Benjamin Fulford – Gnostic iLLUMiNATi Targets Bloodline Elite | 2021 Offensive Begins

All Seeing Eye (foto Tumblr)
Dalai Lama Intimite with Young Boy (video Telegram)

Benjamin Fulford (foto Before Its News)

Gnostic iLLUMiNATi Targets Bloodline Elite | 2021 Offensive Begins

The Gnostic iLLUMiNATi have announced that Special Forces will be hunting down and arresting or, if necessary, executing the following war criminals.
Queen Elizabeth II, Pope Francis, Aga Khan IV, the Dalai Lama, Ayatollah Khameini of Iran, David Rockefeller Jr, the Swiss and French branches of the Rothschild Family, Gianmario Ferramonti of the P3 Freemasons, Victor Emanuel, the Agnelli brothers, Benjamin Netanyahu, Baron Jarod Kenneth Wilhelm Thyssen DeCoste and many others.

These people have been put on the target list because they have been publicly promoting mass injection of experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that change DNA function based on a provably fraudulent Pandemic. This is attempted Genocide and merits the Death Penalty under current International Law, MI6, Pentagon, CIA, Asian Secret Society, and Gnostic Illuminati sources agree.

These people are also the highest ranking identifiable members of the politburo of the Khazarian Mafia, the sources agree. By arresting and questioning them, a clear path towards planetary liberation can be made possible.

This is the group that controls an ancient system of Totalitarianism known as Babylonian Debt Slavery and is symbolized by an Eye at the top of a Pyramid.

This system of slavery has been traced back to the group that handed the Ten Commandments to Moses. If you read the uncensored versions of the Bible, you will find that the so called “God,” who handed over these Commandments threatened to kill people with arrows, murdered a series of Jewish leaders, and demanded tribute in the form of gold, silver, sheepskins dyed red, aroma oil, etcetera. This is not a “God,” but rather a highly sophisticated group of human slavers known to the common people as “Satan.

This writer has a personal reason to agree with the iLLUMiNATi , the world’s Intelligence agencies, and thousands of lawyers that this ongoing pandemic fraud needs to be the subject of a Nuremberg style War Crimes Tribunal. Last week I got the following letter.

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan

100 0005 Japan, Tokyo to,
Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi, 3-2-3,
Marunouchi Nijubashi Building 5F
Tel +81-3-3211-3161 Fax:+81-3-3211-3168
March 5, 2021
Re: Masks in the Club

Dear Mr Benjamin S Fulford.

The FCCJ Board would like to remind you it is Club policy that everyone should wear a mask while on the premises, except while eating or drinking, while the pandemic continues. The scientific evidence indicates this is an effective way of reducing the risk of infection with a virus that can otherwise result in death or serious, long term illness. The Board has been informed that you have at times refused to comply with this requirement. While we value your contributions to the Club, it is unfair to cause other members or staff to fear for their lives or health, whatever your own personal beliefs may be about Corona Virus 19 or masks. While on Club premises, please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth. If you feel unable to do so, we ask that you avoid visiting the Club during the Pandemic. Thank you for your cooperation.

The FCCJ Board

Here was my reply.

Please inform the Board that I would be happy to comply if they are willing to provide me with the scientific evidence. Otherwise as a journalist who seeks truth from facts I will be informing the world they are acting based on superstition. Neither the CDC nor the WHO have provided proof the virus exists. So in the interests of journalism, I challenge them to a fact based debate on the subject. If they refuse to debate me I will not comply.

Since they did not answer me, I suspect the real reason they wanted to force the mask issue is that on March 2nd, I ruined their attempt to whitewash the March 11, 2011 mass murder attack on Fukushima, Japan. They had Kiyoshi Kurokawa, who headed the Japanese Parliamentary Inquiry on Fukushima, come to try to whitewash the incident by blaming it on Japanese Government incompetence.

However, I asked Kurokawa why the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu was drilling into the ocean floor at the exact epicenter of the earthquake in the weeks prior to the disaster. I also pointed out that Japanese and Australian Military Intelligence said a nuclear weapon had been placed on board the ship. I also asked why the Israeli Company Magna BSP had been put in charge of security at the Fukushima Plant immediately before the disaster. This prompted Kurokawa to go rogue on his handlers by saying “The Japanese people were not protected by Military force.” In other words, the US and Japanese Military failed in their duty on that day.

Getting back to the “pandemic,” it is a basic tenet of logic that you cannot prove something does not exist but that you can prove something exists. So someone can say, “there is a galaxy made out of purple spaghetti” and nobody can prove them wrong. However, if the elite wants people to choke themselves with unhygienic masks to “fight a virus,” they need to prove it exists. So far, neither the CDC nor the WHO nor anybody else has been able to produce a single sample of the so called Corona Virus 19, or Sars Cov 2, or whatever else they are calling it. By contrast, there is an overwhelming body of evidence that the vaccine pushers are using insurance fraud and other means to force doctors to label illnesses such as influenza, pneumonia, the common cold, and tuberculosis as “Corona Virus 19.”

That is why a Military and legal campaign has begun against the Khazarian Mafia politburo. Here is what MI6 has to say on the subject.

The evidence we have points back to the World Bank in 1975 being the root cause analysis of preplanning of the “Pandemic”. What gave the military concern was SIONICS in tandem with the nano particulates contained in the vaccines and then all hell broke loose and we went into the offensive over defensive.
SIONICS means Systems of Insurgency Negation and Counter Subversion – basically zapping your political opponents or quelling population uprisings. Genocide is not far off what this is all about and the Population Reduction madness of the Luciferian Cult controlling the United Nations.

Also, last week the Asian Secret Societies and the White Dragon Society and their allies contacted the Knights of Malta and Western Secret Societies about improving the manner in which this planet we all share is run. The leaders of the Western Secret Societies said…

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Go to Benjamin’s site it read the article in full today. Alternatively We will post the full article here with an update when it becomes available publicly in a few days.

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