Natural News | Health Ranger | Mike Adams – Situation Update: Russia’s Attack on Ukraine, Reports from Kiev, Airports and Sea Ports Seized by Troops, Precision Missile Strikes

Natural News | Health Ranger | Mike Adams – Situation Update February 24th, 2022 (foto Before It’s News)

WWIII begins (1) (foto

WWIII begins (2) (foto Gfycat)

Russia’s Attack on Ukraine and Reports from Kiev, Tanks roll in from Belarus, Airports and Sea Ports Seized by Russian Troops, Military Targets Obliterated with Precision Missile Strikes

We are getting Word Directly from Sources in Kiev that the Russian Assault on Ukraine was carried out with “Surprising” Scale and Coordination. Most Ukrainian citizens were taken completely by surprise, which is why many were not prepared with sufficient fuel to flee Kiev.

Putin’s Forces invaded from three directions, with Tanks rolling into Ukraine from Belarus on the North, followed by Paratroopers and Amphibious Assaults on Odessa and Mariupol.

Ground Forces moved in from Crimea to the South, and into the Donbass Region on the South East Tip of Ukraine, bordering Russia.

US Senator Marco Rubio describes the Developments as follows

• establishing air superiority via targeted surgical strikes
• a pincer movement to trap Ukrainian forces in the east & cut them off from #Kyiv
• finally attempt to decapitate Ukrainian govt by targeting govt buildings,leaders & command & control systems

Putin’s Plan appears to be the Full Decapitation of the Ukrainian Government in Kiev

It now appears likely that Putin is planning on occupying Kiev and Toppling the Current Ukrainian Government, which Putin describes as a “NaziRegime. It is noteworthy that the Political Leadership of Ukraine has been Heavily “in Bed” with the Clintons and the Bidens over the Years, Fully Engaged in Money Laundering, Bribery and Corruption. Then again, that seems to be present in Every Nation, since nearly All Governments of the World are Evil and Destructive. There is No Innocent Government, though there are Many Innocent Civilians who want Nothing to do with all this Violence.

Senator Rubio also tweeted, “Russia’s Airborne Forces are attempting to take Control of the Airport in Kyiv to they can fly in Forces to occupy the Capitol City.” This appears to be Accurate from what we know So Far.

Sources in Kiev tell us they have Nowhere to Run

From our Sources in Kiev

  • All Routes out of the City of Kiev are Blocked.
  • There are No Train Tickets Available. Fuel Supplies are Extremely Limited.
  • Putin is attacking Ukraine from All Sides Belarus, Crimea, Donbass, plus Para Trooper and Amphibious Attacks on the Ports.
  • Many Banks are Offline, ATMs are not functioning.

Here are some Videos of Events unfolding

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