Benjamin Fulford – October 29, 2018: Message to the banking elite, Trick or treat

It is going to be an especially haunting Halloween for the Khazarian mafia banking elite, because they have been given an October 31 deadline to return the gold they stole or face being systematically hunted down and exterminated, say Asian secret society, CIA, and White Dragon Society sources. After that deadline, bounties of gold will be placed on senior bankers starting with the heads of the EU Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve Board, and the BIS, the sources say.

The White Dragon Society (WDS) has offered the Khazarian mafia a way out of this situation. All they have to do is monetize, in a constructive and reality-based manner, $ 40 Trillion worth of 1934 Henry Morgenthau Bonds to finance the establishment of a meritocratic future planning agency. This would be enough to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and finance human expansion into the universe. The alternative is death for all the Khazarian gangsters involved in central bank fraud and Babylonian debt slavery.

In the US, meanwhile, Pentagon sources say US President Donald “Trump had a briefing and dinner with top military brass at the White House on October 23 in a blunt message to Israel, the Democrats, the deep state, and its invading army from Mexico not to steal the midterm elections.” The photo below shows clearly where the US military stands.

US military poses with president Trump

There is also a major push going on to take down the rogue regime of Saudi Israelia, multiple sources agree. The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is, despite attempts by the Khazarians to distract us with false flags etc., turning out to have been a fatal mistake.

The heads of state of Russia, Germany, and France were in Istanbul last week to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss this murder and the future of the rogue Zionist Saudi Israelia regime, according Russian sources.

CIA sources tried to convince this writer that the murder never actually took place by sending the following statement about the summit, to which the US, Israel, and China were not invited:

They are there to discuss the Khashoggi matter. They are trying to figure out how to release the truth about Khashoggi. He is NOT dead. He is also not available for anyone to meet. The heads of the special powers that be, US, Russia, China, Turkey, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, know exactly where he is. Let’s just say Khashoggi fucked them all. He turned their own unacknowledged special-application-program weapon against them. He had the access codes.”

The Russians responded by sending the horrific photographs below of Khashoggi’s dismembered body with his face peeled off.
It seems that the Khazarians worshipers of Satan have an instrument that can detach people’s faces while they are still alive. Apparently it serves to give as much pain as possible to the victim in the sacrifice at Ba’al, say Jewish sources of the WDS.
However, the CIA source, putting in front of the photographs, insisted that his information was correct and said that the photos could be simulated. He said that DNA testing and comparison of dental records are needed to ascertain their identity.
In any case, Pentagon sources say that this horrible act led to a “global Saudi boycott” that could include not only EU captains of the Airbus, Siemens, ABB and EDF industry, but also the Asian giants Samsung, Hyundai, Sumitomo and could advance with an EU arms embargo, of which even [Canadian Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau is under pressure to cancel a $ 15 billion arms deal approved by [his predecessor Stephen] Harper. ”
Furthermore, “with the EU Parliament’s 325-1 vote for an EU led arms embargo leaded by Angela Merkel, Trump could be forced to use the EU arms embargo in Saudi Arabia to push the embargo on weapons“, sources say.
Khashoggi was assassinated because he was about to denounce the use of chemical weapons by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, according to the Express newspaper in England.
Now there is a big push from the Khazarians to get Khashoggi out of the news, say the Pentagon sources.
They add that the alleged murder of 11 Jews in a synagogue in Pittsburgh last week was “a false flag Hail Mary failed to convince Trump to ignore Jewish electoral fraud and the caravan of migrants, arms control, and give to community funds taxpayers’ money for security and settle the Jews victim in view of the truth about the 9/11 attack and the invasion of Gaza“.
However, my friend lives a few blocks away from the Christopher North College where the shooting took place, he says the shots really took place so much that he knows the families of some of the victims.
He also questioned the local blood bank and was able to confirm that there was a huge demand for blood from local hospitals after the shooting.
His daughter Sophia filmed the consequences and posted it on this YouTube link.
Nevertheless, former CIA agent Robert David Steele notes that, “We now know from a review of all past false flags, that Zionists are more than happy to kill their brethren (Argentina, the center of the Jewish community) and the Americans (USS Cole, USS Liberty, 9/11). Their goal: to legalize censorship on #GoogleGestapo where anyone who asks about something is considered “anti-Semitic“.
Hopefully the Jewish people will soon be freed from over 3,000 years of Babylonian imprisonment and will no longer have to be massacred by their secret masters for propaganda reasons
Meanwhile, a member of an Asian Secret Society had the following advice for Westerners who fought to get rid of the Khazarians.

They always come with a duality – fascism or communism – and there is no other choice, either we let the Chinese communists take power or we will become slaves of fascist Europe,” he says. “It’s 2018, two hundred years after Waterloo’s prowess, and I really hope the soft side has learned something useful,” he added.

The source says: “As soon as the United States begins to arrest the likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as a show of good faith from the United States,” the Asians will send tons of gold via US navy “to be piled on the lawn in front of the White House to make it see the world.” And Trump will be able to issue new money from the gold sent to him, he promises.

It was advised to take a look at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to see for themselves that the facilities had been built for a huge number of prisoners.
We are now hearing that the arrests will start after the half-term elections on 6 November.

It is likely that this is coordinated with a Russian move to abolish the Khazarian regime in Ukraine, but all we can say is that there is an operational silence throughout the United States and Russia, which indicates that some major coordinated operation is taking place.
However, the CIA source mentioned above said that many of the criminals that people want arrested have already died and all they will be able to arrest will be “computer graphics or clones“.

Perhaps, but, a criminal who can be arrested is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu went to Oman last week hoping that the Sultan would provide him protection from imminent arrest, say Mossad sources.

The sources of the Agnelli family, the Rothschilds and the P2, claim to hope, as the Japanese expression says, to “cut the tail of the lizard to escape” by sacrificing Netanyahu and the false Mohammed bin Salman to protect themselves.
This means that special forces will have to break into California’s tech companies like Google, Facebook, Paypal and big pharmaceutical companies [Big Pharma], as well as Central Banks, if they want to end this.

It would also help if we could end the incarceration with false accusations of other freedom fighters like Winston Shrout. For details, see this YouTube link .
Another thing to keep in mind is that, according to CIA sources, many in the elites are pretending to be dead in hopes of evading justice or revenge.
The source says that the reported death of Thai billionaire Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha in a helicopter crash is an example.

Vichai was NOT on the helicopter, read the article carefully, someone close to the family reported the information to the BBC, and now he became another member of the elite to disappear from the scene, he is not sympathetic to many of the old clans of Thailand in Bangkok, a good way to get out of your search forever.”

You can actually participate in crippling the Deep State organized criminal cabal, while enjoying healthcare freedom at the same time, by boycotting Big Pharma for good.

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Benjamin Fulford Geo-Political News and Analysis, 2018-10-29

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