Eric Zuesse – The Hidden Lies behind America S Destruction of Europe

The Hidden Lies behind America S Destruction of Europe

As the following will document, the European Masses are Victims of A Professionally Run Operation to deceive and thus control them, which makes A Mockery of Democracy. It S financed by US and Allied Billionaires, who profit immensely by doing this, while destroying their Own Country. Like All Empires throughout History, it entails Cooperation between the Super Rich, the Aristocracy, in the Imperial Country, here the US, and in their Victim Countries, their Colonies,  euphemistically called ‘Allies’ in order further to Fool the Masses to support their Exploiters. Although this documentation pertains only to the US Empire today, it also exemplifies what has been the Normal Human Reality for the Past Thousands of Years.

On January 6th, Britain S Telegraph headlined German Economy ‘Acutely’ at Risk after Europe Burns through Gas Reserves, and reported that,

Europe is Burning through Its Gas Reserves at the Fastest Pace in Seven Years, Leaving Germany “Acutely” Exposed as Cold Weather sweeps the Continent.

Stockpiles have Dropped More Quickly than at Any Point since 2018, Falling 25 pc from their Peak, According to Gas Infra Structure Europe Data Compiled by Bloomberg.

Storage Sites are Just over 70 pc Full Across Europe, Compared to about 86 pc A Year Ago. ()

Germany Suffered the Largest Drop in Its Gas Stockpiles among Its European Peers, with Storage Sites 78 pc Full Compared to 81 pc A Week Earlier, Which was In Line with the Average for the Time of Year.

France S Gas Reserves are At Just 57 pc Capacity, Compared to A Five Year Average of 75 pc for this Time of Sear. Britain S Storage Sites are About 55 pc Full.

Economists Warned the Fall in Gas Storage Levels could Keep Prices Higher through the Summer, When Countries Begin Replenishing their Stocks.

Hamad Hussain, of Capital Economics, Said () “The Impact of High Natural Gas Prices would Be Felt Acutely in Germany Given the Large Size of Its Energy Intensive Manufacturing Industry.” ()

European Gas Prices have Already Been Stretched after Ukraine Last Week Closed Off the Last Route Allowing Russia to Sell Gas to Europe through Its Territory.

The Expiry of A Deal to Use the Urengoy Pomary Uzhhorod Pipeline for Transit has Dealt A Blow to Vladimir Putin S War Machine but Also Created Fresh Supply Headaches for A Handful of European Countries that Remain Dependent on The Kremlin, Pushing Up Gas Prices across the Whole Continent, Including in Britain. ()

Europe is Increasingly Exposed to Market Volatility as It Relies on Global Liquefied Natural Gas to Replace the Shortfall Left by the End of Russian Pipeline Flows. ()

An intelligent reader will notice there the phrase “Ukraine Last Week Closed Off the Last Route Allowing Russia to Sell Gas to Europe through Its Territory,” because it implicates the Government of Ukraine as now intensifying the EU S Energy Crisis, and doing it in what is Normally the Coldest Time of the Entire Year, so that the Numbers of Europe S Homeless Who will Freeze to Death will Be Extraordinarily High This Year. But All of Europe S Billionaires ControlledNewsMedia have been Propagandizing for Years in Favor of the SupposedNecessity’ and ‘Moral Need’ to Reduce Its Dependence on Russian Energy.” Turkey’s Government is Less Dependent upon the US Government than Any of the EU S Governments are, and, So, its Government S Anadolu News Agency, whose Ownership by the Government is not revealed in the Article about it at the CIA Edited and i Wikipedia, which Blacklists, Blocks from Linking to, Sites that aren T CIA Approved, had the Freedom to make note of the Fact that there was “An International Initiative to Phase Out Dependency on Russian Oil and Gas, which was First Initiated by the US After it Unilaterally Banned Russian Oil Imports.” And the article even reported that “It Follows the International Energy Agency S , IEA, 10 Point Plan on How European Countries can Reduce their Reliance on Russian Gas Supplies by Next Winter.” In other words, the US Government is Imposing This Policy upon its Colonies, ‘Allies’ , including Not Only in Europe but in Asia, and even the Supposedly Non Partisan IEA was bowing and scraping before the US Imperial Master In Order to Demonstrate Its Fealty to The Emperor, America S Billionaires.

On 24 June 2023, I headlined Now the Pay Off Comes from Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipeline and documented that the Main Supplier of the Energy that was Formerly Supplied by Russia to Germany would henceforth be American Investors and especially US Venture Capitalists, and that Germany S Government had just Sealed such A Deal, A 20 Year Contract, at an Undisclosed Fixed Price that would be At Least Twice as High as what Germans had been Paying to Russia for Russia S Pipelined In Gas and Oil.

Back on 28 September 2022, I had headlined How America is Crushing Europe, and documented that Even This Early, the US, with Its Lower Wages, Lower Regulations, Lower Protections of Workers, and Lower Taxes on Corporate Investors, was Sucking the Economic Lifes Blood Out of Europe and Especially Out of Germany, Europe S Former Manufacturing Hub and Thus Biggest Importer of Energy from Russia, as Jobs in Shuttering Factories There became Increasingly Sent to America Instead.

Meanwhile, on A Matter of Detail, which is the Telegraph article S sentence “Germany Suffered the Largest Drop in its Gas Stockpiles among its European Peers,” I already had headlined on January 1st UK, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Likeliest for Economic Crash This Year and documented that Germany was Second Only to UK in Paying the Most Exorbitantly High Prices for Gas, the Fuel that S Used the Most by Manufacturers, and that therefore Germany was Now Second Only to UK in Its Likelihood of Having an Economic Crash Soon. In other words, US and Allied Billionaires are Especially Bleeding those Two Nations’ Publics by Means of Fooling them to endorse or at least tolerate this Racket that the US Government has been running in Ukraine ever since the US Government grabbed Ukraine in February 2014.

As regards A Solution to this Problem, I addressed that in my 16 March 2023 The Transformative Present Moment in History.

The Duran, 6 January 2025

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Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse S Latest Book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL, Hitler S Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about How America Took Over the World after World War II In Order to Enslave It to US and Allied Billionaires. Their Cartels Extract the World S Wealth by Control of Not Only their ‘NewsMedia but the SocialSciences’, duping the Public.
All of my Recent Articles can be seen Here.

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