Opeation Disclosure Official | TerraZetzz | Shadow of Ezra – US AID Weaponization, WHO Financial Crisis, Biden Hollywood Deal

US AID Weaponization, WHO Financial Crisis, Biden Hollywood Deal

US AID Operates as A Global Economic Hit Man, Working Alongside the Federal Reserve, World Bank, and IMF to Enslave Non G7 Nations through Debt.

In Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins Reveals How Institutions like US AID and the IMF Serve as Tools to Destabilize Governments while Enriching A Powerful Cabal of Corporations, Banks, and US Political Elites.

He Describes Economic Hit Men as Agents Who Siphon Funds from Entities like the World Bank and US AID, Funneling Wealth into the Hands of Multi National Corporations and A Select Few Influential Families, Tightening Their Grip on Global Power.


ISIS Terrorists Seen Inside Tents Supplied by US AID.

The Pentagon would Air Drop Weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, Later Dismissing It as an Error.

This Open Collaboration with Terrorist Groups has Been Ongoing since 2011.

US AID Needs to Be Abolished Not Reformed.


The World Health Organization is Already Facing A Financial Crisis after Donald Trump S Decision to Withdraw the US from the Agency.

Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has Been Forced to Freeze Staff Hiring and Limit Travel.

Now, he S Calling on Global Leaders to Push Washington to Reverse the Decision Behind Closed Doors Out of Desperation.


Joe Biden is Officially Going to Hollywood, as he has Signed with A Hollywood Talent Agency.

Biden will Be Signing with Creative Artists Agency, the Same Agency that Represents Barack Obama.

At 82 Years Old, the Former President is Expected to Land Major Hollywood Deals.

The Video Shows Jim Carrey Playing Joe Biden with A Facial Overlay of Joe Biden.


Shadow of Ezra


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