Dutch Design Week – DDW presents: MAARTEN BAAS MAKES TIME

““Maarten Baas makes time. And we’re more than glad to give up some of ours for it” ~ Elle Deco”

Anyone who’s been following the Dutch Design Week Instagram account over the past few weeks will have seen that designer MAARTEN BAAS is hard at work preparing his exhibition, entitled: MAARTEN BAAS MAKES TIME. The exhibition features many works by the designer himself – recently distinguished in the US with the prestigious Art Prize for his ‘Sweepers Clock’ (also on show as part of the exhibition) – accompanied by work and pieces by a lively collection of artists, designers, photographers, performers and top chef, Sergio Herman.

“The idea behind MBMT is to show how design can represent a unifying factor between the different creative disciplines. So it’s really cool and such an honour that it’s become a true collaboration between so many diverse talents.”

Held in the VDMA building in Eindhoven’s city centre, the MBMT exhibition, in collaboration with the Dutch Design Foundation, consists of a collection of BAAS’ key works, a collaborative section of pieces by other creative talents centred around the theme of time, and a temporary restaurant, conveniently situated in a tent at the centre of the exhibition. BAAS is setting the table with his own china and silverware and the menu contains a selection of signature dishes by Sergio Herman. The temporary restaurant was made in collaboration with creative companies such as Cor Unum, Exposize, Vlisco en Serax.

Tables at the restaurant were fully booked in no time. However, visitors to Dutch Design week need not despair: there will be a soup hut, also designed by MAARTEN BAAS, located in the square in front of the VDMA building, where the visiting public can enjoy a cup of soup made by none less than Sergio Herman.

MBMT also represents the world premiere of BAAS’ newest collection. Close Parity consists of a series of five cabinets that demonstrate that absurd mix of child-like simplicity and complex craftsmanship for which BAAS has become known. The five prototypes will be shared with the public for the first time here, after which the series will travel on down to the Groninger Museum, which will host a solo exhibition by BAAS early next year.

“What it is? It’s everything and nothing. An experiment, an experience…whatever you want to call it: 15 Years of MAARTEN BAAS, the preview to a book, the premiere of a new collection, a restaurant… I think it’s a soup more than anything else. A soup that symbolises this hotchpotch I’ve created here!”

MAARTEN BAAS MAKES TIME includes works by: Anthon Beeke, Anton Corbijn, Atelier NL, Atelier van Asseldonk, Atelier van Lieshout, Cor Unum, Erwin Olaf, Geert Sweep, Gijs van Bon, Ingmar Heytze, Iris van Herpen, Jeroen Kooijmans, Jeroen Wolf, John Körmeling, Joris van Midde, Julien Carretero, Kiki van Eijk, Lambert Kamps, Lensvelt, Lisa Klappe, Mieke Meijer, Nel Verbeke (Dutch Invertuals), Nick Ramage (Laikingland), Niels Hoebers, Ontwerpbureau Nightshop, Piet Hein Eek, rENs, Richard Hutten, Rob Scholte, Sander Mulder, Sergio Herman, Studio Makkink & Bey, Tessa Koot, Tejo Remy, Teun Hocks, Theo Jansen, Vlisco, Ward Wijnant.

Join the discussion on MBMT via: http://maartenbaas.com, https://instagram.com/maarten.baas, https://facebook.com/baasmaarten

Editor’s note
MAARTEN BAAS MAKES TIME is open to non-dining visitors and guests from 22nd-30th October between 11:00 and 18:00 daily.

Vestdijk 25-27
5611 CA Eindhoven

Saturday 22nd October will be a special late-night opening of MAARTEN BAAS MAKES TIME until 23:00. The evening will be filled with a programme of performances created by BAAS in collaboration with theatre producer, Joris van Midde.

Dutch Design Week
On its 15th anniversary, DDW will celebrate for 9 days with as honoured guests 2500 national and international thinkers and doers. Designers who lend greatness to the event and make the world a little bit better, smarter, handier and more beautiful.

Public, press and commerce come to Eindhoven to see the latest work by the best of what design has to offer. They take an exclusive peek behind the scenes of the future as it is being made.

studio Maarten Baas
Rosmalensedijk 3
5236 BD

Organisation in Design
For more info about MAARTEN BAAS please contact:
Anoek Hagenaars (Organisation in Design): maartenbaas@organisationindesign.com /
+31 302716311 / +31 648517367
More information and high res images please go to our online press page:



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