Eric Zuesse – Israel has Already Killed around A Million Gazans since 7 October 2023

Israel has Already Killed around A Million Gazans since 7 October 2023 All ‘News’ media say that around 33 Thousand Gazans have been Killed by Israel since, and in retaliation for, the 7 October 2023 attack against Israelis by Hamas and other Militants in Gaza who had Broken Out of the World’s Largest Open Air Prison, Gaza, and killed around 1.200 Israelis. Originally, prior to that Break Out, there were said to be 2.3 Million Gazans; and, Now, there are said to be around 1.3 Million Survivors in the town of Raffah in the far South Western corner of Gaza bordering Egypt. All other Gazans except for the Alleged 33 thousand who are publicly acknowledged to have been Killed are being presumed to have somehow survived the approximately Thirty Thousand Tons of American Bombs that Israel has, thus far, dropped onto all of Gaza except for the town of Raffah. Click onto THIS to see photos and discussion of the results from that Bombing throughout Gaza except for Raffah, up till now. None of the ‘News’ media has explained how this alleged miracle, of surviving that intense Bombing and Israel’s equally intense Siege that blocks almost All Food and Medicine … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – Israel has Already Killed around A Million Gazans since 7 October 2023