Atelier de la Liberté – YOUNG OBAMA IN ISLAMISTS COSTUMES + Dr Slobodan Radojev Mitric – OPERATION TWINS, 11 september 2001

President Barack Obama in The White House (gif Giphy)
Barack Husein Obama (foto YouTube)

Mission Accomplised (foto YouTube)
Vlastimir Đorđević (foto Wikipedia)


Published  10 jul. 2016

iris de vries

US Media in Shock | There is A Photo of A Young Obama in Islamiste Costumes!

YES, this Man is President of the United States!

US Media in Shock | There is A Photo of A Young Obama in Islamiste Costumes!

Friday, July 8, 2016

It has Long Geleden Published, More during the First Election Hussein Obama We (RPI and Wace), We know that Even 1982 Years that were the Latent Government of America Plans at the Beginning of the Nieuwe Millennium to A Black Person of the Islamic Faith to be the Resident of America () In the NovelOperation TwinsAll about it. Published in Detail at the Request of US President Ronald Reagan and Congress Man Phil Crene () Our Source of this Information was A Senior CIA Operations Officer Michael Djordjevic, named Mike, Mike is Son from the First Marriage of  General Vlastimir Djordjevic, A Former Professor at the Military Intelligence School in California, which is Organized in the Framework of the Contract of America (…) the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Kidnapping Draža Mihailović, 1946 to 1957 and in Later Years was Special Investigatve Prosecutor | Judge in the Liquidation of the Remaining Ravna Gorara Strijders include Bjelica and Medenica (…) Dr Milorad G Markovic, Tachtiger. in Those Early Years was Vice President (Director) RPI for the World, Acted as Liaison Officer Interstate our RPI and the CIA and so we submitted This Information and at the Same Time that he was at that Time President All Serbian Congress in America () At the End of the Nineties Milorad Disappeared from this World into Mexico, the Day he had Ontmoeting with the Mexican Coach for the National Team Bora Milutinovic () About this Secret Meeting, except Bora and Dr Markvić was Only Known to Mike Djordjevic and one Milorados Milosevic and Mira, Markovic Cousin, who was then in Republika Serbia was an SDB Ambtenaar in Belgrade and was with Milorad on A Visit. After that Dr Milorad G Markovic was Gone, he returned to Belgrade, where Many Years Later was A Candidate for the Police Director Now Occupied by the Republic of Serbia (…) This Secret Meeting in Mexico was Organized by Michael Djordjevic (Triple Mossad Intelligence = UDBA and CIA, which after the Disappearance of Dr Markovic took the Helm of the President of All Serbian Congres in America and Overnight became A Multi Billionaire (One Billion and Some $ 100 Million = I can Not Really Remember Exactly Amounted To (), maar Everything is Documented by me and if Necessary I can Bewijzen = Supply that was the Money that The White House Decision to Demolish SFR Yugoslavia after my Statement at the Request of The White House, where I explained in Detail how the Dollar Yellow, Vert are needed for the Bag) (...) In the NovelOperation Twins” (9/11) is described in Detail on which Candidate for President of the United States, which is 1982. Years Ahead. CIA Chosen will be the Beginning of the New Millennium, should be, President pf the USA (…) id est before the Man appeared in Chicago with Identity which still owns A Real Black Medieval Islamic Religion, was Slain in ACar Accident‘ in Australia and is A Member of A Jewish Tribe Walashe from Ethiopia, where the CIA and Mossad have Prepared since Jeugd on A Special Mission in which he proved han that he is Able to Fulfill Everything that was Expected of him () It was Not until 1986 Years tells him that he was Chosen for the Highest Public Office in the USA and will the US President will be Beginning of the New Millennium = on him. A Few Years Ago I Personally Progressed Reef which was even 1982 Years to me Informed that he would be at the Beginning of the New Millennium, the US President, but now I knew that a Few Years before it Announced to ” Hussein” () Many who knew the Truth were Slain ()That Guy I call ” Kunta Kinte‘ to his New Role, maar there are New Times and the Truth is So and So, will get on Day Light. For All Dodelijk, which is Fast, the ‘Kunta Kinte‘ ‘has Nothing To Do with the Murders and had No Idea that  the Murders happened, he is A Kind Man and that of our Call Serbian Aleksandar Vucic (…) ‘ Kunta Kinte‘ “is A Brilliant Actor and Carried Out the Orders of the Latent World Government  Excellent, at Least until Now () The Man, who Dr Milorad G Markovic Vermoord has, raises, in Those Times was A Major Prison Sentence, about 65 Years, but that Horrible Misdaad, to him, A Radiant Fund Refraction Verlengd 3 Months () and daarna Grace. Read the Novels, ” Operation Twins” and ”Tajna‘ (Tajna S Secret) and you will know, Then All Will Be Clear () Slobodan Slobodan, THE WORLD DIRECTOR  |  RESERVE POLICE  |  INTERNATIONAL & WACE.


OPERATION TWINS, 11 september 2001

Operation Twins (foto

Gepubliceerd 18 dec. 2009

>Slobodan Pivljanin


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