Cathy Fox | Blog on Child Abuse – Covid Resources (1) Mask Madness

Mask Wears Mask (gif

Covid Resources (1) Mask Madness

Mask Articles, Memes, Photos and Some Video Clips

There is no doubt the authoritarian, psychopathic and tyrannical control freaks have not given up on trying to control us. Masks are one of the weapons that they get us to use on ourselves to perpetuate fear with a highly visible symbol as well as to show peoples submission to their propaganda.

We must be prepared and we must act globally to help whichever country or people the criminal cabal is attacking next time. Although there is a lull at this time in England it is a good time to prepare information and resources so that we can fight back. Here are some articles on masks as well as many mask memes and photos for when they try… Looking back at some of the photos it’s a reminder of the absolute lunacy that we allowed them to dictate to us. We must kick back harder this next time.

I have roughly sorted the links so the first few are those that list or will lead to many more articles. The next set are children – its imperative that they do not normalise their lunacy on children. Then some more mask articles. Then follow a couple of hundred mask memes and photos, many absurd!

Feel free to put other useful links in the comments


Masks for Children

Other Articles

Videos and Clips

Flip Flop Fauci lies again (…)

Children in Masks

More children in masks


Dr Hilary Hypocrite Jones

Extreme Masking

More Hypocrites (…)




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cathy fox blog on Child Abuse

cathy fox blog on Child Abuse, 2022, July, 31

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