Ever had Up There, which was of Pope John Paul II. My Intention had Always Been to Destroy My Mother’s Photo of the Pope. It Represented Lies and Liars and Abuse.” (4)

It is Difficult to Convey How Utterly Shocking This was in 1992. To Insult the Pope by Tearing his Photograph Up and Also to Accuse the Catholic Church of Child Abuse was Way Out There, Especially for Ultra Catholic God Fearing Ireland. Most People Lived in Fear of the Church and Catholic Guilt is Very Real. I Covered the Incident Here RIP Sinead O Connor Champion Against Child Abuse (30)

Because I am Irish

In the US Sinead’s Actions seems to Have Been Shocking as Well! Sinead Tore Up her Mothers Photo of the Pope on Saturday Night Live, an Iconic High Viewer Show. Two Weeks Later she was Due to Sing at A Bob Dylan’s Tribute and this gave an Idea of the Blowback Sinead Faced.

Bob Dylan Tribute at Madyson Square Garden, October 1992

Sinead Idolised Dylan and was Thrilled to be Invited to Perform at the Tribute to Bob Dylan for his 30 Years in the Industry, and she was to Sing his Song I Believe in You (4)

Kris Kristofferson Introduced her with Reference to her Courage and integrity, A Nod to her Recent Pope Ripping Performance ()

I’m Real Proud to Introduce this Next Artist Whose Name became Synonymous with Courage and Integrity. Ladies and Gentlemen, Sinead O Connor.”

Instantly, the Boo’s Rang Out as though it was Pavlovian Conditioning on the Audience’s Part to Respond to her Name that Way. After A Solid Awkward Minute in Which she Faced an Intense Barrage, the Boo’s Subsided Just Enough for her Band to Begin Playing ‘I Believe in You’.

Sinead On Stage Being Booed

The Booing Intensified. Kris Kristofferson says he was Told by A Floor Manager to Get Sinead Off Stage, but he says he did Not want To Do That. He says he Whispered to her Not to Let them Get You Down, and she Replied she was Not Down.

Kristofferson tries to Cheer Sinead Up

Kris Kristofferson Let them Not Get You Down

Kris Kristofferson Let them Not Get You Down, Sinead “I am Not Down

As the Booing Continued, albeit Partly Countered by Some Cheers she Signalled for the Other Musicians to Stop Playing and Then, Instead of the Planned Song, Sinead Launched into Another Solo and A Cappella Repeat of Bob Marley’s War that she had Sung Two Weeks Before, in Which she had Changed the Words to Include Child Abuse.

A Remarkable Defiant, Feisty and Combative Response to the Booing Crowd.

Sinead OConnor – Madison Square Garden [1+]

Sinead O Connor – Madison Square Garden

Published July 27, 2023



Sinead O Connor – Madison Square Garden Dylan Tribute

Two Weeks After Bringing Attention to Child Abuse and Ripping Up A Picture of the Pope, she Appeared at A Dylan Tribute where she was Mercilessly Booed, and So was Not Able to Start her Dylan Tribute Song, So she Sung the Bob Marley Song Again.

Imagine Being Abused by Who are Meant to be Gods Representatives on Earth, Telling your Truth and Being Booed for It.

What A Brave and Courageous Woman!



Sinead Then went Off Stage and was Hugged by Kristofferson.

Kris Kristofferson

Kris Kristofferson

Kris Openly Supporting Her with his Introduction, Ignoring the Stage Manager and instead Giving her Encouragement and then Hugged her Openly Afterwards. What A Great Guy.

Kristofferson Hugging Sinead after her Performance

Kris Kristofferson – Sister Sinead (2009) [6]


Of Course the Criticism of Sinead did Not End There. Amongst the Critics were

  • Civil Rights Organization Anti Defamation League Officially Condemned O Connor
  • National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations hired A Steamroller to Crush Hundreds of Copies of her Albums Outside of her Record Company’s Headquarters
  • The Washington Times Named her “The Face of Pure Hatred
  • Frank Sinatra Called her “A Stupid Broad
  • Madonna Criticised her

O Connor Released an Open Letter, Linking her Being Abused as A Child to The History of My People.

The History of My People

She Carried On

“The Catholic Church has Controlled us by Controlling Education, through their Teachings on Sexuality, Marriage, Birth Control and Abortion, and Most Spectacularly through the Lies they Taught us with their History Books.” The Letter Concluded “My Story is the Story of Countless Millions of Children Whose Families and Nations were Torn Apart for Money in the Name of Jesus Christ ()”

Bob Dylan

Sinead Felt that Bob Dylan Let Her Down. The Event was the 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration Marking 30 Years of Bob Dylan as A Recording Artist. She Felt he should Have Stepped In to Tell the Audience that were Here for Him to Let Her Sing.

I feel like Bob Dylan is the One who should Have Come Out and Told his Audience to Let me Sing,” she wrote. “And I’m Pissed that he Did Not. So I Glare at Him in the Wings As If he’s My Big Brother Who’s Just Told my Parents I Skipped School. He stares Back at me, Baffled. He’s Looking All Handsome in his White Shirt and Pants. It’s the Weirdest 30 Seconds of my Life.” (4)

Dylan said Nothing in her Defence or Otherwise at the Time or Afterwards. Why did he Not Say Anything? We are Still Talking about it 30 Years Later Yet Bob did Not Say Anything at the Time or in the Immediate Aftermath or Since.


I think there is ABetter Way to Present her Ideas, Rather than Ripping Up an Image that Means A Lot to Other People,” she said, via The New York Times. “If she is Against the Roman Catholic Church, and she has A Problem with Them, I Think she should Talk about It.” (70)

At the Very Least Madonna should Have Not Cast the First Stone () How could Madonna Ignore that she had Caused Offence Deliberately to Flog A Soft Drink. Madonna did it for Money Not for High Minded Principle or Seeking to Help Others.

Madonna Appeared to Court Controversy by Mocking the Catholic Church. She Sang Like A Prayer in 1989 in A Pepsi Commercial with the Video Featuring Catholic Symbols such as Stigmata, A Burning Cross Burning and A Dream of Making Love to A Saint. The Vatican Condemned the Video and Religious Groups Sought to Ban the Commercial. The Ad was Pulled but it had Done its Job and Like A Prayer Topped the Charts in Many Countries (25) Pepsi had Just Paid her $ 5 Million.

Update I have Been Informed Madonna is her Real Name, So Deleted Reference to her Stage Name, HT Mindy Beth.

Three Months Later Madonna Appeared on Saterday Night Live, Sang Bad Girl and Ripped Up A Photo of Joey Buttafuoco. He had Slept Briefly, Consensually, with A 16 Year Old Girl Committing an Offence of Statutory Rape of A Minor. Mentioning Joey Buttafuoco was A Standing Joke on the Show and for Madonna to Compare the Mass Rape of Children by the Catholic Church to this Man, was Disingenous, Trivialising the Abuse by the Catholic Church and was Cruel Mocking by Madonna.

Madonna Made Parody on Sinead

Madonna Parody of Sinead Ripping Up Photo of Joey Buttafuoco in 1993

Published August 8, 2023



Cruel Parody by Madonna with A Photo of Joey Buttafuoco in 1993 Mocking Sinead O Connor’s Saterday Night Live Pope Photo Rip Up. Sinead was Proved Right and Now Madonna’s Effort looks Pathetic.



Sinead’s Greatest Hit, Which was A Couple of Years before the Pope Ripping Incident was Nothing Compares 2 U,” Which was Written by Prince. However the Relationship between the Two was Not Good. “We did Not Get on at All. In Fact, We had A Punch Up,” she said in 2014.

She also Called Prince A Devil Worshipperin her 2021 MemoirRememberings,” According to the Irish Post.

I Believe he was Involved in Devil Business because an Old Girlfriend of His Told Me He Had the Power to Make S*** Move around the Room” (7)


Miley Cyrus Claimed that her Look for the Video Wrecking Ball was Inspired by Sinead’s Nothing Compares 2 U.

Miley Cyrus Wreckung Ball

The Media Compared Photo’s of Both Sinead and Miley, Youth gave the Last an Advantage

There was Close Up of A Face with A Tear on One Cheek at the Start of the Video, but Most of the Video is Cavorting around Naked. The Video is Directed by the Notoriously Sleazy and Now Partially Publicly Exposed Terry Richardson, who is Accused of Numerous Instances of Sexual Misconduct, including Exploitation. It is an Absurd Comparison.Sinead Pointed this Out to Miley in an Open Letter Warning Miley that the Business did Not Have her Interests at Heart.

I am Extremely Concerned for You that Those around You have Led You to Believe, or Encouraged You in Your Own Belief, that It is in Any WayCool’ to be Naked and Licking Sledgehammers in your Videos. It is In Fact the Case that You will Obscure your Talent by Allowing Yourself to Be Pimped, Whether its the Music Business or Yourself Doing the Pimping.”

See Full Letter Here for an Accurate Summation of the Way the Music Business Model treats Women (30).

Cyrus’s Response via Twitter was Cruel Taunting about Sinead’s Mental Health and said

I do Not have Time to Write You an Open Letter cause I‘m Hosting and Performing on Saterday Night Live This Week,” (31)


Not Content with Telling the Truth to the Catholic Church and its Supporters, and Incurring the Consequences, Sinead incurred the Wrath of Hugely Powerful Israeli Lobby. Sinead Cancelled her Concert in Israel, when they were Being Offered Huge Sums to Play There.

Nobody with Any Sanity, Including Myself, would Have Anything but Sympathy for the Palestinian Light,” she said. “There’s Not A Sane Person on Earth Who in Any Way Sanctions What the Fuck the Israeli Authorities are Doing.” (9)

Sinead was Brave and Courageous and Spoke Out for What she Thought was Right.

Dark Sinead

Sinead’s Mental Health and Suicide

Sinead has Always Been an Open Book about her Mental Health Problems.

Her Diagnosis of BiPolar on Oprah in 2007, Later Disagreed with by 3 Other Doctors

  • Her Attempted Suicide on her 33rd Birthday 8 Dec 1999
  • Her Fibromyalgia which Caused A Career Break 2003 (5)
  • Her Diagnoses of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder CPTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Her Gynaecological Problems for Over Three Years and in 2015 her Hysterectomy I was Flung into Surgical Menopause. Hormones were Everywhere. I became Very Suicidal. I was A Basket Case.”
  • O Connor Posted A 12 Minute Video on Facebook in Aug 2017 in which she Lamented the Loss of Custody of her 13 Year Old Son, Shane, her Loneliness and her Sucidal Thoughts for 2 Years
  • O Connor Appeared on Dr Phil, who had Seen her Facebook Post and she Wanted to Do the Interview to “Destigmatize Mental Illness“, Noting the Prevalence of Mental Health Issues among Musicians.

2017 Odysee Dr Phil S16E01 Singer Sinead O Connor Speaks Out after Hotel Breakdown, The Exclusive Interview (46)

Dr PhilSinger Sinead O Connor Speaks Out after Hotel Breakdown (Exclusive Interview)

Published July 27, 2023



Dr Phil (S16E01) ~ Singer Sinead O Connor Speaks Out after Hotel Breakdown (Exclusive Interview)

2017 Sept 17

Irish Songstress Sinéad O Connor asks Dr Phil for Help, she Wants him to Place her in A Long Term Treatment Facility and to Tell her Story, with the Aim of Destigmatising Mental Illness.




This was the Suicide Note Sinead wrote on A Guitar on A Previous Attempt.

Suicide Note reads Forgive Me I Just could Go No further #OneofMillions

Sinead had Attempted Suicide about 9 Times. Her Son Shane Also Took his Own Life in January 2022, the Reasons for which Described Here Sinead and Sean,  Suicide Victims of the Family Court (35)

A Week Later, Distraught, Following A Series of Tweets in Which she Indicated that she was Going to Kill Herself, Sinead was Hospitalised.

Sinead’s Recent Suicide Attempt was Unfortunately Successful. She had 4 Children from 1996 – 2004.

3 of her Childen Survive her. We Mourn the Loss of A Mother and A Great but Troubled Talent.

A Mother and A Great but Troubled Talent

What do we Learn from This?

The Real Enemy

Fight the Real Enemy!


Fight the Real Enemy!

Who or What is the Real Enemy?

That will Be Investigated in Part (2)

Sinead had A Stunning Voice and It is Perhaps best Shown in this Version of Nothing Compares 2 U which Features Just her Vocals ()

Sinead O Connor – Nothing Compares 2 U Isolated Vocals

Published July 27, 2023



Sinead O Connor – Nothing Compares 2 U Isolated Vocals
What A Voice!



Odysee Sinead O Connor – Nothing Compares 2 U, Isolated Vocals [27]

Sineads Parents were John Oliver “SeánO Connor, A Structural Engineer Later Turned Barrister and Chair Person of the Divorce Action Group, and Johanna Marie O Grady, 1939 – 1985, Who Married in the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Drimnagh, Dublin, in 1960. She Attended Dominican College Sion Hill School in Blackrock, County Dublin.

Rest in  Peace Sinead

Social Gathering for Sinead O Connor

She was Buried Today.

Sinead’s I Believe in You (Afternoon Rehearsal) at Bob Dylan’s 30 Anniversary Concert



Sinead’s I Believe in You (Afternoon Rehearsal) at Bob Dylan’s 30 Anniversary Concert when she was Booed and Not Able to Perform it in the Evening.


Source I Believe in You (Afternoon Rehearsal) Rehearsal Performance at Madison Square Garden

Rest in Peace Sinead

RIP Sinead O Connor

She Lived her Truth
Róisín Murphy, Musician and Fan

@irishdaily Friends, family & fans gathered to say “Final Good Bye” to Sinéad O’Connor 🙏💔🙏 #restinpeacesinead 📸👉 IG:betzynina ☘️ #irishdaily #tiktokoftheday #sinéadoconnor #RIP #bray #ireland ♬ Nothing Compares 2 U – Sinéad O’Connor

My Previous Blogs on Sinead

Champion Against Child Abuse [30]
Sinead and Sean – Suicide Victims of the Family Court[35]
Sinead O Connor and Dr Phil with Transcript [15]


[1] Sinead O Connor – Madison Square Garden—Madison-Square-Garden-GzxTDHMQza8(1):0
[1+] Madison Square
[2] Rolling Stone
[3] 2021 Jul 31 Far Out Magazine Sinead O’Connor was once booed off stage at a Bob Dylan tribute show
[4] 2021 Jun 6 Cheat Sheet Why Sinéad O’Connor Was ‘Pissed’ at Bob Dylan during his 1992 Tribute Concert
[5 Kris Kristofferson, Sister Sinead (2009)
[6] Odysee Kris Kristofferson, Sister Sinead (2009)—Sister-Sinead-(2009)-bvlElJBaEuo:a
[7] Grunge
[7+] Grunge archive
[8] UTube Bob Dylan admits He Sold his Soul to the Devil for Short Lived Fortune, Fame and Glory
[8+] Bob Dylan admits He Sold his Soul to the Devil for short lived fortune fame and glory
[9] Electronic Intifada
[11] YouTube
[12] 2017 Jul 14 cathyfoxblog Irish High Court Judicial Review 2017 Jun 1, Child Sexual Abuse
[13] 2016 Sept 28 cathyfoxblog Wally Harbert’s Submission to IICSA
[14] 2023 Jul 27 Morrisey
[15] 2023 Jul 27 Foxes Sinead O Connor and Dr Phil with Transcript
[16] Wikipedia Order of Our Lady of Charity Catholicmonastic order
[17] Cathy O Brien, Transformation of America Book Re Kristofferson (she spells it Kristopherson)
[18] 1992 Nov 1 NY Times POP VIEW, Why Sinead O Connor hit A Nerve
[19] 4th Miley Letter Archive
[22] 2021 Dec 8 Far Out Magazine Inside the Tumultuous Relationship of Sinéad O Connor and Prince
[25] Wikipedia Madonna
[27]  UI Sinead O’ Connor – Nothing Compares 2 U, Isolated Vocals—Nothing-Compares-2U—Isolated-vocals-rL4VTq6UQEI:a
[28] csa and catholic church include
[29]We must destroy nest of devils in the Vatican, for Christ’s sake
[30] 2023 Jul 26 Substack FoxyFox RIP Sinead O’Connor Champion Against Child Abuse #sinead #csa #childabuse #pope #catholicabuse
[31] 2013 Oct 4 BBC Miley Cyrus and Sinead O’Connor row escalates
[32] 2023 Jul 28 Mail 2023 jul 28 Sinead O’Connor’s haunting documentary tells how she found her voice after an abusive childhood that shaped her life ‘This was a young 25-year-old girl from Dublin who was causing this much of an outcry. She was obviously deemed dangerous by the powers that be, or the amount of hysteria it caused wouldn’t have happened. She was very, very powerful.’ He was the love of my life, the lamp of my soul,’ she confessed to her followers on Twitter. ‘We were one soul in two halves. He was the only person who ever loved me unconditionally. I am lost in the bardo without him.’
[33] 2023 Jul 28 Mail Sinead O’Connor’s ex-fiancé John Waters faces a wave of social media abuse in the wake of her death – more than 20 years after bitter custody battle over their daughter
[34] 2023 Jul 29 Mail Coroner’s team admit they don’t know when Sinead O’Connor died as attempts are made to piece together Irish music legend’s last days
[35] 2023 Jul 28 Substack Foxy Fox Sinead and Sean – Suicide Victims of the Family Court #sinead #sineadoconnor #shane #familycourt #childkidnapping #childstealing #childtrafficking #injustice
[36] Science Direct Pavlovian Conditioning
[37] concert
[41] Because taking me on is even more fuckin’ stupid than behaving like a prostitute and calling it feminism.” She added: “When you end up in the psych ward or rehab I’ll be happy to visit you … and would not lower myself to mock you. Be a proper woman and make the public apologies I have listed above.”
[45] Deprogramwiki Deprogramming Modalities
[46] 2017 Odysee Dr. Phil S16E01 ~ Singer Sinead O’Connor Speaks Out after Hotel Breakdown – The Exclusive Interview—Singer-Sinead-O%E2%80%99Connor-Speaks-Out-after-Hotel-Breakdown_-The-Exclusive-Interview-acbNkAs1z_Y:8Most of my posts are too long for email, so please go to blog

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