Robert Sepehr – Antarctica and the Odin Departure

Antarctica and the Odin Departure In première gegaan op 11 mei 2021 Robert Sepehr New Swabia, German Neuschwabenland was an Antarctic Territory Annexed by Germany within the Norwegian Claim of Queen Maud Land, an Area of Antarctica between 20° E and 10°W. Parties to the Antarctic Treaty have Agreed to Restrict Human Access to 16 Areas of Special Scientific or Environmental Value in Antarctica. Antarctica Disclosure Invading Antarctica, Secret South Pole Colony Secret Underground Bases Operation Highjump was Commanded by Rear Admiral Richard E Byrd, Lasted Six Months, August 1946 – February 1947, and Included 4.700 Armed Personnel, Thirteen Ships and Thirty Three Aircraft. Still Classified and Officially Titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, their Covert Mission may have Been to Seek Out and Destroy an Alleged Subterranean South Polar Colony Established by Germany, Before and During WWII, which Not Only Harbored Thousands of Scientists in A Semi Secret Secluded Base, but Likely Free Energy Technology and Advanced Propulsion Craft, UFO‘s. Secret Space Program Disclosure and the Vril Society Maria Orsic and Other Women of the Vril Society, Vril Gesellschaft, were Part of an Esoteric Meta Physical Group in Berlin that were Involved in … Meer lezen over Robert Sepehr – Antarctica and the Odin Departure