Candle Lighting For The Truth – The Hidden Human History Movie: The Sinking Of Lemuria And 144,000 Saints, Sacred Geometry, Creation, Nibiru And Anunnaki | The Conspiracy Of Everything

Candle Lighting For The Truth (foto Before It’s News)

The Hidden Human History Movie: The Sinking Of Lemuria and the 144,000 Saints, Sacred Geometry and the 144,000 in Creation, Nibiru And The Anunnaki  | The Conspiracy Of Everything

The Hidden Human History Movie

The144,000 Saints who are Immortal from the First Creation in Genesis 1 have been with us for thousands of years and lived on Lemuria (often referred to as Atlantis) before it was sunk. These 144,000 Saints were the only ones that did not defile their DNA by mating with the Fallen Watchers and Nephilim. These 144,000 Saints are here on Earth Today and will be included in the Harpazo providing they have been Baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Full Immersion at an Age of Accountability, eight years and over. The Elect must go through the Fire (Zechariah, 13:9) and or the Flood and Messiah Jesus will help them through it as per Isaiah 43:2 providing these Christians (believers in Jesus) have been Baptized, Full Immersion, at an Age of Accountability, EIGHT years and over, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that you didn’t take the Mark of the Beast (the Covid 19 Vaccine, the Neuralace, the Covid 19 PCR Test).

This video explains why Elon Musk wants to go to Mars as he wants to go back home to try to escape from Jesus the Messiah when He returns to Earth to extinguish All Evil! There is no where to run as Jesus the Messiah will route them all out and extinguish all these Evil Parasites!

The Sacred Geometry Movie

The 144,000 in Creation by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the Ultimate Mathematician, and how the 144,000 Saints in Revelation 7 and 14 from the First Creation in Genesis 1 is a precise Number that will be included in the Harpazo.

The Nibiru Movie |  The Secret Origins of our World

Zecharia Stitchin was an Agent of the Vatican and was spreading the Vatican Agenda which is Pure Fiction.

The Anunnaki Movie | The Mysterious Origins of Humanity

The Anunnaki made Neanderthal Man. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob made the 144,000 Saints (Genesis 1) in His Image who are Immortal while the Logos make the Elect (Genesis 2) Mortal.  These two Creations comprise the White Race who are Homo sapien Sapiens and they are the newest Race here on Earth. There are many Races (at least seven Races) here on Earth and the Non White Races are much older.  The White Mummies of Tarim Basin date the White Race to about 5.500 Before Christ or about 7.500 years old.

The Nature of the Soul

Only the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob can make a Soul. The Devil and the Fallen Watchers have been abducting Humans for years to Experiment on how to make a Soul but cannot figure it out as it is much too complicated for them. Only the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob can create Souls!

The Nature of the Soul |  More Mystical Traditions




The Video on YouTube had to be edited and the Part on the Deep State removed.  This is the Full Version on Bitchute below.

Before It’s News, Saturday, July 3, 2021 19:56

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