12 augustus 2019 2 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (13): The Eagle and the Snake in ATU 301 (the wonderful cure of the hero) The episode with the eagle is also a part of the Kirgizian epos Er Töstük, reviewed by Karl Reichl in his [...]
15 juli 2019 0 Joachim Hagopian – Pedophilia and Empire (10): Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations Pedophilia and Empire (10): Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile [...]
24 juni 2019 5 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws | Myth and Folktale (10): Return, recognition and revenge Because of the threat of his treacherous brothers the hero in ATU 301 after his return from the underworld [...]
11 juni 2019 4 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws | Myth and Folktale (9): Stuck on an island Being stuck on an island and rescued by a bird is an important part of the ‘Grateful Dead’-theme, grouped [...]
16 april 2019 8 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws | Myth and Folktale (4): The Jewel Mountain In the third part of the Bororo tale the hero is tricked by his father onto a high cliff from whence he [...]
7 april 2019 10 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws | Myth and Folktale (3): Excursus | The Retrieval of the Disappeared Musical Instruments by Gilgamesh The story of the retrieval of the stolen musical instruments from the Underworld is an old one, already to be [...]
25 december 2018 11 Cor Hendriks – De Klimaatverandering Hoax (1): CO2 Een merkwaardig woord is ‘klimaatontkenner’, want hoe kan je in hemelsnaam het klimaat ontkennen. Maar [...]
19 oktober 2018 1 Neon Revolt – The Blood on Bergoglio’s Head: Argentina’s Ghosts The Blood on Bergoglio’s Head: Argentina’s Ghosts If you follow me on Gab, you may have an inkling what [...]
4 april 2017 0 Cor Hendriks – Als het regent en de zon schijnt (34): Zonneregen duurt niet lang (with English summary) In Thüringen kent men het gezegde: ‘Sunreen gächt de alln Weiwer heem.’ Dit naar huis jagen van de oude [...]
12 augustus 2016 6 Jane Grey – JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying Attention JFK Jr versus George Bush (foto Twitter) JFK Jr Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying [...]