Eric Zuesse – Trump, Like Biden, has Always Been A Whore to the Deep State

Trump, Like Biden, has Always Been A Whore to the Deep State

The Only Difference between the Two is that Trump is So Hypocritical about This that he Publicly Condemns the Deep State which he Actually Serves. This will Be Documented Here.

So, what IS the ?

It is the American Aristocracy. It is the Billionaires who donate the Majority of the Funding to Both of America’s PrivateNon ProfitPolitical Clubs, which is What They Are, and have Always Been, the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee. Each of these ‘Committee’s is Nothing More than A Private Club.It has No Legally Enforceable Obligations to Non Members of the Club, None Whatsoever. All It has, Really, is Its Existential Dependency upon the Super Rich Individuals who, via their Corporations, Thinks Tanks, News Media, Lobbyists, et Cetera, Support this Club.

Such Clubs Actually do have No Legal Obligation to their Voters. They Pretend Otherwise, but They Lie Constantly, because They Represent the Few Super Rich, NOT their Voters. The Two of Them Together Represent Only the Thousand or So Super Rich Bbillionaires and Centi Millionaires, Who Donate the Majority of the Funds that Fuel American Politics So that However Much Money will Be Needed in Order to Fool Enough Voters to Vote for their Candidates , the Candidates that this Aristocracy Select to Fund, that Money will Be Available to these Contestants, and ONLY Such Corrupt Individuals will Be Able to Become High Public Officials.

Here is Great Video Journalism, One Regarding Biden, and the Other Regarding Trump, Documenting the Completeness of America’s Corruptness.

Is Joe Biden A “Good and Decent Man”?

Published 11 jul 2024

Glenn Greenwald

This is A Clip from Our Show SYSTEM UPDATE, Now Airing Every Weeknight at 7 PM ET on Rumble. You can Watch the Full Episode for FREE Here

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Ben Norton reviews Trump’s Support for Israel and Ukraine and his Aggressive Policies against China, Russia, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba.


00:00 Clips Trump on Syria, Venezuela, Ukraine
00:32 US Politics and Bi Partisan War Crimes
03:29  Alleged Assassination Attempt against Trump
  Trump’s War Mongering Foreign Policy, A Summary
11:35   Israel | Palestine
16:56  Trump Proposed Bombing Russia and China
  Russia Gate
  Trump Tore Up 2 Arms Treaties with Russia
20:33 Clip Trump Boasts of Arming Ukraine
20:56 Trump versus Obama on Ukraine Weapons
23:02 NATO
24:24We’re At War with China”
26:24  Trade War and New Cold War on China
28:44 Democrats versus Republicans on Russia & China
Iran Nuclear Deal, JCPOA
30:44 Assassination of Qasem Soleimani
Trump’s War on Iraq
US Hypocrisy on “Political Violence”
34:31 Syria
35:00 Clip Trump Brags of Taking Syria’s Oil
35:27 Afghanistan War and Minerals
Trump wanted to Take Oil from Libya and Iraq Too
39:24  Trump Plans to Attack Mexico
Bolivia Coup
41:54  Elon Musk and Bolivia’s Lithium
Clip Trump on “Taking Over” Venezuela
  Venezuela Coup Attempt
Nicaragua Coup Attempt
46:37  Elliott Abrams
  Cuba Blockade and Sanctions
Tax Cuts for the Rich
51:54 Billionaires for Fellow Billionaire Trump
53:16 Outro

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That is What results from A Country Where Money Buys Political Power and Therefore Political Power Serves the Dollars Not the Public, Where it’s One Dollar One Vote, Like in A Regular Corporation, One Share One Vote, NOT One Person One Vote , Like in Any Authentic Democracy.

On 16 July 2024, at the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump Jr Even Publicly Acknowledged the Correctness of Ben Norton’s Brilliant Summary of Trump’s Career as Trump’s Being Extremist Right Wing, Totally in Billionaires’ Pockets, when Donald Jr was headlined at Yahoo News Long A Divisive Figure, Don Jr says Trump is A Changed Man after Attempted Assassination, and he was Quoted “‘You Know, I Think It Lasts,’ Donald Trump Jr said in Response to A Question of How Long the ‘New Trump’ would Continue. ‘There are Events that Change You for A Couple Minutes and There’s Events that Change You Permanently. Now Again It’s Trump So You’re Still Going to Be Reactionary.’” So, Anyone Who would think that the Republican Nominee ISN’T A Reactionary, would Need to bBe an Idiot, because Even that Son of his Acknowledged It Publicly.

As Regards Biden, and the Way that Greenwald documented his Career as Having Been Comparably Reactionary, I had Already Documented that on Many Occasions concerning Biden, the Most Recent Being on 11 June 2024, Biden is the Most Corrupt President in US History.”

And Here is How that Fact becomes Displayed in the European Union, which was Created by the US Government:

American Propaganda Organs label Viktor Orban, Who is the Current EU President, and the EU is Anything BUT A Democracy, but he did Land There, and is Now Excercising his Powers under the EU’s Constitution, Which is The Treaty of Lisbon, Label him ARogue,” for his Doing Everything he can to Bring about A Peaceful Negotiated End to the Current War in Ukraine, which War has Been Going On Now for 10 Years.

Seb StarcevicBarbara Moens – MEP’s Call to Strip Hungary’s EU Voting Rights amid Orbán’s ‘Peace Missions’, the Letter is the Latest Attempt to Rein In Budapest’s Rogue Council Presidency

Members of the European Parliament demanded Hungary’s EU Voting Rights Be Stripped after Its Prime Minister’s Trips to Russia and China.

In A Letter Obtained by POLITICO, 63 MEPs Addressed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel and European Parliament Chief Roberta Metsola, Saying Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “Has Already Caused Significant Damage by Exploiting and Abusing the Role of the Council Presidency.”

Hungary took over the Rotating Council of the EU Presidency from Belgium on 1 July. Since Then, Orbán has Launched Self DeclaredPeace Missions” to Kyiv, Moscow, Beijing and Washington and claimed, without authorization, to be representing the EU. [Whether his Peace Mission is within his Powers as Head of State of Hungary the Rotating Presidency of the EU, is debatable; Robert Fico, Who is Slovakia’s Head of State, says that Orban is Within his Powers to Do That, Even though Other EU Governments do Not Want to End the War by Peaceful Negotiation] (..)

POLITICO, July 16, 2024 10:13 am CET

Why does the US Regime want this War to Continue? Here’s Why, It is EXTREMELY Profitable to America’s Armaments Manufacturers, and America’s Armaments Manufacturers control the US Government and All of Its Colonial Governments, such as All in the EU Except for Hungary and Maybe Slovakia), because their Biggest Owners ARE the Deep State, and because these Corporations Need to Control these Governments in Order to Be Able to Control their Markets, Which ARE These Governments.

What has Been Documented Here is that Neither of the Two Parties Represents You, your Choice between Them would Be Only Your Choice of Which Group of Billonaires will Run America’s Government for the BNext Four Years. And ESPECIALLY, Neither of the Two PartiesS‘ElectedNominees for the US Presidency will Represent You.

It’s Remarkable How Similar Billionaires are to Each Other. For Example, All of the Evidence Consistently Shows that Anti Israel Billionaires don’t Exist. WOW, isn’t that Amazing! Just Think about that Stunning Fact.

So, to Vote for Either Trump or Biden is to Be A Fool of Either Republican Billionaires or Democratic Billionaires.

This isn’t At All like Bush versus Gore was in the Year 2000, When There Really was, Somehow, A Decent Person Whom One of the Major Parties had Nominated, Al Gore, Opposed to Invading Iraq, et Cetera, and So VotingThird Party’ in that Contest was Just Throwing One’s Vote Away. However, Ever since Then, and Very Much Today, Anyone BUT A Major Party Nominee would Be Much Better than the Proven Psychopaths whom the Major Parties, their Billionaires, have Selected.

Even if A Person Who is Condemned to Death is Given A Choice as to Which Way to Die, that Still isn’t A Free Person. Anyone Who would Call Such “Freedom” and A Result of “Democracy” is Either A Fool or Else A Liar. It’s Simply Not the Case. This Year is 2024, not 2000. It’s A Very Different World. It’s the World that We were Heading Towards during 1945 – 2000, but Now It is Very Much Here. This is Just A Historical Fact.

Investigative Historian Eric Zuesse’s Latest Book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL, Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is About How America Took Over the World after World War II in Order to Enslave It to US and Allied Billionaires. Their Cartels Extract the World’s Wealth by Control of Not Only Their ‘NewsMedia but the Social ‘Sciences’, Duping the Public.
Eric Zuesse blogs at

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