Front Nieuws – Side Effect “Spinning Death”? Panic for the Invisible before People Die in Convulsions

Several Screen Shots of the Incidents where People react in Panic to Invisible Things and then  collapse in Convulsions (foto Front Nieuws) Side Effect “Spinning Death”? Panic for the Invisible before People Die in Convulsions The Short Agony of Death seems Agonizing. Especially on the Internet Platform Twitter, Sudden and Unexpected Deaths have been Collected for Weeks under the Term “Spinning Death”. Of Course One has to be Careful, because the Place and Time of the Incidents are Rarely Documented. The Incidents focus on People who see Something Threatening Next to or Behind Them, Fight it Briefly, and then Collapse in Convulsions and Appear to Die, reports Is it Cerebral Infarction, id est Malnutrition of the Brain due to Thrombosis, or is it Another Phenomenon? The Videos Circulating under the Title “Spinning Death” are Shocking and Disturbing. Just Yesterday, A New Video Surfaced that was Allegedly Shot in a Korean Pub. A Few Young People are Sitting Together, Talking and Having Fun. They are Broadcast Live on the Internet. Suddenly A Young Man behind Him seems to Notice Something. He turns, before Falling Uncontrollably to the Ground. His Colleagues thought it was A Joke at First, but then became … Meer lezen over Front Nieuws – Side Effect “Spinning Death”? Panic for the Invisible before People Die in Convulsions