19 januari 2020 0 Eric Zuesse – Global Warming and the Future of Investing On January 14th, the world’s largest investor, BlackRock®, sent two historic letters, one addressed to [...]
29 juni 2019 0 Henry Makow – Insider, DARPA Conceived Facebook for Mind Control + Zuckerberg is Literally a Mind-Controlled (((Globalist))) Pawn Insider, DARPA Conceived Facebook for Mind Control Gay lover reveals the truth. “Mark is incapable of [...]
12 juni 2019 0 Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert – PRESIDENT GORE ORDERS TRUMP AND BARR ARRESTED + Daddy Bush’s Death FAKE + GORE ANNOUNCES INVASION OF PARAGUAY! https://robscholtemuseum.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/FILE-2023-06-24-130307.mp4 TOM HENEGHAN EXPLOSIVE [...]
6 juni 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – June 4, 2018: Takedown of Israel may be imminent as NATO withdraws protection Tectonic shifts in the geopolitical landscape continue at a dizzying pace around the world as the satanic [...]
5 november 2015 0 Van Rossem – GeenPeilTV: Jan Roos voert strijd voor stemhokjes Ze hadden het echt niet aan zien komen in Den Haag, dat dat gekke GeenPeil in zes weekjes tijd bijna een half [...]