A California health care worker who was enthusiastic about the Corona Virus vaccine died days after receiving the second dose.
Infowars, Jan 29th, 2021
On Tuesday, Orange County X Ray technician Tim Zook, 60, was reportedly thrilled to receive the second round of Pfizer’s Corona Virus 19 vaccine, posting on his Facebook wall, “Never been so excited to get a shot before. I am now fully vaccinated after receiving my second Pfizer dose.”
But just hours later, Zook began experiencing severe adverse reactions in the form of abdominal pain and difficulty breathing. “His health spiraled downward and he died four days later,” reports Fox 32 Chicago.
Scroll Down For Death Reports.
Nurse Distraught After Getting Bell’s Palsy From Covid Vaccine!
This video was taken from Shawn Skelton’s Facebook Page.
If you are considering the vaccine for Corona Virus: the MODERNA. I would advise against it! I’m in bad shape! Everyday getting worse and I’m not getting help or answers! I’m scared to death to say the least! And to find someone willing to attempt to figure this out hasn’t been very successful! I went to two hospitals today, walked out of deaconess and went to St Vincent. No answers there either. They say let’s see a neurologist( who knows when they can see me) yesterday my tongue began to spasm and it hasn’t quit. Today my whole body has been convulsing all day! They sent me home!! I’m posting two videos that are quite embarrassing if you know me but I want you to see what’s happening to me!
Just please pray for me
Body is still moving uncontrollably. Still no answers! Contacted moderna and their safety team was supposed to reach out to me today but have not done so! We are now on our way to Vanderbilt in Tennessee. Prayer warriors keep praying!
Pfizer Vaccine Causes woman to shake uncontrollably standing up
Mom Is getting even worse today and still don’t have any answers from doctors as to how to fix this. Please pray for her I can’t stand to see my mom this way it makes me want to cry knowing I can’t do anything to help her. Please don’t take the Corona Virus 19 vaccine. I’m adding a thirdrd video that she just sent me.
33 Year old male nurse in excellent health who took the Corona Virus 19 vaccine develops severe reaction!
Hundreds Of Social Media Posts Of Many Different Types Of Side Effects Are Compiled In The Following Video.
You May Want To Slow The Video Down.
Norway said Corona Virus 19 vaccines may be too risky for the very old and terminally ill, the most cautious statement yet from a European health authority as countries assess the real world side effects of the first shots to gain approval.
Norwegian officials said 23 people had died in the country a short time after receiving their first dose of the vaccine. Of those deaths, 13 have been autopsied, with the results suggesting that common side effects may have contributed to severe reactions in frail, elderly people, according to the Norwegian Medicines Agency.
CDC Report: Over 3,000 Are ‘Unable to Perform Normal Daily Activities’ After Receiving the Coeona Virus19 Vaccine
In a December 19, 2020 report by Thomas Clark, MD, MPH, entitled “Anaphylaxis Following m RNA COVID 19 Vaccine Receipt”, we found a very interesting graph.
According to the CDC, as of December 18, 2020, 3,150 people who were vaccinated against Corona Virus 19 became “unable to perform normal daily activities”.
181 Dead in the US During Two Week Period From Experimental Corona Virus Injections: How Long Will We Continue to Allow Mass Murder by Lethal Injection?
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a US Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.
A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Inc for the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that fewer than one percent of all vaccine adverse events are reported to the Government.
Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1 – 13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed.
Currently, data from the two experimental mRNA COVID injections that have been voluntarily reported is available for a two week period from the end of December through January 13, 2021.
The data covers 7,844 cases, including 181 deaths. The largest amount of deaths occurred in people over the age of 75.
From Infowars Jan 26, 2021
A man in California died hours after receiving the Covid 19 vaccine, a local sheriff’s department reported over the weekend.
On Saturday, the Placer County Sheriff’s Department informed residents via Facebook about a multi agency investigation after a person, who tested positive for Covid late last month, died after receiving the vaccine last Thursday.
32 Year Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving Pfizer Experimental Vaccine
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The Mexican Press is reporting that a 32-year old female doctor in Coahuila has suffered seizures and become paralyzed after receiving the Pfizer experimental COVID mRNA vaccine on December 30, 2020.
Dr Karla Cecilia Pérez Osorio reportedly was working as an internist at the General Hospital of Zone N° 7, in the municipality of Monclova. She was subsequently transferred to the High Specialty Medical Unit N° 25 of the IMSS, in Monterrey, Nuevo León.
She was reportedly evaluated by a neurologist and diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a known side effect of vaccines, and specifically of the COVID experimental mRNA vaccines as this injury was observed in some of the vaccine trials of the various COVID 19 experimental trials being conducted around the world.
According to the Mayo Clinic, transverse myelitis “can cause pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory problems, or bladder and bowel dysfunction (…) Other conditions, such as a stroke of the spinal cord, are often confused with transverse myelitis.”
Medical authorities in Mexico are downplaying the adverse reaction as “mild,” but relatives reported yesterday, January 4, 2021, that although she is conscious, she has difficulties speaking and moving her legs and arms.
Her husband, Ángel Palestino Gallardo, and her cousin, Carolina Rivas Gallardo, confirmed that she had tingling in her lips and extremities just after receiving the experimental vaccine, so they gave her medication and she returned to work. But 20 minutes later she experienced paralysis of her arms and legs and suffered several seizures until she was unconscious.
Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer Corona Virus vaccine as her father says he ‘wants answers’
Sonia Acevedo suffered a ‘sudden death’ on New Year’s Day 48 hours after jab.
The 41 year old mother of two worked in paediatrics at a hospital in Porto
Ms Acevedo had not suffered any adverse side effects after being vaccinated.
An autopsy is expected to take place either today or tomorrow
A Portuguese health worker has died two days after getting the Pfizer Corona Virus vaccine.
Sonia Acevedo, 41, suffered a ‘sudden death’ at home on New Year’s Day 48 hours after receiving the jab. An autopsy is expected to take place later today or tomorrow.
The mother of two, who worked in paediatrics at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology in Porto, is not said to have suffered any adverse side effects after being vaccinated.
Ms Acevedo’s father Abilio Acevedo told Portuguese daily Correio da Manha. ‘She was okay. She hadn’t had any health problems.”
Sonia Acevedo, 41, suffered a ‘sudden death’ on New Year’s Day just 48 hours after receiving the jab
‘She had the Covid 19 vaccine but she didn’t have any symptoms. I don’t know what happened. I just want answers.’
‘I want to know what led to my daughter’s death.’
Ms Acevedo’s employers confirmed the dead woman had been vaccinated against Corona Virus on December 30 and said they had not been notified of any ‘undesirable effect’ when she was jabbed or in the hours afterwards.
The Portuguese Institute of Oncology said in a statement: ‘With regards to the sudden death of an operational assistant from the Porto IPO on January 1, 2021, the Board of Directors confirms the event and expresses sincere regret to family and friends in the certainty that this loss is also felt here.’
It added ‘The explanation of the cause of death will follow the usual procedures in these circumstances.’
A Florida doctor died weeks after receiving a Corona Virus 19 vaccine. While the cause of death was not clear, the doctor’s wife claimed that he died due to a strong reaction to the jab.
Dr Gregory Michael was an obstetrician gynecologist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach. The 56 year old healthcare professional died after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke apparently resulting from a lack of platelets. He was administered the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine on December 18, 2020.

Dr Gregory Michael, a Florida doctor dies weeks after receiving Pfizer vaccine (foto Facebook)
Owing to the concerns over the doctor’s death sudden death, the Florida Department of Health said in a statement that the Miami medical examiners launched an investigation. The communications director Jason Mahon said that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are responsible for reviewing Covid 19 vaccine safety data and presenting that information for federal recommendations on vaccine administration. “The state will continue to provide all available information to the CDC as they lead this investigation,” he added.
Cause of Death: Vaccine?
In a Facebook post, the wife of the doctor, Heidi Neckelmann, said “The love of my life, my husband Gregory Michael MD an Obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach Died the day before yesterday due to a strong reaction to the Corona Virus vaccine.”
She wrote that Michael sought emergency care three days after the vaccination because he had dots on his skin that indicated internal bleeding. She said the condition led to the stroke, called thrombocytopenia, which can be characterized by abnormally low levels of platelets in the blood. A healthy individual’s platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per micro liter of blood.
Adverse Vaccine Reactions are Hushed Up: Since the MeanStream Media have betrayed us to Big Pharma
We must rely on anecdotal evidence that taking the Corona Virus vaccines is very risky.
California Resident Dies Hours After Getting Vaxed for Corona Virus.
The Placer County Sheriff’s Office, state and federal agencies are investigating after a resident passed away shortly after receiving a Corona Virus vaccine, local media including CBS13 and KTLA5 have reported.
In a statement on its Facebook page, the sheriff’s office indicated that the individual in question, who died Thursday, had tested positive for COVID 19 in late December, and had been “administered a COVID 19 vaccine several hours before their death”.
Local residents told CBS Sacramento that the Placer County person’s death has left them apprehensive about getting vaccinated.
Since the MeanStream Media have betrayed us to Big Pharma, we must rely on anecdotal evidence that taking the Corona Virus vaccines is very risky. Here are two reports sent by readers.
From a reader who works in a nursing home.
Someone I know personally has a friend who works in a large hospital in a Democrat state in the US. This hospital employee was convinced by a doctor at the hospital that the vaccine would be safe for people like themselves with no severe allergies or medical conditions and has scheduled an appointment to be vaccinated the same week.
A couple days later the same doctor approached this person and said to forget everything that was said about the vaccine being safe and not to take it under any circumstances. Apparently several employees at that hospital had died shortly after being vaccinated, in addition to others that had non-fatal reactions of varying severity. According to this doctor, the US Government does not want any of this reported and it is being hushed up.

Google and DDG suppressing this image (foto Vaccine from Hell)
Seeing as two people died and four people got Bell’s Palsy in the Pfizer trial and it was deemed to be unrelated to the vaccine, this doesn’t surprise me at all. There are a few vaccine-related deaths reported in Israel, but I don’t expect to hear about this in the mainstream news in North America. Likely all we will get is more anecdotes like this.
Almost nobody at my workplace is willing to take the vaccine. One manager claims to have had it and I am aware of three employees who say they are going to take it but everyone else is refusing. In the coming weeks, the government is supposed to vaccinate the residents with the Moderna vaccine.
I think that healthcare workers might actually be one of the least willing groups to take this vaccine because at the very least they understand the basic idea that drugs and vaccines need to be tested for safety and not only were these Covid vaccines not properly tested. The Pfizer and Moderna ones are using new technology which has never been approved before.
People who believe in the mainstream news and politicians might think that adverse reactions are only a rare occurrence, but in reality we only have a glimpse of what happens immediately after being vaccinated and no idea of the long term effects.
Marcella Piper Terry Tuesday on Facebook at 12:50 PM
Karl Dunkin is a frontline healthcare worker who “did his own research” and decided to get the Corona vaccine. This is what his wife, Jennifer, wants you to know about their experience (…)
The last eight days have been incredibly challenging. I had little interest in sharing the details of our lives publicly but through our experience, it has become clear that information to help those suffering from the Corona Virus Vaccine is minimal.
Public groups to share experiences with the vaccine have been actively deleting posts describing my husbands experience as it doesn’t follow the message they want you to hear.
Before jumping in, I’d like clarify that my husband is a frontline worker in Healthcare and has been serving his community in various ways for 10+ years. I’d also like to say thank you to every single individual who has reached out to my husband and I to offer comfort and support. We appreciate you.
On December 26th my husband received the Moderna Covid Vaccine. Shortly after, he developed a slight fever and general exhaustion. The following day came with incredible challenges that resulted in my husband being bedridden. Whole body exhaustion, incredibly high fevers, chills, headaches, nausea. He could barley pick his arm up (…)
“Enter Monday, December 28. On 1,000 mg of Tylenol and 800 mg of Motrin (Ibuprofen) he was throwing temperatures higher than 104. I brought him to a local emergency room where he was told to treat his symptoms like Corona until proven otherwise (…) they gave him IV fluids and sent him on his way (…).
“While waiting for his ultimately negative results (he does not have Corona) I called numerous urgent care centers who refused to see him, on call doctors for ECHN who refused to provide medical advice over the phone to an ECHN patient. Isn’t that their job?!
Said doctor also informed me 104 fevers were not dangerous and the ice packs and cold cloths we were placing on his body were “only going to make me feel better and won’t do anything for him”.
We were left alone with minimal guidance from professionals in the field my husband has been working in for over a decade (…).
You may be thinking, why didn’t you call the vaccine hotline? We did. It was our first call. They picked up and said to report symptoms online for tracking purposes and then hung up. There was no guidance for treatment, no recommendations for who to seek help from (…) nothing more than “I hope you feel better”.
Fast forward a bit. Symptoms continued to worsen and I ultimately brought him to a private highly regarded emergency room in Hartford CT for further care. Without sharing specifics, I’ll share that my husband was and continues to be so incredibly ill, the hospital has been testing every potential cause for his symptoms which has included 20+ tests and counting – Countless X rays – Multiple Ultrasound – Spinal taps for meningitis, and Regular ongoing blood work for blood bacteria, to name a few.
Doctors and nurses from Infectious Disease have been consulting with each other to try and best identify potential trial treatments to see what works and what doesn’t. For now, he’s been given anti bacterial medication in an attempt to relieve his symptoms.
My husband after four days still remains in the hands of caring, interested and well researched professionals who are the ONLY professionals who have taken a general interest in helping, researching and trying.
At the end of the day, I am beyond thankful for this private Hartford based hospital but am very concerned about how little is being shared in regards to Corona Virus vaccine symptoms and their severity. Two days ago I saw a big push to get the vaccine on the news with a tempting promise of a “normal fall” if we all get vaccinated (…) please take our experiences into consideration as you decide what is best for you and your family.
And if you’ve taken some time out of your day to read through this, please SHARE. There is little information available for those suffering. And if for any reason you become increasingly ill, please seek help from the best hospital you can as soon as you can.
If you have any questions regarding my husband, his experience or mine, please reach out. I want you to be armed with information about ALL side effects from the vaccine so you can make the best decisions for you and your families.
“With every wish that you and yours stay safe and well, Jen.”
Read further
The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted.
Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer Covid vaccine as her father says he ‘wants answers’.
Hundreds of Israelis get infected with Corona Virus 19 after receiving Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.
75 year old Israeli man dies two hours after getting Corona Virus 19 vaccine.
Death of Swiss man after Pfizer vaccine.
88 year old collapses and dies several hours after being vaccinated.
Thousands negatively affected after getting Corona Virus 19 vaccine.
Hospital worker with no prior allergies in intensive care with severe reaction after Pfizer Covid vaccine.
Four volunteers develop FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Corona Virus 19 jab, prompting FDA to recommend ‘surveillance for cases’.
Investigation launched as two people die in Norway nursing home days after receiving Pfizer’s Corona Virus 19 vaccine.
Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Getting COVID 19 Vaccines.
US officials report more severe allergic reactions to COVID 19 vaccines.
NHS told not to give Corona Virus vaccine to those with history of allergic reactions.
COVID 19: Single vaccine dose leads to ‘greater risk’ from new Corona Virus variants, South African experts warn.
CDC reveals at least 21 Americans have suffered life threatening allergic reactions to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.
Woman experiences side effects of COVID 19 vaccine.
COVID Vaccine Side Effects More Common After 2nd Dose.
Bulgaria Reports Four Cases Of Side Effects From Pfizer Covid Vaccine.
Two NHS workers suffer allergic reaction to Pfizer Vaccine.
Corona Virus Vaccinations Seem to be Causing 50 Times the Adverse Events of Flu Vaccinations after Just the First of Two Shots.
“I’m Just Not Buying It” – Jeff Gundlach Raises Questions About COVID Vaccine’s ‘95%’ Efficacy Rate.
Doctors Warn Side Effects From COVID 19 Vaccine “Won’t Be A Walk In The Park”
Professor Dolores Cahill Why People Will Start DYING A Few Months After The First mRNA Vaccination.
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