Martin Vrijland – David E Martin, the Great Man of the Plandemic (1) + (2) Films and the New The Great Awakening Film

David E Martin the Great Man of the Plandemic (1) + (2) Films and the New The Great Awakening Film The Plandemic (2) Propaganda Film like its Predecessor, Received an Artificial Boost from the MainStream Media and Big Tech, under the Guise of “Censorship“. The Film exposed the CIA‘s Infiltration of the Media through Operation Mockingbird. How Many Viewers would Even Think to Question whether Operation Mockingbird could Apply to the Makers of the Film Itself? Most Skeptics do Not Consider this Angle because they have Already Unwittingly Chosen the Filmmakers’ Story. Once we have Chosen A Side, it becomes Harder to See the Deception that Comes from the Side we have Chosen. That is How the Divide and Conquer Strategy Works. The Same is True of the Propaganda Film “The Great Awakening“. However, it is Also True of the Propped Up Opposition Parties in The Netherlands, where All Got an Artificial Boost from the Media, which Ostensibly wanted to Make them Look Bad, but Actually Gave them the Kick Off Launch they Needed. You Need Only Think for A Moment of the “Spontaneous Rise” of Names like Willem Engel, CafĂ© Weltzchmertz and BLCKBX. The Same Strategy was Employed There … Meer lezen over Martin Vrijland – David E Martin, the Great Man of the Plandemic (1) + (2) Films and the New The Great Awakening Film