ACH | (1193) Frederick C Blackburn – Final Words of David Goldberg + Israël Today News | Friends of David Goldberg – Corona Virus R0 | R Naught + GENOCIDE

The Final Words of David Goldberg and Their Relevance Today



Recorded on Feb 19, 2020
Speakers: Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Frederick C Blackburn

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 19, 2020, Andy is joined by Frederick C Blackburn, for a show entitled, “The Final Words Of David Goldberg And Their Relevance Today.”

We discussed: Israel’s concern that between 7% and 15% of Americans are now well aware of Zionism and its’ implications; Project Pogo’s team of internet gatekeepers; Project Zyphrs plan to eliminate millions of Americans; the blackouts planned for America; the plan for Donald Trump to declare himself the King of Israel; David Goldberg’s claims that he was being surveilled and wiretapped; the plan to unleash a deadly flu outbreak on America; how the enemy cannot tolerate any resistance to their plan for World Government; the planned financial collapse; Frederick’s investigation into David Goldberg’s background and his work; the tricks Veterans of the Troll Wars have learned; how programs like Project Pogo and Project Zyphr have existed in the past; the Gulag Model slipping into American Politics; and many other topics.

Click Here For The Friends Of David Goldberg Post Andy Read At The Start Of The Show

Click Here For The Friends Of David Goldberg Post Andy Read At The End Of The Show

Click Here For The YouTube Of David Goldberg’s Final Words Which We Played On The Show

Click Here For Frederick’s Website, Feb 19, 2020

Corona Virus R0 | R Naught and Death Rate “Chilling,” According to Military Source

We received the following communication from Project Zyphr Whistle blower Tom ( today, which we are posting below in full, with added links:


Corona Virus R naught

The classified documents relating to Project Zyphr say that “targetedViruses will play a role in eliminating American Patriots, before and during the economic collapse.

Not only did David share this information with me, I saw it with my own eyes. So once news broke on this current outbreak, I immediately contacted my military source for his take on this.

My source is a life long, close friend, whose intel has never failed me in our decades long relationship. I can’t share his rank or position within the military, all I can say is, he would be privy to some material that would circulate within the Joint Chiefs or White House. This is, in part, due to his many contacts and friends throughout the military.

He is who I was waiting for, to give me confirmation of what is transpiring, because I have no first hand knowledge of everything going on

He has told me the following and gave me permission to release all of this. I want you guys to put this into bullet points on the blog. I‘m also going to share a few direct quotes from him, because his words carry a lot of weight with me and I think people should hear it from him:

The Virus is a bioweapon, created in a lab, for the purpose of mass culling and death. He called it “chilling” in nature.
He said the Virus is highly communicable, with a long incubation period in which it is contagious, and attacks the respiratory system and kidneys.
He said the R0 or R Naught is “above 4, and they’ll figure that out soon enough.”
He sent me an article from ZeroHedge featuring a Harvard professor raising alarm on Twitter, which he said was “accurate.”
He said to find clues, “look at Event 201.” He said,You have people in power who eat children while they are alive. Now you need to consider what would stop people like that from releasing something like this. Nothing would, they are that evil.”
I asked if the “timeline” had changed from what he had told me in the past, and from what was indicated in the documents; that timeline indicated that 2021 was the year to look out for in terms of collapse and these events accelerating. He said he didn’t know but that “this is what we were waiting for and what we should expect. Events have been moving in this direction.”
He said, “There is meaning behind the purposeful release of this in China and the city in which this occurred. That meaning will not be apparent or known to many for a very long time.
If Chinese authorities looked inept in the beginning, they were. They suppressed knowledge of it from early December. But now they are taking reasonable action. They are extremely concerned.”
I asked him if any of his information had been gleaned from any direct knowledge or classified material he had seen, and he said he had been in meeting about the Virus in the past week. That meeting detailed the seriousness of the issue, and the government’s planned response. He also said he learned other information from other sources, which he said “were more honest than what we heard in the meeting.
He said the US Government will respond soon, but that “allowing the flights from China into the US, which is suicide, is intentional. This could have been stopped, it wasn’t, but there will be a show of it soon, far too late but presented as the correct timing.”
He said, “I can’t confirm what I‘m about to tell you, but the Virus was designed to target certain races over others. I don’t know which ones.”
He said “it’s so dangerous it could infect a Billion people” but that he is still seeking verification on the death rate. He said it was “way beyond 3%and “at least 15% even in healthy people.”
He said, “The US news Media has been behind on this story. Normally they look for any reason to hype something, but not on this. That tells you they’re following some kind of script. The hype may come later, but it should have come sooner.
He said the “timeline could accelerate here in a way we aren’t prepared for.” He said, I only know for a fact collapse is coming. If they moved up the timeline, this could be it.”
He indicated the seriousness of it will depend on Western hygiene standards and response “which could limit its spread” but considering the slow US response so far, it is “inevitable it will spread early on.”
I‘m going to provide more info on how to prepare for this, so let’s do another blog post separately on that topic soon. Just get this up and out there.

Stay safe,


USA GENOCIDE 20212025 AD – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr” is a (1) t/m (10) video series from whistle blower and friend of David Goldberg, who is only known by his first name, Tom. Please view our channel for previous videos for context.

As Friends of David Goldberg, we share no political view or bias. Our purpose is to follow David’s instructions and present the information left to us. We make no claim as to the truth or veracity of these claims. Hostile, threatening comments will be removed.

Israel Today News | Friends of David Goldberg, Monday, January 27, 2020, 12:45


January 27, 2020 at 2:35 AM
The tech behind this is so nefarious its hard to believe someone would deploy it.
The virus was designed specifically to react to 5G EM waves.
When 5G comes in contact with the virus it causes the virus to genetically mutate. The end result is you have a virus for which a cure cannot be developed because its constantly changing into another virus.
The end result is you’ll have millions of mutated strains all with different effects on the human body. Its literally going to be hell on Earth

January 27, 2020 at 8:21 PM
WOW. I had not heard this about 5G causing mutations in pathogens. Is this confirmed? Are you able to point us to a source where we can read up on it? Thanks.

February 10, 2020 at 2:24 PM
Straight War

January 27, 2020 at 2:36 AM
You guys, find your local good spirited chinese food and herb market, not fast food rather, local markets, smaller ones with high herb sales volume are best, one herb that kills various viruses is Fo-Ti, or Ho Shu Wu, or Shu Wu Chi. Same herb in all three titles. This is a powerful root herb that is tonifying and astringent, warming to kidneys and urinary bladder, circulation and foundation energy enhancer. Note that the two affected areas of this bug affect kidneys and respitory areas. In chinese medicine, the lungs open to the kidneys as respiration is to inspiration. Now to clear lung heat of dry cough, use pears and or pear juice three times a day three days will loosen and moisten dry problem. Expect to expel now moist old toxins from lungs. If you are weak from damp lung heat, i.e. a chest cold or bronchitis, use mix of Fratillary Loquat compound in concentrated syrup or strong liquid, then power up immune system with Rieshi, Shitaki, and Miataki mushroom extract for three to seven days, two to three times a day, depends how sensitive one is. You will feel slight ill as responce is killing toxins from body, then fast with distilled water during last day or teo of therapy. The body is amazing at fighting these things, the poor food and air water issues are specific to weaken us to point of falling ill to these dam bugs. Eat right, drink only pure water distilled or glacial and work on cleansing and tonifying with herbs and nutrients, good offence for best défence is a good start.

January 27, 2020 at 8:23 PM
I will be avoiding my Chinese neighbours for now, but thanks.

February 10, 2020 at 2:24 PM
Thank U. F

January 27, 2020 at 2:42 AM
Read up on how people dropped dead during Spanish Flu novel Viruses trigger an immune response called a “cytokine storm.In some cases it’s your own body killing you if you have a strong immune system, in other cases it’s the Virus killing you if you have a weak immune system. So you’ll want to take supplements based on your health, because some supplements put your immune system into hyperdrive and you may not want that.

January 27, 2020 at 2:47 AM
This is much worse than people can imagine. It’s going to accelerate. I read something that the FEMA director has already told Trump to declare martial law.

January 27, 2020 at 2:51 AM
An outside venue in full sun is the safest area as UV breaks down the DNA of the Virus when exposed to the sun.

January 29, 2020 at 2:19 AM
Thanks much for your replies, folks, and ahh, yeah, anon, I let that one get past me, let’s call my vernacular, well, was not all together, ah, well, you get me. I’m certain. So to other readers here of these posts, this is Vince, ahhh, reading loud and clear, posting and, yeah folks, it’s a bit unnerving sharing and posting at this channel and blog, but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained. I’m gonna get me a tutan mail. Hail Mary. Full of grace.

January 28, 2020 at 1:56 AM
Here is why Wuhan is important from Bloomberg Markets and Finance: How Can the Coronavirus Impact China’s Economy? speed up to 1 minute. Disruption to supply chain, Wuhan is a very important industrial center. It’s essentially the Chicago of Northern China, a very big steel producing area.

January 28, 2020 at 4:08 AM
Just get sea water, it cures every disease on planet earth. Check the video. Sea water can cure every disease on earth.

January 29, 2020 at 3:45 AM
If your city runs out of anti Viral medication, resveratrol will be your only effective defence for yourself and elderly loved ones. This is not a meme. I currently have a six month dosage supply of 500 mg to 1 g daily dose for myself and extended family.
Vitamin C and Zinc (lozenges are best) are also essential to inhibit the Virus in your body.

January 29, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Resveratrol is effective at preventing or even treating MERS, however it amps up ACE2 expression which, is how this corona invades the cell.
In other words; you’re burning the door the zombies are banging on.

January 29, 2020 at 3:51 AM

January 29, 2020 at 8:26 PM
Not sure whether it will work but I’m going to make thieves oil essential oils (duck, duck it) and colloidal silver. But I’ll study the above mentioned tips too. Thanks for this blog, just found it today as the YT channel friends of. It connects all the dots I’ve found over the years, so yeah, not a gatekeeper or cointel, finally sigh (pursued lots of dead end alleys in the rabbit hole). Wish I’d been smarter through the years with my name etc.

February 7, 2020 at 2:23 AM
Can you please talk about the dates in David’s notes??
Here’s the notes:
Why do you keep deleting my comments? You deleted the notes video and now you are deleting the link to the notes, PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THESE

USA GENOCIDE 20212025 AD – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr (1 t/m 3)

David Goldberg’s close friend, Tom, relates more information on Project Zyphr, Project Pogo, the TTID Program, AI Program, a classified food distribution program revealed for the first time, and tips on how to get out of the USA and Northern Hemisphere before the economic collapse coming to these areas in early 2021.

USA GENOCIDE 20212025 AD, Survival Guide for Project Zyphr (1)

Published on 6 dec. 2019

Whistle blower Tom relates more information on Project Zyphr, Project Pogo, the TTID Program, AI Program, and tips on how to get out of the USA before the economic collapse coming in 2021. Skip to 12:04 for the Q&A section. Skip to 1:02:52 for life




USA GENOCIDE 2021 –  2025 AD – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr” will be a (1 t/m 10) series of videos. (2 )will cover President Trump, (3) will cover Disinfo Campaigns, (4) will cover Safe Zones. More subjects will follow.

Please view our channel for previous videos for context, as well as our blog located here:

Viewers are encouraged to share this information on social media, news websites and on other channels, as David Goldberg’s hope was to spread this information to as many people as possible while there is still time to act.

As Friends of David Goldberg, we share no political view or bias. Our purpose is to follow David’s instructions and present the information left to us. We make no claim as to the truth or veracity of these claims. Hostile, malicious, threatening, misleading or defamatory comments will be removed and those who issue them will be banned from the channel immediately.

#ProjectZyphr #EconomicCollapse #DavidGoldberg


USA GENOCIDE 20212025 AD, The Collapse and Trump (2)

Published on 11 dec. 2019

Whistle blower Tom speaks about threats our channel has received, the upcoming economic collapse and Trump’s true role. Skip to 12:09 for continued discussion of the threats, collapse discussion starts at 20:44, Tom responds to comments at 46:15 and Tom discusses the Trump Presidency starting at 1:02:51



USA GENOCIDE 2021 – 2025 AD – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr” is a (1) t/m (10) series of videos which covers Project Zyphr, Project Pogo, the TTID Program, the AI Program, Qanon and other classified information. (3) will cover Disinfo Campaigns, (4) will cover Safe Zones. More subjects will follow.

Please view our channel for previous videos for context, as well as our blog located here:

Viewers are encouraged to share this information on social media, news websites and on other channels, as David Goldberg’s hope was to spread this information to as many people as possible while there is still time to act.

As Friends of David Goldberg, we share no political view or bias. Our purpose is to follow David’s instructions and present the information left to us. We make no claim as to the truth or veracity of these claims. Hostile, malicious, threatening, misleading or defamatory comments will be removed and those who issue them will be banned from the channel immediately.


USA GENOCIDE 20212025 AD Project Zyphr and The End Game (3)

Published on 27 dec. 2019

Tom discusses Project Zyphr and “The End Game” in detail, along with new updates, info on safe zones and his replies to viewer comments. At 4:50 begins a complete recap of Project Zyphr & Pogo. At 33:59 a discussion on nano chips. At 36:46 options for getting out of the USA. At 45:52 safe zones. At 51:52 Tom addresses viewer comments.


USA GENOCIDE 20212025 AD – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr” is a (1) t/m (10) series of videos which covers Project Zyphr, Project Pogo, the TTID Program, the AI Program, Qanon and other classified information.

Please view our channel for previous videos for context, as well as our blog located here

Viewers are encouraged to share this information on social media, news websites and on other channels, as David Goldberg’s hope was to spread this information to as many people as possible while there is still time to act.

As Friends of David Goldberg, we share no political view or bias. Our purpose is to follow David’s instructions and present the information left to us. We make no claim as to the truth or veracity of these claims. Hostile, malicious, threatening, misleading or defamatory comments will be removed and those who issue them will be banned from the channel immediately.

#ProjectZyphr #Trump #DavidGoldberg


USA GENOCIDE 2021 2025 AD – Survival Guide for Project Zyphr” will be a (1) t/m (10) series of videos. (2) will cover President Trump, (3) will cover Disinfo Campaigns, (4) will cover Safe Zones. More subjects will follow. Please view our channel for previous videos for context.

Here are some of the important highlights revealed in (1)

Project Zyphr’s goal is to remove 12 15 Million American Patriots, Christians, free thinkers and anyone critical of Israel from American society and place most of them in vast underground bases across the US.
Project Zyphr will accomplish its goals by making use of power outages, Viral outbreaks, as well as a program involving advanced, small drones which will enter people’s homes by drilling holes in their windows. The drones will enter and then fire bursts of scopolamine and other hypnotizing compounds at its sleeping victims, and induce them to walk out of their homes into waiting vans and buses, to be transported to the underground bases.
Project Zyphr’s goals also include a gruesome Adrenochrome extraction program that will involve the above abductees while they are housed in the underground bases.
Project Pogo is a disinfo operation that has compromised hundreds of Patriot, Qanon, Pro Trump, Prepper and free thinker conspiracy YouTube channels and other media outlets. The goal of Project Pogo is to keep Americans “trapped” in America by encouraging them to “stay and fight” a hopeless battle against a militarized operation conducted by a Satanic World Order of elites who control the most advanced technology on Earth.
A classified food distribution program will be used to limit Americans’ ability to farm, and has been underway for years to phase out America’s farms and food production. Bacteria based food creation technology is used to create food in large vats in warehouses; these foods lack nutrients but look the same as food grown on trees and in the ground.

Viewers are encouraged to share this information on social media, news websites and on other channels, as David’s hope was to spread this information to as many people as possible while there is still time to act.

As Friends of David Goldberg, we share no political view or bias. Our purpose is to follow David’s instructions and present the information left to us. We make no claim as to the truth or veracity of these claims. Hostile, threatening comments will be removed

#ProjectZyphr #EconomicCollapse #5GRisks

Israel Today News | Friends of David Goldberg, Friday, December 6, 2019


December 6, 2019 at 9:13 PM
I heard it was gonna start in 2020.

December 7, 2019 at 4:41 PM
Hey Tom, thank you for all the information you are providing. The fact that no one else is talking about any of this lends a great deal of credibility to you in my eyes, so much of it just rings true, the pieces fit together better than anything the other disinfo agents are saying.
I have a question, maybe you will answer and maybe not. There was the note from David with the list of important dates on it. What was the event that took place on November 3rd? What are we supposed to be looking for for that and the future dates?

December 7, 2019 at 10:31 PM
This was one of the most riveting and enlightening videos I‘ve listened to in a long time.
I‘ve been an Alex Jones fan for years, but now I feel like you’re delivering much better info, much more accurate. I‘ll be watching, reading and supporting you going forward and sharing your info on my Facebook. I think more people need to hear and read this.

December 8, 2019 at 7:34 AM
I have added several of David’s videos to my website at Please help promote my site to help educate people of the dangers and threats we face!
Don’t be scared! Be prepared! Know your enemy!

December 12, 2019 at 3:09 PM
I had a family member who was a career soldier tell me it is time for genocide in this country, I DO NOT have the recourses to move out of country like you did, please pray for me and my children in this time, I am very, very scared!
I already knew about the “adrenochrome“. They refer to them as pine cones, I think, they LOVE them from children, that’s what’s happening with all these missing children in our country.

December 12, 2019 at 8:09 PM
I see you took down the video with David’s notes, what is the reason? I was hoping to watch it again.

Friends of David Goldberg
December 25, 2019 at 3:34 AM
We were ordered to remove it via legal request.

December 13, 2019 at 11:48 AM
According to Islamic religious book Hadith which mentioned that before appear of Imam Mahdi two third population of the world will die due to random War crime genocide & epidemic diseases. World depopulation agenda of iLLUMiNATi indicates the same. So there’s no contradiction between both. But question appears how will 500 crores population die? Yes, besides WWIII killing large number of population is impossible. Active nuclear weapons of World stock about 10.000 and signal beckons these weapons will use in WWIII & reduce population. Post reaction or post radiation will create epidemic diseases to fulfill the number of deaths. So WWIII will be the preface War of dazzle which doesn’t need to appear dazzle physically, because currently there are many associates of dazzle to accomplish his crime. Only he will appear after rise of Imam Mahdi, because Imam Mahdi will be a gift of the almighty God and the God’s devine help will be with him. So besides physical appearance of dazzle none shall be able confront him. And due to WWIII disasters then there shall be no modern fighting weapons, so War with dazzle versus Imam Mahdi & prophet ISA ibne Maryam will be held with sword. So I think this is a preface genocide episode before to appear Iman Mahdi & prophet ISA ibne Maryam i.e. Christians Messiah. So now it’s the duty of western Christians to organise & confront for stability and existence of human civilization.

December 18, 2019 at 10:42 PM
Hi, I do live in Germany and I would really appreciate your advice on the Safe Zones and or Countries here in Western EUrope or the Eastern EUropean countries. Would it be safe to move to Hungary or Bulgaria? I want to get out of here ASAP! Your videos scared the shit out of me. Thanks.

February 2, 2020 at 1:54 AM
Hi, I’m in the Netherlands. Did you choose a destination already? Africa would be a logical destination (Tom mentioned Namibië and a few other countries I don’t remember), but somehow Africa doesn’t really appeal to me (yet).

December 23, 2019 at 9:45 AM
Folks, stay calm and analyze all the things Tom is telling you! He has not once mentioned Jesus Christ of Nazareth as his lord and savior. Anybody can say they are a Christian. Also if you live by faith and not by sight, study and know your bible, then you should not be alarmed. Jesus has always kept it simple, so just do what he would do! Love, Care & Serve. Stand in faith with the body of Christ! Get ready mentally, spiritually and physically for the Black Awakening, that is to come! The War has already been won or lost, it just depends on what side your on. Stop believing in man and start believing in Jesus! That about sums it up, Yup!

January 7, 2020 at 9:47 PM
No offense but Christians and their turn the other cheek attitude who are stuck on ‘religion‘ enabled the Jewish Zionist supremacist to unleash the demon on humanity in the name of religion. They helped to turn America into a Bolshevik Communist Gulag. James Madison warned about it too.
December 28, 2019 at 5:09 AM
I have concluded that I have a fool proof way to determine within a 90% degree of certainty if someone is legit or not. People who are serious and sincere about waking people up and educating them to the truth, then they will help promote my website. If they are unwilling to promote my website, I have to conclude that they are not legit or sincere. If you are legit and sincere, I expect to hear a video very soon telling people where to go to learn what they need to know and what they need to share with everyone they know, so we can educate as many people as possible before it is truly too late. My website is I have added several of your videos to the website.
I have other domains that mirror the content on via iframes, that may be less offensive and safer to promote on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone who truly wants to make a difference to not share this content.
Mirrored Sites
If you have a website or blog that allows iFrames, you can also mirror content, allowing people to view it on your website directly. Learn more about how to embed the iframe in this video – “ Update & iframe Embed Information” – You can download the index.html and instructions from
Don’t be scared! Be prepared! Know your enemy! Visit my website at to learn more!

December 30, 2019 at 6:54 PM
Hi, I was able to screen shot and save most of David’s notes, I uploaded them here:
I really hope you leave this comment up so people can see the notes. I know you had some legal issues but people really need to see these. Not everyone got to see them before you removed the video.

February 16, 2020 at 1:23 PM

January 7, 2020 at 9:37 PM
There is no running from the demon loosed upon us. I got beat down in the Netherlands in the 1980’s and people thought I was seeing ghost, I was crazy. I fled to America and got hit by the same Marxist violence and oppression, but I survived it. Judge Janice Rogers-Brown addressed this planned genocide in America in a speech at the Federalist Society is 2000. There is no running, standing up to the dictatorial minds is only way out. People gave the corrupt politicians the power and the people have to reclaim their freedom.

February 2, 2020 at 1:59 AM
In opstand komen werkt alleen als voldoende mensen dat doen. Hier in NL zijn er maar heel weinig mensen, die zien wat er gaande is.

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