aangirfan – MI6 HELPED GADDAFI ESCAPE FROM LIBYA? + Al Jazeera – The Lust for Libya: How a Nation was Torn Apart

Muammar Gaddhafi (foto Aangirfan)


Gaddafi has many mansions in Harare.
On 27 September 2013, The Daily Telegraph reveals the MI6 plot to help Muammar Gaddafi escape from Libya (https://www.telegraph.co.UK/news/UKnews/defence/10339439/SecretMI6plot-to-help-ColonelGaddafiescapeLibyarevealed.html)
According to The Telegraph:

1. The plan was drawn up at the highest levels of the British Government.
2. Andrew Mitchell, A UK government minister, was sent to make certain contacts with the government of Equatorial Guinea.

Equatorial Guinea & Zimbabwe (foto Aangirfan)

Equatorial Guinea & Zimbabwe (foto Aangirfan)

3. There has always been speculation that Gaddafi left Libya around October 2011, the time when Gaddafi was allegedly killed.

4. Matthew d’Ancona, A top journalist at The Telegraph, interviewed key UK government figures.

Edwin P Wilson (foto Aangirfan)

Edwin P Wilson (foto Aangirfan)

CIA agent Edwin P Wilson recruited Gadaffi in 1977, and the CIA shipped Libya over 2.000 pounds of explosives,” says former CIA agent Lester Coleman (DIA Agent’s Book, Trail of the Octopus – From Beirut To Lockerbie, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_the_Octopus_(book)).

According to The Telegraph:

5. In 2011, MI6 prepared to move Gaddafi to Equatorial Guinea, which does not recognise the International Criminal Court.

6. The Cabinet Office and MI6prepared an exit strategy for Gaddafi in case it was necessary to strike A deal and to end the conflict.

7. UK cabinet minister Andrew Mitchellwas able to assist the officials tasked with these delicate contingency plans, helping make the necessary contacts in the capital, Malabo, and elsewhere“.

Equatorial Guineawas chosen as A prospective retirement home“.

Gaddafi & Nicolas Sarkozy (foto aangirfan)

Muammar Gaddafi & Nicolas Sarkozy (foto Aangirfan)

Top Freemasons. GADDAFI‘S CIA CONNECTIONS (http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/10/GaddafisCIAconnections.html)

According to The Telegraph:

8. In 2004, Old Etonian Simon Mann made an unsuccessful coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea.

The ‘Wonga Coup failed after the mercenaries were arrested in Zimbabwe.

9. It is believed that some of the mercenaries involved in the Equatorial Guinea coup were also involved in the attempt to help Gaddafi escape.

MI6 plot to help Gaddafi escape from Libya (https://www.Telegraph.co.UK/news/UKnews/defence/10339439/SecretMI6plot-to-help-ColonelGaddafiescapeLibyarevealed.html).

Mansion in Harare (foto Aangirfan)

Mansion in Harare (foto Aangirfan)

A Mansion in Harare.

Sibanengi Dube (…) is (…) adamant that Zimbabwe’s airforce, in August 2011, flew Muammar Gaddafi into Zimbabwe and that Gaddafi was seen in A Harare Gunhill suburb house.”
(MDC journalist still claims Gaddafi went to Zimbabwe, https://www.zimguardian.com/p_3839/)

Gaddafi staged A nocturnal entry into Zimbabwe aboard A Zimbabwe Air force jet that landed at Suri Suri Airbase in Chegutu. (…)”

David Berg & Muammar Qaddafi (foto Aangirfan)

David Berg & Muammar Qaddafi (foto Aangirfan)

Gaddafi with David Berg whose name has been linked to pedophilia and the CIA’s MK ULTRA brainwashing (RELIGIOUS MIND KONTROL CULTS).

Gaddafi was quickly whisked to A sprawling mansion in Harare’s Gunhill suburb under the cover of darkness with members of MDC VAA in A secret pursuit.

We kept A hawk’s eye on the house (…) and we don’t doubt even for A second that the fallen despot is now Aunique guest to Robert Mugabe.

The house is encircled by uniformed army personnel of the Zimbabwe National Army and is swarming with plain clothes policemen and dreaded CIO operatives.

They said all indications were confirming what they saw, including heavily armed female blonde body guards of Libyan origin patrolling around the house where the former despot is holed up (…)”
(It’s Official: Colonel Muammar Gaddafi Is In ZimbabweThe Mutare Times, http://MutareTimes.blogspot.com/2011/08/It’sOfficialColonelMuammarGaddafiisin.html)

Gadaffi double (foto Aangirfan)
Gadaffi double (foto Aangirfan)

The SteveLendmanBlog points out the Mixed Messages on Gaddafi:

1. Leaders at times have doubles.
Saddam reportedly had 12. To this day, it’s not clear if he or A double was executed.
Gaddafi also had them. Was one of them killed, not him?

Dead Man in bin Laden Compound (foto Aangirfan)
Dead Man in Bin Laden Compound (foto Aangirfan)

Above – A body from the so called ‘Bin Laden’ house in Abbottabad.

Same body used for Gaddafi Dead Picture (foto Aangirfan)

Same body used for Gaddafi Dead Picture (foto Aangirfan).

2. On October 21, Mathaba.net headlined, “Qaddafi Not Dead,” saying:

Washington, Britain and France desperately needed something resembling victory, even if fake, not real.


The real Gaddafi (foto Aangirfan)

The real Gaddafi (foto Aangirfan)

The man seen in theGaddafi capture videos is not Gaddafi.

The man in the videos is Ali Majid Al Andalus.

The person you were shown was not Muammar Al Gaddafi Originally published here

Gaddafi Double

According to reports reaching us, the person presented as Gaddafi, in the recent ‘capture’ videos, has been identified as Ali Majid Al Andalus.

Ali Majid Al Andalus was an inhabitant of Sirte and was famous for his resemblance to Gaddafi.

The man in the photo with the bullet hole in the head was not Muammar al Gaddafi, but his double.

The psychopathic criminals (…) used this innocent man solely for their psychological operation by having him lynched by armed thugs of the TNC before the cameras.
Mathaba Libya News

Mystery man Tommy Gaddafi (foto Aangirfan)

Mystery man Tommy Gaddafi (foto Aangirfan)

Mystery man Gaddafi – Website for this image (http://www.histomil.com/viewtopic.php?p=28071).

Gaddafi was apparently put into power by MI6 and the CIA.

The CIA and its friends controlled many people in Gaddafi’s Libya.

From The Africa Report (Libya: Who owns the revolution? The Africa Report):

The CIA’s clandestine supporters made it easy for NATO to take over Tripoli.

“According to Brigadier General Abdulsalam Alhasi, who commanded the rebel’s headquarters in Benghazi, the role of the clandestine supporterssoldiers, policemen, intelligence officers and even ministers who had been working for Gaddafi – was critical in taking Tripoli.”

In other words, it wasn’t just Gaddafi, or his double, who had worked for the CIA and MI6.
(Was Britain Behind Gadaffi’s Coup in 1969? http://islamicsystem.blogspot.com/2011/02/was-Britain-behind-Gadaffi‘s-coup-in.html)

CIA's Marty Martin, who reportely had A plan for Gadaffi to leave Libye (foto Aangirfan)

CIA’s Marty Martin, who reportely had A plan for Gadaffi to leave Libye (foto Aangirfan)

The CIA’s Marty Martin, who had a plan for Gaddafi to leave Libya, reportedly.

The CIA’s Marty Martin led the CIA’s Al Qaeda department from 2002 to 2004.

The CIA’s Marty Martin was part of a US group that offered Gaddafi A $ 10 million deal to flee Libya (https://www.DailyMail.co.uk/news/article-2063465/Revealed-How-US-mercenaries-offered-Gaddafi10milliondeal-flee-Libya.html).

The group included A Belgian named Dirk Borgers, Neil C Livingstone, A terrorism specialist, who wants to be governor of Montana, Neil S Alpert, who has worked for the Republican National Committee and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and Randell K Wood, A Kansas City lawyer (http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/11/Libyamysterydeepens.html).

GADDAFI DOUBLE WAS KILLED (http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/10/Gaddafidoublewaskilled.html) | WHERE’S GADDAFI? (http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/10/Where’sGaddafi.html)

Early snap of Gaddafi in army uniform (foto Aangirfan)
Early snap of Gaddafi in Army uniform (foto Aangirfan)

The CIA put Nasser into power in Egypt and put Saddam into power in Iraq and put the Ayatollahs into power in Iran.
[GADDAFI, SADDAM AND THE CIA (http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/03/GaddafiSaddam-and-CIA.html) | NASSER OF THE CIA (http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2009/04/Nasser-of-CIA.html) | IRAN IS RUN BY THE CIA (http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/11/IranisrunbyCIA.html)]

There is a belief that it was the CIA and Britain’s MI6 who put Gaddafi into power in 1969.

According to the article entitled Was Britain Behind Gadaffi’s Coup in 1969?

A secret 1960 US National Security Council Report explained “There is little loyalty to him (British puppet King Idris) among the younger urban elements who do not have significant political power now, but who will have such power in the future.”

The US and UK needed A replacement for King Idris and apparently chose Gaddafi.


A Gaddafi mansion in Englewood, New Jersey in the USA (foto Aangirfan)
A Gaddafi mansion in Englewood, New Jersey in the USA (foto Aangirfan)

Reportedly, this is A Gaddafi mansion in New Jersey in the USA.

In 1965, Britain’s Colonel Ted Lough reportedly made A series of reports on Gadaffi for British Intelligence.

In 1966, Gaddafi spent four months in Britain, training with the British Military.

In 1969, Gaddafi carried out a peaceful coup, apparently with the blessing of the USA and UK.

Gaddafi turned Libya from being the poorest country in the world into being the most prosperous country in Africa.

But, he did not always cooperate with his CIA backers.

Albert Preziosi & a young Muammar Gaddafi (foto Aangirfan)

Albert Preziosi & a young Muammar Gaddafi (foto Aangirfan)

Preziosi and Gaddafi

Does Gaddafi have Corsican roots?: Voice of RUssia

Muammar Gaddafi may be the son of French Air Force officer Albert Preziosi.

There is a close likeness between Albert Preziosi and A young Muammar Gaddafi.

In 1941, pilot Albert Preziosi made an emergency landing in a Libyan desert.

He came across A tribe of Bedouins.

Reportedly, after Preziosi had A relationship with A woman of the tribe, Muammar Gaddafi was born on 19 June 1942.

The French airbase used for recent operations against Libya is officially called BA126 Captain Preziosi. Located in Upper Corsica, it is named after Captain Albert Preziosi.

WAS RUHOLLAH KHOMEINI BRITISH, AND AN AGENT OF THE US AND UK (http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2008/10/was-KhomeiniagentofUSandUK.html).

Aangirfan, Friday, September 27, 2013,


Dublinmick said
Interesting and I have often wondered if he was really killed. He did have A sister in Israel also.
They can never find the body, der Führer, Binny Laden and now Gaddafi.
Remember Scotland Yard sealed all evidence concerning the supposed Hitler bunker for 100 years.
By the way Angela Merkel and Adolf both seem to be fond of that triangle hand sign.
10:22 PM

Dublinmick said
Maybe Saddam is his room mate?
11:17 PM

Anonymous said
Libya in Anarchy Two Years after NATO Humanitarian Liberation
11:50 PM

Anonymous said
The videos of his death were sooooo fake. When will people wake up? Fake deaths everywhere. Easy peasy.
8:13 AM

Anon said
Concerning the attempted SAS coup of Equatorial Guinea (…) we here through the grapevine, one of the main financiers was an individual who goes by the name of JP Archer (wonder who that could be)… and Mark Thatcher (shit Mark, if your going to help steal three illegal nukes. Why not finance an illegal coup.
Concerning the late Colonel Gaddafi. I beleive he’s A gonna! French agents are widely beleived to have carried out the execution (Sarkozy fundraising, et cetera). Although his links to British establishment would have been considerably embaressing (Tony Blair, MI6 renditio, Saifs connections to London school of Econonmics. Nat Rothschild and Sith Lord Mandelson).
If you’re to believe the following video (which I do), Colonel Gaddafi was about to stick it to The Rothschilds (and everything it represents) in A major way (a certain RUssian former KGB President should have done more to protect him).

Colonel Gaddafi experimenting with Extacy aside. I beleive certain elements within MI6 would have drawn up plans to protect him, but sadly they where never fullfilled. Although the Libyans will NEVER give Saif Gaddafi (again links to Nat Rothschild, plans to allow him to take control. Even against the will of his father, where never put into place.
Water (like the recent revalations in Kenya) may have have A lot to do with the Rothschild CIA NATO control of Libya. I have sooo much time on Libya it is unreal!!! Also Phosphates Potash (Morroco holds the current monopoloy, also Belarus | Vladimir Putin)
The usual oil gold petro dollar.
RIP Colonel Gaddafi!!!
9:01 AM

Anonymous said
Hey Aang,
I don’t get it. Why would they bother saving him? It’s not like he’s worth anything to anyone now. And nor is he an untouchable member of some special blood line. His singlefunction (as it were) was to hold Libya together. And if he’s not doing that (and what with being declared dead can obviously never do it again) then he’s no one. So why wouldn’t they just kill him and be done with it?
Best et cetera, et cetera.
11:10 AM

Anon said
Why would they bother saving him?
1. Gaddafi is A very high up freemason.
2. If Gaddafi gets killed, what do all the other spooky leaders begin to think about working secretly for the elite?
Castro might get nervous?
3. If the elite could save Hitler, they could save Gaddafi.
2:14 PM

Anonymous said
Who built the GMMRP? The Americans.
3:11 PM

Noor al Haqiqa said
The Mind boggles. 4 Mendedne.
8:44 PM

Anonymous said
Thanks Aang,
Good answer! Viewed in those terms one would have to assume that there is A precise term for that particular kind of promise. Also that there would be A particular protocol behind it. Do you know what I mean? Neither A nod and A wink, nor A handshake would cut it. To convince whoever it is that the deal is absolutely binding and will not involve betrayal I expect that there would be some properly impressive variety of ceremony or oath or somesuch with unbreakable repercussions for whomever didn’t honour it. Certainly masons love ceremony.
Second thoughts: If Gaddafi was always A death cult member then why did he have: an independant bank; free healthcare; free education; free power; and an egalitarian society with the highest living standards in Africa? Why wouldn’t he have just run an authoritarian feudalistic dsytopia right from the get go? Why build it up and then bomb it down?
Yours perplexedly,
Et cetera, et cetera.
11:15 PM

Anon said
I‘ve been talking to various people who lived in Libya under Gaddafi.
According to them Gaddafi DID run an authoritarian feudalistic dsytopia.”
My sources are very reliable and they tell me that they found the ordinary Libyans to be nice people, but they found the government to be fascist and feudal.
– Aangirfan
8:02 AM

Charles Edward Frith said…
Libya is A disaster since Gadaffi. There’s no need to save a man and destroy the country. No need at all.
3:37 PM

humanati said.
This is a hit piece.
Judge Gadaffi by his actions. He is dangerous as A martyr, hence the attempts to discredit his memory.
2:07 AM

Anonymous said
Hullo Aang,
You may be bored with this conversation so feel free to leave it. But the thing is my point of confusion still stands. Rescue and retirement denotes A reward for A loyal servant. On the other hand NATO‘s smashing of his country strikes me as what’s required when someone hasn’t been A loyal servant.
When I said dystopia I should have been more specific. The kind of dystopia I had in Mind wouldn’t have required bombing. Do you know what I mean? Bombing would have been superfluous since that dystopia would already have been there, as it were. But clearly Libya did require bombing.
When I say ‘been there‘, everything NATO did, Gaddafi could have done. The first thing NATO did when they rolled into Tripoli was hit the Reserve Bank and steal all the money. Okay fine, but Gaddafi could have easily done that – sent it all to Zurich no problem, A big golden handshake his for eternity.
Otherwise, in terms of national standing and threat, Gaddafi could have easily played A kind of Mugabe role (albeit pro NWO) that would’ve resulted in the population poor, sick, and starving with the nation’s resources all under the thumb of Western corporations. It’s not rocket science, lots of other minions do it.
That would be the variety of loyal servant I could see being rescued. But the fellow who warranted A bombing campaign clearly wasn’t that chap. And nor was he serving any kind of global role à la Hitler. The only War he got on was on his own country and he could’ve done that himself.
Off I go, still confused.
Best et cetera,  et cetera.
12:52 PM

Anon said
Gaddafi executed political opponents.
The CIA provided him with information on Libyan dissidents.
Libya was A base for extraordinary renditions.
Gaddafi tried to abolish the Berber culture.
Gaddafi’s friends became rich while the people in the eastern parts of Libya were neglected.
Gaddafi was involved in A number of wars, including a bloody one in Chad and a conflict with Egypt.
Gaddafi gave support to the CIA’s Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the Philippines and to the CIA’s Charles Taylor and to the CIA’s Red Brigades.
Gaddafi, like Saddam Hussein, was A loyal servant of the elite.
2:14 PM

Abu-Suleyman said
Algerian head of the Military secret services did it, Gaddafi was flown to Djakarata according to high level sources in Algeria (…) head of Algerian secret services is name Mohamed Mediene, an Algerian jew (…) who took part to the Israeli 9/11 operations (…) Read Tenet biography page 174.
This, according to Tenet ‘memoires At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA (…) where page 174: “Mohammed Mediene, the Algerian intelligence chief, was in Washington when Al Queda struck. Like Avi Dichter, he knew up close the pain and challenge of terrorism and he too, could not have conducted himself in A more dignified manner or been (…).”
5:18 PM

Anonymous said
Thanks Aang,
You make A good case and I expect you’re right but I think I shall ‘hold no opinion‘ on this, this is: one concedes the distinct possibility but can’t say for certain.
I don’t ask for much you know. I just want A cast iron logic that explains everything. It’s not like it’d break the bank. Um actually it probably would, now that I think about it.
I‘ve been watching House lately and my desire to punch the titular character in the face aside (nothing personal against Hugh Laurie, he’s lovely) one finds A tremendous appeal in the idea of drilling holes in people and cutting the tops of their head off et cetera in order to find out the precise pathology of what’s wrong with them. All to save them you understand.
Wouldn’t it be nice to do all that to the Rothschilds et al? Nothing personal or anything, just A desire to seek the truth.
Don’t flinch. It’s vital we find out what’s wrong with you and that’s why we have to give you A hemispherectomy. Now count backwards from ten.”
Off I go now et cetera, et cetera.
12:22 AM


The Lust for Libya: How A Nation was Torn Apart

The legacy of the life and death of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

Libya has been broken apart.

Torn asunder by competing local, regional and international forces, its survival as A singular nation state is under threat.

Once Africa’s wealthiest country with the continent’s largest oil reserves and highest standard of living, Libya, liberated from A dictator’s grip, is mired in a violent, internecine conflict that has left many of its people struggling for food, fuel and security.

The history of Libya is the history of the foreign powers who ruled Libya.
Mohamed Buisier, Libyan political adviser

So how did it come to this?

Libya is split between rival governments and conflicting centres of powerone in the East of the country and one in the West – each backed by militias fighting for their own share of Libya’s loot seven years on from the violent overthrow of the Gaddafi regime.

Divisions in Libya are not based on ethnic, or religious, or sectarian factors. The divisions are purely political, purely based on disagreement and how to share power and wealth,” says Libyan academic and politician Guma el Gamaty.

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi had held A nation together for more than four decades, strategically doling out cash incentives, nurturing division and combining political brokering with ruthless state repression.

In October 2011, the dictator who claimed to have brought participatory democracy to the Libyan people was killed by fellow Libyans. The one time revolutionary’s life and often brutal rule brought to A grisly end by those also calling themselves revolutionaries.

They were supported by regional players such as the UAE and Qatar, as well as Western powers that included the United States, the United Kingdom and France, who painted Gaddafi as sometimes friend and oftentimes foe, according to their own interests.

Libyans never thought that Gaddafi would be gone, so they’re willing to sacrifice their lives to be able to be liberated from Gaddafi and what he has done to them,” says Libyan politician Mustafa Abushagur.

The West did not do anything during the Tunisian revolution. They did not do anything during the Egyptian revolution. Clearly, they are fed up with Gaddafi and here is an opportunity for Gaddafi to be removed (…) It was an opportunity for the World to get rid of A menace, it’s called Gaddafi.”

The Big Picture The Lust for Libya charts Gaddafi’s 42 year rule, uncovering the seeds of discontent both at home and in his relations internationally – sewn across his turbulent reign. We dissect the geopolitical self interest of Western and Middle Eastern nations, culminating in the NATO led intervention of 2011 that deposed Gaddafi, as well as attempting to understand the chaos left in its wake.

The Lust for Libya examines ancient schisms mapped A new on A contested landscape offering oil riches as well as strategic control, tracing the timeline of events – reaching back before the construction of Libya itself – that have left Africa’s erstwhile richest nation in ruins.

The Libya that we knew before is gone. It’s gone,” says Mohamed Buisier, Libyan political adviser. “All what we see in front of us, the scene now, it’s at the end, it’s taking us to disintegration. Nothing is bringing the country back to unity, and every day we are closer to this final scene.”

Al Jazeera, 18 Oct 2018 11:10 GMT



Louis Farrakhan over Muammar Gaddafi (video Telegram)

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