TaggleElgate – The SCANDAL Story: Film & actual events (Interviews Christine Keeler & cast, crew) + Patrick van IJzendoorn – Christine Keeler (22 februari 1942 – 4 december 2017)

The SCANDAL Story: Film & actual events (Interviews incl. Christine Keeler & filmcast, crew) Published on 31 aug. 2015 THE MEDIA SHOW: ‘THEY WOULD SAY THAT WOULDN’T THEY’ Superb 1989 C4 documentary recounting the events of ‘The Profumo Affair‘ (including contemporary interviews with protagonists Christine Keeler and Johnny Edgecombe, plus Lord Denning, along with archive interview clips of Mandy Rice-Davis, Stephen Ward and Lord Hailsham) and the protracted struggle to make it into first a tv mini-series and eventually a film (including interviews with scriptwriter Michael Thomas, tv executives Linda Agran and Brian Cowgill, plus film producers Stephen Wooley and Joe Boyd, and stars John Hurt, Ian McKellern and, briefly, Joanne Whalley and Bridget Fonda). Also various authors and journalists. FORGIVE THE SLIGHT SOUND FAULT AT AROUND 32 MINUTES, IT ONLY LASTS ABOUT 20 SECONDS. Reacties: https://youtu.be/iU3fEQ5khUs Het einde: Christine Keeler (22 februari 1942 – 4 december 2017) Tot haar dood zou Christine Keeler strijden om van het etiket ‘callgirl’ af te komen, bekend van de Profumo affaire. Tevergeefs, ze dolf het onderspit in het spionageschandaal. Lang duurde de affaire tussen John Profumo en Christine Keeler niet. Vijf weken deelden de minister van Oorlog en de jonge nachtclubdanseres begin jaren … Meer lezen over TaggleElgate – The SCANDAL Story: Film & actual events (Interviews Christine Keeler & cast, crew) + Patrick van IJzendoorn – Christine Keeler (22 februari 1942 – 4 december 2017)