The Daily Sheeple – Disturbing Infographic Lays Out Damning Evidence of Podesta Pedophile Ring Case

In the weeks leading up to the election, some of the most damning Wikileaks began to surface yet, leading to allegations of the darker activities of the Podestas’ and the Clinton clique — things like Spirit Cooking and bizarre, seemingly coded emails possibly referring to pedophilia crimes.

Now someone has taken the time to lay out all the evidence in one giant, archived chart.

While this information is creepy enough in small doses, when one looks at it all together like that, it is terribly damning.

A lot of people have made the comment that Hillary is above the law. It would appear from this chart that Podesta is too.


posted by Gordon

The Tap, Wed 1:55 pm UTC, 16 Nov 2016

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