Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers – “This will never happen in our country” the American people said: their demonic socialist overlords just laughed and said “Yes it will!”

Jan van Kessel – Scene of cannibalism in Brazil “This will never happen in our country” the American people said: their Demonic Socialist Overlords just laughed and said “Yes it will!” A beyond horrifying new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA, report circulating in the Kremlin today gravely noting that “many unpleasant similarities with the events of the 1930’s can be found in the modern world” (, states that on this 80th Anniversary date of World War II ( starting on 1 September 1939, socialist academic thought leaders in major Western universities have begun promoting anew the satanic practice of human cannibalism ( – a not so surprising occurrence as “socialism is the leading man made cause of death and misery in human existence” – and comes at the same time these demonic socialists’ “New World Order” enslavement of all humanity agenda ( is now “in full meltdown” ( – a meltdown so profound, this past week it saw socialist Bank of England governor Mark Carney openly attacking the US Dollar’s position as the world’s reserve currency, and his arguing it be replaced by a global digital alternative ( – an argument, however, that’s being met head on by a … Meer lezen over Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers – “This will never happen in our country” the American people said: their demonic socialist overlords just laughed and said “Yes it will!”