Stew Webb + Tom Heneghan – Intel Briefing, October 1st 2018 + FBI Stole Trillions From Wanta Funds!

Intel Briefing, October 1st 2018

Intel Briefing – Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb (10-1-18) from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Vimeo, Monday, October 1, 2018 at 4:07 PM EST

FBI Stole Trillions From Wanta Funds!

President Trump is refusing to release the FISA documents because the Queen (who tried to take Trump out with Russian Collusion) asked him not too! He’s doing a deal with Rat Rosenstein who should be in GTMO! He picked a Bush stooge, Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court when if he would have picked Amy Barret she would have sailed right through! Instead we have Kavanaugh the Facist who loves government spying, torturing people at GTMO and is a big time drunk who will do whatever Daddy Bush tells him to do in the crunch time! President Trump is also refusing to bring out the truth about 9/11 when he promised to do so! This evidence is in the hands of the military grand juries that are supposedly underway. Yes we’re happy with Trump’s trade deals but if massive cleanup doesn’t happen soon, it means NOTHING because nothing will have changed and it all goes away when Trump leaves! Not much has been done. The wall is not being funded because Wanta has not been paid because Kelly is hiding the info from Trump! Senior Executive Services (SES) is still going strong with only a handful of scum being shown the door. Trump listened to Bush stooge white house lawyer Don McGahn and Bush fake news mouthpiece Sean Hannity on picking Brett Kavanaugh. This was an unforced error. This is what happens when you listen to ANYBODY who worked for Bush! You get ambushed while they go laugh at your expense over dinner in Kennebunkport with the Bushes! Trust your own instincts President Trump! Don’t listen to Bush traitor Sean Hannity or anybody else who works for the Bush crime syndicate who did 9/11 and you’ll do GREAT! I hope you bring the axe after the mid terms and stop chopping heads at the FBI, DOJ and every other agency that is filled with Obama Communist scum who hate you and this country.

Much more is covered!

The FBI stole $14 Trillion of the Wanta Funds using Lindell Bonney! SHARE this story!

The FBI stole $14 Trillion of the Wanta Funds using Lindell Bonney! (foto Before It's News)

Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb blow our new information concerning the crooked FBI that is still being allowed to operate under DOJ Rat Rod Rosenstein who appears was given a deal by President Trump instead of going to jail for treason! Tom Heneghan goes over information from Leo Wanta that Lindell H. Bonney was the paymaster for the FBI and he and the FBI appear to have stolen 14.0 Trillion dollars of the Wanta money as shown by this document below! This scumbag figures he deserved over 3 times what Wanta was to get! Tropos another FBI stooge got 13 Trillion! You wonder why our infrastrucutre is broken and the wall can’t be funded! Of course they never paid Wanta a dime so where’s all the money a court ordered be paid to Lee Wanta? Why don’t we all TWEET @potus and @realdonaldtrump and ask President Trump where the money went and why he hasn’t paid Leo Wanta so Wanta can pay for the wall by himself! He’ll build it all from his spare change! Nobody can get Trump to call Lee Wanta because General Kelly is making sure Trump never knows about Lee Wanta! So if anybody out there can get to President Trump tell him to call Lee Wanta! If he doesn’t know the number he can call Stew Webb – number on

Much more is covered!

The FBI stole $14 Trillion of the Wanta Funds using Lindell Bonney! SHARE this story!

Truth Warriors – Lock Them All Up! We Demand It!

Lock Them All Up! We Demand It! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.

Vimeo, Monday, October 1, 2018 at 8:53 PM EST

Before It’s News, Monday, October 1, 2018 18:20

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