Before It’s News – Hillary Files for Divorce: Rogue Couple to Split Stolen Assets

The Clinton’s have filed for divorce as if they were ever married anyway. I guess Bill will have to go back to Monica.

Reportedly, the couple already had a separation agreement in place which controls the distribution of marital assets.

No doubt, that Hillary holds Bill partly responsible for his groping and philandering ways that became a major issue in the debates. Not surprisingly, the Clinton’s are silent on this development.

This action terminates the Clinton’s 40+ year marriage. They were originally married in 1975.

Why they ever stayed together was a complete mystery. Everyone knows that they have not lived under the same roof for most of their 40 years together in one of the ultimate marriage of conveniences in history.

I am left wondering if the couple will evenly split the $2 billion their foundation stole from Haitian relief funds.

The modern day Bonnie and Clyde have finally gone their own separate ways.

Thanks to Jennifer M. for sending me the divorce papers.

Before It’s News, Saturday, November 12, 2016 8:51

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