Eric Zuesse – How Nations’ Citizens Rate Their Own Government

How Nations’ Citizens Rate Their Own Government

Though individuals who have been heavily propagandized to think that they are better-able to rate foreign Governments than the people who live under them are (and this helps ‘justify’ what their Government is doing to foreign countries, such as invading them and overthrowing their Government, and doing other things that their own nation’s billionaires want to do to some of those other lands), that’s an utterly crazy idea. Always the people who actually live in a country are better able to evaluate their Government than any foreigners who don’t live there are.

The Edelman international polling firm is perhaps the most reliable source of this information that so many people don’t much care to know about but which is actually extremely important. Other firms, which sample only within one or just a few countries, might be reliable in order to analyze only within that given country but are not able to be intelligently relied upon in order to RANK countries regarding the relevant variables. The Edelman annual polls are thus a rare gold mine of information that can be intelligently used for crucial international comparisons.

Included among the relevant variables, and displayed here, are figures regarding the public’s trust in: their Government, their media, nonprofits, profit-businesses, the nation’s health-authorities, and in the U.N.

These figures are from the international 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, which scientifically sampled 36,000+ people in 27 countries, and 1,150+ people in each:


China 91%

UAE 87%

Saudi Arabia 82%

Indonesia 76%

India 74%

Singapore 74%

Malaysia 62%

Thailand 60%

Netherlands 58%

Canada 53%

France 53%

Australia 52%

Ireland 49%

Italy 49%

Germany 47%

Mexico 43%

S. Korea 42%

UK 42%

Kenya 39%

U.S. 39%

Russia 37%

Japan 36%

Brazil 34%

Nigeria 34%

Spain 34%

Colombia 32%

S. Africa 26%

Argentina 22%


China 80%

Indonesia 73%

India 66%

Thailand 66%

Saudi Arabia 64%

UAE 64%

Malaysia 60%

Singapore 59%

Netherlands 58%

Kenya 57%

Mexico 54%

Canada 52%

Nigeria 51%

Italy 50%

Brazil 47%

Germany 47%

Ireland 45%

Argentina 43%

Australia 43%

S. Africa 41%

Spain 40%

U.S. 39%

Colombia 38%

France 38%

Japan 35%

UK 35%

S. Korea 33%

Russia 29%

TRUST IN NGO’S (non-profits) (p. 40)

India 78%

China 77%

Kenya 73%

UAE 73%

Indonesia 70%

Malaysia 70%

Nigeria 69%

Mexico 68%

Singapore 68%

Saudi Arabia 67%

Thailand 67%

S. Africa 63%

Argentina 60%

Brazil 60%

Colombia 59%

Australia 58%

Canada 55%

France 55%

Ireland 55%

Italy 54%

Spain 53%

Netherlands 49%

S. Korea 48%

UK 48%

U.S. 45%

Japan 41%

Germany 40%

Russia 28%


China 84%

Indonesia 81%

India 79%

UAE 78%

Saudi Arabia 74%

Malaysia 71%

Mexico 71%

Kenya 70%

Thailand 70%

Nigeria 68%

Brazil 64%

Singapore 64%

Colombia 63%

S. Africa 63%

Netherlands 63%

Italy 59%

Australia 58%

Argentina 56%

Canada 54%

France 54%

Ireland 54%

Spain 51%

UK 49%

U.S. 49%

Germany 48%

Japan 48%

S. Korea 43%

Russia 34%


China 93%

UAE 87%

India 84%

Saudi Arabia 84%

Indonesia 83%

Singapore 80%

Thailand 890%

Malaysia 75%

Australia 74%

Italy 74%

UK 74%

Canada 71%

Netherlands 71%

Spain 70%

Ireland 67%

S. Korea 63%

Germany 62%

Mexico 62%

Kenya 61%

U.S. 60%

France 57%

Japan 55%

Nigeria 55%

Brazil 53%

Colombia 50%

S. Africa 48%

Argentina 47%

Russia 36%

TRUST IN THE U.N. (p. 49)

China 85%

India 80%

Indonesia 80%

Kenya 80%

Thailand 80%

Nigeria 75%

UAE 74%

Mexico 71%

Saudi Arabia 68%

Singapore 64%

Ireland 63%

Brazil 62%

Malaysia 62%

Canada 61%

Italy 61%

Colombia 59%

Netherlands 59%

S. Korea 57%

Australia 55%

UK 54%

Germany 52%

France 50%

S. Africa 49%

Spain 49%

Argentina 48%

U.S. 48%

Japan 42%

Russia 35%


Russia is an outlier, off a cliff at the very bottom of trust in every institution except their Government itself, where it is ranked adjoining the U.S. immediately above and Japan immediately below. Perhaps the major thing that explains this anomaly is that, other than perhaps China and India on the list, Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, has a higher approval-rating from his countrymen than any other nation’s leader does. He is only a part of Russia’s Government, but he is the part that the U.S. and its allies have long been obsessed to overthrow and replace; and, yet, his approval-rating from his countrymen is enormously higher than is the approval-rating of any of his enemies, such as Joe Biden, and Rishi Sunak, in their own countries, Putin’s enemies who want to take over his country. Perhaps Russians in Russia are a bit reluctant to score their Government at the very bottom because there is a part of that Government of which they are deeply respectful, and greatly admire; and they know that Russia’s enemies around the world are obsessed to eliminate only that part of their Government. This might explain their reluctance to score their Government as low as they score all other identified “institutions.” However, the fact that Putin has responsibility over Russia’s Government suggests that if he fails to increase substantially the esteem in which his countrymen hold Russia’s Government, then he might be remembered in Russia’s history books far less favorably than his countrymen have been viewing him. If his Government is not polling to find out why his countrymen have a negative view of their Government, he ought to be: he clearly now has an obligation to get that done, and as soon as possible.

Regarding China’s Government: on the basis of this international polling, that Government might be the world’s best. In any case, the obsession that America’s Government has to perpetrate a regime-change there, too, is obviously and unquestionably evil, and makes the U.S. Government perhaps the world’s most evil one of all, and very much in need of regime-change, itself. This fact strongly confirms the previously polled findings that throughout the world the U.S. is considered to be the biggest single threat to peace and has no close second in that regard. So, regime-change in America is a global task, and not merely a national one on the part of one or an alliance of nations. If world peace is important, then regime-change in America is essential. Moreover: this is not FDR’s Government; it is Truman’s. When America took up the cause of international imperialism on 25 July 1945, it became the entire world’s enemy. America doesn’t have to be this way. It is a choice that was made. A choice can be undone.

Furthermore, the Edelman polls aren’t the only ones which show that China’s Government is extraordinarily good. On 22 August 2022, I headlined “NATO-Affiliated Poll in 53 Countries Finds Chinese the Most Think Their Country Is a Democracy” and reported that, “A poll in 53 countries by the NATO-affiliated “Alliance of Democracies” found that 83% of Chinese think that China is a democracy. That’s the highest percentage amongst all of the 53 countries surveyed.” And, the “U.S. was worse than average, and was tied at #s 40&41, out of the 53 nations, with Colombia, at 49%” — barely less than half of Americans think they live in a democracy.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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